Rebirth 2003

Chapter 139: go! go home with me!

Because he found that Cao Xue had come back, Lu Yang didn’t sleep well for the whole night. Early the next morning, he went to the train station with his luggage, but Lu Yang didn’t forget his novel. Before leaving, he set a ten-day schedule Update automatically. 【First Release】

Where is Cao Xue’s hometown? Although Lu Yang didn’t know the specific address, he knew which city she was in and which school she was in. Lu Yang didn’t send an email to Cao Xue before she came, because Lu Yang was not sure if Cao Xue knew him. Come to her, will you avoid him?

When he got on the train, Lu Yang couldn’t help but wonder if his judgment was wrong. Perhaps the fragrance on the quilt last night was his own hallucination, and the hair on the pillow was left over when the quilt was changed, but In any case, Lu Yang wouldn't give up if he didn't look for it once.


At the same morning, Tong Yaqian received a letter from Cao Xue. Looking at the content of the email on the screen, Tong Yaqian showed a knowing smile on her face, and she was in a great mood!

On the contrary, after sending such emails, Cao Xue was left empty, sitting in the yard of her grandmother’s house, looking at the little sunlight that came in between the grape trellises above her head, and felt very sad. Sometimes she didn’t understand why she didn’t. Courage to return to Lu Yang, father is a corrupt criminal, but she is not!

Maybe it's because I'm afraid that Lu Yang doesn't like him anymore!

Subconsciously, she wanted to keep that good memory, but she didn't want to hear Lu Yang tell her to break up one day.

Now Cao Xue has a lot of inferiority, and his family has fallen, and the proud girl of heaven has fallen into Cinderella. Even when he sees acquaintances, he feels that he can't hold his head up.

I cleaned up my mood. Cao Xue went to work in his aunt's shop.


In the evening, Lu Yang finally came out of the train station in City J.

Looking around the situation outside the station, Lu Yang came directly to the side of the road. Stopped a taxi. "Go to the City No. 3 Middle School!" After getting on the bus, Lu Yang directly reported the place name. Only the school that Cao Xue had attended can Lu Yang find Cao Xue's home address as quickly as possible. There may be other ways, but Lu Yangneng This is the only thing that comes to mind.

Nearly an hour later, the taxi stopped at the gate of City No. 3 Middle School. It was getting dark, the door of No. 3 Middle School was also locked, and Lu Yang paid the fare. Get out of the car, stand at the entrance of No. 3 Middle School, look inside the school, and then look back at the nearby store. As I wish I saw a small hotel not far away. Lu Yang didn't knock on the door of the school's guard room. It was useless to knock on the door at night. He could only wait for tomorrow.

When he walked to the small hotel and opened a single room, Lu Yang simply took a bath, and when he came out to check the time on his mobile phone, he saw a text message from Tong Yaqian.

Click on the message at will, the content is as follows: "What are you doing?"

The rhythm of pure chat!

Lu Yang thought for a while and replied: "Codeword!"

Now Lu Yang was thinking about whether he could find Cao Xue. I'm not in the mood to talk to Tong Yaqian for a few minutes. Tong Yaqian responded to the message.

"Oh, then you are busy! Don't disturb your codewords, great writer!"

Lu Yang casually threw the phone on the bedside table and lay on the bed in a big font, calculating various possibilities in his mind, and finally fell asleep unknowingly.

The next day, the sun rose as usual, which is a nonsense.

What I want to say is that Lu Yang got up just after dawn, then washed up, ate some breakfast outside, and waited until the gate of No. 3 Middle School with his luggage.

Originally, at this time, he could wait in the hotel for time to pass, but he couldn't sit still in the hotel, he still came here to wait, and he was in a better mood.

At around 9 a.m., Lu Yang finally found Mr. Sun, the teacher in charge of Cao Xue’s third year in high school, an old teacher with gray hair. The old teacher was very good, but he wanted to get Cao Xue’s home address from him, so it took Lu Yangyi. It was useless to say that he was Cao Xue’s boyfriend, and it was useless to take out his ID card and student ID. In the end, Lu Yang had a flash of inspiration, and he quickly pulled out the photo of Cao Xue in his mobile phone, so that the old teacher finally believed in Lu Yang. It's not a bad person, and after going through the old files for a long time, I finally got the address of Cao Xue's house.

Half an hour later, Lu Yang got out of the taxi, looked at the majestic government gate in front of him, and took a deep breath. When he got the address from Teacher Sun, he found that the house had been sealed several times. At the end of the month, Lu Yang lowered his posture and asked the neighbors next to him one by one, only to find out about Grandpa Cao Xue.


It was more than an hour later that Lu Yang followed Cao Xue's grandfather out of the government gate. Although Cao Xue's grandfather retired, he still had an idle job for the elderly. It was not easy to find him in the government building; to make the old man believe in himself. It is not easy to be Cao Xue's boyfriend; even if the old man believes that he is Cao Xue's boyfriend, it is even more difficult for the old man to take him to see Cao Xue.

The old man thought that Cao Xue had broken up with Lu Yang, and sweating on Lu Yang's forehead, finally agreed to take him to see Cao Xue.

