Rebirth 2003

Chapter 162: Frustrated Teng Lei


   "Are they competing against each other?"

   Lu Yang asked casually when Jiang Shi had just arrived. Jiang Shi just glanced at Guo Fei and Teng Lei standing opposite each other in the center of the training room. He smiled bitterly and explained helplessly: "What are you talking about! That new kid, didn't you let him fall down last time! God, I have been looking for other senior students to compete, and I have played a total of nine games. Do you know the result?"

   Lu Yang: "What is the result?"

   Jiang Shigang: "Hehe! What's the result? A nine-match win!"

   Lu Yang: "No way? Can he win all nine games?"

   Lu Yang couldn't believe it. Is this Teng Lei so powerful?

Jiang Shigang was also speechless. At the beginning, Lu Yang let the kid fly more than two meters away. Like him, many old students thought that the kid named Teng Lei had poor skill. Who knows, after that day, this kid seemed to be In response to the contemptuous gazes of those old students, they were challenged one after another, nine games before and after, all nine games won, so that many of the old students who have been defeated have no face to come here for training these days.

   Lu Yang thought for a while and asked, "Today is his tenth challenge?"

Jiang Shigang looked at the same way as Lu Yang, and shook his head: "No! The guys Teng Lei just challenged were originally another old student, but if this continues, the old student's face will be lost. , So Guo Fei took the initiative to take the initiative to take the challenge from this kid and prepare to teach him a lesson!"

   Lu Yang was a little surprised when he heard this.

   "Oh? Guo Fei is great?"

Jiang Shigang seemed to hear some joke and chuckled, and said, "Let's put it this way! Don't look at Guo Fei as lean and lean, this kid is tough! Except for the president, I am afraid that no one of our Sanda club is his opponent. You may not do it!"

   Lu Yang: "So powerful?"


   Between the two talking, in the center of the training room, Teng Lei and Guo Fei have already met.

At the very beginning, Teng Lei was the one who used Tieshan to rely on, and slammed into it swiftly. Lu Yang was only a little surprised to see this one again, but Jiang Shigang covered his forehead and said speechlessly, "I swear to the next door! This kid is the first move he makes every time, and at least half of the nine people in front are defeated by his move!"

   Lu Yang: "No? Isn't this trick hard to crack?"

   Before Lu Yang's voice fell, Jiang Shi just wanted to ask how to break it, and Guo Fei had already told him the answer over there. I saw the lean Guo Fei's eyes flashed, flashed quickly, as fast as lightning, followed by a punch that hit Teng Lei's ribs, Teng Lei snorted, retreated three steps in a row, and almost fell on his ass. on the ground.

Lu Yang: "That's how it broke! With this trick, Tieshan can only exert its powerful lethality by surprise and unpreparedness. Once it hits, it can crack the opponent's internal organs, but if the opponent is prepared, he still uses this trick. It doesn’t matter if the opponent has enough face to face. For a master, his ribs are the biggest weakness! It seems that this kid Teng Lei is either arrogant, or has little experience with masters, otherwise he shouldn’t use this trick again today!"

   Jiang Shigang nodded his head again and again, and said, "You still practice Baji, you can see it clearly!"

   Over there, Guo Fei did not succeed in a move, so he took advantage of the situation to attack, and instead returned to the original place, with a sneer on his face looking at Teng Lei, who was already sweating coldly on his forehead.

   He shot today to teach Teng Lei a lesson. Don’t think that the old student is full of noodles. If you don’t kill his arrogance, you will not be able to integrate into this Sanda club in the future.

   Teng Lei was obviously still not convinced, rubbing the position of the stroke under his ribs, adjusting his breathing while returning to the original position.

Lu Yang still looked at him coldly, and had no intention of making a move. After listening to Teng Hu talking about Teng Lei’s character, Lu Yang also felt that he should be taught a lesson and be arrogant, otherwise sooner or later he would make a big noise , Let Xing Rong know his news.

The forces of Xing Rong’s family in City H. Lu Yang saw it after Xing Rong was interrupted by Teng Hu’s girlfriend Li Haitang last time. Being stared at by Xing Rong, Lu Yang had a headache.

   Today, I borrowed Guo Fei's hand to kill this kid's arrogance or stupidity.

Soon, Teng Lei performed the famous moves in Bajiquan one after another-three times at the door, hard to open the door from left to right, and the overlord to rein. It can be regarded as a bit of the essence of Bajiquan, but it is a pity that Guo Fei really deserves to be the master of Sanda club second only to the president Pei Yunlong. For several consecutive killer moves, only one beginning was displayed, and Guo Fei was beaten back abruptly. After three moves, Guo Fei fell to the ground three times in a row, and when he got up from the ground for the fourth time. , His left leg was already shaking uncontrollably. Guo Fei just hit the sore muscles in his left thigh with a knee bump. Therefore, although Teng Lei was still dissatisfied and wanted to fight again, he had already lost the chance of a comeback.

