Rebirth 2002: Nano Life

Vol 4 Chapter 14: Paulson's Fund

On December 19, U.S. E-Ink formally filed an application with the U.S. International Trade Commission in accordance with Section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, accusing Xia Meng of exporting, importing or selling electronic paper to the U.S. Screen infringes its patent rights, petitions the commission to issue a general exclusion and restraining order.

The so-called Section 337 investigation refers to the investigation conducted by the US International Trade Commission in accordance with Article 337 of the US Tariff Act of 1930 and related amendments, which prohibits all unfair competition practices or any unfair trade practices in exporting products to the United States.

American E-Ink Company, which is a company established in 1997 by Lucent, Motorola and several venture capital companies to develop electronic paper. The concept of electronic paper was indeed first proposed by E-Ink. However, its technology mainly used electrophoresis to invent electrophoretic ink, which is completely different from what Xia Meng showed.

At present, the Section 337 investigation is only at the application stage. In the future, there will be stages such as case filing, discovery of evidence, hearing, preliminary ruling, review and final ruling, and presidential review, which may not necessarily enter the substantive investigation process.

And E-Ink suddenly swung the big stick of "337 investigation". On the one hand, it was nothing more than wanting to obtain the technical authorization of Xia Mengxi. People from E-Ink Company contacted Xia Mengxi privately and revealed the news. On the other hand, Xia Meng Group has involved everything from the screen to the battery, and now even the chip has been involved, and has begun to attract the attention of the US government. Under such a background, the 337 investigation against Xia Meng this time is only Just a normal operation.

It was difficult for Xiameng Electronics to enter the US market, and now Xiameng's real-life electronic paper, the next itouch, and products equipped with Xiameng chips, are also psychologically prepared for this.

Compared with other types of investigations, the difficulty of responding to the "Section 337 investigation" in the United States lies in its relatively high response costs. The response costs of more than 1 million US dollars may be difficult for some domestic enterprises to bear, and it is not even ruled out that it will lead to meager profits. Businesses are intimidated.

But for Xia Meng, not to mention $1 million, Xia Meng can afford $10 million. Chen Yizhe has given instructions. No matter whether the US side will file an investigation in the end, Xia Meng should prepare in advance. , and actively deal with the prosecution.

Xu Yong introduced a well-known Chinese lawyer in the United States. Chen Yizhe called and consulted the other party. When the other party heard the case, he felt that the case was not a big problem. Similar, but the content is completely different. As long as Xia Meng responds, the probability of winning the case is very high.

As soon as the phone hung up, Chen Yizhe received a call from Xia Yi, who said nervously, "Dad is coming to our house!"

"Xiao Qi endured it for more than a month before she said it, and it's hard enough for her, hehe!" Chen Yizhe laughed, "Don't be nervous yourself, I'll go back right away."

Although Chen Yizhe asked Xiaoqi not to tell others about Zilong Zishan for the time being, Xiaoqi was only a teenage girl after all. And Huang Guiyue both knew.

When he heard the news, Chen Hua felt resentful in his heart. This grandson was over two years old, and he didn't even know it.

So, Chen Hua immediately asked Xiaoqi to take him to Chen Yizhe's villa. Chen Hua, who was originally angry and wanted to question his son, saw a pair of chubby and cute twins, and the anger in his heart disappeared without a trace. , instead of infinite surprises.

"Uncle, you have a cup of tea first." Xia Yi handed a cup of tea to Chen Hua, who was a little stunned to see her grandchildren.

"Yizhe is in the company now, I have called him, he is coming back now." Xia Yi said nervously, although Xia Yi often visited after the car accident, but after all, this is the real ugly daughter-in-law seeing her parents, and she is still a child Both gave birth to two ugly daughters-in-law.

Chen Hua looked at Xia Yi and did not speak, which made Xia Yi even more nervous.

"Dad, what are you doing? It's not that Sister Xia doesn't want to tell you, isn't this what Brother Xia kept her a secret!" Xiao Qi's black eyes slipped and put all the responsibility on Chen Yizhe, who had not returned yet. After that, he leaned over and started to play with Zilong and Zishan.

"Uncle, I'm sorry!" Xia Yi said quickly.

Chen Hua waved his hand and said, "Actually speaking carefully, I don't have the responsibility to be a good father. Yizhe has been with his grandfather since he was a child. I, the father, didn't care about many things, so he didn't tell me. You should listen."

