Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 942: If there is a sacrifice, sacrifice across the ocean

What Chen Xiao wants to test is the computing power of the human brain.

Changtian Technology is working hard to make neuron chips. In fact, the principle is to use the omnipotence of human cells to imitate the thinking nerves of human brains to do some calculation groups.

But with the establishment of the virtual world, the performance of the chip is gradually getting tighter.

Although the current powerful super server composed of neuron computing group and carbon crystal chip can support the operation of the virtual world.

With the increase of users and the upcoming Zemeng 2 device, more and more users can experience the same sensations in the virtual world as they do in real life.

The load on the super server will definitely increase further, and it will collapse in the future.

Therefore, the laboratories including the chip lab of Changtian Technology are also trying their best to improve the Jinghong chip, so that the Jinghong chip can support the future virtual world.

As a result, Changtian Technology's joint laboratory research suddenly discovered a problem at the end.

The most sophisticated neuron computing group in the world is not the neuron computing group developed by death and painstaking efforts, but the human brain.

The computing power of the human brain is quite powerful.

Otherwise, Lu Xiaomei or Wei Jun would not simply upload their own data, which would be as high as tens of thousands of terabytes or even tens of millions of terabytes.

Research in life science and medical laboratories has found that the structure of the human brain, that is, the so-called hardware, is already there, but it is not fully utilized. At present, the application of human brains is not even 1.

And how to make full use of the brain and set the brain into a supercomputer?

The laboratory is also testing, if such a test can be successful, then the computing power of Changtian Technology's supercomputer will be invincible.

It does not mean that Changtian Technology will produce several brains, or allow several people to stay in the laboratory for a long time to contribute their own brain computing power, but to adopt a sharing model.

The virtual world created by Changtian Technology allows users to enjoy it for free.

But while it is free, users must contribute their brain computing power.

In this way, as more and more users join the virtual world of Changtian Technology, the super server of Changtian Technology will become stronger and stronger, and a more realistic and magnificent virtual world will be built.

It can even serve artificial intelligence application scenarios.

So this time when Wang Xiang said to sell the equipment to the United States, Chen Xiao also agreed.

He will reach an agreement with those users in the United States, allowing users to agree to Changtian Technology to use their brain computing power, after all, to test whether the computing power of these brains can support the operation of the entire server.

After discussing with each other, they came to Zemeng's wearable device factory.

After technical improvement, the production cost of the Zemeng 2 wearable device can be as low as 3,500 yuan.

The Zemeng 2 wearable wearable device is not the same as the Zemeng 1 wearable device, it is something similar to glasses.

Instead, a device like a headband is worn directly on the head.

Zemeng 2 is used with the Zemeng 1 wearable device, or it can be used alone.

But when it is used alone, it cannot present a visual window. The visual window is the spectacle lens of Zemengyi's equipment, but allows users to directly enter the virtual world.

So to be precise, Zemeng 2 is more like a patch for Zemeng 1 equipment to enter the virtual world.

So in daily life, he is not as convenient as Zemeng 1 equipment.

If it is used with Zemeng 1 equipment, it will be perfect.

After the cost comes down, more people will buy it.

At the same time, Yinghuo Production Company created a perfect virtual world specifically for users in the United States.

The virtual world adopts a world view that is completely consistent with the current American society.

It's just that the map of the city is different, but the street view and even the food supply of the city are exactly the same as those in the United States.

Of course, there are also differences. For example, there is no law in this world, no police, and you can do whatever you want.

At the same time, Yinghuo Ecological Company also added many NPCs in this world.

So this npc can be a woman or a man.

They are not real people, but have some behaviors of human beings.

Users can do whatever they want with these npcs.

The virtual world is named "Freedom World", and the icon to enter the virtual world is also set to be the Statue of Liberty in the United States.

Therefore, after entering the virtual world, every American user can become the king in it and enjoy a life that cannot be enjoyed in real life.

