Rebirth 2003

Chapter 155: Finalize publication

"President Fan! Do you still want to sign this person and this book?" Xia Xiaoyu asked in surprise. [This book is published by the first]

Fan Huacheng smiled and sat back in his seat, patted the armrest of the chair and decided: "Yes! I personally read this book. Although it is really like the editor Zhang said, it lacks female characters and is too aggressive, but it is true. It’s wonderful! It’s rare to encounter a good book that a big publishing house dared not publish. If we don’t sign it, we will definitely regret it!"

"Then you are not afraid of copyright disputes with those film companies?"

"What is there to be afraid of? You don't know the situation of our publishing house. If you continue to survive like this, do you think you can survive for a few years? Just sign this book! If this book doesn't become popular, Forget it, those big film companies will not play copyright lawsuits against a novel that nobody reads. If it becomes popular, our reputation will suddenly become much bigger! Known by many writers, we will not only be able to If we make money from this book, we can also receive other high-quality manuscripts! Maybe we can make a profit in one fell swoop and get rid of the current half-dead state! As for those film companies? Let’s say hello to Wen Chou, let He tried his best to write about the horror films of European and American film companies. Those film companies in Europe and the United States may not have noticed this book. Moreover, even if they noticed, we are far away from each other. Really litigation, even if they retreat 10,000 steps, they really do litigation with us, it's worth it! As long as we don't sue us and our reputation goes out, we can also receive a batch of high-quality manuscripts and bring us back to life! It will be better than it is now!"

The barefoot are not afraid to wear shoes!

This is what Fan Huacheng thought at the time.

Xia Xiaoyu's eyes lit up after hearing Fan Huacheng's words.

In her heart, she also understands that if small publishing houses like them do not take strange tricks and develop in a proper way, it is almost impossible to grow in the cracks of those big publishing houses.

And this opportunity right now is a great opportunity to perform strange tricks! An opportunity to make a name for the publishing house.

"Then I will let He Ying find that Wen Chou sign a contract now?" Xia Xiaoyu was persuaded. I want to get it done right away.

"Not urgent!"

Fan Huacheng took out a cigarette, lighted it, and took a sip of it comfortably. Zhizhu said while holding it, "It's Wen Chou who couldn't find the book published by the publisher, so even a small publishing house like ours also contributed. Now is the time for us to judge him, wait a minute! According to our regular review time, he will be notified to sign a contract after one week. The review time of those big publishing houses is at least half a month, and we are still the earliest one week. If we notify him to sign the contract today, it will be difficult for us to sign his book at a low price!"

Xia Xiaoyu suddenly realized.

A week later, the signing notice was sent to Lu Yang's mailbox, which is a pity. Their asking price was only 4500 new book prices per episode, and there were still a few big publishers who didn't reply, and Lu Yang didn't reply to them at all.

This happened for a few days in a row, and Fan Huacheng, who was getting more and more anxious, went to inquire about He Ying every morning and evening.

Seeing that another four days have passed, plus the week that was deliberately delayed. It has been almost half a month, and the deadline for reviewing manuscripts by those big publishing houses has almost reached, and Fan Huacheng can't calm down at last.

"Can't wait any longer! The signing notice has been sent for four days, and Wen Chou has not responded yet, which means that he simply doesn't see the 4,500 newcomer price of an episode of manuscripts, or he is waiting for the review results of several other publishing houses, Xiao Yu! You! Go and let He Ying send another email. Tell him, we can talk about the conditions! If 4500 is not enough, we will raise the price for him. Both 6000 and 7000 can be considered! Up to 7000! If he is still not satisfied, then ask him Do you want to sign royalties? We give him up to 12% royalties! How much money he can make depends on whether his book is popular! If he himself has no confidence in this book, he must buy it out, 7000 is not enough If you do, forget it!"

"Okay! President Fan!"

After Xia Xiaoyu took the order, he hurried out of the office to explain to He Ying.

This matter is related to their next destiny. The prerequisite for the success of this trick is whether it can be bookmarked.

Otherwise, no matter how good Fan Huacheng's plan is, it will be completely impossible without such a manuscript.


Therefore, after Lu Yang finished the code that night, he logged in to his mailbox again to see if there were any news from other publishing houses, and he saw a new email from e-publishing again.

Lu Yang thought it was just an ordinary email urging to sign a contract, so he opened it and saw the latest offer from e-publishing.

6000 per episode, or 10% of signing royalties.

The price of 6000 per episode has already been signed to c publishing house with "Three Warlords". Seeing this offer, Lu Yang was a little surprised.

Lu Yang is no stranger to e Publishing House. Before his rebirth, his first work in codeword career was published by that publishing house. A few years later, when e Publishing House had difficulties in business, he even published it in the industry. The high price of 16,000 episodes wanted to dig Tomato into the town, but unfortunately, Tomato didn't pay attention to it at all. Then after a year or two, e-publishing went bankrupt.

Lu Yang's current fame, of course, can't be compared with that of Tomato a few years later.

