Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 954: Explode, light up the new technology tree!

Too much inventory, not enough cash, the only way is to cut production!

Cook urgently ordered: cut the production of Apple mobile phones.

This decision has the entire Apple company in a hurry.

All factories that cooperate with Apple have begun to make adjustments.

Including Apple's largest partners Foxconn, Jabil and so on.

These manufacturers originally needed to invest a lot of manpower and material resources to ensure the normal operation of the production line, but now with the reduction of orders from the largest customer Apple, they have to face the reduction of employee positions.

Foxconn, which has moved to India to expand production and recruit a large number of workers, received a notice from its major customer Apple.

Apple's notice: According to market demand, we will reduce production and orders from Foxconn by 60%.

After Foxconn got the news, it was shocked, and the contact specialist quickly replied to Apple:

"Why? We have built a new factory in India and recruited a large number of employees. If orders are cut, it will have a huge negative impact on us."

Apple: "Market demand is declining, and we need to reduce production accordingly to adapt to market changes. According to our agreement, the number of unproduced orders can be reduced, and we only need to fulfill our notification obligations."

The contact person was anxious: "This will cause us to have a large number of idle machines and workers in the next few months! The factory is completed but there are no orders, the production line is empty, and we are suffering every day! This will give us Cause a lot of damage, you can't do this!"

Apple: "We know this is a huge challenge for you, but it is necessary for Apple. We need to ensure that our products are competitive in the market, and we also need to balance costs and profits. Hope You can understand."

Foxconn "Then what should we do? We still have so many equipment and so many workers, how much will we have to pay if we cut orders at once?"

Apple no longer responds.

The phone on the other side hung up, and the Foxconn contact person was stunned.

Apple has been one of Foxconn's most important customers, and Foxconn has largely relied on Apple's orders to maintain its business.

More than half of Foxconn's orders come from Apple.

If Apple took steps to shrink orders, he thought about how badly it would affect Foxconn.

The bad news quickly spread to Guo Ming, the boss in the Bay Area.

Guo Ming was in mixed feelings when he heard the news that Apple had cut production and that Foxconn could not receive orders.

He couldn't help but think of the moment when he decided to leave the mainland and invest and build a factory in India.

Forty years ago, he saw the huge development potential and huge opportunities in the mainland, took the express train of the mainland's economic take-off, and benefited from the demographic dividend of the mainland, and turned Foxconn into a world-class enterprise.

However, in recent years, the mainland's economy has taken off, and the treatment of workers has gradually improved. Foxconn can no longer use workers at low prices. He plans to leave the mainland at this time.

In mainland China, Tiangong Technology, a subsidiary of Changtian Technology, entered the manufacturing industry, bringing more advanced technology and better treatment.

However, Foxconn is unwilling to learn better treatment like Tiangong Technology, and its market share is gradually decreasing.

Moreover, the international community is pessimistic about Xia, and believes that India will rise.

He believes that starting a business in India is more promising. India has abundant human resources and lower costs.

He thought so, and he did so.

Guo Ming transferred all the factories to India, which was welcomed by the Indian government.

As for Foxconn's factories in Xiaguo, they were all built by the local government of Xiaguo. Guo Ming didn't even spend a penny, he just needed to move the equipment.

The news of Foxconn leaving Xia Guo was a sensation. Many people thought that Xia Guo’s manufacturing industry was over. Many places in Xia Guo hoped to negotiate with Guo Ming, but Guo Ming was indifferent. He thought he was the king, backed by American capital and enterprises, He said it.

After coming to India, Guo Ming discovered that India, as a developing country, has huge market potential.

Sure enough, the cost of production has been reduced, and the labor cost in India is far cheaper than that in the mainland.

With low-cost production, Foxconn's bidding competitiveness has become stronger, and it has won many international orders, and Guo Ming has also made a lot of money.

In an interview with the American media, Guo Ming also said in high spirits: "It was a right decision to agree to transfer the factory to India. We have achieved great success in India, and India is a very competitive country!"

Guo Ming is ambitious and determined to develop Foxconn into the world's largest electronics assembly factory in his lifetime.

How do you know that Samsung has fewer orders at the front, and even customers like Apple are facing difficulties later.

Foxconn had to shut down some production lines.

