Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 953: Dongyang: Begging Chen Xiao's father to cooperate

In the interview, Cameron unreservedly praised Changtian Technology, but his words caused dissatisfaction among many netizens in the East, South Korea, and the Bay Area. They left messages on Twitter, expressing their dissatisfaction with this Dissatisfaction with cooperation.

"Fans turned black. I used to like director Cameron very much. Cameron's films used to be full of artistry and depth, but now Cameron actually kneels and licks Changtian Technology in order to make money. This kind of kneeling and licking movies can Okay? It's terrible!" This comment was liked by many netizens.

"I'm really disappointed. Movies are also going to engage in so-called virtual worlds, so can't there be pure film art?"

"I have a friend from the United States. I went to see a movie. It was really bad. There was no plot. I didn't know what I was doing because it was so boring. My friend even fell asleep. Watching this movie is a waste of time. .”

"Leaving aside the facts, shouldn't Changtian Technology be responsible for this? He's a technology guy who knows a lot about movies. Why should he join the movie industry and use his company's so-called technology to tarnish the art of movies? He's really disgusting! "

On Weibo, Xia Guo netizens saw the success of Avatar 2, and Cameron was very happy that his company was recognized!

Everyone left a message under the topic related to Avatar 2 movie.

"Changtian Technology is a very influential technology company in our country. It has achieved many technological innovations. I was also lucky to buy Zemeng 2. Such a virtual world technology is believed to be a huge change for the future of movies."

"I was at the airport, just got off the plane, and saw the comments of those Japanese and South Korean netizens. I laughed so hard. Do you know how popular "Avatar 2" is in the United States? The director and the audience agree, why are you so upset here! "

"Seeing Changtian Technology achieve such a brilliant success in the United States, I feel very proud. I have also used Changtian Technology products. The price is very affordable and the user experience is also very good! Changtian Technology is the pride of Xia Country!"

"Avatar 2" has not yet been released in other parts of the world, and it has caused widespread heated discussions.

North America is the region with the most consumption power in the film market, and Avatar 2 has achieved great success here, which has fully proved the production level and quality of this film.

The brand-new technology and innovative shooting methods used in this film have set a new high at the box office, and the film's distribution company, 21st Century Fox, can't wait to start the global screening.

The shareholders of 21st Century Fox are full of confidence in the quality of this film. It has won the box office championship in North America before. This time it is shown globally, they are confident that it will break the box office record in history on the global box office list.

At this time, the director Cameron was not idle either. He took a flight and rushed to Changzezhou, Suzhou, Hangzhou. He was also entrusted by 21st Century Fox to reach a larger cooperation with Changtian Technology.

Under the guidance of the staff, Cameron's team came to a spacious and modern meeting room.

Sitting opposite were Chen Xiao, Wen Qi, and Wang Xiang, three executives. Cameron walked over very enthusiastically.

"Mr. Chen Xiao, we meet again!"

Chen Xiao took the initiative to give Cameron a hug.

Cameron was very excited. In such an advanced technology company, he felt as if he had returned to his film crew in California, cooperating with Changtian Technology, creating the joy and challenge of "Avatar 2" amidst complex technological equipment.

Wen Qi handed over a cup of hot tea: "Director Cameron, hello."

Cameron took the tea and took a sip. This Chinese drink made him feel very novel. The tea flowed through his throat, making him feel a rush of heat and warming his body. "As expected of a technology company that created virtual world technology , On the way here, I have seen the tremendous changes your technology has brought to society, just like the new technology adopted in "Avatar 2" this time has brought huge changes to the film industry."

Cameron saw the innovation of virtual world technology to film technology, and he was keenly aware that Changtian Technology was creating a new era.

Cameron showed a look of approval: "Although our two industries are in different fields, they are essentially on the road of pursuing progress and change. To be able to cooperate with such a creative company is a blessing for me. A great honor."

"I am here this time to further strengthen the cooperation between us. If Changtian Technology can produce more Zemeng 2 movie versions and promote them in movie theaters, it will play a very good role in promoting the screening of Avatar 2." , so that more people can enter the world of Avatar and enjoy the world of fantasy movies."