But when Lu Yang heard these words, the joy and excitement in his heart were completely beyond words. The old man said that he took him to see Cao Xue, which means that Cao Xue is in this city now, not **** France!

Lu Yang couldn’t wait to see Cao Xue right away, but the old man was a chronic person, or most of the old people were chronic, and he didn’t mean to take a taxi after leaving the gate of the government. He still walked unhurriedly. The rhythm of walking back slowly!

Lu Yang hated to run forward holding the old man, but he was afraid that he would be too anxious and upset the old man. He could only hold back the urgency in his heart, and slowly followed the old man with his teeth.

After walking slowly for about half an hour, the old man finally turned into a mobile phone shop on the side of the road, a very ordinary mobile phone shop. Lu Yang only came in and realized, how did he enter the phone shop? Shouldn’t it be the old man’s home?

Just about to ask the old man, Lu Yang was stunned. Her eyes fixedly looked at the figure she missed day and night behind the counter on the right. She was whispering to a bald uncle in front of her about a mobile phone. Selling mobile phones...

"Dad? Why are you here at this time?"

A young woman in her thirties saw the old man and greeted him in surprise. The young woman's words caught Cao Xue's attention. She saw her grandfather as soon as she raised her eyes, and then also saw Lu Yang who was stunned by the door.


The new mobile phone in Cao Xue's hand dropped on the glass counter. The young woman saw it, raised her eyebrows, and shouted: "Cao Xue! How do you sell mobile phones? Can you use snacks? Quickly see if the phone is broken?"

The bald uncle outside the counter also frowned, and said unhappily: "Little girl! Why can't you even hold your phone? I don't need this phone! Get me another new one!"

Cao Xue didn't respond, as if she didn't hear a word, her eyes were still looking straight at Lu Yang who was stunned at the door, but Lu Yang heard those voices, her eyes were sore, they actually dared to scold Cao Xue! He had never been willing to scold him. He gave the young woman and the bald uncle a fierce look. Lu Yang strode over and saw that Lu Yang’s eyes were red. At that moment, Cao Xue also had a sore nose and his eyes followed. Red, just watch Lu Yang strode up to her innocently.

At this time, everyone in the hall noticed this scene. The young woman wanted to scold something, but was stopped by Grandpa Cao Xue, and then the young woman also saw Lu Yang with an abnormal expression.

A young man with red eyes actually strode straight to Cao Xue's side. What's the situation? The young woman was stunned.


Seeing Lu Yang strode in front of him, just as Cao Xue said a word, he saw Lu Yang push away the bald uncle standing in front of the counter, with red eyes and a low voice trembling and saying, "Go! Follow me." go home!"

With these five words, Lu Yang shed tears, and Cao Xue's tears also rolled down, before deciding to hand Lu Yang to Tong Yaqian. Today he suddenly appeared in front of her and said to her, "Go! Come home with me!"

At that moment, what came to Cao Xue's mind was the rental house, not the magnificent villa that had been sealed by the government.

"Dad! Who is that kid?"

The young woman who saw this scene in her eyes couldn't help but whisper to the father-in-law next to her. The gray-haired old man, with a smile of relief on his wrinkled old face, snorted, and said: "Xue'er's boyfriend Have you seen it? Xiao Xueer won't eat idle food with you for a lifetime! Don't have eyes all day long, and noses are not noses!"

"Hey! Young man! What did you do just now? Dare to push me? Believe it or not, I'm pumping you?"

The bald uncle who was pushed away by Lu Yang just now finally reacted at this time, and was almost pushed to the ground by Lu Yang just now. He reacted at this time and immediately became angry.

Lu Yang's eyes just stared, and the good-tempered Cao Xue had silently apologized to him for Lu Yang. Hearing Cao Xue's repeated apologies, the bald uncle looked at Lu Yang, who was nearly 1.8 meters tall, and had another vigorous aura. , I felt a little soft, especially the look that Lu Yang suddenly glared over just now, and almost thought that this guy with a strong temper was about to rush up to hit him.

And Hearing Cao Xue’s apology, Lu Yang’s anger gradually subsided. If it was normal, he would not be able to do the same thing. Actually, think about it, what the bald uncle just said was not very good. Excessive, but when he was in a complicated mood, when he heard someone scold Cao Xue, his anger jumped up, and he even had the heart to beat people.

It was easy for Cao Xue to calm the uncle's emotions, and then she walked out from behind the counter with a smile on her face, and walked in front of Lu Yang.

Looking at this familiar smiling face that he hadn't seen for half a year, Lu Yang's heart softened again. He knew there were tears on his face, but he only gently wiped away the tears on Cao Xue's face with distress, and then suddenly he squeezed Cao Xue into his arms. , Hugged her soft body tightly, smelled the familiar fragrance of her hair, and after half a year of emptying her heart, it finally settled down. Men are actually more vulnerable than women, especially after they truly fall in love with a woman. Can't stand the parting. (To be continued...)

ps: Thank you Long Qiangzi, 夨╯ㄝ~Yuan, oh;, Uncle Dou for the rewards with a smile, thanks to the small mouse for giving a large chapter, thank you for your support. This is today's change. The number of monthly tickets for the next change will be 79. After so long, today's chapter should be regarded as an affair, right? How are you feeling?

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