Rebirth 2003

Chapter 160: "Resident Evil One" film company's reaction

? At noon and lunch the next day, in the cafeteria of c publishing house.


In the strange gazes of everyone, Editor-in-Chief Zhang, as usual, made a meal and ate silently at the corner where he sat every day, as if he had not been affected by the rumors. The male editor came over with a meal and sat next to Editor Zhang as usual.


It was different from usual. This time, when he just sat down, Editor Zhang, who had always been calm and indifferent, stopped eating, looked at him with muddy old eyes, and asked in a low voice: "Is the colleague's argument true? Is that book really popular?"


The male editor gave a low hmm, and glanced around at the same time. Seeing that no one was paying attention, he lowered his voice and reported: "Editor-in-chief! Not good! Now on the market, the book is not only surprisingly good. Sales are also starting to get hot! I found out that e-publishing prepared a week’s goods, and they were sold out most of the day yesterday. The printing factory there is already working overtime and printing day and night! Looking at the posture, I’m afraid I’m going to climb to the top of the bestseller list. Five go!"


   "Top 5 best sellers?"


   Editor-in-Chief Zhang's wrinkled eyes twitched unnaturally, but the news couldn't be more bad.


   The male editor sitting next to him was a little worried: "Editor-in-chief! If that book is really rushed to the top five on the bestseller list, even if it is the top ten, it may attract the attention of the president. By then, I am afraid that it will not be good for you!"


   It is not how much this male editor cares about Editor-in-Chief Zhang, but that he has been around Editor-in-Chief Zhang every day. Everyone knows that he is with Editor-in-Chief Zhang. Once Editor-in-Chief Zhang loses power. His life must not be easier.


   All the glory and the glory, the loss and the loss, can't help him not care.


   The worry he just mentioned is also the worry of Editor-in-Chief.


   Although the president only works as a shopkeeper. Only come to the club once or twice a week, but if the book is too popular, there will definitely be a villain who wants to sit in his seat and give a small report to the president.


   By that time, even if he can barely keep his seat, his reputation in the society will be lost, and the job will be even harder to do.


   However, as Xia Xiaoyu said to Fan Huacheng the other day. Editor-in-Chief Zhang has been in this industry for most of his life, and he has traveled more bridges than many people have traveled. Although he has not encountered similar situations. But seeing others have encountered it, how to solve this kind of trouble, naturally I have a little bit of my own experience.


   I saw that he lowered his head and ate a few bites of rice, his cloudy old eyes turned around. After a while. Just when the male editor next to him wanted to say something, Editor-in-Chief Zhang finally made a decision.


   A low voice sounded: "Destroy it! Destroy it before it reaches that level of fire!"


  Male editor: "What do you mean is to... inform those film companies? Isn't that bad? Once this kind of thing gets out, our reputation in the industry will be stinky..."


   There are rules in the industry, and the publishing industry has its own rules in the publishing industry. What major publishing houses hate most is the practitioners in the industry. In order to drag the opponent's back legs, causing the opponent to fall into a copyright lawsuit.


   But editor Zhang can only think of this way at present.


"I've said it a long time ago. That book will cause copyright disputes. Since the kid insists on publishing, he should be taught! When the lawsuit comes, even if the president knows that the book is hot recently, he will recognize my previous decision. ."


   "Then I will do it after I have eaten?"


   "Hurry up! I'm done, can I just have some instant noodles?"


  Male editor "……"


   His arms can't twist his thighs. No matter how unhappy the male editor is, he can only put down a bite of the meal that he didn't eat and do that.


   After the male editor left, the editor in chief Zhang began to eat slowly again. He saw two of the meals left by the male editor, which he liked, and he stretched out his chopsticks to pick it up, and smiled at the corner of his mouth.


   For him, this matter has been resolved, so there is no need to worry about it.




   Lu Yang didn't know anything about the mess that happened in Taiwan. He still frowned in the study at night and silently coded words. Writing this book was very exhausting.


   always create that kind of horror atmosphere, the rhythm should be fast, the plot should be straightforward, and it should be unexpected. With the original movie Zhuyu ahead, if the plot written is too much worse than the original movie, the reader will be very dissatisfied.


   Tonight opened a new movie scene-"Jurassic Park".


   There are countless kinds of dinosaurs in this movie, such as Tyrannosaurus, Sabretodon, Velociraptor, Pterodactyl...


The protagonist Meng Fei’s current ability is not very powerful. In the main **** space, the exchanged cultivation technique, the flying sword is only a preliminary and cannot be shot far, and its lethality is not very threatening to the early and fleshy dinosaurs, unless it is hit. The key is to hope that it will be killed by one blow.


   This is not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing is that Lu Yang has set a very scheming evolutionary in this scene.


   The book "Infinite Horror", Lu Yang has been reading for too long. The only few impressions are almost those settings, but there is one exception. The exception is a character who appeared in the early stage-Chu Xuan.


   This supporting role is so brilliant, he can count every step, and his intelligence is much stronger than the protagonist, but unfortunately it is a sad character.


   When Lu Yang wrote this "Infinite Kills", he also thought about arranging him to appear in the early stage, but after thinking about it, he decided to let him appear later.


