Rebirth 2003

Chapter 156: Market response


   The same night, in the dark realm.

A passing lamb: "Wen Chou's new book has been uploaded, "Unlimited Killing", it seems to be very cruel! Just upload 10,000 characters, tens of thousands of clicks, there are two leaders, menacing! Who wants to open a new book this month Yes? A reminder, if you don’t have a godhead, you should avoid it! Otherwise, you will collide with Wen Chou's animal and you will not end well!"

The boiling dust: "Why don't the local tyrants remind me earlier? The new book I just opened two days ago was originally popular, but today I was blown away when I compared it with Wen Chou Nasi! The mood at the moment, wow, wow! "

   Hidden sword in his sleeve: "Did the villa dust also get hit? Is it humble?"

   "Villa Dust" is the nickname of Boiling Dust. This man is also a rich man. With the help of physical publishing, he has saved enough money to buy a villa recently, so everyone began to call him Villa Dust. It used to be as famous as the local tyrant sheep.

   A dark hole: "It seems that two days ago, I heard that Yuntian would open a new book in a few days. Everyone said, would you like to remind him of friendship?"

   Squiggly: "Wen Chou is so cruel, you are blind as Lao Yun? You must have seen it a long time ago! Still use us to remind?"

   A dark hole: "That's true!"


   Lu Yang's book fans.

  Thor Group: "Where is the Necromancer? Why haven't you seen him come out to reward the leader?"

   He Yongcheng: "That is to say! The seat of the first leader is also gone?"

   His eyes were so confused: "Maybe he doesn't know that Wen Da opened the book!"

   Love and Sea Love Demon: "The first lord is not the Necromancer, I always feel that something is wrong!"


Day by day, there are more and more chapters of "Unlimited Killing" on the Internet, hundreds of readers are attracted every day, and more and more readers are rewarded. On the homepage fan list, there are already five leaders. , But the Necromancer still did not appear.

   No one knows where the Necromancer has gone? Why doesn't it show up yet?

Some people speculate that the Necromancer does not like Wen Chou’s new book, so there is no reward; some people speculate that the Necromancer has a tight hand recently and has no money left to reward the leader. Therefore, he has not shown up to avoid embarrassment; others have guessed, The Undead Archmage gave a reward of 100,000 last time, and now he feels distressed, and he is reluctant to spend so much money.

   In the book review area and Lu Yang’s book friends group, there is everything.

  Why are there so many people who pay attention to the Necromancer and cannot reward the leader? to be honest! It's because the undead master left a deep impression on everyone.

   In the first half of the year, not long after the launch of the reward system at the starting point, when few people were willing to reward the leader of 1,000 yuan, the animal of the Necromancer actually rewarded 100,000 in one go!

   One hundred thousand yuan! Not a starting currency!

   Later, I heard that Wen Chou sent three signed physical books to the Necromancer, and on the back of the cover it read: Give me the first die-hard fan of the Necromancer!

   As the first die-hard fan of Wen Chou personally acknowledged, now Wen Chou has released a new book, he hasn't been there yet? How can it not attract everyone's attention? Don't make everyone feel strange?

Not only was other readers surprised, but Lu Yang was also surprised. He didn’t want the Necromancer but felt a little regretful. The Necromancer was the hard-core fan that impressed him the most. His new book was released, and he couldn’t be seen. I think something is missing.

   But Lu Yang couldn't send him a message, asking why he didn't show up? It's not good to make the other person think that he wants him again.


   "Infinite Killing" is booming, not only on the Internet.

   Taiwan, somewhere in Kaohsiung.

In an old bookstore, after school this afternoon, Shen Yang, a 17-year-old junior high school student, walked in slowly with a schoolbag on his back, walked to the area where the latest novels are on the shelves, and with a glance, he found "The Kindness of the Tang Family". He has been following the latest three episodes of "Reaper" recently. He likes the protagonist Dumb very much. When he sees the latest three episodes, he smiles at the corner of his mouth. Then he reaches out and takes a copy of each episode.

Shen Yang’s family is pretty good. His father is an engineer and his mother is also an office clerk. Although he usually doesn’t take good care of his three meals, he is willing to give him pocket money. Shen Yang spends most of the pocket money. In the novel, one hundred NT dollars, if you buy something to eat, you will soon finish eating, but if you use it to buy novels, you can be happy for several nights. This is his greatest pleasure, and also the greatest pleasure of all bookworms.

   Novels are spiritual opiums. Apart from not destroying the life of the bookworm, they are equally addictive. If you fall in love, you will not be able to quit for the rest of your life, and you are not willing to quit.

   After taking "The Kind Reaper", Shen Yang habitually walked to the area where the new book was placed.

  In this area, all the new books of the first episode are displayed, and one or two episodes are also listed together. However, in this case, the authors are generally somewhat famous in Taiwan.

   Shen Yang glanced over the rows of the latest novel names, and when he saw the names that interest him, he pulled out and flipped through the introductions. However, after most of his reading the introductions and catalogs, he had no interest.

   Although he is still just a little bookworm, he is a bit tired of the kind of funny text with a protagonist and N women, although this is the mainstream on the market.

