Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 911: Official declaration of war on Europe, America, East Asia and South Korea

Jing Mu, the chairman of Haima Automobile, is very good at doing things.

After the new car rolled off the assembly line, he didn't immediately notify the media to come and report it, let alone publicize it with great fanfare.

Instead, he directly arranged for a tow truck to send the newly rolled-off car to Changzezhou, and reported to the boss first.

The new civilian Haima new energy vehicle is named Haima Haiyue 100.

Lifan's is Shanyue, and Haima's is Haiyue.

It is also very consistent with the location of the two car companies.

The mountains and the sea face each other across the four fields.

It also exposed the ambition of Changtian Technology's new energy vehicle strategy.

So on this day in Changzezhou, the leaders of the relevant state departments were very lucky.

Not only can you see the Cangqiong Automobile that is already working in the park and has been applied to commercial vehicles, but you can also see the compact new energy vehicle that Haima Automobile Company has just produced and will soon be widely promoted in the market.

Wang Xiang received the leaders of relevant departments.

The talks between the two sides took two days.

On the first day, Wang Xiang introduced Changtian Technology's bio-new energy strategy and some technical patents, especially the bio-power stations and energy block production plants located in Nanhai Province and Northwest China, as well as some operating principles of microbial batteries.

When Wang Xiang informed these experts and scholars of the microbial power plant, the utilization rate of sunlight, and the energy efficiency of energy block storage.

These experts and scholars from relevant departments can easily calculate the total amount of electricity and energy blocks that can be generated based on the current land area of ​​Xia Kingdom and solar energy resources.

So there is a very bright future in front of everyone.

The bio-energy technology of Changtian Technology can not only achieve the glory of Xiaguo's new energy vehicles, but also the glory of Xiaguo's energy strategy.

According to the current strategic layout and construction process of Changtian Technology.

In 510 years, Xia Guo will be able to completely realize energy independence.

There is no longer any need to purchase natural gas or oil as energy products.

Therefore, these strategic experts in relevant departments believe that the vision of the transportation energy strategy they introduced is still too narrow.

The scope should be expanded to define it as a national bio-new energy strategy.

In the future, in addition to new energy vehicles, some domestic buildings, even in large transportation and military fields, can use new bio-energy.

Figured this out.

The inspection team of relevant departments was extremely excited.

Among them, some older experts, Professor Liao Haixing, still remember seeing the kind of cars with kerosene bags running on Yanjing Street when they were young.

At that time the country was an oil-poor country.

The development of a Daqing Oilfield will make the whole country very happy.

Later, the country's industrial roads made great strides forward, and there were more and more cars on the roads.

Gasoline extracted from Daqing Oilfield and other domestic oilfields has been unable to meet domestic demand.

So the country needs to import more oil from overseas.

Most of the imported oil is used for energy combustion.

Xia Guo once again became an energy-poor country.

Liao Haixing has participated in the construction of many domestic energy projects, as well as the negotiation of many overseas energy projects, so he understands how difficult it is for the country to be involved.

Sometimes in order to get some oil, you have to give not only a lot of money, but also a lot of infrastructure.

Sometimes you have just completed the construction of infrastructure, brought over oil fields with better quality, completed the construction of oil fields and refineries, and are ready to do a lot of work.

The local anti-government armed forces were probably instigated by Western forces, and a few shells hit them.

Not only did the infrastructure and oil fields be smashed to pieces, but the employees of Xia Guo were also killed in other places.

Even in the best of circumstances, all the local relations have been settled, and the oil field has been obtained smoothly, and the oil has been produced.

Oil transactions are also settled through rice knives.

Uncle Sam sat at home, and by manipulating the exchange rate and oil prices, he was able to reap a lot of money.

The full warehouse of oil was poured into the transport freighter, and it had to be transported to Xia Guo after a long journey of hard work.

Going to the position of the Strait of Malacca, the Lion City has to extort a sum of tolls severely.

Who said that this era is the age of civilization?

This era is still a continuation of the barbaric era.

It is still that I opened this road and planted this tree. If I want to cross this road, I will leave behind the barbaric era of buying road money.

