After Zhao Man finished her report, Ye Yunzhou signaled the financial director Su Qing to start reporting.

Zhao Man nodded and said, “Dear partners, Alphabet Company currently has more than 31 million RMB in its financial account. In the past half month, the company’s marketing expenses have reached 6 million RMB, server rental 4 million RMB, and the technical department’s expenses are about 500,000 RMB.”

“At the same time, the funds taken away by the two groups of students in the United States and Europe to establish branches are 4 million RMB respectively. As for the company’s daily expenses, the amount is relatively small, about 200,000 RMB.”

After Zhao Man finished her report, Ye Yunzhou nodded slightly.

Ye Yunzhou was still satisfied with the marketing expenses. It cost 6 million to increase Facebook’s users to more than 6.5 million. The average marketing cost of each additional user is less than 1 RMB, which is simply too cost-effective.

As for server rental, this is necessary. Only with sufficient server support can the user experience be improved. As for the technical department, there are no new product development projects for the time being. The main thing is the maintenance of Facebook and the expansion of some new functions of, so the cost is not high.

Seeing that Ye Yunzhou didn’t say anything, Zhao Man continued: “According to the financial budget, the funds in the company’s account can only support two months at most.”

After Zhao Man finished speaking, everyone frowned slightly.

Ye Yunzhou saw it and said slowly: “Don’t worry about the problem of funds. Just advance the development of the company according to the normal plan.”

The company is indeed developing too fast at present, and the consumption of funds is also extremely alarming.

If it is an ordinary start-up company, it really can’t afford this kind of consumption. However, Ye Yunzhou is different. The account of Hongxin Capital managed by his father Ye Zhenting still has more than 200 million funds.

After hearing Ye Yunzhou’s words, everyone’s brows finally relaxed. These people are all start-ups of the company, and of course they don’t want the company to have problems.

After the financial director Su Qing finished the report, it was the customer service director Zhao Yutong who reported on the work related to the customer service department.

The customer service department does not have many problems for the time being. It mainly solves some customer consultation problems. Generally speaking, it is doing a good job.

After everyone finished reporting, Ye Yunzhou began to assign new tasks to everyone. Xu Liuyang had just joined, so he didn’t need to report for the time being.

“Everyone, you have all played with blogs, right?”

Seeing everyone’s confused faces, only Xu Liuyang and Xu Lei were thoughtful.

“Dr. Xu Liuyang, please introduce blogs to everyone.” Ye Yunzhou said to Xu Liuyang.

Xu Liuyang nodded and said, “Blog, the full name of which is “weblog”, is an online diary form that publishes personal or collective information, opinions and content on the Internet. Blogs were originally used as a tool to record personal daily life, work or study experiences, and later gradually developed into a wide range of information publishing and communication platforms.”

Xu Liuyang paused, and seeing that everyone was looking at him seriously, he continued, “Justin Hall is considered the originator of blogs. He began to record his life on the Internet in 1994. In 1997, Jorn Barger first used the word “blog” to describe this form of online diary. In 1999, blogs became popular and many blog platforms emerged, such as Blogger and LiveJournal. Currently in Europe and the United States, blogs have become an important way to publish and communicate information on the Internet, and many celebrities and companies have also begun to use blogs for publicity and communication. ”

After Xu Liuyang finished speaking, Ye Yunzhou continued: “Dr. Xu’s introduction just now was very detailed. The product we are going to make next is a platform similar to a blog, but it is fundamentally different from a blog.”

After Ye Yunzhou finished speaking, he saw that everyone was listening attentively, and then continued: “I plan to call this product Twitter. This product is similar to blogs in terms of form, content, and interactive methods. There will be essential differences. ”

“First, the length of the content. Twitter’s content length is limited to 140 characters, which is more conducive to publishing short and fast information and updates. ”

“Second, in the form of content. Twitter mainly publishes text information, and we will gradually support multimedia content such as pictures, videos, GIFs and links in the future. ”

“Also, in terms of interaction methods. I envision that Twitter’s interaction will be mainly carried out through “retweets”, “comments” and “likes”, and users can respond quickly and participate in discussions. ”

Seeing that everyone was taking notes seriously, Ye Yunzhou paused for a while and continued: “Finally, in terms of audience positioning, Twitter’s audience will be very wide, suitable for rapid dissemination and attracting a lot of attention, and suitable for celebrities, companies and media to promote brands and release information. This will also facilitate the commercialization of our subsequent productsMonetization. ”

After seeing Ye Yunzhou finish speaking, Xu Lei asked a topic that everyone was very interested in.

“President, why is the product called Twitter? I think it is more vivid to call it microblog.”

Ye Yunzhou nodded, affirmed his questioning spirit, and answered: “First of all, we make this product to distinguish it from blogs. If we name it microblog, the public will think we are plagiarizing blogs, which is not conducive to brand building.”

“Secondly, why is it called Twitter? Twitter is actually a bird call. The characteristics of this bird call are short, frequent and fast, which is in line with the connotation of the website. Therefore, I chose Twitter as the name of the website. ”

Everyone nodded, which was regarded as approving this explanation.

“The development of this product is fully led by Dr. Xu Liuyang. If you encounter technical problems, you can find me. Of course, the application of related patents and intellectual property rights must be taken seriously. ”

Xu Liuyang nodded, and began to feel secretly happy. He didn’t expect that he could lead the development of a flagship product just after joining.

For Ye Yunzhou, Twitter can only be regarded as one of the core products of Alphabet, and it is not a flagship product. Facebook is the company’s flagship product.

Facebook was written by Ye Yunzhou with the help of Jarvis. More than 100 patents and other intellectual property rights have been applied for. This kind of product that is destined to be popular all over the world is worthy of Ye Yunzhou’s personal writing.

Seeing Xu Liuyang’s confidence, Ye Yunzhou continued: “In addition, I plan to set up a studio under the company. This studio will mainly develop games. The name of the studio is ‘Hahayou Game Studio’. This studio will be temporarily led by Dr. Xu Liuyang. ”

“Zhao Man, your HR department should quickly staff ‘Hahayou’ according to the job configuration for making games. ”

Xu Liuyang and Zhao Man nodded quickly after hearing this, and recorded Ye Yunzhou’s request in their notebooks.

Why did Ye Yunzhou want to make games? Because games make money. At present, the domestic game market in Daxia is mostly occupied by games from South Korea and Japan, and a large amount of profits are earned by these countries.

As a reborn person, how could he allow such a thing to continue to happen? Since games are so profitable, letting others make money is also making money, and letting Ye Yunzhou make money is also making money, so why can’t Ye Yunzhou make money?

Ye Yunzhou’s idea is to quickly realize the money through games, and then invest the money earned into chip manufacturing, smart phones, electric vehicles and other real industries. While making money for himself, he can also drive the development of Xiaguo’s industry and increase the employment rate.

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