Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 907: The product is crazy (1)

After Lao Wang made the decision to switch cars, the drivers who also drove taxis were not optimistic.

They think Lao Wang is a waste of money.

After all, a car is a consumption, and after buying it, its value will be greatly reduced.

This is especially true for taxis, whose value preservation rate is much lower than that of private cars.

Lao Wang spent more than 100,000 yuan to buy Yin Lante last year. He plans to sell it this year, but he may only sell it for tens of thousands of yuan. This is a big loss.

Not to mention losing tens of thousands of dollars, but also spending more than 100,000 yuan to buy a Lifan new energy vehicle, which cost close to 200,000 yuan.

It costs 200,000 yuan to toss back and forth, and everyone drives a taxi, which is very uneconomical.

After everyone saw the persuasion without forgetting, they stopped talking.

After all, you are an adult and you are responsible for what you do.

If Lao Wang buys a car at a loss, to put it more bluntly, it's none of your business.

After Lao Wang sold Yin Lante at a loss, the family only got the news belatedly.

The wife was so angry that she cried, made trouble, and hanged herself, thinking that Lao Wang was crazy.

"You just bought this last year, and you sold it this year after not driving for a long time. I heard from Lao Li and the others that you will spend more than 100,000 yuan to buy Lifan's new energy car?"

The wife was so angry that her whole body ached.

"What kind of broken company is Lifan? You are from the mountain city, don't you know?"

"I heard that some people in your taxi company switched to new energy vehicles a few years ago. They drove taxis in our mall to save some money. As a result, they can only run one or two hundred kilometers on a full charge. They are either charging or charging on the way every day. , although I saved more than 100 yuan in gas money, but wasted a lot of time, do you think it's worth it?"

"And you just bought your car, so you sell it at a loss, aren't you stupid?"

Seeing that his wife was so angry, Lao Wang could only explain seriously: "I'm not stupid, I have a very clear mind. After I replace our car with Lifan's new energy vehicle, I have calculated in detail that I can earn 6,000 yuan a month." Up to 10,000 yuan."

"I can earn an extra 100,000 yuan this year, and within a year, I can get back the money I paid for the new car."

"And my old car was discounted to someone else, and I still have tens of thousands of dollars, so I can actually replace it with a bio-new energy car with only tens of thousands of dollars."

"The current Lifan is not the previous Lifan company. They have cooperated with Changtian Technology, the most famous technology company in our country."

"I have seen the press conference of Changtian Technology's new energy vehicles, and I heard that new energy vehicles can run two to three million kilometers without any problem, and we are bio-new energy, not charging, and the energy is added very quickly. There are also more, there is no need to queue up, and it only takes two or three minutes to add energy blocks."

"I no longer have to queue for an hour or two to inflate after I finish work at night. I can come back early to see you and the child."

When Lao Wang said this, his eyes were a little red.

In order to earn more money for his son to study as a graduate student, he leaves the house after 7 o'clock in the morning and doesn't come home until 11 or 12 o'clock in the evening, working continuously for more than 20 hours.

In fact, Lao Wang closed his shift after nine o'clock every day, but he didn't come back until eleven or twelve o'clock every day. The most fundamental reason was that he had to drive to a gas station far away to queue up for refilling.

Of course, the gas station is closer, but everyone knows that the gas station in the city does not have to travel far, so the queue time is longer.

Every time I go home, my wife and son are already asleep.

He felt very wronged in his heart, and felt that what he was living was not life but just survival.

I feel that I am just a tool for making money, I can't feel the warmth of any family, and I can't accompany the growth of my children. There are also serious problems in the relationship between husband and wife.

If it continues like this, it is not a question of money or not, but a question of whether the family can be suitable.

If the car is replaced with a bio-new energy car, he can quickly add energy blocks when he eats breakfast, lunch and dinner outside, without spending hours, queuing up for refilling and saving more than 100 yuan a day. money.

In addition, if Pharaoh can earn two to three hundred yuan more than before, he can completely stop working until around 6 o'clock. This way, the money he earns is the same as before, and he can go home early and have a good rest.

After 6 o'clock, he can also rent the car to other colleagues who are willing to drive taxis. His new energy vehicles do not need to queue up to refuel, but only need to add energy blocks, so the cost of driving is very low, and there will be many motorized ones. The taxi colleagues are willing to rent Lao Wang's car to drive.

