Rebirth 2003

Chapter 125: Rui Xiaoxiu comes home

After the picnic at noon, those people were not stupid. They all went to the beach to fish, but the beaches along the river are usually a little far away. If a group of people don’t want to be too far away, they can only share a beach with two or three people. When the nest hits different directions on the beach, it can naturally leave a few meters away.


   The rich second generation brought his two female companions to Lu Yang's side, absent-mindedly fishing, talking and laughing with the two female companions, and occasionally chatting with Lu Yang.


   What Lu Yang introduced in the morning was that Lu Yang remembered his name was Wang Qianli, he was also a college student, about the same age as Lu Yang, and he was a man with a bit of arrogance.


When they were fishing together and chatting casually, Lu Yang knew the two female companions. Only one of them was his girlfriend and the other was his girlfriend’s cousin. They both went to a school. They came out to play today and heard him say that there is one who writes on the Internet. The people from the novel came over, and the two of them came to have fun with them out of curiosity.


Wang Qianli’s girlfriend is tall and beautiful, and his cousin is not bad. She has bright eyes and white teeth. It can be seen from the dress and temperament that she is from a wealthy family. The two girls have never fished. For the first time today, they saw the float moving. , Immediately lifted the rod, Lu Yang kindly reminded them to wait a little longer to mention it. The two girls still couldn't help it. Every time they saw the float move, they immediately lifted the rod when they were excited, and it became a conditioned reflex.


Because the three people yelled and made trouble nearby, Lu Yang’s catch in the afternoon was much worse than that in the morning. Fishing was very taboo to speak loudly, especially on the shallow river, where many fish were very timid and a little bit timid. Huh when there is a movement, there is no sign of running.


   But even so, Lu Yang caught five or six catties of crucian carp, some Anji, and a few cocked mouths.


   Five or six catties. For other fish, one may have more than this weight, but for a small crucian carp that is only one or two by two, it is dozens of fish.


Others also fished more or less because they changed places in the afternoon. Even a few women who never fished also caught one or two. Although they didn’t have any fishing skills, they couldn’t hold back some fierce eater. Fish, bite the hook and run, there is no need to wait at all, and it does not need skills. For one thing, you can catch the fish.


In the evening, Wang Qianli invited everyone to have a meal at a nearby three-star hotel. At the table, everyone met to continue next Saturday. When the lights first came on, everyone went back to their homes. Li Xiang was kind of a person. Lu Yang came to pick him up in the morning. , And was responsible for sending Lu Yang back at night.


On the way back, while sitting in Li Xiang’s jeep, Lu Yang remembered one thing that he learned to drive. It was easy to take a driver’s license in 2005. Even if you don’t go to learn, as long as the money is in place, you will still be issued a driver’s license. In the last two years before rebirth, the driver’s license test was so strict that it would be blamed. Don’t bother you for a few months. Don’t try to get through it. Although Lu Yang didn’t plan to spend money to buy a driver’s license, he didn’t want to wait a few years. When I went to take the test, how many days would I have to wait in line for learning to drive?


  Although he already had the idea of ​​taking a driver's license in his heart, this matter was not an urgent matter for Lu Yang. Lu Yang planned to wait for the "Three Warlords" to be completed before considering it.


   got off the car at the gate of the community, Lu Yang carried his simple equipment and returned to the rental house with the few catties he had caught.


   It was just that when he was upstairs, he heard the voice of two young girls talking above, Lu Yang overheard Rui Xiaoxiu's voice accidentally.


First, a strange girl's voice asked with a little smile: "Yeah? Rui Xiaoxiu? What are you doing here? I remember your home is not in this community? I live here and I have never seen your home here. Is there a relative? Is it a boyfriend?'s not right! Isn't your boyfriend Ma Xiaopeng broke up with you? During the Chinese New Year, I saw his new girlfriend come to his house to play! Rui Xiaoxiu! You won't Did you find another boyfriend so soon?"


   Then, Rui Xiaoxiu's voice came from the stairs: "Jiang Rongrong! Don't talk nonsense! I'm just waiting for my friend."


   "Friends? Ha ha! You sell things at school and have time to make friends?"


   "Jiang Rongrong, what do you want to say?"


   When Rui Xiaoxiu blushed and asked, Lu Yang had already seen her, holding a thermos in his hand, standing at his door, talking to a fat girl.


Hearing Lu Yang’s footsteps, the eyes of the two girls looked over. Seeing Lu Yang, the fat girl naturally didn’t react. She immediately retracted her gaze, thinking it was just an irrelevant person, but Rui Xiaoxiu’s face But it was even more popular. She kissed Lu Yang forcibly that night, and was pushed away by Lu Yang. When she saw Lu Yang again, she was a little embarrassed. At this time, another former classmate was here, that embarrassment and embarrassment. Don't mention it.


Lu Yang could see that the chubby girl had a bad relationship with Rui Xiaoxiu, and seemed to always want to embarrass Rui Xiaoxiu. Therefore, Lu Yang was just a Rui Xiaoxiu and said hello, without even looking at the girl, he took out the key. Opening the door, he asked casually: "Are you waiting for me here?"


Rui Xiaoxiu said, feeling a little at a loss. If her previous classmates were not here and Lu Yang didn’t invite her into the house, she would be a little disappointed at best, but not embarrassed, but at this time, the classmates who had not dealt with her before Watching from the side, if Lu Yang didn’t invite her into the house, she wouldn’t have the face to see people in the future. This girl would definitely spread the incident everywhere, and in all likelihood, she would deliberately spread it to her mother’s ears. .


