Rebirth 2003

Chapter 120: The ferocious monthly ticket war

Xiaolu is a sophomore in high school. Since childhood, he likes to read all kinds of extracurricular books, comic books, romance, magazines, ghost stories, fairy tales, martial arts... as long as he likes to read extracurricular books, he has a few extracurricular books near the school for three years in junior high school. Zuluo novels, and then fell into it like many people, no longer able to extricate themselves. {First issue}

But I didn't know how many ten thousand copies there were on rent, and then Xiaolu found a certain sword and a certain point.

He hadn’t read Wen Chou’s book before, but now he has pursued the book "Three Warlords" from scratch to the present. As a student party, although Xiaolu has a good family background and has a small amount of money to go online, he doesn’t have much money to subscribe. Genuine, so I have been doing a shameful pirate party, usually chasing after updates in silence.

A few days ago, when Wen Chou, the author of "Three Warlords", yelled that he would add one more chapter for each burst, he did not spend money to get a monthly pass.

Because I want a monthly pass, it doesn’t count if I have recharged it, and I have to subscribe to a certain amount to get a monthly pass. Xiaolu is not willing to pay, and I don’t believe that Wen Chou will really do as he promised, adding one more every time it bursts. chapter.

He stayed in front of the computer that night, watching the crazy book fans smashing monthly tickets there, refreshing the page after a while, and seeing the monthly ticket count of "Three Warlords" keep rising, and brutally exploding one after another. Xiaolu looked a bit dumbfounded, because in the eyes of Xiaolu, each of the books on the top of "Three Warlords" was written and handwritten at the starting point of the Great God level, and the combat effectiveness was also very cruel.

But then Xiaolu was happy again, because every time a book exploded, it meant that Wen Chou had to add another chapter, adding more to the book he liked, Xiaolu was obviously happy to see it.

However, Xiaolu was disappointed when he saw that there were more than a dozen books in a row and Wen Chou had not added a chapter.

In the days when he was reading at the beginning, he had seen many anti-aircraft gun authors. When he promised, he said it was exciting, and when the battle was over, it would be dizzy when it was time to add more.

Xiaolu was lucky at the time, but fortunately the buddies didn't have the brains to recharge.

As a result, just when Xiaolu was about to go back to the dormitory to sleep, he refreshed the page for the last time and suddenly discovered that "Three Warlords" had been added!

Two chapters, two more chapters at once.

The path that is being shackled by the plot of the previous chapter, regardless of whether the dormitory door is about to be closed, is decisively waiting for the pirated website to release the pirated version. As a result, this is a bad thing. 5 minutes, the pirated version is not there. Come, 10 minutes, still nothing, the pirated version that used to be famous at the speed of light actually dwindled that night, but in this 10 minutes, Xiaolu refreshed the page, and was shocked to find that Wen Chou actually broke out 13 chapters in one breath!

Chapter 13! Refresh on the page, that is a big green area! It's like a white-washed beauty lying there waiting for him. The path can't bear it. She decisively squeezed 30 yuan from her living expenses into her starting account, and finally she was able to subscribe. It's Chapter 13!

Damn it!

It was the first time I watched a genuine e-book, Xiao Lu was still scolding him for the pirated version that he had read tonight. The genuine "Warlords of the Three Kingdoms" looked even cooler!

The page is clean, beautiful, and comfortable. The most important thing is to support the author you like. The sense of satisfaction and glory is not enough for outsiders.

Originally it looks so cool?

From this day on, the concept of Xiaolu changed.

Reading the book originally, not only can I feel happy to make myself happy, but also have another pleasure from supporting the author?

After reading Chapter 13, it was past 12 o'clock in the night, the dormitory was definitely not allowed to enter, and Xiaolu was not in a hurry to go back, with a satisfied smile on the corner of his mouth, and it was posted in the book review section of "Three Warlords" comfortably. I posted the first post. When he read the pirated version, he used to read other people’s posts. I was embarrassed to leave a message here. I felt like a thief, not as thick as those old fried dough sticks. As far as Xiaolu knew, I watched a lot of pirated editions. After reading it, I came to the book review section to scold the author. Xiaolu was still a pure child and couldn't do that.

But this evening, Xiaolu posted a post, and made a confident statement. When posting, Xiaolu still thought with joy: Who dares to delete my post, I will kill him! Lao Tzu also reads the original version and has the right to post!

Since becoming a fan of regular books, Xiaolu has rarely watched pirated editions. He obtained a monthly ticket and gave it to "Warlords of the Three Kingdoms". Unfortunately, his monthly ticket was not the most critical time of the battle. After a monthly pass was dropped, "Three Warlords" did not explode the book above.

However, the next day, thanks to the efforts of other book fans, the book above was finally blasted, and then Xiaolu saw another chapter of Wen Chou Jiageng as he wished.

