Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 895: Hurry up, they are really anxious!

No matter how big the Xiaguo auto market is, the total amount is limited.

Cangqiong Motors has sold more than 600,000 units, so there must be some car companies that have lost sales.

The first to bear the brunt must be Volkswagen Toyota and General Motors, which ranked first in sales in the past.

This situation made these auto groups very nervous.

The sales staff of many Toyota 4S stores took the initiative to call and inquire. In the past three or four months, they have contacted customers who are interested in buying a car.

In the end, I was horrified to find that those users who had contacted Toyota 4s stores but had already bought cars, more than 95% of them bought Sky cars.

That is to say, Cangqiong Motors has taken away the potential customers of Toyota 95 in just a few months.

Volkswagen has also taken the same measures as Toyota, and returned visits to customers who left their phone numbers but did not buy a car.

At the same time, it is found that 60% of the customers who have already bought a car have bought a sky car.

This is already very good at explaining a kind of problem, the sky car is steadily eroding its own market.

Toyota and Volkswagen hoped to give Cangqiong a resounding slap in the face, but this plan fell through completely.

New Year's Day in 2018 is a national holiday.

But the Xia Guo district headquarters of car companies such as Toyota and Volkswagen are not on holiday.

They didn't have a holiday not because of the sales promotion on New Year's Day, but because the impact of Cangqiong Automobile was too great.

However, for a normal car company, from its birth to the launch of the car, and then to its crazy occupation of the market, it is unimaginable that there will be no precipitation in a few years or even more than 10 years.

However, it took less than half a year for Cangqi Automobile, a subsidiary of Changtian Technology, to achieve this goal.

How could such a terrifying speed not make people shudder!

The sales volume of Cangqi Auto over 600,000 in 4 months also fully shows that the whole market recognizes it.

If a car brand has technology and market recognition, then this brand must be able to lead the entire industry.

Toyota Natsuko District Headquarters.

The conference room was silent.

If we say that when the Cangqi car was just released, they were not deeply aware of the crisis.

So this time, the power is indeed in front of him.

Sales of Toyota's mainstream models fell from September to December.

During this time period, the national car sales are growing.

This is the first time since Toyota entered the Xiaguo market.

Facing the powerful attack of Sky Motor, Toyota Xia Guo District Headquarters has no good way.

They are even less willing to cut prices.

Therefore, Toyota Xiaguo District Headquarters had to immediately inform the Toyo Headquarters of this matter.

I hope that the Toyo headquarters can give some guiding opinions.

But New Year's Day and Spring Festival are the peak season for car sales.

If Toyota Xiaguo headquarters waits for Dongyang to give guiding opinions before making a decision, the peak sales season at the end of 2017 and the beginning of 2018 will definitely be ruined.

Dongyang Xiaguo headquarters also immediately took some emergency remedial measures.

For example, although the prices of those popular and best-selling models in the past did not appear to be reduced, they also had to give some interior decoration and so on.

The super-explosive models are sold at a par price without any increase in price.

Toyota, which was quite cold in the past, seems to have become more approachable at this time.

This change by Toyota made consumers very uncomfortable.

When everyone came to Toyota's 4S store to buy a car, they learned that some popular models did not increase the price, which was very strange.

Of course, the salesperson said with a smile on his face: "Our campaign is very strong this time, just to give back to consumers."

Users who come to the store to look at the car are not fools.

Of course they know the trick.

Everyone smiled and said to the salesperson: "It's not that you have a lot of activities to give back to consumers, but that Toyota's cars are not easy to sell now."

"That's right. If I buy a Toyota car with more than 100,000 or 200,000 yuan, it's better to buy a sky car with an extra tens of thousands of yuan. The experience is completely different."

The customer's words made Toyota's sales staff feel very embarrassed.

"Have you seen it? After reading it, let's take a look at the Cangqiong Automobile next door. Now Cangqiong Automobile is very friendly and has opened 4S stores in many cities."

These words made the Toyota salesperson want to vomit blood.

