Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 901: Super craftsman spirit

This time, Zeng Guoxiang was the technician who led the team of Sky Motors to Nanhai Province.

Zeng Guoxiang is an engineer completely recruited and trained by Cangqiong Automotive University.

Such engineers are young, technically capable, and full of drive.

Zeng Guoxiang studied fuel vehicle technology when he was in college and graduate school, and worked for Volkswagen during his postgraduate internship.

Volkswagen offered Zeng Guoxiang an annual salary of 600,000 yuan, hoping that Zeng Guoxiang could stay.

In 2016, graduate students can get an annual salary of 600,000 yuan, which is quite good.

But Zeng Guoxiang gave up his high-paying job in Volkswagen for his own dream, and resolutely went to Sky Auto, a subsidiary of Changtian Technology.

After working in KQ Motors, Zeng Guoxiang learned the knowledge of new energy electric vehicles in detail, and soon became an excellent engineer.

This time he arrived in Nanhai Province and improved 60,000 Haima s5 cars, which is Zeng Guoxiang's first time leading a team.

Even though Zeng Guoxiang is only a middle-level cadre of Cangqi Automobile, in the eyes of Jing Mu and other Haima Automobile team, Zeng Guoxiang is the imperial envoy who saved Haima Automobile.

Jing Mu took his team to the airport to meet Zeng Guoxiang in person.

Zeng Guoxiang originally wanted to prepare a sumptuous welcome lunch for more than 20 people of Zeng Guoxiang, but Zeng Guoxiang refused.

After all, more than 1 billion transactions are involved here. The team came to Nanhai Province to improve and sell the stock cars as soon as possible, not for eating and drinking.

So Zeng Guoxiang and his team chose to dine in the staff restaurant, and went directly to the inventory of cars after the meal.

In the audit report, the inventory of 60,000 vehicles is just a figure.

But when Zeng Guoxiang saw the densely parked Haima s5 cars in the parking lot, the shock in his heart was still very shocking.

Jing Mu also introduced lightly: "We still have dozens of parking lots like this."

This is where stock cars get the most trouble.

That's why Shen Wei is determined to count these stock cars as liabilities, not assets.

Because the car is parked in the open air, and the weather in Nanhai Province is hot and humid, the sea breeze is corrosive.

Therefore, if these cars cannot be sold, after a long period of time, they will definitely become scrap metal.

At that time, it was used to sell waste products, and the waste collectors thought that your things were too rusty and worthless.

Why not park the car in the garage?

In fact, Zeng Guoxiang didn't need to ask this question.

The operating conditions of Haima Company are already very difficult.

Renting or buying a warehouse requires money, and its price is much higher than that of an open-air parking lot.

If the sales of Haima s5 cars are relatively considerable, the goods will be shipped faster.

Then there is no problem with parking the car here for a month or two.

But if it cannot be sold, a large amount of inventory is piled up here, and it will become a vicious circle.

If the stock is kept for a long time, there will be problems with the body and performance of the car, and consumers will be even less willing to buy it.

Consumers are unwilling to buy cars in stock, and the factory is producing again, an infinite cycle, an infinite vicious cycle!

Zeng Guoxiang heaved a long sigh in his heart, and the headquarters gave him an absolute problem.

At this time, I have to find some factories or warehouses to drive the car in, and there must be too little time.

So the best way is to improve these stock cars as soon as possible and sell them as soon as possible.

Without further ado, Zeng Guoxiang immediately asked the technicians to find a car and dismantle it.

Sure enough, the engine oil had precipitated, causing some damage to the engine, and some parts such as the chassis of the car were also rusted.

But these are minor issues.

The biggest problem is adding bio-batteries and matching energy output to these cars.

That is, not only to reinstall bio-batteries for these cars, but also to install small motors.

According to the task given to Zeng Guoxiang by Cangqi Automobile, it needs to use extremely low-cost materials and technology to improve these inventory cars.

There are two types of cars in stock, one with manual transmission and one with automatic transmission.

This is of course the transmission difference.

Regardless of whether it is a manual transmission or an automatic transmission, it will become a dual-energy mode in the future, which is now the so-called plug-in hybrid.

