Rebirth 2003

Chapter 150: New book opened

   At the beginning of the new semester, Lu Yang and Cao Xue are both in their junior year. They are already in their final year in college. When they are in their senior year, they will go outside for internships.

From a rookie when I first entered university to a junior and old bird today, everyone is a lot of looser, smoking, drinking, and skipping classes are normal phenomena. Four-fifths of the number of people who go to class every day, even if too much.

The freshmen have also enrolled. There are countless enthusiastic sophomore boys and girls rushing to greet the freshmen this time. For many seniors who are still single in their sophomores, the freshmen are pink and tender. It's really delicious! Whether you can get rid of the order as soon as possible depends on this opportunity.

On the second day of school, the study committee member Xu Xiaoman called Lu Yang and said that he had his registered letter. Lu Yang went to the girls’ dormitory and waited for a while. Xu Xiaoman handed a thick registered letter to Lu Yang. Hands.

   "Yes, Lu Yang! Is it another book published?"

When he handed it over, Xu Xiaoman smiled and joked about Lu Yang. In fact, she had been moved by Lu Yang, but she was more sensible than Wang Qinqin and others. After she knew that Lu Yang had a beautiful girlfriend, she stopped thinking. Does not hinder her good impression of Lu Yang.

   Lu Yang glanced at the mailing address on the registered letter, E Province Children's Literature and Art Publishing House, it seems that the contract and sample book published in simplified Chinese have been sent.

The domestic publishing process is relatively complicated. The publishing of novels like this is slower, far less than that in Taiwan. However, it is not so slow. In fact, this registered letter was sent last month and the publisher also gave it to you. Lu Yang made a phone call, but during the summer vacation, school was off. After this letter was sent to the mailbox of the school's reception room, no one opened the mailbox. Naturally, it could not reach Lu Yang. Lu Yang was not in a hurry. It was not the first one. The publication of works for the second time has been waiting until today.

   smiled with Xu Xiaoman, Lu Yang said thank you, Xu Xiaoman waved his hand, and said: "Okay! Don't delay your time, the great writer, go ahead!"


   Back to the rental house, Lu Yang tore open the envelope. As expected, the contract published in simplified Chinese and four two-volume sample books, two for each volume. The thickness is naturally much thicker than the Taiwanese side, but the printing and paper are not as good as the Taiwanese side, and the cover design is not as good as that of others who publish online novels.

   Even so, Lu Yang is still in a good mood. The hardest part of publishing in simplified form is the first step. As long as the first publication is successful, the sales are good, and the publisher can make money, and he will naturally publish other works in the future.

In the past two days, Lu Yang has begun to prepare a new book. The subject matter has long been determined to be Infinite Flow, but Lu Yang saw the works of Infinite Flow too early. He only remembers the protagonist of the once-popular "Infinite Horror". The name is Zheng Zha, and the first movie scene is "Resident Evil 1".

I remember some of the mission rewards, such as main mission rewards, side mission a-level rewards, and b-level rewards, but these are just settings. If you want to write a wonderful unlimited story by yourself, you have to collect materials and Set a story outline.

For this reason, Lu Yang has been studying the movie "Resident Evil 1" over the past two days, watching it over and over again, and then conceiving in his mind what kind of protagonist, what character, what background, before entering the infinite world , What kind of abilities are there, and how should the protagonist of the story advance into the world of "Resident Evil 1"? Where is the foreshadowing? How to set the high tide point? How to set a supporting role for a newcomer who enters this world at the same time? Who should die and when should they die?


The story of infinite flow, really conceived, only to find that it is more difficult to write than the three books he wrote before, because the movie "Resident Evil 1" is already exciting enough, you add a few characters in, the story will definitely be changed In this case, the plot must be written wonderfully. There is a movie version of the classic in front. It is really not a moment and a half.

  Lu Yang is not in a hurry. He has high hopes for this new book. The popularity of the first three books has already accumulated almost. If this new book is released, he will not be qualified to be the first in the monthly ticket list. He himself will look down on himself.

As the days passed, the last few episodes of "Three Warlords" on the Taiwan side have been published, and all have been released to the market. The samples have also been sent to Lu Yang, and on the mainland side, the manuscripts for volumes 3 and 4 have been sent by Lu Yang. The publishing house, the sales volume of the first and second volumes are not bad, which gave the publishing house confidence and was also very enthusiastic about Lu Yang's attitude.

Every day I still have to go to class as usual, practice boxing, practice guitar, and occasionally he will be taken to the piano room by Cao Xue to teach him to play the piano, but most of his spare time, Lu Yang still hides in the study room by himself, studying one after another. A classic horror movie.

   Every movie must be studied at least 10 times. Some movies with complex storylines or protagonists and supporting characters may even study more than 20 times.