Because she just spent about half an hour explaining the advantages and performance of Toyota cars to these people, and took them for a test drive. She did not expect this to be the result.

But that's competition!

The peak car buying season before New Year's Day and Spring Festival.

Toyota chose not to raise prices for sales, and Volkswagen and other models also chose sales measures with greater activity.

However, in the peak sales season at the beginning of this year, the sales volume of these brands still differed by an entire order of magnitude compared with last year.

On the contrary, it was Cangqi Automobile, whose sales once again set a record.

Although Cangqiong Automobile has not announced the sales data of the ten days before the Spring Festival, but through the media tracking reports and the ratio of the number of license plates issued by the vehicle management office every day, it can be deduced that the sales volume of Cangqiong Automobile must have reached a new high.

And Cangqi Automobile has also played Internet sales to the extreme, even Tesla is ashamed.

Users can log on to the official website of KQ Motors to customize their own cars, including exterior color, wheel color and size, interior color and so on.

These are all the same as Tesla.

The biggest difference is that if the user owns Zemeng equipment, he can log in Zemeng equipment and enter the virtual sky car sales store for a virtual test drive. He can even see the details of the car more intuitively and customize some details, such as seats. colors and materials etc.

Users only need to order their own cars. As long as they pay the full amount, the car can be delivered to your door after the license plate is completed.

The 4S stores in major cities have truly become a display platform rather than a sales platform.

This kind of high-quality service, compared with traditional fuel vehicles, is a blow to dimensionality reduction.


Germany, Volkswagen headquarters.

Volkswagen obtained the sales data of various models in Xiaguo District in 2017.

This figure did increase compared to last year, but the rate of increase was not too large, lagging behind Xia Guo's annual car growth.

Especially for mid-level cars with more than 200,000 yuan, the sales in the next few months can be regarded as a direct encounter with Waterloo.

Volkswagen cannot compete with Toyota in the global auto market, and even suffers long-term losses in many overseas markets.

In the European and American markets, Volkswagen still has a number of popular models that cannot compete with South Korea's Hyundai Kia and other models.

Therefore, Volkswagen basically relies on the Xiaguo market to survive, and even most European car companies rely on the Xiaguo market to survive.

If there are any disturbances in Xiaguo's market, the impact on European auto companies will still be very large.

It can be said that as long as the Xiaguo market sneezes, the European auto industry system will catch a cold.

From the Volkswagen Group to the top management, there is no time to consider how to deal with the crisis from the Changtian Technology Cosmic Group.

Because the crisis of the masses is coming.

Due to the decline in global sales, Volkswagen plans to lay off employees in 2018.

But the specific number of layoffs and whether it is really necessary to lay off employees depends on the performance of Volkswagen in 2017.

The performance of Volkswagen in 2017 basically depends on the performance of the Xiaguo market.

However, due to the birth of the sky car, the sales volume of Volkswagen in the Xiaguo market did not meet the expected standard.

Therefore, Volkswagen headquarters will lay off employees.

The number of layoffs is 1,000.

When the layoff list was issued, the employees who were laid off were angry.

The European economy has not been good in recent years.

The only pillar industry is the automobile and machinery industry.

Now that everyone has been laid off, it is difficult for most of them to find suitable jobs.

Therefore, after Volkswagen Group announced this news, the laid-off employees immediately protested!

The crowd held a banner demonstration in Volkswagen's industrial park.

This behavior has also been supported by the Volkswagen trade union, and some employees who have not been laid off also support this protest.

They even went on strike to support it.

Because according to the current decline in Volkswagen's global profits, next year's further reduction.

At that time, Volkswagen will continue to choose to lay off employees.

The next time you will be laid off is very likely to be yourself.

Under such circumstances, Volkswagen employees must choose to strike for support.

The public worked hard and managed to get rid of the strike and protest crowd.

These things also caught the attention of Europeans.

Of course, the European media will not look for the reason from themselves. While they frantically reported the incident of the Volkswagen Group, they also pointed out that the root cause of the layoffs of the Volkswagen Group was that the Xia people took the jobs of the Europeans.