Tomato Nasi is basically the existence of that kind of bug in the online literature world. Except for the first "Legend of Star Peak", there is no big fire. For many years, the popularity of a book is more than that of a book. It has been a long time. Occupying the top position of the starting point monthly ticket list, a regular visitor to the top of the annual list of the year, is completely a guarantee of popularity.

Therefore, at the peak of his popularity, e publishing house, which has always been reluctant to offer high prices, also dared to grit his teeth and quote the sky-high price of 16,000 episodes.

There are only sixty-five thousand characters in the 16th episode!

Before 2010, few publishing houses in Taiwan would set such a price for online writers.

But after all, the strength of e-publishing is still too small. If you sign a contract with them, even if you can get a high price for a while, there is no future for development.

Therefore, when Lu Yang saw their offer for 6,000 episodes that night, although he was surprised, he was still not tempted. He would rather sign 5,000 episodes to a larger publishing house than with e publishing house for several years. Collaboration with publishing houses that will go bankrupt later.

But after the quotation of the 6000 episode, that sentence or the condition that the royalties are divided into 10%. However, Lu Yang was quite moved.

The royalty share is not a well-known author with a certain popularity. The publishing house does not sign this with you at all, even if it reluctantly signs it with you. The money you can get may not be as much as a buyout of several thousand yuan per episode.

But Lu Yang had confidence in "Infinite Kills", so after thinking about it for a while, he sent an email over.

"If the royalty is divided into 15%, we can sign a contract!"


The next day, when Fan Huacheng was sitting in his office and heard the number reported by He Ying, his brow frowned and Wen Chou could make a quote. This shows that the two parties have talked about it. Unlike the previous quotations, people didn't even bother to reply to their quotations, which made people full of rhetoric. I can't use it anymore.

There is simply no way to start.

Only 15% of the royalty share obviously exceeded his psychological bottom line.

Xia Xiaoyu and He Ying are both waiting for his decision.

"President Fan! Answer or not? I heard that the b publishing house seems to be also planning to share the royalties. I heard that they are not sure whether the book will be popular, so I dare not buy it at a high price, but dare to use the royalties. Let's try it out..." Xia Xiaoyu said worriedly beside her.

B publishing house used to be slightly more famous than c publishing house, but c publishing house in the past one or two years, latecomers have come to the top. Has gradually surpassed b publishing house, but even so, b publishing house is still much stronger than their e publishing house.

"Are you sure? They really plan to sign this book with royalties?"

Fan Huacheng, who had a headache, was startled when he heard this.

Under his sharp gaze, Xia Xiaoyu nodded silently.

Fan Huacheng lowered his head again, unconsciously pinching his temple with his fingers, still hesitating in his heart.

"Do you know how much royalties they plan to share?"

For a long while. Fan Huacheng asked again in a low voice.

"I didn't inquire about this..."

In fact, Fan Huacheng also knows that even if publishing house b has a lower share than them, most Wen Chou would choose publishing house b because it is a big publishing house. After this bookmark is over, there will be better opportunities for cooperation in the future.


Half a month is approaching, and the review results of b publishing house may be sent to Wen Chou's hands at any time. When the time comes, there will be more competitor b publishing house, and Fan Hua will have no chance of success.

Fan Huacheng suddenly regretted why he had to postpone the notice for a week before giving Wen Chou the contract. If there is one more week of negotiation time, they will have more room to operate.

Secretly sighed, there is no regret about selling medicines in the world! He really didn't want to give up the opportunity of this dangerous move. If you miss this opportunity, you don't know if there is a second similar opportunity.

"He Ying! Send him another email! A 14% share, if he still doesn't agree, just... promise 15%!"

He Ying and Xia Xiaoyu, who heard this order, were very surprised. They all knew that Fan Huacheng's previous bottom line was 12%, but he didn't expect 15% to be acceptable to him?

Can the bottom line be broken?

"Go ahead! I finally made up my mind, don't let b Publishing House take the lead in the end!" Fan Huacheng urged again.

He Ying reacted and quickly agreed, and immediately went out to notify the author.

So, when he came back from school that afternoon, Lu Yang, who was concerned about the other party's reply, was on the computer and saw the other party's third offer-14%.

Seeing this number, Lu Yang laughed.

This figure has already exceeded Lu Yang's psychological bottom Actually, Lu Yang had quoted 15% before, and he had done a good job of counter-offering to 12%, so let's talk about the price! I always have to go to high places to talk, so that after the other party counter-offers, I can still meet my psychological expectations.

But the other party did not counter-offer to 12%, but 14%. This allowed Lu Yang to see the other party's bottom line, which was by no means 14%. So Lu Yang replied with another sentence.

"At least 15%!"

Then, more than an hour later, the other party's reply came.

"Okay! 15% is 15%, but we must complete the contract tomorrow morning, and then you send us the first two episodes, and we will immediately arrange the proofreading and typesetting!"


Thanks to the bandits for robbing the gangsters for rewarding 100 points, thank you for lightly painting a heavy makeup for rewarding 200 points, thanks to book friends 130731081706756, ahjin~~~```, Zhu Qinglin for rewarding 588 points, and thank you all for the monthly pass, Reminding votes, this is the first chapter of today, and today there are still four chapters with 12,000 words.

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