Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 935: Start the greatest project in human history

Gao Miao was able to understand what Chen Xiao meant after listening to Lu Xiaomei's story just now. roundabout

Whether it is Lu Xiaomei in the virtual world or Lu Xiaomei in real life.

In fact, it was Lu Xiaomei herself.

It's just that the moment they were experimenting, they suddenly lived in two different worlds.

In which world is it real?

For Lu Xiaomei in real life, the Lu Xiaomei in the virtual world must be nothingness.

But for Lu Xiaomei in the virtual world, the Luoying Town where she lives is the real existence.

But real life is still nothingness. roundabout

Who knows what is the mystery of the entire universe?

Perhaps for those higher civilizations.

Whether it is Lu Xiaomei in the virtual world or Lu Xiaomei in real life, they are all virtual.

Before Gao Miao could react, she looked at Chen Xiao in shock.

Suddenly she didn't know how to face Lu Xiaomei in Luoying Town.

Just like what Lu Xiaomei said just now.

What is a real life, a real person? roundabout

With complete memory, independent personality, and complete thinking ability, this is a real person.

So Lu Xiaomei in the virtual world is also a real person, she is not a statistic.

So how should one face such a person?

When Gao Miao didn't know how to speak, Chen Xiao said into the microphone: "Lu Xiaomei, there is a job for you to take on now, I wonder if you are willing?"

Lu Xiaomei in Luoying Town was already very bored and almost depressed.

The most important thing is that she is the only one in the whole town.

Another key attribute of human beings is that they live in groups and have social interaction. roundabout

Socializing here is not just about you going out to meet your friends.

You stay at home and play games, whether it’s King of Kings or other games, or use chat software to chat with others, these are social interactions.

Anyone who has not socialized for a long time will have some mental problems more or less, which will make her less and less like a normal person.

Chen Xiao's plan made Gao Miao very confused.

Gao Miao thought Chen Ling was going to say something comforting to Lu Xiaomei.

If he knew that Chen Xiao would directly arrange work for Lu Xiaomei.

Chen Xiao didn't notice Gao Miao's eyes, and said directly: "Xiaomei, we will connect Luoying Town to the virtual block this afternoon, and combine the virtual block and Luoying Town to jointly establish Yunhai County , set up Luoxia District and Luoying Town."

"Our cities happen to lack managers, and companies are also exploring how the virtual world works."

"We hope that you can participate in it."

"Xiaomei, whatever has happened, we have to face it calmly."

"Life is an accident."

When Lu Xiaomei heard what Chen Xiao said, she fell into deep thought.

"Life is an accident."

It seems that this is indeed the truth. roundabout

Being able to live in this world is an accident from the very beginning.

And Xiaomei suddenly lived in the virtual world.

Just like my own unexpected life.

It was also an accident.

Since it's all accidental and has already happened.

The only thing that can be done is to face it well.

Xiaomei, who was originally gloomy, suddenly smiled. roundabout

She smiled and said to Chen Xiao: "Thank you, Mr. Chen, thank you sister Miao Miao, I will definitely do my job well."

Chen Xiao nodded with a smile and turned off the microphone.

In the end, he put away his smile and said to Gao Miao: "This matter needs to involve several other subsidiaries."

"Prepare the relevant report materials immediately, and invite Wang Xiang Wenqi and the others to come to the meeting."

It was only at this time that Gao Miao realized that Chen Ling's forehead was covered with sweat.

Chen Xiao didn't go back, but came to Gao Miao's private office.

He said to Gao Miao: "This is a major experimental accident."

Gao Miao nodded: "I know you have already said this."

Chen Xiao said: "Then we have two choices now."

"The best choice is to immediately erase Lu Xiaomei's data, as if this incident never happened."

After Gao Miao heard this, his heart skipped a beat.

"Erase Lu Xiaomei's data?"

"But you just told her to let her be in charge of related work in Yunhai County."

Chen Xiao took a sip of tea helplessly: "Maybe I'll tell her, are we going to erase his data?"

"What's the difference between that and saying to a prisoner, we're going to kill you right away?"

"It only added to her pain."

Gao Miao let out a long sigh, "Isn't this too cruel?"

Chen Xiao said: "It depends on how you look at Lu Xiaomei, is it a data or a living body?"

Gao Miao looked at the teacup on the table in a daze.

"should be…"

What should it be? roundabout

In fact, I don't know the back.

If she is life, she does not have any vital signs, no temperature, no blood, no heartbeat, it can be said that she does not have any biological indicators.

But if you want to say that she is a data.

But she is an independent person, has a complete memory, does not have the ability to think for herself, and has her own personality.

If you put aside the so-called biological indicators.

Everything about her is no different from normal people.

Gao Miao felt a pain in his heart when he thought of this. roundabout

"Lu Xiaomei is only a 26-year-old girl. She lives alone in Luoying Town. I can't accept that we should cruelly erase the data."

Chen Xiao said with a smile: "We are not being cruel, it's just erasing data at the technical level, there won't be anything, it's just a matter of a moment."

Lu Xiaomei shook her head: "Lu Xiaomei in Luoying Town is no longer just data, but a person with a complete personality. I have no way to erase his data, and we have no way to decide the life and death of others."

Chen Xiao nodded and said, "Then we will adopt the second method now."

"Establish and improve a complete virtual world, and analyze why Lu Xiaomei passively uploaded all the data of her brain to the server."

"If we can answer this question clearly, not only Lu Xiaomei, we may be able to usher in a new era."

"At that time, for the virtual world, you and I were both gods." Lan

"It is very likely that human beings will completely solve the problem of life and death."

Hearing this, Gao Miao's heart was pounding.

Of course Gao Miao understood what Chen Xiao meant.

This goes back to a question that human beings have been pursuing.

