Rebirth 2003

Chapter 112: Revisited

   The next afternoon after Cao Xue left, Lu Yang’s cousin Lu Ping came to Lu Yang’s rental house and asked Lu Yang when he would go home? Lu Ping wanted to go back with her cousin, otherwise the school would be closed, and she wouldn't have gone back yet.

Of course it is impossible for Lu Yang to go home so early. The Dragon's Internet cafes have more than 2,000 business funds a day. He does not accept a winter vacation. He is not at ease. He told Lu Ping that he would not go back until a few days before the new year and let her Go home first.

   In the evening, Lu Yang cooked a few dishes and left Lu Ping for a meal here. Lu Ping was put on the train the next day.

Speaking of it, the second mother asked Lu Ping to study at this university because she wanted Lu Yang to take care of Lu Ping. As a result, now that a semester has passed, Lu Yang is busy with various things and didn't take care of her much. It was Cao Xue who did not take care of her very much. Yes, I asked Lu Ping to have a meal, go shopping together, and bought a set of clothes for Lu Ping during the period.

Cao Xue’s family conditions seem to be good. She has never seen her lack of money. Lu Yang once asked her what she did in the family. Cao Xue did not directly answer or conceal it. He only said that her father was a petty official and her mother was a high school. Music teacher of, she has been learning music from her mother since she was a child, and if she was more specific, she would not answer.

   Lu Yang didn't think much about it, so he didn't get to the bottom of it.


   The medium-sized Internet cafe next to the Dragon's Internet cafe opened its doors for business last month. It was named Little Angel Internet Cafe. At the beginning of its opening, it did steal a lot of business from the Dragon's Internet cafe.

Lu Yang went to the Internet cafe to play once, and found that although the environment there was not worse than the Dragon Internet cafe, the Internet speed was a bit worse. So when Lu Yang came back, he instructed Lu Shuping to add another memory card to each machine. By the way, the optical fiber of the Internet cafe has been doubled.

As a result, the business of the Dragon Internet cafes has gradually recovered. In a short period of time, there is no need to worry about the business being taken away, because the reputation of the Dragon Internet cafes that the Internet speed is much faster than that of the little angel has been spread. It's not so easy to reverse it.

   After sending off Lu Ping, Lu Yang began to draw up the outline of the new book.

   From the characters to the specific plot setting, and various maps of the Three Kingdoms period, all the maps are drawn up bit by bit.

In setting the characters, Lu Yang not only set the characters’ names and words, but also various nicknames and mantras, and even collected various pictures from the Internet to serve as a model for the characters. Each main character will even be combined. Historical facts, compiling the growth experience from childhood to adulthood. The strength values ​​of the major military commanders should be clearly indicated, and the ability values ​​of the advisers should also be set one by one.

   When setting up a specific plot, Lu Yang even read "Sun Tzu's Art of War" and "Guiguzi" twice, and repeatedly deduced various tactics until he was satisfied. This part is the most time-consuming. Sometimes in order to conceive a war, it takes a day or two to ponder over all kinds of tactics and conspiracies.

   When Lu Yang had drawn up the detailed outline of more than 40,000 characters, it was only four days before New Year's Eve.

The super group of 500 people on Q`Q, because Lu Yang has been slow to open a new book, has almost become a dead group, and there are not a few readers chatting in the group all day, and the number of people in the group has decreased from 500 at its peak. At three hundred people, many readers dropped out of the group when they saw Lu Yang's delay in opening a new book.

   The book review areas of "Master Loneliness" and "The Doomsday Wasteland" also gradually fell silent, and there are very few readers urging questions about new books.

   Some disappointed readers even said in the book review section that Wen Chou might have left the web.

   Lu Yang did not explain, the new book has not been published, and no amount of explanation is powerful.

   once again settled the business money of the Dragon Race Internet Cafe, and gave out New Year bonuses to the three network administrators and the eldest sisters who are engaged in hygiene in advance, and Lu Yang is also ready to go home. I haven't been home for so long since the holiday, and I have made several calls to remind me.

  Because he was going home for the New Year, Lu Yang asked Longzu Internet cafes to work intermittently during the Chinese New Year, and he also let several employees go home for a good year.

