Rebirth 2002: Nano Life

Vol 5 Chapter 1: transport ship attacked

In the early morning of November 1, 2009. ?шщЩ

6 degrees north latitude, 128 degrees east longitude.

A place in the waters southeast of the Philippines.

At this time, it was raining and foggy, and the transport ship owned by Youlian was quietly driving on the slightly calm sea. The transport ship contained some materials and equipment from China, which were mainly transported to Menggu for the construction of the main buildings on the island.

This is a 9,000,000-ton deck transport ship "Mingyuan". It is a patented intelligent ship with double tail fins independently developed by Youlian Shipyard. It is a self-propelled transport barge in an unlimited navigation area. The width is 25 meters, the depth is 8 meters, and the load capacity is 9,000 tons.

Because the "Mingyuan" is equipped with an intelligent shipping system, the crew on board is correspondingly much less than other ships, only 25. At this time in the early morning, there were only two crew members on duty, and most of the other crew members had rested.

The two crew members on duty were young, one was only 23 years old and the other was only 22 years old. Regardless of their young age, they started running at sea when they were not even 18 years old.

After Youlian Shipyard was acquired by Xia Meng, Chen Yizhe specially set up a marine transportation team, and the crew's treatment was about 30 higher than that of the same industry, so the two joined Youlian's transportation crew last year.

At this time, since the transport ship is installed with the ship operation and maintenance system (sos) and the intelligent navigation system developed by Xiameng Group, it basically realizes the functions of intelligent navigation, intelligent engine room, intelligent energy efficiency management, etc., and also makes the ship operation more efficient. It meets the needs of the current era for safety, environmental protection and economy.

This intelligent transport ship is built by Youlian based on advanced perception technology, processing analysis and control technology. It has the functions of auxiliary decision-making, remote control and intelligent control.

For example, now the "navigation operation" of the transport ship is fully authorized to the autonomous controller, and the controller controls the ship's speed, track and course without human intervention.

For those on duty, the most important thing is to pay attention to the reminders of the system. Generally speaking, even if there is no one on duty, there is no big problem.

Therefore, at this time, the two crew members on duty, who felt that they had nothing to do, played online games.

The two young crew members are holding the itouch series, and the game they are playing is a casual game developed by Xiameng Internet Technology earlier this year, called "Minecraft".

This is a game that Xia Meng purchased from abroad for nearly 50 million US dollars in the middle of last year. This game was already very popular in the market when it was tested on the PC side. However, when Chen Yizhe decided to spend 50 million to acquire the game At the time, many people thought it was incredible.

After the game was acquired by Chen Yizhe, Chen Yizhe did not modify the game's screen, mechanism and mode, but made high-intensity optimization for the NPC intelligence inside.

At the beginning of this year, Xia Meng launched the official version of the game, and only the version of the ixl system, the pc system will be launched in 10 years.

Within a month of launching the game, the sandbox game has surpassed the two million mark in sales.

And one of Chen Yizhe's fans even created an od named "Construction Dream Valley". In the words of a fan, "My husband is building an island, and we have to build it too!"

And now, the two personnel on duty on the Mingyuan ship are playing this od.

Just when the two were enjoying themselves, suddenly, the system voice suddenly issued a warning, "There is an object in the north latitude and east longitude that is rapidly approaching!"

The two hurriedly put down the game in their hands and looked at the radar screen. There was indeed an unknown object approaching quickly over the hull, and not one or two red dots, but at least ten red dots.

The two immediately looked in the direction indicated by the system, but the sea in the early morning was so dark that they basically couldn't see anything, and all they could hear was the collision of the Mingyuan and the ocean waves.

At this time, the two hurriedly notified the captain and all the members of the ship.

As soon as the alarm was sent out, the two heard a huge explosion from the deck. Suddenly, the "Mingyuan" was on fire, and the hull began to shake violently.

"There are pirates!" The two of them immediately shouted into the radio with a hoarse voice.

Only at this time, the ship's high-frequency radio happened to be destroyed by artillery, and the communication on the ship was cut off.

At this time, the two were horrified to see that on the dark sea, more than a dozen small ships were firing at them, and they were still using artillery and machine guns.

At this time, all the crew members on the ship were already up. Many of the crew members were swept away by machine guns as soon as they came out of the cabin, and fell directly into the pool of blood.

Some of the crew disappeared from sight of both of them directly after the shells.

The captain even shouted loudly in English on the deck, "We are Chinese, this is a Chinese transport ship!"

However, the other party ignored it, so all the surviving crew members could only jump into the sea to survive, including the two young crew members on duty. About a dozen people were struggling in the water next to a life raft.

However, the pirates did not let them go, and several small ships swayed their spotlights and drove in the direction of the life raft.

People wearing life jackets with reflective logos were the first to suffer. After a burst of shooting, the blood turned black in the dark, and several people died on the spot.

The captain shouted at this time, "We are Chinese, don't hurt us!" Then he turned around and shouted, "Take off all the life jackets on your body!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the captain was shot in the head.