Chen Xiao showed embarrassment: "Now the supply of Zemeng 2 is in short supply. Not only in the Xia country market, but also in the US market, there are many people waiting to get the product. Our production capacity is really running out."

Cameron heard the bad news and didn't give up

"As a director, I am really grateful for the cooperation with Changtian Technology this time!"

"The executives of 21st Century Fox, the producer, have the same idea as me. They also realize that if my film can be combined with your technology, people all over the world can feel the power of new technology. What a great thing that would be!"

""Avatar 2" is the product of our cooperation with Changtian Technology. I believe that with its quality, it will be able to achieve great success in the international market. If "Avatar 2" is successful, it will be very important for Changtian Technology. Great publicity!"

With Cameron's rich body language, West was able to convince Changtian Technology.

Speaking of which, Cameron took out the box office achievements of "Avatar 2" in the North American market.

When Chen Xiao saw the box office results, although he had already heard about it, he was still a little surprised to see that the box office broke 500 million yuan that day, and after a month of release, the box office exceeded 900 million yuan. Marvel Avengers series! Made history!

Virtual world technology has achieved such success in movies.

At this time, Chen Xiao checked his system panel and found that his influence had actually increased a lot.

The new technology tree will light up again soon!

Chen Xiao realized that this new technology movie has a huge influence.

He also thought of the huge influence of American films on a global scale. After World War II, the United States exported Hollywood films to other countries, which affected the cultural customs and values ​​of many countries.

If we can support a company to change the film industry at the equipment level, we can use these films to expand the influence of Changtian Technology equipment in the global market channel in the future.

Cameron's request this time is indeed a good opportunity.

After considering this point, the two sides conducted further discussions. Under Cameron's repeated requests, Changtian Technology obtained many favorable conditions.

In the end, the two parties jointly discussed the cooperation plan, and Changtian Technology provided 1 million castrated versions of Zemeng 2 (Zemeng 2 movie version) to 20th Century Fox Film Company in the United States, the distributor of Avatar 2.

Equipment costs were paid for by Twenty-First Century Fox.

Fox will use global channels to deploy these devices in various countries.

1 million scattered deployments can spread the influence to the maximum.

In this way, people in more countries can experience the powerful functions of the device, which is conducive to subsequent sales in these countries.

This is equivalent to borrowing the mature global channels of American companies to promote Changtian Technology.

After the cooperation was reached, Changtian Technology's factory production lines in various places immediately raised workers' wages, worked more shifts, and stepped up production.

Since it belongs to the castrated version, the accuracy and quality requirements of the chips used are lowered, and the production efficiency is also much higher.

With the strong production capacity of Xiaguo's world factory, the equipment for transportation and production was assembled soon and delivered to Fox Corporation one after another.

After the equipment was in place, Fox quickly announced when the film would be released in other countries around the world.

Avatar 2 is a big ip, including netizens in Japan and South Korea, whoever scolds them, but they still have to watch the movies that should be watched.

Audiences usually obtain the show time and times of movies through various channels, and purchase tickets in advance.

To the surprise of the audience, all the tickets were sold out within 1 second after the ticket purchase started.

Due to the high demand for tickets for the movie "Avatar 2", many people had to wait in line to grab tickets.

"I heard that this movie is very popular, and we should start to grab tickets earlier."

"Must watch the wearable VR version! Awesome!"

After wearing the brand new virtual equipment and entering the virtual world, they couldn't help expressing emotion, they are constantly exploring this world!

Marvel at the reality of this world.


The experience of virtual world movies is unforgettable for audiences from all over the world!

"Blow it up!"

“Absolutely perfect experience!”

Those Japanese and Korean netizens who didn't like the movie before quickly deleted their comments after watching the movie.

This is a movie?

How can this be a movie!

This is a real world!

With the blessing of the Zemeng 2 wearable device, Avatar 2 created box office miracles in South Korea, the East and the West, and the Xiaguo Wanwan area at the same time.

