Rebirth 2002: Nano Life

Vol 4 Chapter 23: Another year of April Fools

At the end of 2007, Wang Shi was a guest in "Economic Half Hour" and published "The Inflection Point Theory", calling on the middle class to "wait three or four years before buying a house". This view became a buzzword in the property market in 2008, sweeping the younger generation.

However, Chen Yizhe knew that Wang Shihui, who appeared on CCTV News Channel's "Press Room" program in the second half of this year, once again said that for those who can afford to buy a house, there is no need to wait three or four years.

This is another interpretation of the inflection point theory.

The year 2008 was an inflection point for China, and it was also an inflection point for the fate of countless ordinary Chinese.

Different from the previous life, the turning point of this generation in 2008 started from the Sanlu milk powder incident. The Xiameng Food Laboratory made China's dairy industry completely collapse, and it also made everyone feel sad.

As the big boss of Xiameng Group, Chen Yizhe even said something that people all over the country wanted to hear in an interview with Nanfang Daily: Zero tolerance for the food industry!

And this sentence has also become a buzzword in 2008, and the foreign word "zero tolerance" has also become a concise buzzword this year.

People in China have been attracted by the Sanlu incident, and few people have noticed a new product launched by Xiameng Electronics, which has been brilliant at the ces exhibition this year.

A paper camera that is only 9 mm thin, Xia Meng named it "Super Lens". The media called it another masterpiece of the king of graphene materials - Xiameng Group.

Mobile phone camera modules on the market today generally contain multiple components, such as camera size and fabrication materials, light sensors, and image processing hardware. And the super lens is just composed of graphene and perforated gold surface.

In terms of imaging technology, the super lens is still lacking compared with traditional cameras, but this camera is currently mainly used in mobile phones. With the current imaging technology of mainstream mobile phones, although the "super lens" has only 2 megapixels, the imaging effect is absolutely No worse than the 5 million pixels on the market today.

This is mainly because the "super lens" takes advantage of graphene's unique electronic characteristics, using them to tune the intensity and amplitude of the output light. Graphene plays the role of camera exposure.

For ordinary cameras, the opening time and size of a specific shutter can be mechanically controlled to determine the amount of light entering the device, and more or less light means better or worse imaging noise and dynamic range.

And the superlens controls exposure through a voltage applied to the graphene sheets, without the need for other bulky components, which is why the superlenses are so thin.

Moreover, this product of Xiameng Group also has an adjustable function, which means that it can not only be used to take pictures, but also absorb the amount of light through exposure. As mentioned before, it can also emit terahertz waves. , but this function is still being perfected for the time being.

This year's ces, communication equipment is an important point of the exhibition. As the main part of communication equipment - mobile phone, whether it is music, photography, or as an application of smart terminals, performance will become an important factor in measuring products.

The super lens allowed domestic and foreign mobile phone manufacturers to see the focus and business opportunities of camera phones in the second half of the year. Unfortunately, the high price made many manufacturers stop. However, after this exhibition, Nokia, Sony Ericsson and Apple all placed a certain amount of orders.

The Sanlu incident is still roaring, and the south has begun to suffer from ice and snow disasters on a large scale. The wind and snow such as knives engraved buildings, cars, and even the telephone poles on both sides of the road into ice sculptures.

The catastrophic rain and snow weather in a dramatic way rushed to the army that was about to embark on the Spring Festival.

At the beginning of 2008, the Spring Festival train stopped on the rails, and the crowd of people like the sea was stranded at the Yangcheng Railway Station. Looking down from the air, the wriggling ants panicked. The night gradually shrouded, and most of the time, they could only stop and wander there, waiting for the dawn, frowning.

The snow all over the ground turned into ice, making it difficult to walk, and the way home became a long way off.

On the afternoon of January 13, the first tragedy during the Spring Festival travel occurred at a small railway station. A 19-year-old girl from Anhui Normal University set foot on the road of no return at Anhui Wuhu Railway Station - she was pushed onto the rails by the crazy crowd on the platform.

This is a wake-up call for the massive seasonal migration.

The continuous ice disaster led to the obstruction of various major arteries during the Spring Festival, and it also pushed the first domino of the Chinese Spring Festival. Countless people have homes and cannot return.

The train from Yangcheng to Nanchang has been delayed for two days, and more and more people are stranded at the station. They all come according to the departure time of the train, but they can't wait for the train.

The trains are no longer divided into trains and times, as long as they are in the same direction, they can all get on the train.

In the section of the train heading for Jiangxi, it must stop at every station, and the carriage is full of people. The conductor needs to shout at the top of his voice: "Let go, let the one who arrives at the station go down first, you won't be able to leave if you don't let it go."

This stop is a few hours.

Under the unbearable hunger, they gnawed on the high-priced instant noodles. There was no hot water on the train, not even cold water, and there was no water to soak the instant noodles. There were bursts of blush on the top, it was freezing, and it was also a blessing to be able to go home.

Anyone who can board the car is lucky.

