Rebirth 2003

Chapter 129: Unexpected factors

"Hello professor! We are reporters from the entertainment section of the city newspaper. One thing I want to interview is Lu Yang from this class. I hope that the professor can help us call Lu Yang!"

"Interview students?"

The professor was still wondering there. The other students in the class were already looking at Lu Yang who was sitting in the back row of the classroom. The novel written by Lu Yang was published in Taiwan. Everyone knows this. But because he wrote a novel, it attracted an interview from the city newspaper. Isn't it possible? Everyone has similar thoughts in their hearts.

Of course, no matter why the city newspaper came to interview Lu Yang, the incident itself aroused envy, jealousy and hatred. Faced with everyone's gaze, Lu Yang was also very surprised. He said to his heart: Isn't it a matter of years that the media interviews internet writers? The TV station in H city is so avant-garde?

The old professor did not categorically reject the request of the female reporter. Although he was puzzled, he shouted into the classroom: "Who is Lu Yang?"

After Lu Yang stood up, the old professor looked at Lu Yang up and down before saying, "You go out and cooperate with the city newspaper's interview! You don't need to have class this morning! Don't rush back."


The next morning, on the entertainment page of City H City News, a new report about Lu Yang was published, with a very eye-catching headline—the identity of Lu Yang, a topical character, was revealed recently!

The subtitle below the main title is the same exaggeration-writing a song? writing a novel? Open an internet cafe? He is hiding in our city!

The news content is as follows:

Recently, another singer in the entertainment industry has quickly become popular. The song "Back in Time" has attracted numerous praises. He is today's rookie in the music scene-Boy Scout! However, we are not talking about him in this article, but the songwriter behind him-Lu Yang. The recently acclaimed new song "Back in Time" is Lu Yang's work. Friends who follow Scout may already know that in a recent media interview, Scout said that he will no longer sing Lu Yang's work. It is claimed that there are already better songwriters preparing new songs for him. At the beginning, the editor also believed the scouts, until a colleague of the editor. Suddenly I mentioned several other works by Lu Yang to the editor, and the editor decided to interview Mr. Lu Yang in depth to find out whether the boy Scout's rhetoric was true or false!

You may not have noticed the name Lu Yang before, but when it comes to Lu Yang’s songs, few people in the capital have never heard it, such as "Invisible Wings", "Painted Skin", "Did anyone tell you", And the song "Sweet and Sour It's Me" sung by champion singer Zhang Hanyun who won the championship in Super Girl last year in the finals!

Yes! These four excellent songs that have been widely sung, together with the recent "Back in Time" sung by Boy Scout, are all works by Lu Yang. It seems to be all his works!

All the works are popular songs from the north and south. When the editor discovered this, the editor and colleagues around the editor were all shocked. What surprised us more was that we had another collaborator from Lu Yang. Miss Ji Rujing learned that-Lu Yang is still a college student! A sophomore who is only about twenty years old! How about it? Is this news hot enough?

What's more amazing is yet to come! original. This young genius was studying in the normal university in our city h. When we found him, he was in the classroom.

Through interviews with Lu Yang himself, as well as his classmates and teachers, we have got more information that people can't believe, Lu Yang, a very low-key and talkative boy in life. Not only can he write songs, he also started to write online novels when he first entered university. Up to now, he has created three popular works such as "Doomsday Wasteland", "Master Loneliness" and "Three Warlords"! Among them, "Warlords of the Three Kingdoms" is currently being serialized hotly on the Chinese website of the starting point, and the popularity is extremely high. Not only that, but all three novels were successfully published in Taiwan.

If you think this is all Lu Yang's privacy, then you are wrong!

God seems to love him so much! He is already so talented, not only has he written every song and every novel, last year. He also used his own manuscript fees and song edition fees to open a good-scale Internet cafe, and the business is also very prosperous...

Knowing that his news will appear in today’s newspaper, Lu Yang bought a copy of today’s city newspaper when he went out for breakfast this morning. Lu Yang didn't expect that the female reporter had written herself so tall, making Lu Yang blush.

When Lu Yang entered the classroom in the morning, he realized that many people had read the newspaper specially today. As soon as Lu Yang entered the classroom, Yang Zhi and Cheng Hua in bedroom 103 quickly surrounded them. Many other students, and those who did not come around, are also turning their heads and looking here.

It seems that the big stars are coming.