For example, in real life, the pressure of work is very high, and the income is also very bad. It doesn’t matter. In the virtual world, you can experience everything you want, with countless beauties to accompany you, and countless delicious food , as well as the luxury cars one after another, and the urban environment where you can vent at any time.

Yang Fei's team developed this game, and its target customer group is very accurate, that is, the bankrupt class or the lost middle class in the United States.

They are frustrated in real life. Although they will not starve to death and live on relief every day, they have an empty body or a life of walking dead.

Their spirits are extremely empty, so empty that they can only live by drinking and smoking or engaging in some indescribably addictive things.

And this virtual world can allow them to satisfy things that can never be satisfied in real life.

In real life, users only need to be able to eat enough and have a place to lie down and sleep. All other desires can be realized in the virtual world.

Regarding the internal testing of Free World and Zemeng 2 wearable devices, the principle that Chen Xiao gave Yang Fei and Wang Xiang was to do as long as there is no prohibition.

After all, the location of the test is in the United States, not in Xiaguo.

As a multinational company, Chen Xiao has always adhered to this principle.

As a citizen of the Xia Kingdom, Changtian Technology must be responsible for the people of the country.

So in Yunhai County, Xiaguo's virtual world, there are virtual neighborhoods, virtual schools, and virtual hospitals, where people can see a doctor, study, watch movies, drive, shop, and so on.

Because Chen Xiao is responsible for the mental and physical health of the Chinese people.

At the same time, as a multinational company, Changtian Technology does not consider so much when developing products for other countries. It only considers three factors. The first is making money, the second is influence, and the third is compliance. local laws.

So even in the free world created for Americans, there may be some bloody, violent, and even disgusting scenes and plots, as long as they comply with the laws of the United States.

And the game world complies with the United States' network and Internet classification rules, and minors under the age of 18 are not allowed to enter.

And compared to **** violence or pornography, games developed by Americans themselves, movies shot by themselves, or developed by themselves are more bloody, violent and pornographic than the free world developed by Changtian Technology.

Chen Ling's words completely relieved Yang Fei of his burden.

The advancement of science and technology, the birth of technological products, how can there be no sacrifice?

Since there were sacrifices, it must be the people of the Mi Kingdom, not the people of the Xia Kingdom.

Chen Xiao is not a savior, and has no responsibility to help the people of the United States to be healthy, wealthy, and happy.

The savior of Americans is Jesus, not Chen Xiao.

And the sacrifices brought about by the progress of science and technology are like, just like the birth of medicines, there will be sacrifices.

Those pharmaceutical companies in the United States, in order to develop new drugs, will let many volunteers try new drugs, and these drugs will have serious side effects, and even cause volunteers to be disabled and die, causing abnormal pain in the second half of their lives, etc.

Pharmaceutical companies in the United States never test these new drugs in their own country, but put the testing locations in Africa, India and even recruit Chinese.

Let the countries and people of the third world bear these pains and sacrifices, and the technological progress and dividends brought about by it will be enjoyed by the people in the United States. This is the unfairness of this world.

This world has never been fair, and the law of the jungle preys on the strong.

Now Changtian Technology is a strong player, and has the conditions and qualifications to make such a decision.

Changtian Technology will not completely ignore the laws of the country where it is located, like those pharmaceutical companies in the United States, and experiment arbitrarily for its own benefit.

The virtual world and related products developed by Changtian Technology are completely in compliance with the relevant laws of the country where it is located.

So compared to those rogue pharmaceutical companies and technology companies in the United States. Longsky Technology is carrying a ray of sunshine, ready to send warmth to the people of the United States.

Soon the factory completed the production of Zemeng 2 wearable devices.

The device is like a small headband, whether it is a boy or a girl, it is very convenient to wear the device on the head.

Not only light in weight but also well covered by hair.

Of course, if the user is bald or bald, it doesn't matter.

The device can also have a bandana-like ornament that can be worn on the head with either the front or the back, as long as it reaches the brain area.