Looking at the added chapters, the feeling is different again! Because this extra chapter also has the credit of his path, it feels as if the effort has been rewarded, just like planting a small tree and picking the fruit to eat, it is very fulfilling.

Xiaolu understands those crazy book fans a little bit. It turns out that it's not those people who are perverted. It's really cool!

That night, after self-study next night, Xiaolu and his friends went to the Internet cafe behind the school and turned on the computer. The first thing was to follow the latest chapters of "Three Warlords", and then Xiaolu saw Wen Chou's latest battle. Declaration, that domineering and brutal promise.

Three more chapters are added for each burst?

Nima? You are forcing brother!

Xiaolu was angry, but it was joyful anger. It's so joyful to chase the author's book like this!

Many people in the book review area have left messages saying that they are going to smash the monthly pass. After refreshing the page several times in a row, the monthly pass of "Three Warlords" is indeed increasing. Everyone is on it, and me!

Xiaolu is a hot-blooded young man. When he was excited, he became impulsive again. After paying no attention to him, he charged another fifty yuan to the account. Then he actually took the whole book and ordered a book he had never read before, and finally got another one. The monthly ticket, which was not mentioned, was smashed to the "Three Warlords".

Then two hours later, Xiaolu was happy. The stumbling block above was finally exploded, and Wen Chou was also very powerful. Only a few minutes after the book exploded, the three chapters were added!

This is naked, passionate and passionate!


Readers like Xiaolu, after Lu Yang’s "Three Warlords" was put on the shelves, there were a lot of them every day. Many readers who didn’t read the original version before, because they liked this book so much, they couldn’t bear to wait for the pirated version. Open For the first time in my life, I read a genuine novel, voted for the first monthly pass, and published the first book review.

Everyone who has read the original has found another kind of happiness. It's really not expensive to subscribe to a chapter! It costs two cents for a thousand words. The author has worked so hard for several hours to write a chapter. They can't use a dime if they read the original. Who really looks down on it? In the past, they were just afraid of trouble, but after reading the original version, they liked this feeling, and seeing the original version is really a completely different feeling.

Even posting a post in the book review area is justified. Seeing the scumbag who sprays the book, I have the confidence to scold them! Reading a novel, you can also find another kind of thrill of fighting. No wonder so many people have pirated editions and don’t read the original editions!

The readers are great, and Lu Yang is also great. He promised to add more chapters. He said that if you add a few chapters, you will definitely add a few chapters, and never skip votes. So, Lu Yang, "Three Warlords" is abnormal!

All the way to the ninth place in the monthly ticket list, this ferocious energy was finally stopped by the above-mentioned great gods. The top eight gods are all more cruel masters. They gather more fans under their names. There are thousands of hard-core book fans. When they see someone trying to blow them up, Lu Yang's book fans roar again and again, and they too Unstoppable, actually want to explode their chasing works? Auntie can bear it, and uncle can't bear it either!

So, you vote for ten, we vote for 20, you vote for 20, we vote for twenty-five...

"Warlords of the Three Kingdoms" almost tied the eighth-ranked book, but as the eighth-ranked **** also opened a chapter and promised more, the gap was soon widened.

Just as Lu Yang was about to shout: every time one burst, five chapters were added, the publishing house called.

It's Salmon. Salmon said to Lu Yang on the phone: "Mr. Lu Yang! We noticed that you are updating a bit quickly on the Internet recently. This will have an impact on our sales after publication. The editor-in-chief asked me to tell you, I hope that your online update will slow down a little bit, otherwise it will affect the sales, and it will also affect the manuscript fees of your future works. This is also indicated in the contract. I hope you can understand!"

Only then did Lu Yang calm down. In the contract with the publishing house, there was indeed a clause that needed to control the number of words updated on the Internet, and should not be too close to or even surpassing the manuscripts published by the publishing house.

The monthly ticket list is number one, and Lu Yang does not have capital competition for the time being. Both "Profane" and "Mercenary World" have been used as signs from the starting point. He can see them everywhere, and readers can subscribe to all the works. On the subscription page, I saw those two books hanging high up there.

I want to explode Lu Yang knows himself and knows that it is impossible.

As for the other rankings, lower it a bit!

Lu Yang agreed to Salmon, and then explained it to the readers at the end of the new chapter, adding more to the breakout, and waiting for more episodes to be published, and then fighting with everyone.

As soon as these words came out, many readers who were still yelling and yelling were discouraged, and the author did not cooperate. No matter how loud they shouted, few people would fight with them.

If it weren't for more excitement, everyone wouldn't be so passionate.

As a result, the upward momentum of "Three Warlords" suddenly slowed down. The top gods also breathed a sigh of relief and broke out with Lu Yang. They were also Alexanders. In order to preserve their status and reputation, they had to fight. Lu Yang kept a lot of manuscripts. Few of them still have manuscripts, especially the eighth place. These days, his fingers are almost numb when typing.

Now I can finally breathe a sigh of relief. rs

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