   Lu Yang was not stingy with the bonus for the New Year. Lu Shuping gave 1,000, the other two network administrators 800, and the eldest sister who was doing sanitation also gave 300.

   After receiving such a generous bonus and being able to rest during the New Year, everyone smiled and thanked Lu Yang.


On the day when he returned home, the weather was fine. The sky finally cleared after two consecutive days of heavy snow the other day, but the climate was still cold. If it was his previous physique, in such cold weather, Lu Yang would definitely have to wear a good down jacket before he dared to go out. But now after more than a year of martial arts training, although I have lost a lot of weight recently, my physique is still much stronger than before. I just wear a sweater and a coat outside.

   When I got home, my parents, siblings, and siblings were all at home, my mom was busy with dinner in the kitchen, and my dad was making sweets. There were peanut candies, sesame candies, and popcorn made from popcorn alone.

   Since Lu Yang remembers, every year during the New Year, my dad would make some. When I was a child, my family was poorer than it is now. What Lu Yang is most happy about during the New Year is these sweets.

   New Year's things are almost ready at home. There are more than ten kilograms of pork that people in the village buy when they kill pigs; spring festival couplets, fireworks, tobacco and alcohol, etc., are piled up in the parents’ room.

   At dinner in the evening, my mother said to Lu Yang: "Yangtze! It's too cold this year, don't go to the shed to sleep in these few days! Squeeze with your brother?"

   Mom and younger brothers and sisters also said the same.

Speaking of this topic, Lu Yang remembered one of his plans to go home this time, so he went to his brother and sister’s room to open the luggage bag he brought back, found a new bank card from it, and put it in after he came out. In front of my dad, he said: "Dad! I have made some money this semester. There is 100,000 yuan in this card. After the new year, you will find someone to build a new house for your family, right? It's in our fish pond. Build it there! Isn’t there a few acres of land for my family? I built a house and made walls around it! The house in my family is really shabby!"

   Not long after he paid off the bank’s 100,000 yuan loan, after he took out 100,000 yuan this time, Lu Yang didn’t have tens of thousands on his hand. But Lu Yang didn't want to wait any longer.

  The house at home is really broken! I didn't even think about buying a house for my parents in the county or where they lived. They lived in the countryside all their lives. When they went to those places in the county, if they weren't used to talking or doing nothing, they would panic about it~www.readwn. com~ To build a bigger building right next to my fish pond and enclose a spacious yard, it’s better than nesting in the city and living in a comfortable place.

   My mother and younger siblings were quiet, and several people looked forward to Lu Yang's father.

   Everyone actually wanted the house at home to be better. Last year, Lu Yang gave his first draft of 10 yuan to the family. When he said that he was going to build a house, his younger brothers and sisters were very excited. If it wasn't for my parents who feared that Lu Yang would not be able to make money from writing novels in the future, they would have to save the 100,000 yuan, and the house would have been built long ago.

   Under the gaze of a family's expectation, Lu Yang's father took a sip of the wine glass in front of him. After thinking about it for a long time, he nodded in everyone's gaze and put away the bank card on the table.

He sighed softly and said: "Okay! The 100,000 you gave last time is enough to study for your younger siblings. Since you want to build a new house so much, after the Chinese New Year, I will contact your cousin and let your cousin Bring people to start work!"

   Lu Yang is just a cousin who has been a mason for more than ten or twenty years. He doesn’t have to say his craftsmanship, and he knows a lot of workers. As long as he has money, it’s okay for Cousin Lu Yang to find a dozen people to build a small building.

   Seeing that my father finally agreed, Lu Yang and his mother both smiled, and their younger brother Lu Fei and younger sister Lu Ying also called out excitedly.

   Seeing that the whole family is so happy, Lu Yang's father also showed a little smile on his wrinkled face.

(Thank you for the reward of the green pen and ink, and for the reward of 600 starting coins from Xiyang Lichao again. Thank you for your support. Ask for a recommendation! This is the second update today. Before 12 o'clock, try to make the third today. What's more, it's said that there will be three changes every day this week, and never break your promise!)

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