"Uncle, that's not the case. Yizhe is actually going to tell you guys, but he just doesn't know how to say it, and I'm as old as Yizhe..."

Before Xia Yi could finish speaking, Chen Hua said immediately, "You have already given birth to two children, doesn't Yizhe want to take responsibility? Although I can't control him, but if I can, I will!"

"Uncle, it's not that Yizhe doesn't want to take responsibility, it's just that he hasn't reached the age of marriage yet!" Xia Yi blushed, the two had a child before marriage, and when Chen Yizhe was a minor, he felt a little ashamed just thinking about it.

"What does it matter? In our hometown, there are not a few people who get married in their teens. You and Yi Zhe can have the wedding first, and get the marriage certificate later!" Chen Hua said.

"Hmm..." In the face of the elders, what else could Xia Yi say.

"What's their names?" Suddenly, Chen Hua asked Zilong and Zishan who were having fun with Xiaoqi.

"Ah!" Xia Yi then realized that, until Chen Hua came in, she hadn't asked the child to call anyone.

So, she hurriedly called, "Zi Shan, Zilong, you two come here."

Zishan and Zilong immediately ran over when they heard their mother's words.

"Mom, what do you want us to do?" Zilong asked first, while Zishan hid behind Xiayi's feet when she saw a stranger.

"Zilong, Zishan, this is your grandpa, hurry up and call him grandpa!" Xia Yi said.

"Grandpa? Then you're not your father's father?" Zishan asked timidly, poking her head out.

"Your name is Zishan? You are right, I am your father's father!" Chen Hua saw the two children with a sweet expression as if he had eaten honey.

"Why don't you call Grandpa?" Xia Yi said.

"Grandpa!" Zilong responded with a milky voice at first, and then Zishan followed.

"Good, good! Come here and let Grandpa take a closer look at the two of you!" Chen Hua laughed.

Zilong turned his head and glanced at Xia Yi. After Xia Yi nodded, Zilong walked forward slowly, while Zishan still timidly grabbed Xia Yi's pants and stared at Chen Hua.

Chen Hua touched Zilong's head, stared at Zilong up and down, left and right for a long time, suddenly remembered something, his eyes turned red, and then grinned, "It looks exactly like Yizhe when he was young."

When Chen Yizhe returned to the villa, he saw Chen Hua holding Zilong and Zishan playing the game of lifting high, and seeing the smile on Chen Hua's face that had aged a lot during this period of time, Chen Yizhe felt deeply in his heart. It seems that somewhere has been touched.

The day after Chen Hua came home, he called Chen Yizhe again. On the phone, Chen Hua secretly asked, "Yizhe, your aunt said he also wanted to see Zilong and Zishan, where are you? It's okay if you don't want to!"

Chen Yizhe said with a smile, "Dad, it's okay, isn't it New Year's Day in a few days? Otherwise, on New Year's Day, you and Xiao Qi and Auntie will come to my place to eat!"

The New Year's Day in 2006 was perhaps the most lively New Year's Day for Chen Yizhe.

Shortly after New Year's Day, Chen Yizhe personally received a friend from the United States.

This friend was John Paulson from Wall Street who had a meeting with Chen Yizhe in Las Vegas.

This time, before John Paulson came over, he had already communicated with Chen Yizhe, mainly because he wanted Chen Yizhe to understand and invest in his fund.

Since 2005, Paulson has predicted that the U.S. economy will be heading for a recession, so he began to short the bonds of companies such as auto suppliers. However, what Paulson did not expect was that even if the bonds of these companies entered bankruptcy proceedings , their prices are still rising.

"Where is the bubble we are shorting?" Paulson threw this question he seemed to have answered to the analysts around him.

More than 20 analysts went to the market for two weeks and came back to report to the boss in unison: the real estate market.

At this time, the U.S. real estate market did not show any room for hedge funds to short. The Federal Reserve’s continuous interest rate cuts made the real estate market, which was already about to collapse, gallop; bank liquidity carried tens of thousands of investors flocking to real estate market.

Although the mainstream view on Wall Street at this time is that loose credit standards are worth vigilance, they all point out that the real estate and credit markets will not cause major trouble because of this. Optimistic voices and overwhelming positive news filled the front pages of major media.

The world is bustling, all come for the benefit, and the world is bustling, all go for the benefit.

