Rebirth 2002: Nano Life

Vol 5 Chapter 9: Elected academicians in private enterprises

The Xiameng Headquarters Building has a "30" character structure, with three vertical and one horizontal four buildings, and the cylindrical building from the 25th floor to the 48th floor is the horizontal one. It is said to be from the 25th floor to the 48th floor. There are only 6 floors, and the height of each floor exceeds 18 meters.

This building is called the aerial ecological corridor by many media. It is a green ecological barrier and ecological network space simulated by Xiameng Group.

When the internal structure of Xia Meng's headquarters building was exposed by the media, people could only sigh that Xia Meng was too rich, and used almost one building to create a "green paradise" ecosystem, making this building made of cold steel mixed with cold steel. The construction of the solidified soil becomes full of life.

In recent years, Xia Meng has collected plants from greenhouses around the world and brought them back to Xia Meng's headquarters building. Rivers, waterfalls and towering green walls allow employees to enter a tranquil space like a tropical forest, where they can gather to work in "tree houses" surrounded by natural beauty.

This ecological corridor building can only accommodate 800 employees, which is the one with the smallest number of employees among the four buildings.

In order to build this ecological corridor, a total of 6,620 tons of steel and 19,443 tons of concrete were used, which is almost three-quarters of the other three building materials. The parts facing the sky are made of tempered glass, and some load-bearing parts are made of tempered glass. The graphene glass structure was used to create a complete structure, which shows how amazing the black technology of Xiameng headquarters in materials.

The southern exterior wall is a checkerboard made of graphene solar panels attached to the glass windows. Its thick concrete load-bearing walls help the building regulate its temperature, while deeply recessed glazing reduces the need for shading even in direct sunlight. The north-facing façade is almost a monolithic glass body. The building's signature chamfered volume acts as a sound buffer while flooding the atrium and workspace with sunlight.

Although Lin Xiaolin was shocked when he looked at the exterior of the building at Xia Meng's headquarters, it was more because of the grandeur of the building. When Lin Xiaolin came to the ecological corridor for the first time after entering Xia Meng's third day, he really felt it. to an unprecedented shock.

Being in the sun, surrounded by nature's flowers, plants and trees, and breathing fresher air than any place Lin Xiaolin has visited at home and abroad, this feeling suddenly filled Lin Xiaolin's heart with a strong sense of happiness.

Chen Yizhe's concept is to create a green and biologically diverse space, and the entire ecological design is completed by Apocalypse. More than 90,000 (900 species) plants fill the various spaces of the ecological corridor, and the climate environment of each space is different. Regulated by Apocalypse, each space constitutes the entire ecological corridor system.

Moreover, there are not only flowers and trees here, but also rivers, waterfalls, water and land tanks, and a banyan tree with a height of nearly 16 meters, which is the highest object in this ecological corridor.

The construction of the ecological corridor is still going on. According to Apocalypse's plan, animals will be introduced into the ecological chain after one year. Of course, small animals, such as insects and birds.

When Yang Zhihao saw this plan, he even made fun of Chen Yizhe, saying that he might as well find a place with a good environment in the countryside and buy a large area for office.

Chen Yizhe just smiled and didn't speak at the time. The plan of the ecological corridor was one of his experiments. In the future, he would directly introduce submarine cities, and even in the further future, he might also use this ecology to transform extraterrestrial planet.

The construction cost of Xiameng Headquarters Building has exceeded the budget by a lot. When building the air ecological corridor, the total investment so far has exceeded 900 million US dollars, which makes people feel that Xiameng Group has deep pockets.

For Xia Meng's employees, a workspace full of plant life can make them more creative and more productive. At this moment, Lin Xiaolin was working in one of the spaces, and her meeting with Chen Yizhe just now made her a little frustrated.

Because it doesn't seem to be what she imagined.

He is indeed much more mature than he was in high school. Even if he doesn't say a word and smiles lightly, he can make people feel his majesty.

This kind of majesty is conferred by wealth and power. Anyone who controls a business empire of hundreds of billions will definitely be unable to look directly at the halo behind him.

It's a pity that he will soon be someone else's husband!

"Ah? What am I thinking about right now?" Lin Xiaolin spat at himself, and his cheeks flushed all of a sudden, and his ears felt a little hot.

Lin Xiaolin patted his face with his hand and encouraged himself, "Concentrate and work hard! You are still two million away." Then he took a deep breath, picked up Imeng and started working hard to move forward according to today's plan.

This Imeng is very important to Xia Meng's employees. It is the passport to enter the "Xia Meng Headquarters Building Internal System". Use it to find colleagues, adjust the heating, or manage your fitness program. Xiameng employees can even use it to order themselves a lunch and dinner recipe and fresh ingredients for a delicious treat after a hard day's work.