Yang Fei put the device on his head and used it in conjunction with the Zemeng 1 wearable device, and he was able to confirm that the device has indeed achieved the designed effect.

Yang Fei can experience all the feelings in real life in the virtual world.

Zemeng 2 wearable device and Zemeng 1 wearable device can complement each other or be used independently.

Among them, Zemeng 1 and wearable devices are more like supplements to the performance of mobile phones.

The Zemeng 2 wearable device is more like a device designed to allow users to experience the virtual world.

The production capacity of Changtian Technology is very strong.

Especially with a super factory like Tiangong Technology, as long as the design and cost are reduced, the product can be produced quickly.

At the beginning of 2020, after stocking 100,000 Zemeng 2 wearable devices, Changtian Technology announced that it would hold a press conference for Zemeng 2 wearable devices in Changzezhou.

The theme of the press conference is "Human New World, Creating the Impossible".

This time, Changtian Technology did not need to issue invitation letters at all, and countless relevant industry organizations, universities, laboratories, and media from various countries actively contacted Changtian Technology and submitted applications.

Every time Changtian Technology holds a press conference, the products are products that change the whole world.

We believe that this time will be no exception.

In particular, the Zemeng 1 wearable device has achieved success worldwide. Everyone feels that there is nothing to update about this device, and mass production is enough.

How did you know that Changtian Technology actually developed the Zemeng 2 wearable device, and in what aspects will such a device improve?

Samsung and Apple, which have lost their advantages internationally, are even more nervous.

Especially apples.

Apple's revenue has fallen for three consecutive years, and its main market share has changed from No. 2 in the world to No. 4 or No. 5 in the world.

The countries and regions that are willing to buy Apple mobile phones have also changed from mainstream countries in the world to only some countries and regions in the United States, Japan, and Europe.

The price of mobile phones has also been greatly reduced.

From the previous flagship mobile phones that sold for RMB 80, 90, 90,000, to now, flagship phones are only sold for RMB 3,000, 4,000, or even more than 2,000, which is enough to show that the mobile Internet market has undergone major changes in the past few years.

Of course, Cook knew that the US market had opened up to Xia Guo’s products. This was part of a series of cooperation between Tesla, American Technology Company, Changtian Technology and Xia Guo Technology’s products.

But at present, Changtian Technology's digital products don't seem to be interested in the US market, so Apple's products can still sell well in the US.

What will happen if Changtian Technology’s Zemeng 2 wearable device is sold in the United States

Cook is very nervous!

Now it is not a question of whether to fight with Changtian Technology or not.

It's a question of how to defend.

So Cook not only watched the live broadcast in his office, but also arranged for Apple's senior representatives to go to Xiaguo.

Cook hasn't been sleeping well during this time, thinking about one thing.

Do you want to cooperate with Changtian Technology?

Or is Apple still qualified to cooperate with Changtian Technology?

January 17, 2020.

Changtian Technology held a winter conference of "Human New World, Creating the Impossible" in Changzezhou.

The conference center, which could only accommodate 2,000 people, was full of people.

Winter in Changzezhou is relatively cold.

Many reporters who were not qualified to enter the venue were at the door, watching the live broadcast on the square shivering against the cold wind.

They hope to be able to write the new products displayed at the press conference into their news as soon as possible to inform the world.

At six o'clock in the evening, the press conference officially began.

The protagonist of this press conference is Wen Qi.

Wen Qi, dressed in business attire, walked up to the stage and bowed deeply to the audience.

There was warm applause at the scene.

Wen Qi said: "It is not common for Changtian Technology to hold a new product launch conference in winter. I can stand here today, which shows that Changtian Technology already has the ability to build a new world for mankind."

As soon as these words came out, there were all kinds of discussions in the audience.

Most people think that the tone of Changtian Technology is too big, to build a new world for mankind.

This proposition is very big.

It would be embarrassing if the product announced by Changtian Technology is not worthy of the name.

Wen Qi smiled and took out the Zemeng 2 wearable device.

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