Rebirth 2003

Chapter 103: Verify

   Cao Xue struggled to help Lu Yang onto the bed and lay down. She also sat on the edge of the bed silently, the sweet smile on her face disappeared unknowingly.

Watching Lu Yang gradually fall asleep, Cao Xue hesitated to stretch out her little hand and gently fetched her phone from Lu Yang's pocket. She seldom flipped Lu Yang's phone. It was the first time like this, but to verify that. , She could only think of this way, she was reluctant to leave Lu Yang before she was sure that the matter was true or false.

   This is her first love.

   Turned on Lu Yang's cell phone, and Cao Xue clicked on the SMS record.

   In the text message box, almost all the messages sent by her and Lu Yang, without Feng Tingting's name.

   Cao Xue clicked on the call log again.

In   , most of the conversation records were still between her and Lu Yang, and occasionally there were several names of boys in bedroom 103, but in this call record, Cao Xue found a cell phone number without a name.

  Looking at the recording status, Lu Yang took the initiative to call it out.

Looking at this number, Cao Xue hesitated, but after a while, she still took her mobile phone and walked out of the bedroom. When she went out, she gently closed the door, and then came to Lu Yang’s study. Cao Xue opened the door of the study again. It was closed, and then I walked around in the study several times before finally determined to send a message with this number.

   "Is there time tonight? I miss you. Come with me tonight!"

   The message was sent for a long time, and there was no reply from there. Cao Xue held the mobile phone like that, sat on the computer chair, and stared at the mobile phone in her hand blankly.

   About half an hour later, the phone vibrated, and at the same time a short message prompt sounded. Cao Xue was startled, and quickly silenced the phone before clicking on the message.

   "Lu Yang! What do you mean? Don't you have a girlfriend? What do you want me to do with you?"

   Cao Xue looked at this message for a while, but still couldn't determine it, so after thinking about it, he sent another message.

   "I can't forget you, especially that night. Recently, I always think of our happiness in bed that night. Really, I miss you so much! How about staying with me tonight?"

   Not long after the message was sent this time, there was a reply.

   The phone vibrated, and Cao Xue clicked on the message with anxiety.

"That night? Which night? When were we happy in bed? Lu Yang! I told Chen Yang that we lied to him when we slept, and you know it very well! Why are you taking it seriously? Your brain is not broken, are you? What kind of person am I?"

   After reading this message, Cao Xue was stunned.

   Didn't she have a relationship with Lu Yang?

   Then, Cao Xue had another doubt in her heart: Could this number belong to Feng Tingting?

   After thinking for a while, Cao Xue thought of a way to verify the identity of the other party. Cao Xue took out her mobile phone and dialed this number.

   The phone rang a few times and it was connected over there.

   "Hello? Hello! Who are you?"

   The voice of a young woman in his hand came out, and Cao Xue calmed his mind and said, "Is this classmate Feng Tingting? My student department, I want to check with you!"

   "Hello! This is Feng Tingting, what's the matter?"

   Feng Tingting on the phone didn't doubt it, but Cao Xue had already got the answer, and did not speak any more. Cao Xue hung up the call. She didn't think about how to compose the following words, but thought that this should be able to verify the identity of the other party.

   The other party is indeed a young woman, and admits that she is Feng Tingting.

   No need to verify, Cao Xue already knew that she had misunderstood.

   At this time, she finally showed a sincere smile on her face, but she felt a little guilty for Lu Yang in her heart, and felt that she shouldn't just hear other people's words and just doubt him.

After deleting the few messages sent and received, Cao Xue went back to the bedroom and quietly put Lu Yang’s mobile phone back in Lu Yang’s pocket, and then went to the solar energy to release hot water and picked it up with a washbasin to wipe Lu Yang’s face. After wiping his hands, he even helped Lu Yang take off his shoes and socks, and carefully helped Lu Yang wash his feet.

   For her, helping Lu Yang do this can make her feel a little less guilty.

   After she had taken a shower and went to bed, she leaned against Lu Yang's back and hugged Lu Yang to sleep tightly.


   The next morning, Lu Yang woke up early, because he was drunk last night and slept a few hours earlier than usual, so he woke up just after dawn, but his head was still a little swollen.

   Seeing that Cao Xue was still holding him and sleeping deeply, she gently took off her arm and got up gently by herself, knowing nothing about what happened after being drunk last night.

   It is still a little funny in her heart.

After washing his face hastily, Lu Yang went to the study and turned on the computer. When he first woke up, he remembered that he slept too early last night, and the second chapter of yesterday has not been posted online, so he doesn’t need to read the book review section. Lu Yang knew that a lot of readers must have been reminders yesterday. Everyone has been used to his two chapters and 6,000 words a day. He only published one chapter yesterday. There must be many book friends who waited until midnight.

   It’s very detrimental to let the book friends dove.

   After Lu Yang logged into the author's backstage, he first put up two chapters in one go, and explained the reason at the end of the second chapter.

   (I drank too much wine last night, one chapter is missing, sorry, I will add two more chapters today, to make up for everyone, I hope you forgive me!)

   Many years of codeword experience tells Lu Yang that the first life of a writer is the quality of the work, and the second life is renewal.

   Compared with the traditional authors who follow the publishing road, the updating of online authors must be diligent and stable.

  Diligence is reflected in the daily update of the word count. As online novels gradually develop, authors who write a chapter a day, or even a chapter a few days, will all be on the street! No exceptions!

   Stability means fighting for character.

   Unstable update is a bad character. Once a web author loses his character, even if he is talented, he will inevitably end up on the street.

   Lu Yang's writing in this life is still not long after he started on the road, but he didn't dare to corrupt his character early.

   After posting the chapter, Lu Yang went to the book review area again. Sure enough, there were more than a dozen urging posts in the book review area, asking why there was no second update last night?

   landed on Q`Q and was upgraded to a super group of 500 people a few days ago. It was also a large piece of inquiry about the second chapter of last night.

   Lu Yang looked at it and couldn't help feeling ashamed. Two days ago, he told readers in the group that he would update two chapters a day and would never update it. As a result, he broke his promise so quickly.

  In other words, this super group has just been upgraded, and the number is almost full. They are all VIP readers who have been certified by screenshots.

  Although he knew that at this time, most readers could not be online, but Lu Yang seriously admitted his mistakes in the group. After explaining the reason, he also said in the group that two more chapters would be added today to compensate everyone.

   A super group of 500 people, there are always a dozen guys who play games all night. Seeing Lu Yang's emergence so early, several readers immediately came out to speak.

   Sunflower on the other side said: "It's so early! It seems that I was really drunk last night. For the sake of your compensation for the two chapters today, I forgive you on behalf of myself."

  Wang Ying’s family said: "Great! There are four chapters today! Boss, do you get drunk every other day in the future? As long as you add two chapters the next day, we will definitely have no objection!"

   (Thanks to Fallen Leafshang Wang for the reward, please recommend and collect.)

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