The machine guns were still constantly sweeping towards the sea, and the artillery not far away was also shelling the Mingyuan, not tying hostages or robbing things, as if they came here purely for destruction.

Half an hour after being bombed, the hull of the "Mingyuan" began to tilt.

Then the attackers sped away, and at this time a few sailors with excellent water dived out of the water, crying the names of their companions.

However, there was silence on the dark sea, and no one heard any echoes!

The news of the attack on the "Mingyuan" was not reported back to China until more than ten hours later. The relevant domestic departments requested to immediately negotiate with the Philippine side to find the whereabouts of the missing persons.

As soon as Chen Yizhe, who was far away in Dream Valley, heard the news, he immediately made a satellite phone call to the 5 surviving crew members. However, after connecting the phone, many crew members could not utter a word and just kept crying.

A few days later, the Chinese personnel who went to deal with it sent back a message saying that some of the corpses recovered one after another were severely mutilated, and some only had half a face, and their condition was appalling.

In this attack, a total of 20 Chinese sailors were killed or missing. As soon as the news in China came out, there was shock and anger.

The spokesperson of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said: "The Chinese government has sent a working group to meet the rescued Chinese crew. After the resettlement, physical examination, psychological counseling and other work, the rescued Chinese compatriots will return to the motherland as soon as possible under the **** of the working group of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Reunited with relatives. Here, the Chinese government would like to express its sincere thanks to all the agencies and personnel involved in the rescue, and its heartfelt blessings to the rescued crew members. At the same time, it would like to express its heavy condolences to the 20 crew members who died unfortunately, and to their families. With deep condolences, we are appalled by the inhumane brutality of the killer and strongly condemn this brutal act of terrorism."

This is China's consistent diplomatic language. Only verbal condemnation always makes people feel a sense of moaning powerlessness.

For this incident, in addition to his great anger, Chen Yizhe is even more self-blame. The Mingyuan ship has been transported back and forth twice. In the previous two times, Chen Yizhe actually asked Hormitz to follow. This time, because some constructions on the seabed of the island required the cooperation of Hormitz, and the previous two times had been peaceful, so Chen Yizhe Hormitz did not covertly protect him.

The past few years have been going smoothly in China, except for the kidnapping against him a few years ago, but that incident was just an example. The domestic security environment was so good that he ignored the uneven situation abroad.

Moreover, the strength of Xia Meng and the subversive inventions in the electronics industry in recent years have made foreign companies take it as a thorn in their side, and they can't wait to get rid of it. In this attack, the attackers only killed and destroyed, but did not take away the slightest bit. , which is likely to be a retaliatory act.

After investigation by China and the Philippines, it was found that the attack was most likely from the Philippine terrorist organization Abu Sayyaf.

The Philippines is mainly Catholic, but there are many believers in the southern region. Abu Sayyaf is a small group of extremist armed forces entrenched in the southern Philippines. Its goal is to establish an independent state on the southern island of Mindanao.

It has gradually become active since the early 1990s, and currently has about 200 to 400 members and is known for its brutality. It once kidnapped many foreigners in the Philippines, released the hostages if they had money, and ripped up votes if they had no money, but this attack on the Mingyuan was the first such massacre.

The analysis of people at home and abroad also speculated that it was Chen Yizhe's business competitor who had poisoned the Mingyuan, and even Chen Yizhe himself thought so.

However, a few days later, Abu Sayyaf revealed that they were responsible for the terrorist attack, mainly in retaliation for a batch of drones sold by Xia Meng to the Philippine military, which caused a large number of casualties in the organization.

Xia Meng's quadcopter drone costs about $4,000, weighs 39 kilograms, and can stay in the air for about 100 minutes per can fly as far as 4,000 meters away from the operator. And using a Xiameng supporting ipad device, the operator can observe the scene under the fuselage of the drone with 1280p resolution.

Although the price of Xia Meng's consumer drone is not cheap, it is more powerful than professional drones in terms of performance, and it is very cheap compared to the price of professional drones.

Since its launch, Xia Meng's drone has been selling well in the global market. After all, Xia Meng's p2p communication technology is a bit outrageous. Coupled with the graphene lithium battery, it is both in terms of distance and durability. It is stronger than the drones on the market, and this is the reason why the Philippine military purchased these drones from Xia Meng at a high price.

On the 6th, some online media suddenly broke the news that this time Xia Meng paid 5 million yuan in compensation to the family of the deceased. As soon as the news came out, the whole country was in uproar. So this year, many people will say something like this, "You have to go to Xia Meng's company for part-time work. That's really treating you like a human being! The salary was high during his lifetime, and even if his family members died, he would be a little comforted."

When a reporter interviewed Chen Yizhe whether it was true, Chen Yizhe did not answer directly, he just said, "In my eyes, human life is the most valuable thing and the cheapest thing. For example, my dead employees are of high value, and Those terrorists are the cheapest thing in my eyes! I believe that justice will never be late!"

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