Cangqiong Automobile is designed to use a bio-battery with a battery life of 60 kilometers for manual transmission, and a bio-battery with a battery life of 80 kilometers for automatic transmission.

The motor is also a common motor with very little power.

The top speed can only reach 80 kilometers per hour.

The reason for this design is that there are only two purposes.

One, of course, is to save costs.

The cost of the ultra-mini bio-battery plus the ultra-small motor will be very small. The total material cost may be less than 10,000 yuan, and the most important thing is the labor cost.

The second purpose is to make way for Haima Automobile to launch a real 100,000 to 200,000-level new energy vehicle.

It is impossible to maximize the performance of these stock cars, so as to become competitors of future products.

Zeng Guoxiang came this time only to add new energy to the stock cars and did nothing else.

There will not be any changes, including the car's interior or intelligence.

Of course, Zeng Guoxiang's team is also concerned about the safety of these stock cars.

For example, in a car with manual transmission, only the driver and co-driver have airbags, and the rear row does not have airbags.

It doesn't cost much to add a few sets of airbags, so there will be some changes in safety.

However, the workmanship of Haima Automobile on the front and rear anti-collision steel plates is relatively solid, and Zeng Guoxiang is more at ease about this.

In fact, Zeng Guoxiang has been thinking about a problem when he was learning cars.

Cars must first ensure the safety of passengers, and then talk about comfort or fuel economy.

But when many Chinese people buy a car, they seem to reverse the order of the primary and secondary functions of the entire car.

For example, many people will first look at whether the appearance of the car is beautiful, whether it is fuel-efficient, whether the interior is good-looking, and then whether it is comfortable or not, and finally its safety. When buying a car, many domestic users even Don't look at the safety of the car at all, and assume that its safety is no problem.

After Zeng Guoxiang informed Haima's team of his modification plan.

Haima's team is very excited.

He said that he would definitely cooperate with the work of Zeng Guoxiang's team.

At the same time, after the headquarters of Cangqi Automobile completed the acquisition of 55 shares of Haima Company, the headquarters told Haima Company that they can immediately start publicizing the new generation of improved S5. Approved for marketing.

Anyway, the total number is only 60,000.

It can be sold while refitting, and sold in major Haima 4s stores across the country.

Anyway, after the 60,000 cars are sold, the inventory will be wiped out.

The two parties agreed on the above-mentioned matters, and started construction immediately.

Since the technical team of Cangqi Automobile has a very high technical level, it can greatly save costs while ensuring efficiency.

Originally, the company headquarters estimated that it would cost about 40,000 yuan to improve a car, but the actual cost was only a little over 30,000 yuan.

The biggest cost is not adding a bio-battery or a small motor to the s6, but a device that can simultaneously output the electric kinetic energy and fuel kinetic energy to the driving wheels after parallel connection.

The modification of this part of the circuit and electrical appliances is the most expensive.

The automotive engineers and technicians of the Haima team were deeply moved when they saw Zeng Guoxiang's team working so professionally.

This level of professionalism is completely unmatched by the Haima Automobile team.

And you must know that most of Haima's automotive team, especially some highly paid engineers, were left from Mazda Motors.

Therefore, the engineer team and technical level of Changtian Technology Cosmic Automobile are far higher than the technical level of Toyo's automotive industry-related engineers.

Jingmu couldn't help feeling that with such an excellent team of engineers, KQ Automobile will surely become the world's largest auto company in terms of market value and sales in the future.

When Zeng Guoxiang's team was improving the s5, Jing Mu directly asked the engineers of Haima Automobile to help them learn at close range. Of course, the most important thing is to learn.

Jing Mu felt very touched in his heart. Haima Automobile was acquired by Cangqiong Automobile. It is definitely Haima Automobile's high ranking. And he believes that Haima Automobile will definitely get out of the quagmire and usher in a new life.

Soon the first batch of 10 vehicles will be refitted.

Because it is refitted in the factory and will be sold as a new car, all the car manuals and related certificates and documents have new changes.

Among the 10 vehicles modified this time, two are manual and 8 are automatic.

When Jingmu saw that Zeng Guoxiang's team actually changed all the cars with manual transmission to hybrid electric vehicles, he had to admire the craftsmanship of the sky spirit.