In order to find his girlfriend who was trapped on the Zhuzhou Expressway in Hunan Province due to the road closure due to ice damage. Du Denyong, a young Hunanese working in Xiameng Electronics, decided to walk overnight, drive from Pengcheng to Shaoguan, and then walk from Shaoguan to Zhuzhou, which is more than 400 kilometers away. He walked more than 200 kilometers, which lasted three days and three nights, from Shaoguan to Chenzhou. . Finally, relying on itouch's contact and precise positioning, Du Denyong finally found his girlfriend.

Originally this year's Spring Festival, Chen Yizhe and Xia Yi planned to fly over Hunan after New Year's Eve in Pengcheng as last year. However, even Xia Yi's brother called to dissuade them from such a snow disaster. Finally, they went to Hunan. The plan was cancelled.

In 2008, the once-in-a-century snow disaster affected 20 provinces across the country. The direct economic losses caused by the disaster exceeded RMB 100 billion. 30,000 wild animals under national protection were frozen to death or frostbite in the snow disaster; the affected population has exceeded 100 million.

Although the losses caused by the snow disaster are distressing, some lessons are worth learning.

The accuracy of daily weather forecasts in China is still difficult to reach the level that people expect. Secondly, in terms of meteorological disaster monitoring, there are more domestic weather radars and ground meteorological stations in economically developed areas and cities. Many of the mountains that have been severely affected by the rain, snow and freezing this time are in the mountainous areas, and there are few monitoring equipment, so it is difficult to make changes based on local meteorological elements. more precise forecasts. After the severe situation of the snow disaster appeared, some problems were also exposed.

At 8 pm on February 28th, the "Disaster Relief Charity Gala" after the snow disaster in Pengcheng was grandly held in the studio hall of Pengcheng TV Station. Xiameng Group donated 18 million yuan for this, becoming the company with the most donations in this Pengcheng fundraising event. .

The next day, Xiameng Group and Pengcheng government jointly announced that Xiameng Group will build a supercomputer free of charge for meteorological application units such as Pengcheng Meteorological Bureau and State Oceanic Administration.

The supercomputer to be built is tentatively named "Star No. 1", which belongs to the petaflop supercomputer system. It must be known that the floating-point operations per second of the world's number one supercomputer are teraflops, which is It is said that as long as this computer of Xiameng Group is built, it is likely to be ranked first in the world.

In the plan, the "Xingxing 1" computing cluster part will be in the form of high-density blade servers, including 12 racks and 92 5U-height knife boxes, each of which contains 14 based on the latest "Xingxing 3" launched last year. "Processor blade server, the overall system will use more than 1,000 "Planet 3" processors.

If "Planet 0" and "Planet 1" are dedicated chips for mobile consumer electronics, then "Planet 2" launched in 2006 and "Planet 3" launched in 2007 are dedicated chips for PCs and servers. Compared with "No. 0" and "No. 1", "No. 2" and "No. 3" have a substantial increase in power consumption, but in exchange, the performance is greatly enhanced.

And the good news is that Yide's chip 3D printing project has finally taken shape. It has been confirmed that the first chip 3D printer will be initially completed. This is the most exciting news within Xiameng Group after entering 2008.

Once the 3D printer is completed, Xia Meng can loudly announce that Xia Meng has initially entered the era of carbon-based electronics.

Chen Yizhe believes that chip 3D printing is definitely a product of an era, which will also make the energy consumption of the original silicon-based "planet" series chips change dramatically.

It is also because of this that Xia Meng dared to announce that he would donate a supercomputer for Pengcheng. In fact, it was also to advertise in advance for the next carbon-based chip.

The "Stellar" cluster is interconnected by Gigabit Ethernet, including 2 S55 switches and 1 E600 Its 64-bit double-precision floating-point computing peak capacity exceeds 300TFlops.

Although Xia Meng Group never seems to have said that it has carried out research work on supercomputer projects, when Xia Meng Group announced the news, most people believed that Xia Meng Group had this ability, whether it was software or software. In terms of hardware, Xiameng Group is a first-class technology company in the world.

Moreover, Xia Meng Group's Internet security performance is notoriously impregnable. I have never heard of any hacker intruding into Xia Meng Group's internal network. You must know that Xia Meng Group's internal network is connected to the external network 24 hours a day, so it is so powerful. All people believe that Xiameng Group must have a supercomputer to sit in.

But who could have guessed that the Xiameng Group is not a supercomputer, but a super artificial intelligence, although it does not have self-awareness like Black Widow. But in Chen Yizhe's view, Apocalypse, which belongs to the pan-conscious body, is more powerful and safer than Black Widow.

April 1st, April Fool's Day.

On this day, someone made a joke to Chen Yizhe, and it took eight people a few months to plan and design it.

At about 9 o'clock in the morning, Chen Yizhe drove to the underground parking lot of the Science and Technology Park.

When I first got to the elevator, I saw that there was a commercial vehicle on the side passage of the elevator. Two people were moving in and out of the elevator room to carry boxes, and I felt very busy.

Chen Yizhe didn't notice anything at all. After entering the elevator, he found that there were two people in the elevator. When the two saw Chen Yizhe coming in, they immediately attacked him left and right.

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