The Xiameng Headquarters Building has a super-large fitness center on the ecological corridor. The fitness center in Imeng encourages employees to exercise here during their lunch break. Just swipe your phone at the check-in place, and the gym's app will automatically track the employee's fitness progress. Many of the fitness equipment inside will use the energy generated by employees when they exercise. The energy generated by employees will become points, and these points can even be exchanged for some products of Xiameng Group that have not been mass-produced for the time being.

For example, a female employee exchanged her points for a graphene mask, a test product of Xiameng Medical. A week later, the female employee looked as if she was several years younger and exercised more diligently.

In short, there are too many strange things in Xiameng Group, and most of them are very valuable things, which also motivates the staff of Xiameng Group to diligently embark on the road of fitness.

Just after Lin Xiaolin worked hard for a while, suddenly, the Imeng assigned by the company to her rang.

"Xiao Qi"'s voice reminder sounded, "Hi, you have a friend request reminder! Please check it out."

Hearing "Xiao Qi"'s reminder, Lin Xiaolin was not surprised. Since she entered Xia Meng, there have been too many applications to add her as a friend. You must know that the 3D avatars of newly added employees will be available for several days. Appears on the home page of Xia Meng's internal system network. It's normal for someone who looks like Lin Xiaolin to be popular.

There is a dedicated communication software within the Xiameng Group, which is the enterprise version of pp, called mm, and employees must be connected through adding friends. Therefore, Lin Xiaolin will receive a large number of friend requests, and the most one day, this There are hundreds of friend requests.

After all, she was a colleague of the company, so Lin Xiaolin basically passed, but normally, if the other party asked her to chat, she would just ignore it.

This time, she habitually chose "pass". After putting down the phone, she suddenly picked up the phone and looked at it.

I saw that the picture that applied for her as a friend this time was a circle sign, and the nickname was written: Dr. Chen!

When he came to work on the first day, Lin Xiaolin heard that Chen Yizhe's nickname in MM was Dr. Chen.

Although Chen Yizhe dropped out of high school in the first year of high school, his achievements, even the title of academician given to him by the state is not an exaggeration. Last year, 41-year-old Deng Zhonghan, the chairman of his friend Zhongxingwei Group, was elected as the Chinese Academy of Engineering. academician.

After that, it caused a lot of discussion on the Internet. The content of the discussion was why the boss of Xiameng Group couldn't get the title of academician?

For a long time, it has been a common practice to produce academicians of the two academies (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Engineering) from scientific research institutes, colleges and universities, and large state-owned enterprises.

As a result, netizens have criticized the China Association for Science and Technology.

"Let's just talk about the discovery of graphene. If Chen's husband was from Europe and the United States, he would have won the Nobel Prize. You must know that graphene was discovered by Chen's husband at the end of 2002. After that, New methods for preparing graphene emerge in an endless stream. However, when others are still thinking about the thinning of their hair, Chen Yizhe has invented a variety of new graphene materials! If the Nobel Prize does not nominate Chen husband because of his If you have skin problems, it would be unreasonable for the Chinese academician not to nominate Chen Husband."

"I think it may be that my husband is too young, and it is estimated that he will be able to get it after more than ten years."

"Damn, Deng Zhonghan is only 41 years old, how did he get it? If the award depends on age, then this award might as well be named China Science Nursing Home."

"Let's not talk about graphene for the time being, carbon-based chips are so awesome, forcing the semiconductor industry all over the world to mourn ~ Some related equipment products that were originally banned by the Wassenaar Agreement are also fully banned in China. When the sales are released, some state-owned enterprises may think that foreign **** is fragrant. When they started to advocate carbon-based integrated circuits in China, they turned around and spent huge sums of money to support foreign shit. It’s not that Chen’s husband can’t get academicians. It is estimated that some domestic People don't want to see husband Chen good!"

"Hey, don't be angry, it is estimated that my husband doesn't want to be an academician himself. Everyone has the money to buy a country, and the academician has a bird for him!"

Under the criticism of netizens, in January this year, the China Association for Science and Technology for the first time explicitly encouraged the selection of academicians from private enterprises. At the beginning of the nomination of academician candidates, the "Notice of the General Office of the China Association for Science and Technology on Organizing the Selection of Academician Candidates of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering in 2010" clearly stated that the relevant national societies "must pay special attention to the selection of academician candidates of the Chinese Academy of Engineering". Engineering science and technology experts who have made major achievements and contributions in technological innovation of enterprises, especially grassroots and private enterprises”, the provincial association for science and technology “should pay special attention to, discover and select those who have made major achievements and contributions in technological innovation of grassroots and private enterprises. This is the first time in a relevant document that it is clearly proposed to encourage the selection of academicians from private enterprises.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see at a glance that this year Chen Yizhe will definitely occupy a place for a Chinese academician.

It can be seen how much influence Chen Yizhe has at the grassroots level in China today!

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