What is life and what is human?

What is the meaning of life and people?

If the meaning of life and human beings, leaving aside the so-called biological body, only emphasizes the personality. roundabout

So what is the difference between living in a virtual world and living in the real world?

When people exist in the virtual space with independent personality and thinking, these people are also human beings.

Human death, to be precise, is divided into two parts.

One is the death of the mind.

That is to say, human beings cannot think and no longer have an independent personality.

This situation, such as a vegetable, or brain death.

Another kind of death, which is biological death. roundabout

That is, the heartbeat stops, or organ failure caused by the spread of cancer cells, etc.

In the past thousands of years of human history, the two are actually related.

If you die in the biological sense, then the mind must die.

But the death of the mind, the organism may not die.

But with the development of technology now.

The death of the living body does not necessarily mean the death of the mind.

For example, in ancient times, if your heart had a problem, you would die. roundabout

Now it is possible to take heart bypass and a series of heart operations, using artificial parts to replace dead cells or tissues.

So, from an ethical and moral perspective.

It is assumed that this person is alive.

As long as he has his own mind, even if the biological body is no longer there, then this one is alive.

After understanding this logic, Gao Miao understood, what exactly did Chen Xiao mean by doing this?

On the basis of science, let human beings completely get rid of the shackles of organisms on the body.

Although such an approach does not seem to have any effect on most healthy people. roundabout

But for those who are seriously ill and are about to die, it will have absolute meaning.

Those who are about to die are likely to gain eternal life in the virtual world.

If this technology is successfully developed.

Human history and human civilization will be completely rewritten.

Thinking of this, Gao Miao was very excited.

Half an hour later, all the high-level executives of Changtian Technology, the heads of the chip, biological laboratory, and energy laboratory all arrived at the scene.

The head of the life science and medical laboratory is Qu Ping. roundabout

It's just that Qu Ping is busy with improving the bio-battery during this period, so she has been in Nanhai Province.

Gao Miao found out that his subordinate had uploaded his thoughts, and immediately told Qu Ping about it.

The report in Chen Xiao's hands was also written by Qu Ping, who instructed her subordinates to write it remotely.

After this incident happened, Qu Ping rushed back from South Sea City immediately.

The current situation is indeed very urgent.

In this meeting, Chen Xiao didn't waste any nonsense and went straight to the point.

Chen Xiao said: "This time there were some small experimental problems in the life science and medical laboratories. Before the meeting, everyone also saw the relevant situation report in their hands."

Chen Xiao said seriously: "The document in your hands is classified as top secret by the company, and the next meeting is also the top secret of the company. I hope you can understand this issue correctly."

The Lu Xiaomei incident was only known to a small extent before, because the next work required the cooperation of multiple subsidiaries.

So Chen Xiao informed these technicians and the senior management of the subsidiary about the relevant events.

Longsky Technology has a strict confidentiality system.

Since it is defined as the most confidential, it means that including your own relatives and colleagues around you cannot disclose it.

It's not just a matter of losing a job or being sued if someone breaks the rules.

These people have to take care of their own safety. roundabout

Changtian Technology has developed to this size.

Some things are not a question of whether Changtian Technology should do it or not.

It is that some people can help Changtian Technology to do some things.

So when Chen Xiao said that the document in his hand was top secret.

Everyone's complexion changed instantly.

All of them are sitting upright, I am really afraid of missing a word.

Chen Xiao said: "After Changtian Technology developed the neuron computing unit and dna memory, it has the ability to build a virtual world that is completely consistent with the existing world."

"Our virtual world will abide by all physical rules and all mathematical rules, including the law of conservation of energy and mass."

"And the Lu Xiaomei incident also proved a problem, human thinking can completely and thoroughly enter our virtual world."

"In response to this problem, Changtian Technology immediately launched the Life Home Project."

"This plan requires the linkage of multiple departments of Changtian Technology."

"Next, I will arrange the following work."

Chen Xiao paused, took a sip of tea from his cup and said, "Our work is divided into several parts."

"The first part is composed of Yuedong Internet, multiple departments and subsidiaries, and strives to improve our virtual world modeling system."

"This workload is very large and requires hardware support, so the chip department of the hardware company must also be linked."

"The so-called modeling here is not just to build a house, a stone and a tree in this world, but the logic of a world."

"This part is described in detail in the information you just released."

"The so-called logic is I pluck a leaf from this tree and ignite this leaf, then the temperature of the air around this leaf will rise accordingly. There will also be a slight increase in carbon dioxide levels in the

"After the leaves are burned, the ashes left by the incineration contain minerals such as nitrogen and phosphorus. After falling to the ground, these minerals will be absorbed by the plants on the ground, so the quality and growth tendency of the plants will be reduced to a certain extent. Variety."

"That's our modeling."

Sure enough, when Chen Xiao asked this question, everyone whispered. roundabout

Because the workload is incomparably huge.

Even with supercomputers and large storage, as technical support

It's not something that can be done in a day or two.

After all, Chen Xiao wanted to build a complete world.

Chen Xiao nodded, and said with certainty: "I know that the workload of this job is very heavy. It cannot be completed in a day or two. It may take 10 to 20 years, or even several generations."

"I hope that our generation can make a start, which will be of decisive significance to human civilization."

"The second matter is jointly responsible by the chip laboratory and the biology laboratory. We must find out why Lu Xiaomei passively uploaded her brain thoughts to the server?"

"We need to master this method of transmission, and be able to make good use of this method, so that we can control the consciousness generated by mind uploading."

"In addition, life science and medical laboratories are responsible. We are looking for experimenters, experimental volunteers who upload their thoughts to the server."

"Intensive care centers in life science and medical laboratories should also set up psychological professional teams to provide psychological counseling to virtual personalities."

"There is one more important thing."

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