In fact, during the reporter's interview yesterday, Lu Yang didn't disclose much information. Today's newspaper news about Lu Yang writing novels and opening Internet cafes were all revealed by Lu Yang's classmates and counselors.

Originally, the reporter didn't know that Lu Yang wrote novels and opened Internet cafes, and his classmates and counselors didn't know that Lu Yang could still write songs. As soon as this news came out, both sides knew about this.

This is also the main reason why these students are so enthusiastic today.

Many students have never read Lu Yang's novels, but those few songs that you haven't heard of in the capital, really haven't.

You will also be so surprised when you suddenly find that a few songs that you like and often listen to are written by classmates next to you.

According to common sense, the spread of news reported by such municipal-level newspapers is very limited, but unfortunately, one of several book fans who often fished with Lu Yang on the weekends happened to see this report today.

As I said last time, Wu Ming's family is an official, and Wu Ming himself also works in government departments. Government departments, as everyone knows, all kinds of influential newspapers are subscribed every day.

Because of this, Wu Ming developed the habit of making a cup of tea every morning and then reading the newspaper of the day.

Wu Ming originally watched it with the purpose of passing the time, but when he saw it, he saw the report about Lu Yang. Named Lu Yang? The one being serialized is "Warlords of the Three Kingdoms"?

Wu Ming almost thought he had read it wrong, and after checking it twice, he was convinced that his eyes were not wrong, and then he was Spartan!

Of course, it was very uncomfortable to hold such a hot news in my heart. Although Wu Ming had a peaceful temper, he couldn't help dialing the phone of his friend Li Xiang and told Li Xiang over the phone.

Then Li Xiang followed Sparta! I asked Wu Ming several times on the phone whether this matter was true, and then Li Xiang also hurriedly found out the city newspaper he ordered today from the police station and turned to the entertainment section. Then, the news was confirmed.

The first time Wu Ming saw the news, he called to share it with Li Xiang. After Li Xiang confirmed the news, he did the first thing, but he directly sent this explosive news to the book review section of "Three Warlords". There is also a group of book friends with an upper limit of 500 people.

In order to prove that what he said was true, Li Xiang even used the machine in the police station to scan the piece of the newspaper and sent it to the book review area and book friends group.

Soon, the book friends group will fry the pot first! Some online book fans were very surprised and incredible. In the chat window, countless words came out, and some old birds who usually dive all the time also appeared one after another.

It wasn't until a few book fans in city H that in the next hour or so confirmed that there was indeed such a report in the city's newspapers, did all the book friends in the group finally believe it.

A novel author still wrote so many popular songs?

Although everyone was surprised when they opened an Internet cafe, they were not shocked, but the few popular songs that I usually listen to were all written by novel authors that I supported. This kind of thing, from the appearance of online articles, until more than ten years later , It seems that there has never been such a great person.

The news spreads from ten to ten, from this book friend group, to that book friend group, from this forum to that forum, just one afternoon and one night, I don’t know how many people know about it.

Then, many people who had never seen Lu Yang’s work before came to search for Lu Yang’s three books, especially the serialized "Three Warlords". The number of hits is increasing. Recommended votes, number of collectors, and monthly passes are also available. It is rising abnormally, and the book review area has many more posts from strange readers.

Almost everyone is expressing their surprise.

Some readers who have never seen Lu Yang’s works even left a message in the book review section strangely: “Although I have never read Wen Chou’s novels, but he wrote a few songs, I like them very much. "People tell you", just for those songs, my brother gave you two monthly tickets this month!"

There are many similar posts.

You can clearly see that on the monthly ticket list, the total number of monthly tickets for "Three Warlords" has accelerated, and the distance with the blood-red "Rogue Rising Storm" is getting closer. Lu Yang What countless book fans have not done is realized bit by bit with the help of readers who may never have read this book.

In the dark realm, some authors are already complaining.

The blood red **** also showed up very rarely, and said depressed: "Wipe! Too bully! Is the monthly ticket still used to play this way?"

Then a few great gods followed and posted a few pictures of schadenfreude, and some people said to comfort him, laughing and joking, very lively, he said something fair, he comforted the blood red: "Blood! Don't be depressed, this is wrong. The crime of war! Whoever meets is unlucky! By the way!"

Then follow the seven or eight mourning posts by the way.

When encountering similar jokes, these great gods like to queue up.


Thank you Xia Dynasty Jie for your reward. This is the first chapter of the 22nd.

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