Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 948: We must severely pry open the U.S. market

Latest URL: Zhang Yu is the boss of a financial consulting company in Shenzhen.

The main content of the company is to help various small and micro enterprises to bookkeeping agents, or to do financial report auditing and other work.

Zhang Yu started his business in Shenzhen. Over the past 10 years, it has been very difficult to establish a company in Shenzhen and continue to live there.

But in recent years.

Life in Zhang Yu's financial intermediary company is not easy at all, and life feels like years.

There are two reasons why Zhang Yu's life is becoming more and more difficult.

One is that the resources in Shenzhen City are becoming more and more tight, especially the housing prices are becoming more and more expensive, which makes their rent more and more expensive.

Now Zhang Yu's office rent is more than 10 times that of when he came to Shenzhen 10 years ago.

Zhang Yu even laughed at it more than once, saying that he worked so hard to start a business in Shenzhen, and he worked for the landlord for half a day.

If he had known about today's housing prices, he might as well have bought a house in the Shenzhen market with a full loan, and sold it today, earning more money than his own business.

The second most important reason is the rise in labor costs.

Everyone can come to work in Shenzhen because they hope to get high wages.

Therefore, the labor cost in Shenzhen City is also very high, and the same ability is equivalent to a talent.

If you are in an inland city, you can add some bonuses to the salary of five or six thousand a month.

But if he is in Shenzhen, then the basic salary is at least 10,000 yuan, and the annual salary is at least 300,000 to 400,000 yuan plus commission.

So Zhang Yu told his friends more than once, jokingly and self-deprecatingly saying that in his next life, he worked for the landlord on the one hand and the workers on the other hand. He didn’t earn a dime, and only earned some popularity.

After the rent expired in the middle of 2019, the landlord continued to increase the price, and the competition in the business was also very strong, and Zhang Yu finally went bankrupt.

Zhang Yu returned to his official hometown and bought Zemeng wearable devices to pass the time while doing nothing.

Seeing that after the release of the Zemeng 2 wearable device, it can be directly imaged in the mind and allow users to truly be on the scene, Zhang Yu suddenly had a bold idea.

The biggest advantage of the Zemeng 2 wearable device is that it eliminates the barrier of location.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yu immediately rented a virtual office in the commercial area of ​​Yunhai County, where Zemeng 2 wearable devices are located.

Zhang Yu still has some resources in the Shenzhen market, and has some contacts with some small and micro enterprises. If he continues to serve them, but the price is lower than the market, but the quality is better than others, then he believes that these small and micro enterprises Enterprises must be willing to hand over their business to themselves.

After sorting out this idea, Zhang Yu immediately started a business in the virtual world of Ninghai County.

He opened his company in the virtual world and recruited employees from outside.

Because it is a virtual world, the working hours of employees are not limited at all, and they can be spread all over the country.

Therefore, Zhang Yu does not need to purchase social insurance for these employees, nor does he need these employees to work full-time, but only needs these employees to work part-time.

Part-time employees do not need to be paid a basic salary, but only a commission for the project.

The result of this is a win-win situation.

On the one hand, those part-time employees can get an extra job after their own work, and they don't need to run around, they only need to complete their work in the virtual world, and they can get good remuneration, of course they are very willing.

On the other hand, Zhang Yu has greatly reduced the operating costs of his own business, and the quotations to customers are also lower. Of course, customers are willing to try to cooperate with Zhang Yu.

The rent of office buildings in the virtual world is very cheap, and these part-time employees don't come to work all the time, they leave it to them when they have business, and they get commissions after they make achievements, without any cost risk at all.

Moreover, the quality of office work in the virtual world is also guaranteed.

After all, in the office building in the virtual world, everyone can communicate face-to-face and discuss the problems they find together. This is much more convenient and efficient than the so-called network office in the past.

Zhang Yu's virtual world financial intermediary company has only been in business for two months, and the business is extremely booming. Those old customers in Shenzhen City are willing to find Zhang Yu to continue to serve.