Some time ago, netizens who sprayed movies and Changtian technology designs on the Internet were slapped in the face by the box office, and all of them wanted to hide themselves.

After using Zemeng 2 to watch a movie in a movie theater, Japanese netizens immediately knew how stupid they were.

Many people have realized that new technologies will bring about changes.

If Toyo's animation can also use this technology to create a two-dimensional world, then they will be able to see their wives, just like the protagonist, in a different world...

However, they have ridiculed Changtian Technology on the Internet before, and now their hearts are filled with infinite regret. The dream of another world must not be shattered like this!

On Twitter, they sincerely admitted their mistakes, each of them behaved like elementary school students, and they wished to be called Changtian Technology's father.

Netizens from Dongyang left messages under Changtian Technology's Twitter.

"Father Chen Xiao, I beg Changtian Technology to sell Zemeng 2 wearable devices in Dongyang."

"I beg Chen Xiao's father to cooperate with us and launch the comic world, okay?"

Not only did they leave messages under Changtian Technology's Twitter, but many Dongyang netizens also asked Xia Guo's netizens to inform Changtian Technology of their demands.

All kinds of flattering words made Xia Guo's netizens a little unbelievable!

The request from Dongyang netizens was forwarded to Weibo by Xiaguo netizens.

Xia Guo's netizens all think that for such a country, only those who are stronger than him can make him surrender!

At the same time, in the US market, Zemeng 2 wearable devices continued to explode in sales.

The supply of products is in short supply. As long as it is in the official market, tens of thousands of units are sold out in an instant.

With Zemeng 2 wearable device coming to the United States, the sales of Hanhai Mobile also hit a new high.

Inside Apple headquarters, Cook is in a meeting with his executive team.

Suddenly, a staff member came in and announced: "Mr. Cook, the latest sales data of Hanhai mobile phones has come out, and their monthly sales have surpassed that of Apple's entire series of mobile phones!"

"What?!" Cook asked in disbelief, his eyes widened, "Are you sure it's not a joke?"

"Mr. Cook, I'm sure, this is the latest data report, the sales of Hanhai mobile phones have surpassed us." The staff confirmed again.

The staff handed over the report they had just received to Cook.

When Cook saw the numbers above, he was in a bad mood.

Hanhai 2 mobile phone, the sales volume of this mobile phone alone has exceeded the sales volume of Apple's entire series.

This means that Apple's sales in the US market have begun to decline.

Apple's sales in the US market are declining, and sales in other countries and regions around the world are even more appalling.

Other executives heard the news and expressed their concern that this was not just a victory for a competitor, but a disgrace for Apple.

They know that if the news spreads, the market's confidence in Apple will be severely hit, and the stock price may also drop sharply.

"What should we do now?" Cook thought, Apple has no innovation and no technological advantages, and now it can no longer compete with Hanhai Technology.

An executive stood up and said: "According to the current market sales situation, UU Kanshu has already seen a backlog of our products. If this continues, our funds may have problems."

"The most feared thing will happen l!" Cook's heart was a little broken! "We used to be the technology company with the most cash in the world!"

The executive took out the business statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement. It was impressively written on it that in recent years, Apple's sales in Xiaguo, his largest sales market, have fallen off a cliff, and revenue has fallen sharply. , once the world's No. 1 Apple, its market share has been squeezed to 30%.

In the past, Apple mobile phones firmly occupied the world's high-end mobile phone market, and the era when sales were far ahead seemed to be in vain. With the strong rise of Changtian Technology, it was completely shattered!

"Our products have been reported by many users. Compared with the Hanhai mobile phone series at the same price, the functions are too backward." The executive in charge of the after-sales department stood up and said.

Cook gritted his teeth: "But we have lowered the price to compete!"

The R&D director said cautiously: "We are catching up, but Changtian's technology is advancing too fast..."

Cook waved his hand to tell him not to continue. He hugged his head in pain. When Jobs left, the Apple he took over was so brilliant, but now... he, the CEO, should be responsible anyway.

"Now we can only fully contract and reduce production." Cook finally made a decision that Apple must not fall in his hands, at least fully contracted can survive for a while.

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