Even if the oil was successfully transported to the country in the end.

Relevant personnel, practitioners and high-level officials of the country are still in fear.

Because oil fields in different places are subject to extortion from local or Western society from time to time.

Letting you bleed all the time is not so easy to get energy.

Especially Uncle Sam's warship, if you want to cruise on the energy aorta, then drop two bombs.

This action tells you that as long as you are dishonest, your energy purchase may be cut off at any time.

Liao Haixing is 75 years old this year.

He came to Changzezhou as a specially invited expert.

Thinking about all the bits and pieces of the past, and seeing the great achievements of Changtian Technology in bioenergy today.

Liao Haixing couldn't help touching his tears.

Among them, only he himself knows the ups and downs.

Then many experts and scholars, under the leadership of Wang Xiang, came in front of the Haima Haiyue 100 that had just rolled off the assembly line.

Everyone visited the exterior and interior of the car in detail, and touched the texture of the car.

It has to be said that under the training of Changtian Technology, Haima Automobile's automobile production technology has made great progress.

Whether it is the rigid structure of the car, the most important thing is safety, the color of the shape, the texture of the paint, or the comfort of the interior, compared with the previous S-series cars produced by Haima Automobile, it has made great progress.

"This car looks great!"

"Is it also a bio-new energy vehicle?"

Experts and scholars stood still while touching the car.

Everyone thought that if the Haima logo was removed and the bba logo was put on, no one would suspect that it was a luxury car.

Wang Xiang nodded and introduced to everyone: "This is indeed a bio-new energy vehicle. The difference from the Sky car is that it uses a bio-battery with a battery life of 350 kilometers, a motor model independently developed by Haima Automobile, and Haima Motor. A car chassis independently developed by the car."

The exterior of the car does look luxurious.

But there is still a certain gap between the interior and luxury cars.

After all, the production cost is there.

There is never anything absolutely perfect in the world.

Just want the price to be cheap, then some performance will definitely be worse.

If you want good performance, then the price must be expensive.

If you have both, it means that your mobile phone must not have downloaded the anti-fraud app.

"Can I have a test drive?" Although Liao Haixing is relatively old, he is energetic and looks like he is only in his 50s.

"Of course!" Wang Xiang immediately arranged staff

Start the car.

Liao Haixing was in the driver's seat, Wang Xiang was in the co-pilot, and experts and scholars from relevant departments were sitting in the rear seats.

The vehicle starts very smoothly, and the comfort of the rear passengers is also very good.

Wang Xiang said: "Although this car is a compact car, our wheelbase has reached 2.75 meters, and the length of the vehicle has reached 4.8 meters, which is actually comparable to a mid-size car."

"Also we sacrificed a few things in order to improve the efficiency of the motor and the range of the battery."

"For example, a car is slower than a tram in the traditional sense, and its top speed can only reach 180 kilometers per hour, which is not comparable to those so-called coupes."

"The cruising range of the battery is 350 kilometers, which is much shorter than that of the Cangqiong car, but because the bio-energy block is added, it is easier to say about the cruising range."

"The other thing is safety. For the cars owned by Changtian Technology's subsidiaries, the most important thing is safety."

Wang Xiang explained seriously: "The safety of Changtian technology-equipped cars is divided into two parts, one is physical safety, and the other is safety in the intelligent field."

"In terms of physical safety, we still adopt a one-piece stamping structure, and have steel plates with suitable thickness and safety structure design. In the crash evaluation of relevant departments, we have obtained the best crash results for this class of vehicles."

"In the field of intelligent safety, Changtian Technology has also created an intelligent safety system for this car, including emergency avoidance of the road, emergency braking and other functions."

"Although due to cost reasons, the interior of this car is only an ordinary locomotive model, and it does not have the intelligent and advanced car-machine system of the Cangqi car, but in terms of safety, it uses a Jinghong chip that is not equipped with a neuron computing group. , is quite sufficient for daily use.”

Wang Xiang just made some brief introductions, but the actual experience has already explained everything.

Experts and professors are full of praise for Haiyue Automobile.

Many people believe that this is the real family car for home and work.