Zhang Yu's net profit has reached 2 million in two months, which is much better than his previous Shenzhen market.

Xiaguo's market is big enough for more virtual companies like this to exist, so Zhang Yu is not stingy about sharing his experience online.

Some netizens on some forums asked about the cost of starting a business in a big city, which is unsustainable.

Zhang Yu immediately told this netizen about his experience.

Netizens suddenly realized after listening to it.

Immediately closed his office building in Shanghai, moved back to his hometown, bought Zemeng 2 wearable device, and used his professional knowledge to set up a company in the virtual world.

Sure enough, the income is very good.

Suddenly, in addition to the topic that primary and middle school students are very effective in virtual classes in the virtual world, the topic of starting a business in the virtual world to serve the real world has also become popular.

Zemeng 2 wearable device, as well as Yunhai County, are the most searched on Weibo for a month in a row.

Netizens in Xiaguo gave overwhelming praise to the wearable device released by Changtian Technology and the virtual world it created.

Netizens commented: "Changtian Technology really considers the people and takes care of their real problems. For a long time, high housing prices have suppressed the innovation ability of our people, and many capable young people only If you can choose to lie flat and repay the loan for the rest of your life, you have not given full play to your own innovation and made a career. Now everyone can create value in the virtual world at a very low cost, and this is the only way to truly give full play to everyone’s abilities.”

"Several friends around me have already moved their small and micro Internet companies to Yunhai County. Using the Zemeng 2 wearable device, they can work in an immersive environment, which is no different from real life, and the efficiency is high and the cost is extremely low. .In the past, my friend’s rent accounted for 1/3 of his operating costs, because it was in a big city, and the employees were extremely congested when commuting to and from work. It was said to go to work at 9 o’clock, but in fact it was 10 o’clock at work. Not to mention commuting to and from work on time now, and there is no pressure on the rent at all. Everyone uses the rent money to pay wages, and they are very motivated.”

"No, I heard that some big factories are planning to move some of their businesses to Yunhai County. Because there is no distance limit, these big factories can recruit people across the country, and you don't have to move or be in different places. Work can better attract talents.”

"Suddenly I feel that Yunhai County will become a greater city than Shenzhen City. Changtian Technology is really great. Chen Xiao is awesome!"

In addition to the sighs and comments from the hearts of the people, many official media also commented on the virtual equipment and the virtual city built by Changtian Technology.

"Observer" with more than 10 million fans on Weibo commented: "In recent years, with the crazy rise of domestic housing prices, the enthusiasm of young people to work and start a business has been greatly suppressed. If you get married, you will be burdened with huge debts, and you will spend twenty or thirty years of your youth on repaying the debts."

"Observer": "The virtual world Yunhai County created by Changtian Technology has only one other possibility to change the living conditions and lifestyles of young people. Now in the limit of Yunhai, the students of the virtual school are learning passionately. In the office buildings of the virtual business district, there are many energetic young people who start their own businesses at the lowest cost and give full play to their talents and passions, which may be what young people should look like.”

"Observer" "I hope that the virtual world will develop better and better, and we also hope that young people can use this miracle to create a glorious era. At the same time, we hope that the virtual world represented by Yunhai County will appear, which can completely change the pattern of high housing prices in Xiaguo. , allowing more money to flow into scientific research rather than real estate.”

Not only, but the news broadcast that night also spent a full minute broadcasting Changtian Technology's Zemeng 2 wearable device and the creation of the virtual world Yunhai County.

Xia Guo TV News said: "The emergence of the virtual world has given us more possibilities, and the creation of the virtual world will become a key task for the country in the future..."

The 7:00 p.m. news program of the national TV station can devote one minute to broadcasting a scientific research product of a technology company, which has already shown the country's attitude towards the virtual world and hardware equipment of Changtian Technology.

In the future, Xia Kingdom will create greater technological potential based on the virtual world, so as to gain greater economic momentum.

And at this moment in a certain department of the country in Yanjing.

