Rebirth 2003

Chapter 145: Writer's Spring

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   July is coming to an end soon.


Originally, there was nothing wrong with Lu Yang on the monthly ticket list this month. However, because of the four consecutive days of the end of the month and the impact of another 200,000-word deposit, he finally got the fourth place on the monthly ticket list and became Lu Yang. The best result ever achieved.


  The number one is still "Shanglongdao", the second is "Profane" by Yanyu Jiangnan, and the third is "The Kind Reaper" by San Shao.


   Someone may ask, why did Lu Yang get so miserable? It has been two years since the rebirth, and the work has been written in the third book. The first book has not become a god, and the second book has not become a god. The third book has to rely on various means to barely get a fourth. You're too embarrassed to be the protagonist?


   Everyone! The novel thing is really not something you can play around after being reborn. Look at the top three books. Which great **** is good to bully?


   Lu Yang was still satisfied with this result, and finally he did not live up to the two big tweeted.


   So on August 1st, Lu Yang was in a good mood.


In June, I took the fifth place on the monthly ticket list and fourth in July. With these two honors, the book "Three Warlords" can be considered a success. Through these two monthly ticket battles, it attracted a large number of readers to follow him. The number of fans has also increased substantially.


   So at noon that day, Lu Yang decided to go out with Cao Xue to have a good meal and celebrate.


  Eating at home every day, Cao Xue was also a little tired. After listening to Lu Yang's suggestion, the two hit it off and went out holding hands.


   During lunch time, Rui Xiaoxiu just ate at home, changed her shoes and went out. I plan to go to the xuéào canteen to change my mother home for dinner. During the summer vacation, there are also students in xuéào. So her commissary is still open every day, but it closes a little earlier at night.


   Walking down the street, Rui Xiaoxiu missed Lu Yang a little. Although the **** didn't touch her last time because she was a virgin, she hurt her heart severely, but a woman. Sometimes like a man, I can't help but be mean, the more the other party refuses. But the more I can't forget the other party.


   I don't know if Lu Yang is back. After making friends with Lu Yang, Rui Xiaoxiu has been there many times at night, and she already knows that Lu Yang writes novels when he is fine. Last time she asked him if he would go back in summer vacation. Rui Xiaoxiu remembers that Lu Yang said that he would be back in a few days when he went home.


   It's August now, he should be back.


   With this in mind, Rui Xiaoxiu decided to go to Lu Yang after the commissary closed tonight. If he has already returned, when he is free tomorrow night, he will buy some ribs and make some soup for him. He seems to like meat and pork ribs soup.


  Think of happiness. Rui Xiaoxiu pursed her thin lips, but the corners of her mouth still showed a hint of smile.


   But, at this moment, she accidentally caught Lu Yang's figure from the corner of her eye, and quickly looked over. In her gaze, he was holding hands with a very beautiful girl, talking and laughing across the crossroads.


   Seeing this scene, Rui Xiaoxiu was stunned, feeling that her heart was suddenly grabbed by someone. Who is the girl next to him? Is it his girlfriend? He had heard him say that he had a girlfriend before, but she had known him for more than half a year and had never seen him before, so she subconsciously thought that he was a lie, but she didn't expect to have a girlfriend, she was still such a beautiful girl.


  Looking at them, they are so beautiful, you should love each other very much, right?


   Rui Xiaoxiu's eyes suddenly became a little sore, and she felt something spinning in her eye sockets. She lifted her face slightly to prevent the nasty thing from rolling out of her eye sockets.


As a girl, she is very weak in love, especially for a girl who is not sturdy. When she waits for love, she comes to confess to her, she always doesn't like it, and finally likes one. There was a vow of eachother, and it was like a cloud of smoke, and it disappeared in a blink of an eye.


   finally liked the one again, but because she was still a virgin, he didn't touch her, and finally made himself sad, decided to work harder, but there was already another girl beside him, such a beautiful girl.


   At that moment, not only did her heart aches and her eyes were sore, but Rui Xiaoxiu also felt lonely and lonely.


   Passionate is always annoyed by ruthlessness.


   Until Lu Yang and Cao Xue had been walking for a long time, Rui Xiaoxiu, who had been standing by the side of the road, reluctantly picked up her mood, lowered her head and continued to walk in the direction of xuéào.


   Rui Xiaoxiu's mood was very depressed all afternoon. At 6 o'clock in the evening, her mother came to change her home for dinner. She didn't have much appetite, so she only ate a few bites and took away the dishes.


After washing the dishes, Rui Xiaoxiu went back to her bedroom by herself, sat on her single bed silently, and stared at the big tree leaves outside the window. She didn't know what she was thinking. He got up and turned out a half-struck beige sweater from the bottom of the closet.


This is what she played every night before going to bed these days. At the beginning, it didn’t happen that Lu Yang didn’t touch her because she was a virgin. Originally, she thought very well. She wanted to take this before winter came. A sweater is knitted so that when winter comes, the first sweater he wears is this one made by her.