The most important thing about a family car is not how fast it is, how rich it is for entertainment or smart functions, but a safe and mobile home.

This home should be safe enough and have ample space.

Of course, the most important thing is that the purchase cost and the use cost are very low.

Whether it is Corolla, the current king of A-class cars, or Sylphy, it is because they have identified such a status that they are recognized and loved by consumers.

In fact, what satisfies experts and scholars most is the small details of incremental cars.

For example, on the back row of Corolla and Sylphy, there will be a small bump.

Whether the bulge is high or low, the experience for rear passengers is uncomfortable.

But because Haiyue is a bio-new energy vehicle, and the location of the electric drive is very reasonable, the rear row is very flat, which is very suitable for families.

After driving this distance, Liao Haixing and the experts in the back row got off the car, and the second batch of experts followed up with the previous experience.

Everyone seems to have forgotten the important task of coming to Changzezhou this time, which is to discuss the popularization of new bio-energy.

On the contrary, he is very interested in this emerging new energy vehicle.

Liao Haixing said to Wang Xiang: "Mr. Wang, what is your price for this car? I want to buy one and take it home."

Wang Xiang joked, "If Professor Liao likes it, I can give you this car."

Liao Haixing quickly waved his hands and said, "That's unnecessary. If I accept it, it will be a violation of the regulations!"

Wang Xiang didn't believe what other people said, but Wang Xiang believed what Liao Haixing said.

For some old experts and scholars, the basic character is still guaranteed.

Unlike some experts and professors nowadays, money takes all sex.

"This car is independently designed and produced by our Haima company. Changtian Technology only provides some technology, so the price still has to be determined by Haima company."

Wang Xiang answered Liao Haixing's question very seriously, "However, if Professor Liao is interested, he can say a price, and we can also feed it back to Haima Company for their reference."

"After all, this car is designed for ordinary users."

Liao Haixing said: "The manufacturing cost of such a beautiful car should not be low, but considering the specific situation of users, after all, our country is still in the initial stage of socialist development. My suggestion is to control the starting price at 140,000 yuan. within."

"Now the country still has subsidies for new energy vehicles. Buying new energy vehicles does not need to pay purchase tax, and the price of bio-energy vehicles is relatively low. Calculated in this way, the prosecution price is controlled within 140,000, which is acceptable to most users. !"

Wang Xiang immediately made a decision and said: "Then this matter is settled like this. I will tell Haima in a while. The starting price of this car is set at 139,000, and the price of the top configuration will not exceed 170,000."

The gap between the entry-level configuration and the top In addition to the size of the smart hub similar to the car, the most important thing is the cruising range.

The cruising range of the entry-level 139,000 can reach 300 kilometers, and the cruising range of the top configuration can reach 450 kilometers.

The cruising range of the medium configuration is currently 350 kilometers in the test drive of Professor Liao.

Changtian Technology needs to meet the needs of its subsidiaries to make money by producing such cars, and it also needs to meet the actual spending power and needs of consumers.

Liao Haixing and other experts and professors were also very excited after hearing what Wang Xiang said.

"Changtian Technology is really what the people need!"

"It's not like some domestic new energy auto companies, who just want to cheat subsidies and don't do practical things at all!"

"Today we came to Changzezhou, which was really an eye-opener. I think this time we need to go back and discuss it carefully, and form a detailed report to the superiors. We also need to discuss biological issues with road traffic and real estate. The use of performance energy in various fields across the country, I think especially in the field of construction, there should be better applications!"

Liao Haixing listened to the experts talking about the future of bio-new energy, he also laughed and said:

"I actually think that the most important strategic goal of Changtian Technology as our country should be to vigorously support and encourage technology companies like Changtian Technology to occupy a large number of high-end and low-end tertiary markets in the automotive field, and make Europe , Dongyang, the United States, and South Korea's auto companies are driven out!"

"In this way, we can not only establish our own automobile supply chain, meet the huge employment demand, enrich the industrial chain, but also enhance our voice in the world. Don't let the European countries, especially Toyo, think that we are in high-end products. You can't live without them!"

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