  Shen Yang, who was a little disappointed, suddenly his eyes lit up because he suddenly saw a familiar author named Wen Chou!

He had read Wen Chou's last novel "The Warlords of the Three Kingdoms" and liked it very much. Although, because he was born in a small Taiwan, he could not imagine the vast territory and magnificent war scenes in the book, but the book is really beautiful. It’s not like most novels on the market today, where there are only a few characters playing intrigue. You kill me and I kill you. In many cases, because the format is too small, the supporting role cannot be killed at once, and the protagonist is always fighting. After dozens of chapters, he was finally killed by the protagonist.

In "Warlords of the Three Kingdoms", many military commanders who sound very awkward are often slaughtered by a more powerful person as soon as they come out. The kind of cleanliness shows that Shen Yang's adrenal hormones rise rapidly and heartily. .

   The reason why I bought "Warlords of the Three Kingdoms" that time was a bit funny, but it was because Shen Yang saw the author's introduction writing: Wen Chou, formerly known as Lu Yang.

   is a bit similar to his name Shen Yang, he bought it when he was happy, and after reading that book, he became a fan of Wen Chou, and today he accidentally discovered Wen Chou's new book, and Shen Yang naturally refreshed his spirit.

   Immediately pulled out the first episode and opened the cover. The author's introduction inside, as expected, still read the original name Lu Yang, not an imposter, and then Shen Yang continued to scroll down and saw the introduction after dinner.

  Looking at the introduction, it really wasn't the kind of story of a man and a few women. This made Shen Yang very satisfied, and then looked at the catalog.

   "Chapter One, Coming to "Resident Evil 1," Chapter Two, Entering the Brood..."

   The novel chapter names made Shen Yang feel unclear, feeling that this story should be different from all the novels I have read before.

   Out of curiosity, and out of the new appointment to the pseudonym Wen Chou, Shen Yang paid for the first and second episodes of "Unlimited Killing" without saying a word.

   A similar situation is being staged in various bookstores in Taiwan these days.

   Many readers who have seen Wen Chou's works before saw this pen name and then looked at the introduction and catalog. Most of them bought the first two episodes and went back to watch.

   Of course, there are some people who have never seen Wen Chou's works before, and they are attracted purely by the title of the book or the **** zombie head on the cover. There are always some readers who like to read Slaughter Liu's novels.

A few days later, Fan Huacheng once again saw the latest sales report of the two episodes of "Unlimited Killing". The sales volume of these two episodes of books has long surpassed the previous highest single-episode sales data of his small publishing house. However, he knows With the fame accumulated in the Taiwan market under the pseudonym Wen Chou over the past two years, it is not surprising that there are such sales results. Whether this kind of murderous novels can sell well in Taiwan, we must continue to observe the market’s reaction, especially Is the sales data for the next two episodes.


After a few days, the word of mouth of the first batch of readers who bought "Infinite Horror" gradually came out. Word of mouth and discussions on various forums on the Internet attracted a large number of readers to buy, and then gradually formed a virtuous circle. .


When Fan Huacheng and others were paying attention to the sales of this book, the editor-in-chief of c publishing house Zhang was also paying attention. However, the attention of editor-in-chief Zhang was private. As a powerful editor-in-chief, he naturally has pawns under him. This kind of trivial matter of paying attention to the sales of a book is naturally given to the subordinates to pay attention, and then occasionally report the results to him.

   On this day, during lunch in the cafeteria, an editor who had been around Editor Zhang all day came next to Editor Zhang again.

   "How is that book selling?"

   Editor-in-Chief Zhang, who likes to put on the lead, didn't lift his head, and his droopy eyelids were too lazy to lift up He kept his head down while eating and eating, and asked casually.

   This person obviously knows which book Editor Zhang asked, but he hesitated when he answered.

   "What's wrong? Selling well?"

   Did not hear the other party answer immediately, editor Zhang frowned thick gray eyebrows unhesitatingly, and finally raised his drooping eyelids. Although his turbid old eyes were muddy, there was a mighty power.

   The male editor sitting next to him was shocked, he quickly piled up a smile, and replied in a low voice: "It's not selling very well, but the market has a very high evaluation of this book, and its reputation is very good!"


   Editor-in-Chief Zhang gave a noncommittal cry, but the corners of his mouth curled slightly, and he continued to lower his head to eat, as if he didn't take this matter to his heart at all.


   From the starting point, "Infinite Kills" has firmly occupied the first place in the new book list with unmatched domineering.

   The second-ranked new book was also written by a first-line author, but it is seven or eight times the data gap from Lu Yang's "Infinite Killing". It is absolutely impossible to pose a threat to Lu Yang's new book.

Historically, Yun Tianyi, which should have released "The Legend of Cthulhu" in early October, is not sure if it was because of the popularity of "Infinite Killing". It has been in mid-October, but the "Legend of Cthulhu" that should have appeared has never appeared. .

   In the dark realm, several great gods who were planning to release a new book in October have also lost their voices recently, and seem to be planning to avoid Lu Yang's new book to avoid a situation where the two powers compete. RS

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