The modification program is a hybrid of gasoline and electricity.

A plug-in hybrid, to be precise.

That is to say, the fuel power system is a routine, and the electric power system is also a routine. Users can only choose 1 of 2 when using it.

Cars with a manual transmission use a manual transmission.

The bio-battery plus motor power system does not have a gearbox.

Therefore, the user only needs to step on the brake or the accelerator when switching the bioelectric power mode. There is no need to switch the gearbox, and the top speed can only reach 80 kilometers per hour.

Jing Mu sat in the car and found that there was an extra switch button in the gear position.

This is the switch between bio-energy power and fuel power.

The layout of the entire partner is also very reasonable, and it cannot be seen that this is a system that has been improved later.

After the car is started, the default is to use the bioelectric power system first.

After the biodynamic power system is out of electricity, it will bounce to fuel power.

Jing Mu drove around outside the factory.

It feels wonderful.

When the car is powered by bioelectric power, the whole driving process is very quiet.

Jing Mu stepped on the accelerator to the lowest level when using the electric mode.

Although the s5 uses the cheapest motor developed by Cangqiong Motors.

Both the output power and torque data are very ugly, just like a classic car.

But a tram is a tram.

Acceleration is much faster than before.

Soon the speed of the car increased to 80 kilometers per hour.

If the power output mode is used, the speed of the car cannot be further improved due to battery function problems.

Jing Mu also adjusted the power mode to fuel power.

The whole switch is very smooth.

After the fuel mode intervened, the vehicle speed quickly increased.

Jing Mu tried driving the car with automatic transmission again.

The automatic bio-battery can provide a range of 80 kilometers.

It's perfectly adequate for many people who only commute within the city.

If users are not afraid of trouble, they can buy enough energy blocks and use the biological battery life mode all the time.

After the test, Jing Mu got out of the car and looked at the Haima logo on the front and rear of the car.

The kind of pride in the heart arises spontaneously.

If it was placed a month or two ago, he would never have imagined that Haima Automobile would have such a wonderful future.

After cooperating with Changtian Technology, it will definitely be brought back to life.

Jing Mu gave Zeng Guoxiang a thumbs up, and said with great admiration: "Minister Zeng! Your team is really amazing. I didn't expect to complete the major upgrade of our s5 car in such a short period of time."

"The s5 that can use bio-battery will definitely become a hit."

Zeng Guoxiang also said very modestly: "Mr. Respect, thank team can complete the work so smoothly, thanks to your support!"

At this time, Jing Mu's secretary received an urgent document and handed it to Jing Mu.

This is the appointment letter sent by the headquarters of Cangqi Automobile.

Because after Cangqiong Automobile acquired the shares of Haima Automobile 55, it has the absolute right to speak in terms of personnel.

Sky Motor directly appointed Zeng Guoxiang as the general manager of Haima Motor, and Jing Mu as the chairman.

Group companies are like this, as long as you have the absolute right to speak.

In an emergency, you can download the supporting documents first, and go through the board of directors later.

After Jing Mu collected the documents, he said very happily: "Mr. Zeng, the appointment documents from the headquarters have come down, general manager."

Zeng Guoxiang knew about this a long time ago, and before he came to Nanhai Province, Ma Guotao said that he was solely responsible for Haima's affairs.

Including the sale of Haima s5 this time, it was also discussed by Zeng Guoxiang and Haima's team, and Sky Auto would not give any instructions.

After discussion, Zeng Guoxiang and Jing Mu decided on the price of the new generation of Haima.

Among them, the final comprehensive production cost of the manual version, including the initial production cost and modification cost, is calculated to be 65,000 yuan, and the automatic transmission is 75,000 yuan.

Then the team finally decided that the final sales price of the s5 is 130,000 for the manual hybrid version and 149,000 for the automatic hybrid version.

After the plan was finalized, Haima 4S stores in major cities across the country displayed promotional posters and advertisements for the s5 hybrid version.

"Less than 150,000, enjoy the fun of bio-new energy."

This is the promotional poster of Haima s5.

As soon as the improved Haima s5 launched a promotional poster, the entire auto industry dropped a heavy bomb.

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