   Lu Yang believes that in the previous one or two scenes, the theme of infinite flow, the stunning settings, and the surprising plot are enough to attract readers.


   Rather than let Chu Xuan appear on stage so early, it might as well be a little later, but when everyone's novelty about the subject diminishes, release this character to once again attract readers' expectations and love.


   "Jurassic Park" is the first show that Lu Yang arranged for Chu Xuan, letting readers notice this person, and seeing Chu Xuan for the first time, how wise he is almost a demon.


After   , other movie scenes will be arranged to let Chu Xuan shine.


   This is also one of the main reasons why Lu Yang frowned from time to time during the code word tonight. If you want to write a character with superior IQ, it is very difficult to write without reducing the IQ of other characters.


   I want to write such a character, first of all. You also have to be able to think of things that most readers can't think of, so you have to rack your brains.


After    was reborn, Lu Yang's memory was greatly enhanced. But playing this kind of intellectual game still feels strenuous. Even if you have designed a plot, you always wonder if there is a better way?


   Designed again and again, and overturned again and again.


   One night, Lu Yang only wrote one chapter. Fortunately, the plot of the next few chapters. He has already designed it.


   These plots were originally designed on the outline, but tonight when I wrote more than a thousand words. Lu Yang was dissatisfied himself, and pushed it down again, and redesigned it again and again.




   Day after day, another few days passed in a blink of an eye.


   The production company of the "Resident Evil 1" movie-the copyright department of the German Konstantin Film Company. A clerk was looking at the company's external mailbox. I found an email from Taiwan.


   The subject of the email caught the attention of this staff member-the Chinese-language hot-selling novel "Unlimited Killing" severely infringed your company's movie "Resident Evil 1".


The email was written in English. Fortunately, although it is in Germany, this staff member's English level is still good. After reading the title, this staff member is a little curious about how a novel infringes on his company's film, so Just opened this email.


   Then from the message content. I understand the whole story.


   There are more than a dozen scanned pictures of the plot of "Unlimited Killing" attached to the email. Unfortunately, this staff member is not a language genius. Proficient in English is only because of the needs of his current position, and he must be able to speak English, the international language. As for Chinese? And it's in Taiwanese traditional characters, sorry! He couldn't understand at all.


   But after reading the entire contents of the email, I still understand the specifics.


   Although it felt like this incident was a bit small, after all, it was only the setting and some scenes of "Resident Evil 1" appearing in a Chinese-language novel, but he still reported the incident to the manager where his responsibilities lie.


The manager is a serious middle-aged person. The case says that Germans will take this kind of thing seriously, but after hearing the whole thing, the manager smiled, waved his hand and smiled: "Forget it! Delete this email! Don't bother about it!"


   "Okay! Manager. But why don't you pursue it?" Although the staff agreed, they were still a little puzzled.


The manager seemed to be in a good mood at this time, so he explained to him: "Do you know how complicated the copyright of "Resident Evil 1" is? First, we co-produced this movie with other companies; second, this movie We bought the filming rights from Japan. Third, you said that the novel was written by an author in Mainland China, but it was published in Taiwan. Even if we sue them for infringement, you sue Which? In our case in Germany? Mainland China? Or Taiwan? The author? Or the publisher? Or both? If the two sue together, do you want to go to the mainland and Taiwan at the same time? Okay! Even if you can overcome these troubles and win the battle, how much are you going to claim? If Japan says that the copyright belongs to them, what should we do? Besides, how much money can a young author pay to us? I heard from mainland China. The average authors are very poor, and the small Taiwanese publishing house..."


   "Okay, manager! I understand, I will delete that email now!"


   Before the usually serious manager could finish speaking, the already-heard staff raised their hands and surrendered. After speaking, they hurriedly left the manager's office.


too frightening!


   A lawsuit that I don’t know if I can win it involves so many things. Even if I win it in the end, I don’t know if it’s enough to pay the lawyer's fees.


   A few days later, c publishing house, at noon, it was still the cafeteria and the same location.


   Editor-in-chief frowned and asked the male editor who sent the email.


   "How is it? Is there no reply yet?"


   The male editor also Hearing this, he shook his head speechlessly. He deliberately chose the film company for the movie "Resident Evil 1", not only because this movie was the first scene to appear in "Infinite Killing", but also because in his impression, the Germans were very strict and rigid. In his imagination, after knowing that his own film was infringed, the German would definitely sue for compensation.


   Unexpectedly, it has been more than a week since the email was sent, and the other party has not responded to even a single word.


   At this time, "Unlimited Kills" has reached the eighth best-selling list of Taiwanese novels that month. The situation is extremely dangerous. The president may know this at any time. (To be continued...)


ps: Thank you hhsshh, 〃鹏ぁ, Dao Ke Dian, Dalian Bookworm, China Ancient Town, if you like it, you will vote for you, Ye Sha speed reward 100 points, thank you best tube man again reward 200 points, thank you for that My eyes are so good to reward 588 coins, thank you; reward 1888 coins, thank you for rewarding 10,000 coins and birthday red envelopes from the deepest part of the night attack, and become another master of this book. Congratulations! Thank you for your monthly and recommended tickets. Continue to ask for monthly and recommended tickets. This is the second chapter of today.

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