Relevant leaders are conducting detailed research and discussion on the virtual world of Changtian Technology.

After 7 days of discussions and research meetings, multiple departments agreed that the virtual world of Changtian Technology will become the country after important products such as bio-new energy chips, and the biggest industrial momentum.

An important person in charge of a certain department said excitedly: "After entering 2015, especially after the so-called Xia Guoxin's four great inventions hit a bottleneck, many people said that a new round of Internet bottlenecks has arrived, and the Internet's Growth will slow. Profits are also narrowing for several internet and technology companies around the world."

"I didn't expect Changtian Technology to be the final word and start a new technological revolution."

The person in charge of another related department is also very happy: "I fully support everyone's views, we must find ways to create all conditions for Changtian Technology's equipment and virtual world to cross the ocean."

"Whether it's bio-new energy or the chip industry, or Changtian Technology's critical care industry, any country in the world that acquires one of these technologies and builds one of its industries can greatly trigger the country's development. Economic development can ensure that the country's technology industry and economy are at the world's potential."

"Our country is very happy. All the high-tech products are in our hands. This can make the talents and workers of our country alive and enrich the industry. This is the good fortune of our Xia country and the people!"

Experts at the meeting even made a rigorous and objective assessment.

Assuming that Changtian Technology stops researching and developing new technological products now, it only relies on the technological products currently in hand.

If these scientific and technological products can go overseas and exert influence on a global scale, then the Xia Kingdom will become the most powerful country in the world in the next 5 to 10 years, and it will be able to surpass the United States in most fields of science and technology. No longer bound by the United States.

Another extreme situation, if there is a strong conflict between Xia Guo and Mi Guo, or with the Western world.

As a result, these scientific research products of Changtian Technology and related industrial chains cannot go out, and can only be trapped in the country.

These industries can also ensure that Xia Kingdom can rest easy in the next few decades, not to mention surpassing the United States in an all-round way, at least it will not be defeated by Western countries, and it can guarantee its own strategic stability.

It can be seen that Changtian Technology is very important to Xia Kingdom, and the scientific research products researched and developed by Changtian Technology Institute are also very important to Xia Kingdom's national fortune.

Therefore, the meeting unanimously decided to **** the scientific research products and related production capacity of Changtian Technology to go abroad throughout the year.

The Zemeng 2 wearable device has been selling well for several months in a row, and Chen Xiao didn't expect that there is not much inventory.

What made Chen Xiao most happy was that a virtual world based on Luoxia District, Yunhai County was being formed.

It is not the technicians of Changtian Technology that make up the operating rules of this virtual world, and it is not the detailed regulations formulated by Changtian Technology, but a set of rules established spontaneously by those users after entering the virtual world.

This fulfills what Changtian Technology said at the press conference at the beginning—the virtual world or our hardware equipment is just a platform, and the real builders are countless people.

Now, the most urgent task for Chen Xiao is to fulfill the promise made at the press conference—to bring the equipment into the US market.

Wang Xiang said: "We have now accumulated an inventory of 50,000 units, and this part of the inventory has not been sold."

In order to enter the U.S. market, Changtian Technology asked Wang Xiang to prepare some products. Even if the Xia country market continues to be out of stock, they must ensure that these products enter the U.S. market.

After all, the mass production of products can be realized in the future, but the opportunity to enter the US market is Especially politicians in the US like to change their faces.

Wang Xiang said: "The US online sales platform we built has been completed and can be launched at any time."

Chen Xiao nodded and said: "Now we can start the pre-sale first, so that users in the United States who are willing to buy, pay a deposit of no less than 500 meters. After paying the deposit, our products will be on the shelves in a week, and users who have paid the deposit can snap up. .”

"Okay, I'll do it right away."

Under the eager anticipation of American users.

Zemeng wearable device online store was launched.

And on the second day, the mall pre-sale was opened.

Chen Xiao and the high-level after-sales of Changtian Technology are in front of the big screen. This time the pre-sale is very important.


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