Rebirth 2003

Chapter 164: That 1 night

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   On the roof of No. 2 teaching building, the moonlight like water splashed on shààn, and the breeze was blowing. Tong Yaqian casually threw the phone beside her leg, opened a can of beer, and took another sip when she raised her head. A wry smile overflowed from the corner of her mouth.


   thought to myself: It really doesn’t work!


She was in the same class with Cao Xue. Naturally, she knew that Cao Xue had recently taken leave to go home. She knew that there was only Lu Yang in the rental house. She had an idea in her heart, and wanted to impress Lu Yang while Cao Xue was away. Her heart, but for such a despicable thing, she really had to make up her mind to do it, but found that this determination was really hard to make. After all, she was still not despicable enough.


   She had already abandoned this idea, but Cao Xue has not returned. It has been more than half a month. If she doesn't come back, the idea that was suppressed by Tong Yaqian before has resurfaced.


After another hesitation, I finally made up my mind and chose a night like this, with breeze and moonlight. I bought a lot of food and beer. In fact, she came to this rooftop at around 8 o'clock tonight, and she also took out her mobile phone. Second, every time I called up Lu Yang’s number, I couldn’t press the button. One of guān’s ànhuà could not be dialed. Until just now, she, who had been drinking a few cans of beer, was finally drunk. After pressing the call button, ránhòu finally heard Lu Yang's voice.


   She didn't know if she really liked Lu Yang so much, but she was not reconciled, and she was a little irritated by Cao Xue's rebellious behavior.


   always wanted to beat Cao Xue once, to make her regret that she lied to her before.


   However, the invitation she spoke up with the courage was directly rejected by Lu Yang. Is Cao Xue the only one in his heart after all?


   Tong Yaqian blinked her drunk eyes. Looking at the crescent moon in the night, I felt a bit miserable. Is this love? She finally understood some of the feelings of the boys who had been rejected by her before.


original. I couldn't ask for it. It was such a feeling. Tong Yaqian raised her face, not letting tears flow from her eyes. People who are drunk will always be very sensitive and fragile in their hearts, feelings that can be controlled in normal days. At this time, all came to my heart.


  Sometimes, when people really can't be sensitive in their hearts, they can't entangle their feelings. Because, if you continue to struggle, wǎngwǎng will be touched by yourself and feel sorry for yourself. ránhòu fell into sorrow. It's hard to extricate yourself.


This is the case of Tong Yaqian tonight. Sitting on such an empty rooftop with a cool breeze, you can see the cold and bright moon when you look up. Leaning against the cold wall of the staircase room on the rooftop, you will feel lonely and lonely. , The cool breeze at night seemed to blow into my heart, making the whole heart cold.


   Drinking cold beer bite by bite, Tong Yaqian enters a dream...




at the same time. In the 103 bedroom, Cheng Hua, who bought a second-hand computer at a low price this semester, is going online. This computer was given to him by a senior in the senior year who had to deal with a few hundred yuan before going to the internship.


Perhaps because of Lu Yang’s influence, Cheng Hua, who had rarely read novels in Lu Yang’s previous life, has also fallen into the pit of net writing, and has never been able to extricate herself from it. It just so happens that Wei Lingling, a woman, has been with him in the past two years. He broke up, reunited, and broke up again. After playing five or six times, he was desperate for love. This semester he finally made up his mind not to reconcile with that woman. Inwardly, Cheng Hua often regretted not listening to Lu Yang’s persuasion. Not only was he planted in the woman’s hands for the second time, but also the third, fourth, and even the fifth and sixth times. Every time she confessed to him and reunited with him, he naively thought This is the last time. After the previous breakup, she would definitely not break up easily this time. As a result, time and time again, she just played with him who was full of illusions about love until he was bruised and bruised, and finally stopped believing in love.


   He is not a person who loves to study. The university management is so loose, so what does he have a lot of free time for? Cheng Hua was very boring and slouched all day. It happened that a senior I knew asked him if he would like a computer?


  Ránhòu has a computer, what do you do online?


Cheng Hua naturally thinks of online games and online novels. Because of online games, Shi Jijun in the dormitory, every day in his ear, he said what kind of monster he played today and what equipment he got, so the first time he got the computer, Cheng Hua thought of online games, and then he thought of online novels, because Lu Yang wrote online novels, and he was so cool, every book could be published and made money.


He played an online game two years ago. The game he tried for the first time was "Meteor Butterfly Sword". As a result, Cheng Hua played for more than two hours, but he did not get up to the first level, so he hit a dozen gold coins. , Which seriously affected his enthusiasm for the game, it was too pit!


   Therefore, Cheng Hua fell in love with novels.


   plunged into this pit, he finally understood why Lu Yang was never bored or lonely, Nima! There are so many novels on the Internet! So many authors are writing, he can read it alone, and he can't read it all!


   In the words of Yang Zhi, another nerd in bedroom 103 was born! Everyone thinks Cheng Hua's current life is very boring. Whenever he has time all day, he lie in front of the computer and read novels. It doesn't have a personal image anymore. He doesn't look as handsome as before.


   But in Cheng Hua's eyes, these roommates who call him boring are all stupid! A lot of time is lost every day, so I don’t know such a wonderful world of novels at all.


you are not a fish, how to know the joy of fish!


   People who do not read novels cannot understand the happiness of bookworms like Cheng Hua.