   The fat girl Jiang Rongrong looked at Lu Yang and at Rui Xiaoxiu. She already knew that the person Rui Xiaoxiu was waiting here must be this guy, with a thermos? What is not a boyfriend?


   What makes Jiang Rongrong satisfied is that this boy is obviously not as handsome as Ma Xiaopeng!


   Why didn't Jiang Rongrong deal with Rui Xiaoxiu?


   To put it plainly, it was the high school meeting. She, Rui Xiaoxiu and Ma Xiaopeng often went to school together because they lived not far from each other. At the beginning, Jiang Rongrong pursued Ma Xiaopeng, but in the end Ma Xiaopeng chose Rui Xiaoxiu, a love rival! Women are always careful and meet a rival in love, so what is good?


"Ha ha!"


Jiang Rongrong suddenly chuckled, curled her lips in disdain, and sarcastically said, "What are you denying, Rui Xiaoxiu? This must be your boyfriend! No wonder you didn't want to admit it just now! It turned out to be worse than Ma Xiaopeng~! Haha! Really. Rui Xiaoxiu, desperate for face!"


   In this case, if Lu Yang still refuses to let Rui Xiaoxiu in, it is obvious that Rui Xiaoxiu, who has come to give Lu Yang something to eat, will be even more embarrassed.


   Lu Yang, who had opened the door, frowned and glanced at that Jiang Rongrong, feeling a little disgusted, a girl who was so mean that it really couldn't make people feel good.


"come in!"


Lu Yang didn’t bother to argue with that girl. Lu Yang didn’t care, let alone arguing with people because of such words. In his previous life, Lu Yang was a person who did his own way. He never cared what others thought of him, otherwise. Obviously so many relatives and friends have persuaded him not to write novels, and he has not listened to it, and he is still the same! It can be said that he is indifferent, or that he has a strong heart. In short, how other people look down on him, he used to disdain to argue, he still does.


Hearing Lu Yang yelling to enter the house, Rui Xiaoxiu, as he heard Lunyin, promised in surprise, followed by Lu Yang and entered the door. Jiang Rongrong wanted to taunt a few more words. Lu Yang closed the door and left Jiang Rongrong alone. After shutting the door, the sentence that was about to be spoken was so black in his throat.


"how can I help you?"


As Lu Yang put his fishing gear on the shoe cabinet at the door, he took the fish pocket and went to the kitchen. There were so many fish, and he packed up, enough for him to eat for a few days. The fish at home, no matter how small, are extremely delicious, Lu Yang had tasted the taste before, but he couldn't bear to ruin it. Compared with the fish sold in the market, the umami and aroma are several times higher. What is rare is that there is not the slightest muddy smell.


   "I'm free today, I bought some spare ribs to stew, and I will serve you two bowls, don't you refuse, okay?"


Hearing some cautious words from Rui Xiaoxiu, Lu Yang, who had just dumped the fish into the pool, looked back at her unexpectedly. He didn't expect that she was so courageous. In the past, she only thought that she was beautiful, but she didn't know she was. This kind of mind.


   Thinking of her being cheated by her boyfriend last time, she cried so pitifully that pear blossoms rained, Lu Yang couldn't bear to make her feel sorry again today. Speaking of which, she was also very pitiful lately.


   "Have you had dinner?"


   Lu Yang asked casually while holding the cutting board and kitchen knife.




   Rui Xiaoxiu still made a cautious voice.


   "Then have some supper here! The river fish you just caught today is still alive. I'll make a pot later, let's have some together!"


   Although Lu Yang is not hungry yet, he just ate at the hotel, but Rui Xiaoxiu kindly sent himself rib soup, and he didn't want to leave the immediately drove people away and was polite.


   Rui Xiaoxiu was a little surprised, and then hurried over to help Lu Yang. The bigger one was killed by Lu Yang with a knife, and the smaller one was cleaned with her hands.


   Picking up her cheeks, tearing her belly and digging out fish intestines, she did a very quick job, apparently she often cooks at home.


   "The last time... I'm sorry..."


   After a while, Rui Xiaoxiu apologized to Lu Yang in a low voice. Lu Yang glanced at her, continued the work in his hand, nodded, and said, "Forget it! Don't do that in the future, I have a girlfriend."


Hearing that Lu Yang has a girlfriend, Rui Xiaoxiu's movements stopped for a while, and then she smiled: "I know, I promise not to do that in the future, by the way! I'm here, and your girlfriend will come over soon. Misunderstanding?"


   Lu Yang was silent for a moment before he said, "She won't be here tonight."


   Rui Xiaoxiu thought that Lu Yang was having trouble with his girlfriend, so she didn't mention this topic again.


In the evening, after Rui Xiaoxiu left, Lu Yang returned to the study and started to code. When eating fish, the two did not drink anymore. Rui Xiaoxiu asked if they could be friends in the future. Lu Yang, who was alone recently, hesitated and ordered Ended up.


   It’s not bad to have a friend like this.


   Lu Yang thought this way, he didn't know when he would see Cao Xue again, and life would continue. He couldn't wait for Cao Xue without even making a female friend. (To be continued) If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. )

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