   Sitting on the edge of the bed, holding this half-knitted sweater, Rui Xiaoxiu's eyes began to sore again. She wanted to remove the sweater, but she couldn't get it off.


   Finally, she put the sweater back at the bottom of the wardrobe.




After lunch, Lu Yang took Cao Xue to the Computer City to buy her a computer. Now she lives in Lu Yang every day. When Lu Yang coded words, she had nothing to do and could only read a book. Or watching the TV in the bedroom, it's really boring.


   After the computer was selected, it was necessary to make the system. Taking advantage of this time, the two went out to go shopping in the mall, and one bought two more clothes.


   I also bought a few pairs of shoes, mainly for Cao Xue. Lu Yang didn't pay much attention to these. Cao Xue's family fell in love, and he hadn't bought any new clothes or shoes for a long time.


   Taking advantage of the time today, Lu Yang bought more for her.


   By the time everything was settled, it was already past four in the afternoon. The two returned to the rental house. Cao Xue happily went to pack his new clothes and shoes. Lu Yang went to the study to turn on the computer and log in to the page of "Three Warlords".


   at his suggestion. The starting point rewards, author and reader levels, and other systems have been launched, just a few days after it was launched. Countless people criticized it, saying that rewarding the author is like a trick or giving money to a monkey man, with a strong insult.


   Some people criticized it, and naturally some people support it.


   For Lu Yang, these are good ideas that have passed the test of time. It is also good for one's own popularity accumulation, no matter when those people criticize these systems, they will also criticize him by the way.


   The day these systems were just launched. Many readers and authors are stuck.


   Even if it is the popular "Shang Long Road", the fan rank with the highest fan value is only a deacon, spending more than 50 yuan. Less than 100 yuan.


   and above the level of the deacon. But there are rudder masters, hall masters, guardians, elders, masters, masters, leaders, big leagues, and general leagues.


  Zài Looking at the level of the leader and above, the fan value needed, how much money must be spent to obtain, these people are completely shocked.


   One leader costs 1,000 yuan, the big league costs 10,000 yuan, and the total league actually costs 100,000 yuan for tamar?


   Readers are crazy? Would it cost so much money to read an online novel?


   After this idea was born, everyone came to a conclusion-the people at the starting point were crazy! That guy Wen Chou and their lives are not on the same plane! Is this Nima the consumption level of the people on earth?


   These years, a house in a small city is only about 100,000, right? Read an online novel. Who would give a reward for a house? The prodigal son is not so defeated, right? Can the rich find a way to spend money?


   The reward system is so outrageous, when everyone discovers the author's classification. Only then did I know what it means is not the most outrageous, only more outrageous!


According to the algorithm of this system, the experience value of the writer level is calculated as the grade score = (income index + influence index) × (1+5%×) Years of writing) + 10 points for basic scores, all of the above top gods' grade scores are within 200 points, writing years are within five years, and annual income is more than 100,000.


   The 8th level writer needs at least 40,000 experience points, and the 9th level requires more than 120,000 experience points.


   Seeing the experience points required for level 8 and level 9 writers, zài looked at the number of blood red and others who are already top writers with less than 200 points. Countless people almost sprayed a mouthful of old blood on the screen.


   Nima! Today's top writers can only be counted as level 3. For whom are the 8th and 9th level writers you set up as a starting point? Is the starting point of your management really the one we log in every day?


   Not to mention how many of these newly launched systems are being sprayed, some local tyrants who are not bad for money have already started to use their fans.


   Under the horrified gaze of countless people, the top ten popular works of the monthly ticket list have appeared in the next few days.


   The blood red copy of "Dao Long Dao" appeared the most, and in less than a week, there were 7 leaders.


   There are also four or five others.


As the creative provider of this system, Lu Yang's "Warlords of the Three Kingdoms" also showed a leader, two grandmasters, one leader, a dozen rudder leaders, elder zànshí, guardians and so on, but there were no people. want.


   So many readers were speechless, and countless authors lifted their spirits and saw another source of money.


   In the past, everyone could only fight for the number of subscribers, earning a thousand words and a penny. When a book is finished, the most generous readers will spend a hundred dollars on your book.


   But now with this reward system, the spring of highly popular authors is here. You don’t need to earn a penny for a thousand words as hard as zài. The readers are so happy that they will give you a thousand yuan or even more.


  Of course, there are also some people who are slow to respond. They are still spraying there, spraying the starting point and frantic. The heads of readers who are rewarding the leader, the head, and the master are caught in the door!


   But it doesn't matter anymore. The starting point can make money, the author can earn a little more, and readers find something more interesting. This system is destined to become more and more popular. (To be continued...)


PS: Thanks to Chuanqing and killing the real man for rewarding 588 points, thank you for rewarding 100 points for penniless, and everyone's monthly pass. This is the third chapter of today. The monthly pass will be updated before 12 o'clock. Put it up.


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