   "Guo Fei practices Muay Thai?"

After watching for so long, Lu Yang has clearly seen Guo Fei’s routine, back and forth, it is all a series of attacks with fists, elbows and knees. People have two hands and two legs. Therefore, although fists, elbows and knees are only four words, But there are eight parts of the human body, and all eight parts can attack swiftly. Many people can't defend against this style of play.

   This is also where Muay Thai dared to call out its five-hundred-year undefeated confidence in the world.

Lu Yang has watched some online videos of Muay Thai fighting against other martial arts in his previous life. Most of the so-called masters of other sects will stop cooking when they meet Muay Thai fighters. After preventing the lower side, the upper side will be attacked again. After a few rounds, I am dizzy and unable to fight at all.

   Jiang Shigang nodded.

   "Don't the school have a Muay Thai club? How did he join our Sanda club?" Lu Yang was a little puzzled.

   Jiang Shigang smiled and said, "Because Guo Fei and the president are friends!"


After teaching Teng Lei, Guo Fei sneered off. Several old students who knew him leaned forward with a smile. The fat Pang Qinglui whom Lu Yang met last time also smiled and handed a white towel to Guo Fei to wipe. Khan, almost all of the old students present were all smiles, and they looked at Teng Lei with that kind of joking smile.

   How can the proud and arrogant Teng Lei stand such a look? He gritted his teeth immediately, turned his head and strode out of the training room.

   Jiang Shigang: "I think this kid hasn't gotten rid of his arrogance. I'm afraid Guo Fei will have to make a few moves in the future, or you can do it!"

   Lu Yang just smiled when he heard the words, did not answer his words, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "I'm leaving! Goodbye." He turned and left the training room.

   Jiang Shigang was left there wondering why Lu Yang came over today and left after watching a scene where Guo Fei taught the new student.


After Lu Yang left the training room, he followed far behind the angry Teng Lei. When Teng Lei left the training room just now, his steps were big and fast. After he left the training room and left the activity building, his steps were obvious. Slowed down, and limped as he walked.

   Obviously he was really injured by Guo Fei. Guo Fei has no relationship with him, and they didn't know him before. If it weren't for the fear of taking too hard, he would beat this kid to another club.

   Lu Yang followed him, and saw him walking all the way to the back hill of the school, and he was still going up the hill.

   The back mountain of the school is usually very few people come, every year when the new students start, some curious freshmen will go up to play, the freshness has passed, and they will not go up again in the next few years.

   It’s just because it’s said to be a mountain, but it’s actually only ten meters high. Not to mention the steep road up the mountain, the top of the mountain is also bare, there is nothing but weeds.

   Generally, there are only some who like to fight in the wild, and they visit here occasionally.

   Lu Yang didn't expect that Teng Lei would not go anywhere after he was frustrated. He just came to this place where the birds don't shit.

   I limp and I want to climb to the top of the mountain.

   Lu Yang came to a place a few meters away behind him, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and watched him climb up, climb a few steps and then fall a few steps, then swear swearing, and continue to climb.

   Suddenly, Teng Lei seemed to feel someone behind him, suddenly turned his head, and stared at Lu Yang's calm eyes.

After staring at each other for two or three seconds, Teng Lei suddenly calmed down and stopped climbing to the top of the mountain. He pressed his lips tightly and limped before Lu Yang, tilted his head and looked at Lu Yang a few times~www.readwn .com~ Suddenly he said: "You are the brother my brother said?"

"You know me?"

   Lu Yang was a little surprised, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

   I didn't expect this kid to know him.

"Huh! I've heard about my brother here. I remember my brother telling me that he has a good brother here, and he also passed you the essence of my Bajiquan! I haven't seen you last time. I thought it was you, and I never thought that someone who had never practiced martial arts, in two years, could actually beat me by this trick in Tieshan! You are so awkward!"

   Teng Lei's tone was very aggressive. It was obvious that he was still upset about the defeat to Lu Yang last time at Tieshan.

   "Thank you! Your brother is much better than me!" Lu Yang still smiled unchanged.

   Teng Lei: "Of course! If you want to compare to my brother, don't even think about it in your life!" Speaking of his cousin, Teng Hu, Teng Lei has a proud look on his face. He should have admired Teng Hu since he was a child.

   Lu Yang was silent, still smiling.

   On this question, Lu Yang won't fight with anyone. Whether he can compare to Teng Hu in his life, he doesn't care, as long as he can protect himself.

   Teng Lei saw that Lu Yang didn't answer the words, his eyes rolled a few times, and then suddenly said: "How do you practice with Tieshan Kao? Why are you better than me? Tell me!"

   Lu Yang: "Why should I tell you?"

Seeing Lu Yang smiling and asking like this, Teng Lei's eyes widened, and he said, "Why? What you practice is my family's boxing technique! I asked you to tell me how I practiced, but you asked me why? Wolves? My brother taught you boxing skills. That's how you treat your benefactor?" RS

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