So Lao Wang's colleagues only saw the first meaning, which is that buying a car is expensive and not worth it.

But Lao Wang has analyzed many pros and cons in detail, so he made such a decision.

The wheel of history rolls forward.

Only sitting in the car can be successful, lying under the car or even going against the tide, it will definitely fail miserably.

One of the things Lao Wang regrets most now is that he didn't take an online car-hailing car.

If I had sold the taxi and started an online car-hailing service, my life might have improved a lot now.

So this time, Pharaoh firmly replaced Lifan's new energy vehicle.

It took three days for Lao Wang to get the license plate on the purchased car and get it on the roof of the taxi to complete the formalities.

After he got on the Lifan mountain bike, his first feeling was that the bike was quite solid.

The interior of the car is definitely not as fancy as Yin Lante, but it can be felt that the materials he used are very strong.

This shows that Lifan's Shanyue Motors did use the funds where they should be used.

Taxi drivers are actually most concerned about safety issues when driving. As for whether there is a large screen in the interior, how many speakers are actually not important to them.

And Lifan's Shanyue satisfied Pharaoh's safety requirements.

Pharaoh then tried the car again.

New energy vehicles are indeed new energy vehicles.

Fast acceleration, quiet driving, without any sense of frustration.

Just these points made Pharaoh very satisfied.

At least it would make driving a lot easier for him.

After all, in a city with a large population and complex traffic conditions like a mountain city, what taxi drivers have to do at any time is stop and prevent others from stopping, overtake and prevent others from overtaking, speed up when starting and prevent others from speeding up.

Take the best path by yourself, and leave other messy road conditions to others.

This has requirements for the car's starting response, acceleration and safety.

Li Fan Shan Yue met this requirement.

In the past, Lao Wang could run about 200 yuan in the morning, two or three hundred in the afternoon, and one or two hundred in the evening.

So the daily turnover is about 800 yuan.

However, due to the impact of online car-hailing, the daily turnover has dropped sharply to 500 yuan, and the morning turnover has dropped to more than 100 yuan, sometimes even only a few dozen yuan.

But after replacing Lifan's new energy vehicle, because it runs faster and more dexterously, on this day, Pharaoh's running water in the morning cost 200 yuan.

This made Pharaoh very happy, which proved that it was an extremely correct choice for him to change the car.

At noon, most of the Dingxin Taxi Company that Lao Wang works for eats at the Xinxing Restaurant.

The Xinxing Hotel is located under the bridge hole, and there are gas stations and gas filling stations not far away. In this regard, taxi drivers rush to fill up after eating.

The lunch box is divided into 10 yuan and 15 yuan for a full tube, and there is no money to add water to the teacup, and no money to take tea.

For hard-earning and frugal taxi drivers, they are already very satisfied to have a full lunch at noon.

The masters of the Dingxin Taxi Company all saw that Lao Wang came here with a new car today.

Everyone gathered around the new car and talked about it.

"Old Wang, it's not bad, your car looks very nice."

"The speed of the Laowang tram is very powerful. I saw you overtaking several cars today, and you ran ahead at the traffic lights."

"Old Wang, how much did you pay for this car?"

"Old Wang, are you charging or something? How many kilometers can you run on a single charge?"

"I heard that the road conditions in our mountain city are very bad, and the damage to the battery is very serious. It seems that it is not worthwhile to drive a tram."

Lao Wang could see that most of the eyes still showed jealousy and envy, and of course there was some admiration.

In order to survive, most of the Xia people only dare to follow the rules and dare not make any innovations or make new attempts.

Because trying something new is a double-edged sword. If you succeed, you may take shortcuts, but if you fail, you will have nothing.

Now Lao Wang is equivalent to the first person who eats crabs and the first person who dares to innovate, so many masters at the scene admire Lao Wang very much.

After eating and drinking, the drivers line up to fill up the gas as usual, otherwise they will run out of gas at the rush hour at 4 or 5 o'clock in the afternoon. When they come back to fill up at that time, not only the queue will be long, but also the road will be very busy. The traffic jam will definitely delay the time.

The same Xiao Li habitually said to Lao Wang: "Let's go, Lao Wang, let's go to refuel together, we can play two games later."