Orders have decreased, production lines have been shut down, and Foxconn has also begun to issue notices to lay off employees to reduce costs.

However, in factories in India, many workers are very dissatisfied with the layoffs, and workers feel that their rights and interests have been damaged.

They gathered and waved flags.

Executives from Wanwan came here from the headquarters to mediate, but no one appreciated what the executives said, and the executives didn't care what to do if the jobs at the bottom were gone.

Angry workers, hundreds of people who were unemployed and fired, were led up and rushed to the company's campus building.

Some workers even resorted to violence, including smashing equipment, arson, and injuring security guards.

These incidents have had a serious impact on Foxconn's business.

Several of the company's factories and facilities in India suffered damage and loss.

The executives of Wanwan quickly evacuated, and while evacuating, they were still complaining: "Nimma, who said that the business environment here is good!"

With the development of the incident, the stock market got the news, and Foxconn's stock price also began to fall, causing heavy losses.

The executives left, and the scene became more chaotic.

A lot of equipment was directly dismantled by workers and sold as scrap iron.

Foxconn's investment of billions of dollars in India has basically been in vain.

After closing the door and returning to Wanwan, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"I think it was a wrong decision to fully withdraw from the mainland." A senior executive took the lead, and the problem must always be found out. "As a company, it should have a global presence and should not rely too much on orders from a certain company."

Hearing the executive’s words, the R&D director also admitted, “We are too tied to Apple, and if Apple’s market share is greatly reduced, Foxconn will also be greatly affected. Now we have lagged behind Tiangong in the field of technology. Technology, the technology of any enterprise must be in the market to continuously improve, but we chose to leave the mainland completely.”

Guo Ming also felt very regretful in his heart. At the beginning, he was very pessimistic about Huaguo's economy. He believed that Huaguo's economy could not be successfully upgraded. After the labor cost was high, the overall competitiveness would decline. replaced.

He predicted that Hua's economy would be overtaken by other world countries and even fall into chaos, so that he made such a thorough decision.

But it's too late!

On the other side of the ocean, facing the powerful offensive of Changtian Technology since it landed in the United States, the presidents of other technology chain giants, such as Intel, Microsoft, Google, Facebook, etc., also gathered to discuss solutions.

This time it is the wearable device Zemeng 2, which forced Apple to reduce production and cut costs, and all upstream and downstream industrial chains were affected.

This is especially true for the chip industry chain, which is bound to suffer huge losses this year!

Cook, Qualcomm CEO Amon, Intel CEO Gelsinger, and Microsoft CEO Nadella got together to start emergency negotiations.

Cook took the lead to speak, and his eyes had long lost anger: "Everyone, Changtian Technology has become more and more powerful in the North American market recently. Apple has been forced to cut production in the competition. We must take measures to protect our own interests, I think we need to join forces in this regard."

Qualcomm Amon: "It's true, we can't just sit idly by. Changtian Technology's attack has seriously threatened our market share. In this field, we no longer have the same absolute advantage as before. If their chips also land in North America market, the consequences are unimaginable."

Intel Gelsinger: "We need to approach this as a united entity. We can't repeat the mistakes we made with Shenship and Firefly!"

"Our competitors are becoming more and more powerful on a global scale. We must cooperate closely and integrate our resources to deal with this threat. If this continues, American technology companies will surely die!"

"Microsoft Nadella: Must band together to put pressure on government."

Apple's Cook said: "It's a possible solution, but we need more concrete plans."

"Changtian Technology owns the equity of Hanhai Technology. The government can put pressure on Changtian Technology to give up its shares in the North American market." Amon came up with an idea.

"We agree that Changtian Technology's products will be sold in the U.S. market, but the equity cannot be handed over to the Xia people!"

Gelsinger from Intel shines: "The U.S. market cannot be in the hands of foreigners. We can unite to put pressure on Changtian Technology and ask it to give up Hanhai Technology's shares in the North American market."

Microsoft's Nadella was a little hesitant. "This method is indeed good, but how do we get other people to support us? This is not in line with the principle of fair competition that our country advertises."

"Votes, money, and public opinion, boy!" said Zach, the president of Facebook, "Only we know how the US market works correctly!"

"This is not only a competition in the field of science and technology, but also a competition for world dominance!"

This is not just a competition among technology companies, but also because the capital behind them has begun to end.

