Rebirth 2003

Chapter 100: Unexpected disaster

   After Lu Yang finished writing a chapter in the evening, and habitually posted today's second update on the Internet, he found that several readers asked the readers in the book review area.

   Reader Yu Yubing asked in the post: Wen Chou is great! Is there a readership? What is the group number?

   Lu Yang clicked on this post and saw the following three posts.

  Rhine Wind and Blood occupies the second floor, and asks the same question: Please reader group number!

   Temperament Ming occupies the third floor and wrote: The boss does not seem to have established a readership group. It is strongly recommended that the boss establish a group so that we book fans can have a place to communicate with each other.

   Shuang Jue Tianxia is on the fourth floor, and he also wrote: Boss Q`Q can't build a group? How about I contribute one to the boss!

Posts like    have not been once or twice since Lu Yang wrote "The Doomsday Wasteland".

   But before, Lu Yang ignored it.

   It's not because Lu Yang didn't throw off readers, but because Lu Yang wrote novels for so many years in his previous life and built several reader groups. As a result, they all gradually became dead groups because of poor management, and eventually disbanded one by one.

   Lu Yang didn't want to repeat it again.

   However, seeing this post again tonight, Lu Yang feels a little embarrassed.

   The opener Yu Yubing has made such a post five or six times, and the time span is at least three or four months. Lu Yang was embarrassed to continue to ignore his request.

   After thinking about it, Lu Yang landed on Q`Q and sent a message to Haiyang, the same table king in high school.

Just as the reader Qin Ming guessed, Lu Yang’s Q`Q didn’t take a long time, and his level wasn’t enough to build a group, but Lu Yang knew that Wang Haiyang had been playing Q`Q since his sophomore year. `Q hangs on the Internet to upgrade. I don't know how much higher the level is than Lu Yang. His Q`Q can definitely build a group.

   As expected, Wang Haiyang responded shortly after the message was sent.

   "Why do you want a group?"

   "Useful, build one for me now!"

  Q`Q group can be given as a gift. Lu Yang knows this. Before writing a book, several readers have given it to him.

   "Okay! Wait a while, I will build it now!"

   Wang Haiyang and Lu Yang have a very good relationship. They used to be at the same table and lived in the same dormitory. They wear school uniforms casually. You wear mine today and I will wear yours tomorrow. It's normal.

After listening to Lu Yang’s request, although Lu Yang didn’t say what he wanted the group to do, he still agreed with one bite. A few minutes later, Lu Yang received a reminder that Wang Haiyang gave a group called "Give You" as a gift. Lu Yang.

   Lu Yang smiled when he saw this strange group name.

   wrote back to Wang Haiyang on Q`Q, "Thank you!"

   Wang Haiyang also returned two words casually-Xie Mao!

   After graduating from high school, the two did not meet again. Lu Yang suddenly missed him. If Lu Yang hadn't insisted on choosing the same university as Feng Tingting, they would definitely still be in the same university.

   "When Chinese New Year, get together!"

   After thinking about it, Lu Yang sent another sentence.

   "No need for Feng Tingting to accompany you?"

   Wang Haiyang’s reply carried a deep resentment.

   When applying for a volunteer, Wang Haiyang strongly urged the two of them to choose the same university, but Lu Yang did not agree. When he quietly caught a glimpse of the school Feng Tingting reported, he chose this normal university.

   Wang Haiyang Qijie, only then chose another school.

   "Can you get together?"

   Lu Yang knew that Wang Haiyang would not really be angry with him, so he didn't explain it.

   "You guys still have a conscience!"


   After a brief chat with Wang Haiyang, Lu Yang began to change the group name Wang Haiyang gave him.

  ——The only group of Wen Chou.

   In his previous life, Lu Yang had built six or seven reader groups, but in the end they all became dead groups.

   This time Lu Yang didn't plan to build so many, just build this one. When there are more readers, it is a big deal to spend some money to upgrade the group. At that time, the upper limit of group members will increase, and it will do.

After the    group name was changed, Lu Yang announced the group number at the end of the new chapter, and noted: This group is for hard-core book fans. To enter the group, you need to verify the subscription screenshot. There is a limit on the number of groups, please understand!

  The reason why Lu Yang stipulates this is because he was afraid that this group would be overwhelmed by readers as soon as it was put on the table.

   After all, the highest single chapter subscription of his "Master of Loneliness" has reached more than 5,000, and there are more than 2,000 people who have subscribed to a 24-hour single chapter.

   And the maximum number of people in this ordinary group is only 100.

   If all the readers come in, even if you upgrade to a super group of 500 people, you can't hold it.

   As a result, not long after the group number was announced, Lu Yang’s Q`Q kept ringing, and readers kept asking to join in.

   Most readers have screenshots of subscription records, and occasionally there are no screenshots.

   Lu Yang has been busy for more than half an hour, but people still apply to join in from time to time.

   In order to code for the second chapter of tonight, Lu Yang had to temporarily quit Q`Q, let’s talk about the code word first. As for the information about applying to join the group, let’s focus on it tomorrow night!


   The next morning, Lu Yang and Cao Xue went to school together after having breakfast. Because the two classes were far apart, they separated shortly after entering the school.

   Lu Yang is walking on the same avenue that he passed yesterday.

   As a result, the handsome boy I saw yesterday morning appeared in Lu Yang's field of vision.

Walking with Feng Tingting this morning, a handsome boy who claimed to be Feng Tingting’s boyfriend, Lu Yang didn’t know his name yet, but this morning he was sitting alone on the edge of the flower bed by the roadside, with seven or eight animals at his feet. The cigarette butt, with half a cigarette in his hand, is different from yesterday's suave, he looks unkempt and haggard today.

His gaze kept looking here. When Lu Yang saw him, he also saw Lu Yang, and then Lu Yang was surprised to see him aggressively rushing in front of him, without saying anything, throwing away half of the cigarette in his hand~ One punch hit Lu Yang's face.

At that time, Lu Yang frowned. It was not because he was afraid of him. Lu Yang has been practicing boxing for more than a year in this life. I don’t know how many novels he wrote in his previous life. Scenes like this are already in my mind, I don’t know. How much has been conceived.

   How could you be afraid of such a punch?

Without time to think about anything else, Lu Yang tilted his head, and while letting the violent punch pass, he swept his right leg forward, just looking at where Chen Yang, who was punching, had a defensive stroke, he swept Lu Yang's leg. Falling to the ground, he fell heavily in front of Lu Yang.

This was just a conditioned reflex of Lu Yang. At that time, this person suddenly rushed in front of him without saying a word. He raised his hand and hit him with a punch. Lu Yang didn't have time to think about anything. He subconsciously gave in and followed him. The legs were swept out.

   After putting this person in, Lu Yang had time to ask: "What are you doing?"

Chen Yang, who had just been dumped by Feng Tingting yesterday, still kept his lips tightly closed. He immediately wanted to get up and continue to attack Lu Yang. Unfortunately, the calf of his left leg, which was swept by Lu Yang just now, felt a soreness just as he tried to stand up. The leg softened and fell to the ground.

   At this time, he realized that he was not Lu Yang's opponent at all, and he suddenly yelled at him.

   "I'm silly, your mother! You scumbag! I must kill you today!"

(Thank you for your reward from the rising sun. I received the news today. The book will be pushed next week. It will be on the shelves at the end of the month. No need to think about the monthly ticket list. There will be no part in full attendance. Please book a few monthly tickets with you here! , It’s good to support the scene! Thank you everyone for your support over this period of time.)

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