Taxi drivers are people, not tools.

They also entertain in their spare time.

For example, when queuing for refueling, they will take out poker and play a few hands of Doudizhu.

Waiting for the car to move and then putting away the cards is a bit of a pain in the ass.

After Xiao Li finished speaking, he saw Lao Wang's new car, patted his forehead and said, "I forgot that I have changed to a new energy car, and I don't need gas at all. I'm really envious. By the way, you said your new energy car The car can run 300 kilometers, so how to increase the energy?"

After Xiao Li said this, many masters gathered around. They were also very curious about how to add energy to new energy vehicles, and everyone whispered.

"I heard that Xiao Wu and the others also bought new energy vehicles. It seems that they are going to charge at the charging pile."

"Oh, don't mention the charging pile. I saw Xiao Wu and the others waiting in line at the charging pile the other day. It was longer than our gas refilling. Moreover, they have to charge for several hours, and we only need a few minutes."

"That's right, it seems that charging the tram is also very troublesome."

"Trams are trams, biology, new energy, trams are biology, and new energy trams. What Pharaoh bought is bionew energy trams."

Xinxing Hotel has also cooperated with Galaxy Energy Company, a subsidiary of Changtian Technology, which sells standard energy blocks for taxis.

In fact, the entry threshold for Xinxing Hotel to sell standard energy blocks as an agent is not high, and the volume occupied by standard energy blocks is not much. For the owner of Xinxing Hotel, it is just a matter of effort.

The boss still wants to gamble on a future.

He didn't want to spend his life running restaurants.

If the energy block of new energy can be made bigger and stronger in the future, even if the profit is not worth a gas station, it is very good to reach 1/3 of a gas station.

However, because there are still very few drivers buying bio-energy taxis, the owner of the restaurant did not invite workers, so he asked the energy block to take it out and added the energy block of the taxi according to the video instructions.

The whole process probably lasted less than a minute.

The energy block is added.

The taxi, which originally only had a battery life of a few kilometers, has increased its battery life to 300 kilometers+.

Lao Wang bowed his hands and said to his colleagues: "You will refuel slowly in a while, and I will leave here first."

This scene stunned everyone.

"This... it only took about 10 or 20 seconds and it was completed?"

"This speed is really too fast, and there is no need to queue at all!"

"That's right, it takes at least an hour to fill up the gas after we finish eating at noon, and Lao Wang can get it done in a few seconds. Many taxis are filling up at noon, but there are a lot of orders. This hour, Lao Wang runs 100 bucks is totally fine."

"That's right, that's much is the energy block?"

The owner of the restaurant said: "Galaxy Energy Company, a subsidiary of Changtian Technology, is now subsidizing taxis. The taxi masters add energy quickly, and they don't need money for a year."

This sentence deeply stimulated everyone.

Everyone spends about 100 yuan a day to refill gas, but Pharaoh's new energy vehicle doesn't cost money at all.

Everyone realized immediately, "Pharaoh now saves about 100 yuan a day by not refilling gas, and when we are queuing for refilling, he will go to run the bill and earn an extra one or two hundred yuan. That is not more than us in a month." Earn more than 10,000!"

Xiao Li finally came to his senses, and after saying that, everyone booed one after another.

"That's right, the profit of more than 10,000 yuan a month is still very scary."

"It's such a good deal, I'll tell you why Lao Wang insisted on changing cars!"

The owner of the restaurant said again: "The energy block of the taxi is very small, even if you replace all the taxis with Lifan's bio-new energy taxis, and add the measuring block here, I only need to put Just send the energy blocks to you, and you can add them yourself, and then you don’t have to queue up when you leave, which will save a lot of time.”

"That's right, it makes sense!"

"Yes! I want to change the car too."

Taxi driver Lao Zhou decided to replace Li Fan's bio-new energy vehicle like Lao Wang.

The Suzuki in his hand has been driven to the point of scrapping. He originally planned to buy Yinlante, but now he will definitely not buy Yinlante, and will directly buy bio-new energy.

"I'll change cars too!"

"I'll change too!"

"Can we form a group and go to Lifan's 4S store to ask, I don't know if there is any discount for the group."

For a time, the mentality of the taxi drivers in the entire mountain city changed drastically.

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