After studying each movie, Lu Yang will take a lot of notes, jot down the storyline, character, and more details of the movie, and then substitute the protagonist based on these data, set new supporting roles, and repeat Conceive, overthrow, and reimagine to establish a new storyline. For Lu Yang, the redesign of every movie world is the process of creating a new movie script.

   It took more effort than when setting the outline of "Three Warlords".

During this period of time, Lu Yang has rarely landed on the starting point, and rarely on Q`Q. He only took a glance when he updated the chapters every day. Sometimes he left the starting point without opening the book page after passing a new chapter. .

   I only know roughly that "Warlords of the Three Kingdoms" has fallen to seventh place on the monthly ticket list and seems to be falling. However, it seems that September is about to end, and it should not fall outside the top ten.

On the monthly ticket list, without Lu Yang engaging in wind and rain, this month was a lot calmer. Many people thought that Lu Yang would burst into the monthly ticket list. After all, the Undead Archmage put him on the monthly ticket list at the beginning of the month, but, Later, Lu Yang remained silent, and heard from various places that the "Three Warlords" had been finished, so he stopped paying attention to Lu Yang.

   A few days later, the outline of Lu Yang's new book was almost set, and the curtain finally came to an end in September, and "Warlords of the Three Kingdoms" finally got the 8th place on the monthly ticket list.

   This is the only time Lu Yang has won a monthly ticket award instead of relying on bursts and updates, but it is still not based on the quality of his work. Many readers who follow this book feel regretful. They have worked hard, but due to the limitation of the subject matter, historical works still cannot compete with fantasy and fairy tales.

   The three leaders, the solo dance under the moon, the only love elder sister, and the banknote cigarette lighter, have disappeared in this month. They all seem to know that they can't chat with other book fans.

Now on the fan list of "Three Warlords", although they are still the leader, they have been squeezed out of the top ten. Some book fans with a little spare money don’t want to see them hanging on the fan list. They are rewarded three thousand one by one. , Four Thousand Lands got the leader, and drove the three bad reputations from the fan list on the homepage.

When the three people were completely driven off the fan list on the homepage, it also caused many book fans to applaud in the book review area. If the three leaders did not promise, even if they were no longer everyone, they would be disappointed at most and would not hate them, but they did something. , It's really too speechless, the necromancers of the dead have already been on it, and they said that they don't want to play, it's crazy!

   On October 6, the serialization of "Three Warlords" at the starting point officially ended, and it became history in the eyes of a large number of book fans.

  At this time, Lu Yang's new book has not yet been published, so many readers have to leave disappointedly to pursue other works.

   Lu Yang didn't say anything when he finished the book, only that the outline of the new book had been drawn up, and it should be uploaded before the end of the month.

   In fact, Lu Yang did set the outline and details.

That night, Lu Yang made a pot of tea, and sat quietly in front of the computer, closing his eyes. Although the outline was set, how to write the first chapter to give the reader the greatest surprise, he still needs to be careful. Pondered.

   Yes, he will write the first chapter of the new book tonight.

   Some words are already written on the computer screen.

   Title: "Unlimited Killing"

  Type: Fantasy

   Author: Wen Chou

Introduction: In this world, no one knows whether there is a **** of death or not, but Mengfei knows that there is a where there is a ray of life, but every step is to kill, as long as you take the wrong half step, the next second You will die completely! The soul disappears in this world forever.

   This is the world of infinite killing! The gate of **** will open at any time, maybe, you who are walking on the streets, will appear here in the next second, and travel with me in one horror world after another! But I believe even more that you will die the first day you come in! -Meng Fei.


   After sitting in front of the computer for ten minutes with his eyes closed, Lu Yang finally opened his eyes and began to write the first chapter of the story-"Resident Evil 1".

  The protagonist, Meng Fei, was originally a brave street gangster. One day in his sleep, he seemed to see a dark door, and a voice asked in his ear: "Do you enter the world of reincarnation?"

   Meng Fei in the dream gave a bewildered mumble, and then the door opened in the dream, and a white light stabbed him to open his eyes.

   When the white light dissipated, he woke up, he had appeared in the carriage of a special car, surrounded by a group of heavily armed mercenaries, and a few ordinary people of all kinds, including men, women, old and young.

   All the mercenaries seem to be frozen by time, only one vicissitudes of life like a mercenary, but also like a killer, introduced the world of reincarnation to ordinary people like Mengfei, introduced this mission, and then received rewards.

   This vicissitudes of life youth is an evolutionary in the world of reincarnation.

   A brand new world opened in front of the eyes of Meng Fei and others, but it was a terrifying world with murderous intent.

   Like hell! RS

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