The insatiable nature of Wall Street is rapidly fermenting under the stimulation of the real estate market. In order to quickly tap more wealth from the real estate market, the so-called financiers of Wall Street have invented two new types of financial investment tools; CDO and CDO. Credit Default Swap CDS.

CDO is a product that repackages and sells mortgage bonds according to different risks, and CDS is a derivative product used to guarantee the risk of mortgage bonds. The relationship between the two is: the higher the risk of CDO, the higher the value of the guaranteed product CDS. If default rates or default expectations rise, the value of CDS rises with it.

In the current real estate boom, most people don't think there is any risk in CDO, and Wall Street credit rating agencies have also given it a high score of 3A. In this case, the price of the guarantee product CDS is very low. , even to the point where no one cares.

On the crazy Wall Street, apart from Paulson and a few others, it seems that there are not many sober people at this time. Whether it is chatting with people in coffee shops or at investment meetings, Paulson does not tire of shouting to investors. , to make them believe that the U.S. real estate market is facing a great crisis, and to protect their assets in this crisis and make profits, shorting CDOs is the best choice for huge profits.

However, there are very few believers in the prosperous times, and Paulson seems to have fallen into a lonely black hole.

Moreover, the real estate market is still prosperous, which makes Paulson's new fund that is short on real estate unfavorable, but the hole is getting bigger and bigger. At the end of 2005, Paulson is now in 2005. It was negative 0.84%, compared with the S&P 500's gain of 4.9% over the same period.

This gap made Paulson feel a little confused and hopeless.

At this moment, Paulson inadvertently saw a small piece of news about Baidu shareholders selling Baidu shares in the newspaper, and the name written on the shareholder suddenly reminded him of the Las Vegas casino encounter a year ago. The Chinese guy who arrived.

Paulson called the Chinese boy "China's Bill Gates" at the time, and he clearly remembered the other person's confident reply that he was Chinese.

A year later, although this name is still unfamiliar to the public, to Wall Street people, this name represents the gold master, and investment banks such as Goldman Sachs have been keeping an eye on several companies behind them, such as Xia, who may face a 337 investigation. The dream shows this enterprise, and many Americans today know this enterprise in China. In a sense, this 337 investigation incident also advertised the Xia Meng brand in the United States.

Thinking of this, Paulson decided to call the other party. At 10 o'clock that night, he made this transoceanic call.

Paulson, who originally thought there was little hope, did not expect that Chen Yizhe, who answered the phone, heard the other party's intention and asked him to come to China to talk about it in detail. Fly from New York, USA to Pengcheng, China.

"It must be that lending experts are blinded by the boom in the real estate market, and investment bonds tied to the real estate market will definitely go wrong." Paulson sat down with Chen Yizhe, and immediately explained his point of view to him.

"In the past two months, I have led a team of 45 people into the market, with the main purpose of analysing the specific information available on individual loans by tracking thousands of home mortgages. However, I was horrified to find that, It's getting harder and harder for lenders to recycle loans!"

"Investors have far underestimated the risks in the mortgage and this market is bound to collapse!" Paulson made his own conclusion directly to Chen Yizhe.

"Although I don't know much about the real estate market in the United States, but I can understand the relevant data you sent me, and I agree with your point of view! This time, it is very simple for you to come to China. I just want to sign a contract with you. Investment agreement." Chen Yizhe's words made Paulson excited. He thought that he would talk for a day and a half like persuading other investors, but he did not expect that after a few words, the other party had already decided to invest.

After receiving the investment guarantee from Chen Yizhe, Paulson, who returned to the United States soon, found that something unexpected happened to him. Ameriquest Mortgage, the largest subprime mortgage loan company in the United States, invested 325 million US dollars, and also began to investigate the inconsistencies in the real estate lending industry. Regulate lending behavior, the news makes Paulson bearish confidence in the real estate lending market firmer.

As a result, Paulson decided to set up a hedge fund specializing in shorting mortgage bonds. Although many investors scoffed at this fund, Chen Yizhe did not hesitate to inject $200 million into the new fund.

Chen Yizhe knows that even in the next 2006, the rate of return of this fund will not necessarily be much, and even in 2006, it will be in a state of loss for a long time, but in 2007 this fund will definitely skyrocket. .

When Chen Yizhe injected 200 million US dollars, he directly said to Paulson, "I believe your judgment, and I also believe my judgment. At the end of 2006, I will inject at least another billion US dollars of funds, you can rest assured to short!"

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