At this time, Cheng Hua focused his eyes on Lu Yang’s "Wúàn Killing" on the computer screen. In other words, as soon as the book came out, Cheng Hua began to follow it. Since becoming a fan of Lu Yang, Cheng Hua has started to read it. I really admire Lu Yang, how can he come up with so many weird ideas in his mind, as well as those plot designs that are more exciting than the original movie. Recently, during the break after class, he did not go to Lu Yang less often, chasing Lu Yang to ask The storyline behind.


  At this time, Yang Zhi came back from a fall in love with Cheng Hua, and he guānxì was very nice to him. As soon as he entered the door, he put his head on Cheng Hua's shoulder and looked at the things on the screen.


"It's the book of Lu Yang again? Huazi, you're not saved! I urge you to follow Lu Yang as a teacher and learn to write novels with him! You still earn some living expenses! Much better than you are now. NS!"


   Yang Zhi saw the words "wúàn killing" at the top of the screen. Yelled.


Cheng Hua didn't reply, and retorted: "You know what a shit! Do you think anyone can write novels? You don't even look at the monthly ticket ranking of Lu Yang's book! There are tens of thousands of authors, his book Do you know that the book is now number one? Even if Lu Yang yuànyì teaches me. I don't have the ability to write!"


   "Huh? Is there such a high ranking?"


   This time, not only Yang Zhi jīngyà, but the other two in the dormitory at this time also surrounded them in surprise. The other two, one was Shi Jijun, were playing games just now, and the other was Shao Dahai.


   Three people surrounded Cheng Hua. Let Cheng Hua show you Lu Yang's monthly pass.


   Cheng Hua did not refuse, and immediately operated the mouse to return the chapter page to the page of "Wúàn Killing". ránhòu pulled the page to the center and displayed the monthly ticket rankings.


   Cheng Hua is looking forward to the expressions of the next few people.


   Sure enough, when a few people behind him followed the direction of his fingers. When I saw the monthly ticket ranking of Lu Yang's new book. His mouth opened wide in surprise.


   The total number of monthly tickets is more than 13,000, which is really ranked first.


Although they rarely read novels and seldom log in to the station, they are not unfamiliar with this station under the influence of Lu Yang and Cheng Hua. They all know that there are tens of thousands of authors and a lot of great gods. This website is famous. How impossible is it even to get the first place. They also knew it in their hearts.


   It is precisely because of the difficulties involved, that at this time, seeing the ranking of Lu Yang's new book makes it even more zhènhàn.


   Cheng Hua glanced at the surprised expressions of the three of them one by one, satisfied, and finally shook the three turtles. Why do I like to read Lu Yang's books? Lu Yang's writing is so good, is it normal for Lao Tzu to like it?


   Thinking of Yang Zhi entering the door just now to make fun of him, he feels happy. At this time, zài said?




   After 12 o'clock in the evening, Lu Yang finally finished the three chapters of today, took a look at the ranking on the monthly ticket list, and finally took the first place back by Blood Red.


   shook his head speechlessly, passed another chapter up, and continued to ask for a monthly pass.


   The blood is too red! Fight with him to this level.


   Turn off the computer. When Lu Yang was about to wash and sleep, he accidentally glanced at the phone on the computer desk, and suddenly remembered the ànhuà that Tong Yaqian called a few hours ago.


   thought: She should go back this time, right? It's so late, I should have fallen asleep.


   After thinking about it, Lu Yang picked up the phone and sent a message.


   "Are you going to sleep? I'm sorry tonight, I really don't have time."


   After the message was sent, there was no reply. Lu Yang thought that Tong Yaqian was really asleep, so he didn't think about it and went to wash and sleep. Tomorrow, zǎoshàng will still have shàngkè, and codewords will be required at noon and evening.




Lu Yang guessed right. Tong Yaqian did fall asleep at this time. Lu Yang also guessed wrong. What's wrong is that Tong Yaqian didn't fall asleep in sùshè. When Lu Yang's message was posted, she was still on the rooftop of No. 2 Teaching Building. Sleep soundly.


   This sleep is just a night away. Fortunately, the cold air in this season has not dropped, otherwise Tong Yaqian might not be able to wake up the next day if she slept this way.


   When the warm light of the sun shines on Tong Yaqian's face in the early morning, Tong Yaqian's eyelids tremble slightly, and ránhòu slowly opens his confused Is it dawn?


   Looking at the red sun in the east, Tong Yaqian stared blankly. She slept here all night, and most of the beer beside her was not drunk. Almost all the cooked food she bought was not moved.


   She slept here all night, but he never came.


   Suddenly smiled self-deprecatingly, Tong Yaqian picked up the phone next to her leg, got up and went downstairs silently. He just glanced at the beer and cooked food, and didn't mean to take it away. (To be continued...)


ps: Thank you lover, reward 100 points, thank book friends 110421131249860, ten years of watching pirates, aefjkbvd reward 588 points, thank Xiyang Lizheng for rewarding 600 points zài times, thank you for rewarding 10,000 points Coin, become another master of this book, thank you for your support, and thank you all for your monthly and recommendation tickets. This is the second chapter of today! There are two chapters in the evening. I haven't saved the manuscript. 12,000 words per day is the limit. Today, on National Day, I can only say a happy holiday to everyone. I can't update more. Sorry everyone! Feel sorry.


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