Rebirth 2002: Nano Life

Vol 5 Chapter 49: The first big car accident of chasing dreams

Since the beginning of the new century, the development of the global automobile industry, especially the European and American markets, is almost at a standstill. In sharp contrast, China's car ownership and market size have continued to grow in recent years. According to the data of China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, the sales volume in 2010 was 18 million, which continued to be the first in the world, with a year-on-year increase of 32.37%.

At the same time, for the whole year of 2010, the annual sales volume of the automobile giant-the United States was only 10 million, down 11.8% year-on-year. Such a large decline shows that the US economy is much worse than Chen Yizhe's previous life. After all, as the core of electronic products, the cornerstone of the information industry, integrated circuits are also a strategic, fundamental and leading industry for modern economic and social development. This has dealt a very big blow to the real economy of the United States.

From the perspective of car sales data, with such data support, it can be said that the growth engine of the world's automobiles has gradually shifted from the European and American markets to China.

It is a pity that in such a huge market, it can be seen that the top-ranked sales brands are not joint ventures with foreign investment, and Chinese independent brands are still low-end and cheap.

China's auto industry is just big, not strong.

China's auto industry started too late, and the government was eager to achieve success, so it took the shortcut of a joint venture. Originally, it wanted to use the market for technology, but the core technology was always mastered by foreign parties. In the end, the technology was not learned, and the market was lost.

In addition to technical problems, domestic administrative power is excessively intervening in the industry. State-owned enterprises' automobiles occupy most of the resources, which is not conducive to the development of private enterprises. One of the biggest problems of state-owned enterprises is the lack of driving force. Not much either!

The 3,000-car delivery of Dream Chasing received extremely high evaluations. At the end of August, Dream Chasing appeared on the cover of the latest issue of the British BBC's "Automobile Test Report" magazine.

Magazine cover headline: "Unveiling the future of driving, it may lead us into the world of tomorrow".

The British media gave a very high evaluation of Dream Chasing, and some media even predicted that Xia Meng's car would be like the imeng, and its final sales would not be very large. But it is a benchmark, and its technology will definitely support China's domestic independent car brands, thus slowly eating up the car share of China and even the whole world.

The evaluation of the British media is correct, because several major domestic automakers are discussing with Xia Meng about the transfer of battery technology and driving system authorization.

With Xia Meng's disruption in the automotive industry, foreign brands used to put "mature" products in China, but with the emergence of Dream Chasing, this behavior will no longer have any market appeal. Under pressure, foreign companies will bring the most advanced products and technologies to the Chinese market.

In actual use, Dream Chasing brings a very good sense of experience to users. But the bad part is that although Xia Meng is constantly laying solar charging piles in the morning, China is too big, and more than 30,000 charging piles have been built. Xia Meng is mostly concentrated in first-tier cities and important highway fueling outlets superior.

With only more than 30,000 solar charging piles, Xia Meng has invested more than one billion yuan. Once it is popularized across the country, there will be basically no results without tens of billions.

Xia Meng is not afraid that the investment will eventually go to waste. Once Xia Meng's battery technology spreads, the final charging pile standard will bring great profits.

Some people may ask why Xia Meng's products always become instant hits. It seems that any product does not have much problem for Xia Meng.

In fact, this is because after the apocalypse, many products have actually been simulated tens of millions of times in the apocalypse, and basically big problems have been solved long before the product is finalized.

On September 2, the first serious car accident finally occurred among the 3,000 Dream Chasers delivered.

This car accident happened in Guancheng, and the dream-seeking car owner is also considered a disaster. At 3 a.m., the 27-year-old driver of a limited-edition Ferrari was racing at a speed of more than 150 km/h in the middle of the night. Because of the speed, he ran a red light and ran into Dream Chaser, who was passing horizontally at the intersection. Crash into the co-pilot position of Dream Chaser. At that time, there were two people in the dream-chasing car, and a Japanese customer of the owner was sitting in the driving position. He had just picked him up from the airport.

If it hits at this speed, it is estimated that an ordinary domestic car would be directly smashed by a Ferrari. However, Dream Chasing is not an ordinary car. Its material has a strong anti-collision ability, which is comparable to aviation materials. Therefore, the end result was that the co-pilot of Dream Chasing was slightly dented, and the whole car was smashed into a circle by the impact force.

After Ferrari and Chasing Meng collided violently, they also circled, and finally stopped when they hit a big tree. The four wheels flew directly out of ten or twenty meters, the parts were scattered all over the place, and the front of the car was terribly sunken.

The accident drove both cars into the sidewalk. Fortunately, the incident happened in the suburbs late at night and no pedestrians were injured. However, due to the serious damage to the Ferrari, the driver in the driver's seat left on the spot.

It is said that the Ferrari driver liked to drive late at night, and his motto was: "Life is only once, taste the splendor of the world!"

Really, life is as short as that 9 million red Ferrari sports car!

This car accident has attracted the attention of domestic netizens. Netizens have only one comment on the behavior of the Ferrari owner, which is courting death. However, what surprised netizens even more was that in this car accident, the hit party suffered such a violent collision, but the two passengers in the car only suffered minor injuries.

"Uh, this is too fake, isn't it?"

"Is this Ferrari made of paper?"

" It's not that Ferrari is made of paper, it's just that compared to Dream Chasing, it is made of paper. Last week, a guy driving an X5 chased after my Dream Chasing, and I was so scared that I got off immediately. When I checked the car, I saw that the headlights of the x5 were sunken, and my dream-chasing seemed to be fine! At that time, the owner of the x5 said on the spot that he was going to sell this BMW to buy the dream-chasing!”

"Wow, Xia Meng's navy is here again! Could it be that chasing dreams is made by diamonds? You have to make drafts for bragging!"

"Dream Chasing's shell is mainly composed of high-strength carbon fiber steel and graphene glass, both of which are comparable to aerospace materials, and the anti-collision ability has long been said to be extremely strong!"

"I saw an interview with the richest man before. He said that in 2015, Xia Meng's car accident will be zero deaths! I thought that this result would be achieved. Before 2015, Xia Meng was going to stop building cars. It seems too much. Underestimate the richest man!"

"Let's not say anything else, this car accident, a large number of wealthy people in China who are afraid of death will definitely buy Dream Chasing. In this second round of pre-sale, the sales volume of Dream Chasing is estimated to increase significantly! Alas, it's good to be a rich man !"

"I'm worried that some people will drive a dream chase in the future!"

"Dude, don't think too much, make more money and buy one too!"

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