It is crazy to discredit Changtian Technology.

BBC: Xia people are grabbing job opportunities around the world, beware of them taking everything from us!

"The Times": Xia Guo's workers do not abide by labor laws, and Xia Guo's companies use unfair means to seize our opportunities.

The news reached Changtian Technology.

After Wang Xiang reported the news of Volkswagen's layoffs to Chen Xiao, Chen Xiao laughed.

Chen Xiao said to Wang Xiang: "Keep in mind 2017, because it was the happiest year for Volkswagen. Since then, Volkswagen has never had a good time."

"Starting from Volkswagen, the European automobile group companies will collapse seriously. After losing the Xiaguo market, their life will be very sad."

Hollowing out the entire European auto industry chain is the goal of Changtian Technology.

But this is just the beginning.


Tesla headquarters.

At the beginning of 2018, the global auto industry seemed to know that a big change was coming.

Tesla's sales in 2017 were still very good.

But it is still worse than Musk's estimate.

The poor part is in the Xiaguo market.

Musk managed to get the employees of Tesla's Xiaguo headquarters to get a top-equipped Sky car.

They also specially took the sea and land transportation to send the Cangqi car to the Tesla headquarters.

According to the relevant laws of the United States, Musk's practice is illegal.

Because cars need to be declared at customs, especially cars imported from overseas.

If there are no relevant procedures, the remaining auto products cannot enter the US market.

So Musk's behavior is more like smuggling, illegal smuggling.

But in order to get the real performance and driving experience of the sky car, Musk can't care so much.

In 2017, Tesla's annual global sales were only 100,000 vehicles.

However, it only took a few months for the Cangqi car to sell 160,000 vehicles in Xiaguo alone.

The gap between the two sides is clear at a glance.

Soon, the Cangqiong car was transported to the Tesla headquarters.

The worker carefully removed the car from the truck, but due to a mistake, the car bumped into the loading plate of the truck.

If it is an ordinary car that falls from a height of more than two meters and hits the chassis, the chassis of the car is not meant to be scrapped, but it will definitely be overhauled.

When it came to the Cangqiong car, the car system was directly activated, and the chassis was turned on to prevent shock mode.

The entire chassis was unscathed.

The loading and unloading workers breathed a sigh of relief, after all, they would not have to lose money this way.

But Musk was shocked when he saw this scene.

It's as if Cangqi Motors is giving itself and Tesla a slap in the face.

Musk first observed the appearance and interior of the car, and then personally tested the car to feel the performance of the car, especially the intelligence of the car-machine system and the assisted driving system.

Just after driving for a while, Musk has mixed electric drive of the car is really perfect!

Microbial electric drive can give cars a better driving experience.

Of course, what shocked Musk the most was the super-intelligent car-machine system and assisted driving system.

There are some roads with a large number of people inside the Tesla headquarters park, and there are many small streets and alleys outside the park, which are completely inconsistent with Tesla's assisted driving mode.

Tesla's assisted driving mode has never been successful when challenging these road conditions.

But this time, Cangqiong Car completed the task very simply.

It's like telling Musk that your Tesla is an idiot.

In mocking Musk, the assisted driving mode that you have spent a lot of manpower and material research on is simply rubbish.

After the test, the engineers of the entire Tesla research team became very silent.

They just can't figure it out.

How did Changtian Technology achieve such an advanced level of technology?

"When did Xia's technical engineers become so powerful?"

"How on earth did they do it!"

Musk immediately asked the engineers to set up the sky car.

Test the real endurance of the sky car.

This device is Tesla's device for simulating comprehensive road conditions.

Even Tesla's m3 has a voyage of more than 400 kilometers, and the test here is at most more than 300 kilometers.

The final test results shocked everyone again.

The sky car with a voyage of 1,000 kilometers has actually driven 1,237.69 kilometers, but it is very convenient for engineers to add energy blocks, which is much more comfortable than charging!

Seeing this scene, Musk completely collapsed!

He ordered: "Dismantle! Dismantle this car for me, and analyze each part!"

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