What everyone has to do is to tell the capital of the United States that Changtian Technology has touched the core interests of the United States.

Technological hegemony must be in the hands of the Americans.

The last time a country dared to challenge the United States, the grass on the grave was two meters long.

Soon, prompted by many US technology companies, some congressmen requested the US National Cyber ​​Security Center to send supervisors to conduct a security review of Hanhai Technology and require Hanhai Technology to disclose product technology.

The media reported that there were some abnormalities in the process of using the products of Hanhai Technology. Experts who did not want to be named conducted preliminary tests on the products and found that there were a large number of unknown functions in the products, and the codes were not disclosed.

Then another congressman suggested that Hanhai Technology was suspected of illegally collecting users’ private personal information, trying to steal US state secrets, and illegally use it in the military field, posing a serious threat to the national security of the US.

At the first time, countries such as Japan, India, and Australia also successively passed proposals to review Hanhai Technology products.

Australia signed laws and regulations requiring stricter scrutiny of data centers of foreign companies operating in Australia.

Toyo issued a regulation that staff working in key government departments are not allowed to use Changtian Technology products.

But if you know, the Zemeng 2 wearable device is not sold in these countries.

At this time, Chen Xiao was fishing at Changtian Technology in Changzezhou, Suzhou and Hangzhou, when he suddenly received a system prompt.

Congratulations: the cumulative influence is 20 million, whether to exchange it to light up the technology tree].


finally come!

Chen Xiao was overjoyed!

He chose to light up the technology tree!

Congratulations on obtaining: Controlled Nuclear Fusion] Expand the technology tree

Technology tree: medical biology has been lit; physical and chemical machinery has been lit; computer information has been lit; communication technology has been lit; intelligent creatures have been lit...]

Expand Medical Biology: 1. Microbiology lv82, Molecular Biology lv2]

Expand computer information: integrated circuit design lv20 computer language lv20]

Expand communication technology: 1. Quantum communication technology lv1 has obtained 5g technology]

Expand physical and chemical machinery: 1. Ordinary lithium battery technology lv20, 2. Power system lv2, 3. Controllable nuclear fusion lv1]

Expand intelligent creatures: 1, biological chip lv1]

After obtaining this huge amount of influence, Chen Xiao successfully unlocked the nuclear fusion technology,

"Controlled nuclear fusion!

"Chen Xiao was very pleasantly surprised. Nuclear fusion technology can be said to be the future of human energy.

If nuclear fusion technology is developed, human beings will have inexhaustible energy Nuclear fusion can generate clean and safe electricity in a sustainable manner

Every country in the world regards nuclear fusion as the next generation of energy, and Europe invested 20 billion euros to jointly fund the construction of the nuclear fusion experimental device of the iter program.

Countries with energy shortages like Toyo are paying more attention to the research of energy revolution, and have invested nearly 4.4 trillion yen in total.

In recent years, Xia Guo has also started research on the "artificial sun". Although he has achieved surprising breakthroughs, he is still a long way from developing controllable and sustainable nuclear fusion.

The current mainstream research direction in various countries is the magnetic confinement fusion mc proposed by Lao Maoxiong. By using a magnetic field to confine the plasma of light elements such as hydrogen, it can reach a sufficiently high temperature and density to achieve nuclear fusion reactions.

For example, Xiaguo's tokamak device has been able to sustain ignition for more than 1,000 seconds, which is very leading in the world.

However, this approach has many disadvantages, and building and operating a large tokamak requires a lot of energy.

Moreover, the tokamak device needs to withstand extremely high temperature, pressure and radioactivity levels during operation, which puts forward high requirements on the characteristics and durability of materials. The current level of material science cannot meet these needs.

After Chen Xiao read the instruction manual of the technology tree in detail, he found that the obtained technology perfectly overcomes these shortcomings.

Because the current production of energy blocks mainly relies on solar energy, although the efficiency is not bad, but it depends on the sky.

If there is controllable nuclear fusion, then the Xia country's energy problem will be solved.

While he was thinking about the future technology, Chen Xiao suddenly received a call from Wang Xiang: "I just received an urgent message from the northwest region. There have been strong sandstorms and heavy snowfall in the northwest region for two consecutive months, and the production of energy blocks has been greatly reduced."

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