Rebirth 2003

Chapter 170: Trough

   When I arrived at the hotel, it was already dark outside.


   The hotel lobby is already brightly lit. As soon as you enter the lobby, you will see two or three tables in front with a red banner hanging on it, which read: The 2nd China Original Literature Annual Conference and the Beginning Authors Annual Conference.


   There were two women and one man sitting behind the desk, and the three starting point staff members had work cards on their chests.


   Seeing the big tiger and others coming in with a tall young man with his luggage in his hand, the three staff members immediately stood up with smiles on their faces.


   "Go and sign here!"


   Big Tiger said to Lu Yang, Lu Yang nodded, surrounded by the three of them, walked over and under the guidance of a female staff member, wrote his name on the sign-in pad.


   Then, another female staff member handed him something like a work permit and a hotel room key card. The work permit-like thing is also wearing a blue rope, and Lu Yang's name is written on the small sign. When taking the room key card, the big tiger said, what he took was the key card of their room.


   Then Big Tiger and others took Lu Yang to the room to put his luggage.


   After 8 o'clock in the evening, Lu Yang, who had a short rest, went out with the three of them to find food. There was food in the hotel, but everyone wanted to go out to eat. By the way, they also strolled in this big Shanghai at night.


   After all, except for the big tiger, everyone came from other places. It's rare to come to Shanghai once, so I can't help but go out and see.


  The place to eat is chosen by the local snake named Tiger.


   A Shanghai local cuisine restaurant, two floors above and below. The area is also okay, the point is that the store is old enough, and the words on the signboard are all faint.


   When ordering. Lu Yang asked which gods he had arrived now.


   The head of the conversation was opened. When the dishes came up, Lu Yang already knew that the blood red, the three young masters, and the cloud and sky were all here, as well as the veteran gods like Yanyu Jiangnan and the master.


   There will be a meeting tomorrow, so the big men didn't drink much this evening, and they could go back by themselves after eating.


   The next morning, the annual meeting was held as scheduled.


   In addition to the editor and other staff of the starting point. There are not many popular authors present at the meeting, only 20 or 30 people. It is said that all works are ordered by authors over 7000.


   This annual meeting. In addition to being hosted by Qidian, there are six well-known domestic Internet companies co-organized by Sina, Sohu, Tencent, Netease, and Tianya Online. There are also some publishing houses from Taiwan.


  The specifications look very high.


   At the meeting, the leader of the starting point. Leaders from other websites and companies took turns to speak on stage. Lu Yang is not concerned about those.


For Lu Yang, a reborn person, there are too many old-brand gods and well-known editors at this annual meeting. Lu Yang knows that many of them will disappear from the starting point in the next year or two, not only the gods, but also edit.


   just next year. Xueqi will lead a group of great gods to leave the starting point and join a digital station founded by another giant in the industry. This annual meeting lasts for two days.


   makes it very lively. I also signed the simplified version of several works at the meeting, but it was not Lu Yang’s turn for this kind of good. "Killing" has been published in Simplified Chinese, this time signing in Simplified Chinese, there will definitely be a place for him.


   Lu Yang just smiled at this.


In the end, the publishers attending the meeting today are willing to sign the few most popular novels. They are all profitable. If it is really a split, does Lu Yang still have two books that he does not have? Is it published in simplified Chinese?


   However, Lu Yang also knew that this world was like this, and he didn't feel uneven.


   Next year! Next year, when he takes away a group of editors and great gods, they will cry. When the time comes, let's see if they can be as arrogant as they are now.


  In history, in 2006, the blood-heavy almost hollowed out the first line of great gods at the starting point, and only a few top great gods such as Yanyu Jiangnan, Blood Red, and Cloud Sky were dug out. At that time, many people predicted that the starting point would be over.


   At that time, Shanda behind the starting point, in order to save people from the panic starting point, gritted his teeth and added another 100 million investment to stabilize the hearts of the remaining editors, several other great gods, and many middle-level authors.


   Then, through measures such as raising welfare, it did not shake the foundation of the starting point.


Later facts proved that the greatest value of the starting point is not the top gods, but the many first- and second-line middle-level writers. These first- and second-line writers, supported by the website, soon gave birth to a new group of gods. This group of newly born gods performed even better than the original gods.


  Such as Tomato, Chendong, Yueguan, Dancing, Magic Machine...


   It can be said that if it weren't for the departure of the blood red and others, which gave them the opportunity and position to be praised by the website, these people might not be able to get ahead so quickly.


   After the two-day annual meeting ended, Lu Yang took the autographs of the great gods and his contact information on the train back.


   For Lu Yang, this visit was an eye-opener.


   These people, after this year, it is almost impossible to see them on the same occasion in the future.




   Soon after returning, Lu Yang discovered that the blood-red "Road of Ascending Dragon" was over, and the biggest opponent of "Infinite Killing" suddenly disappeared. On the monthly ticket list, he immediately took the first place.


   Cloud Sky's "Legend of Cthulhu" is not known when it will be published, and it has been on the shelves recently.


   Lu Yang is still very jealous of this work that was once incomparable in 2005 and 2006.


   Cloud and sky, like blood red, is also a speed-flowing god. "The Legend of Cthulhu" is his pinnacle work. Fortunately, it hasn't been on the shelves this month, and there is no threat to "Infinite Kills."


   So, in January, Lu Yang took the first place in the monthly ticket list again and succeeded in re-election.




   Perhaps it was the last time that Tong Yaqian did not refuse to go to Lu Yang's hometown during the winter vacation. In recent times, when Lu Yang was eating in the cafeteria every day, Tong Yaqian always appeared opposite him with food.


   Not saying anything every time, Lu Yang ate silently, and she followed in silence. After eating, they nodded to each other as if they said goodbye, and then went to work on their own affairs.


   Within a few days, this scene fell in the eyes of Yang Zhi and Cheng Hua who came to the cafeteria for dinner.


   At that time, the two of them didn't come forward to greet Lu Yang, but on the way back, they sent Lu Yang a text message, which was sent by Yang Zhi.


   wrote in the message: Yes, Lu Yang! That was the beautiful president of the school newspaper just now, right?


   At the beginning of this semester, the original president of the school newspaper went for a senior internship, and Tong Yaqian is now the president of the school newspaper.


   I didn't expect Yang Zhi to know about it.


   Lu Yang, who was eating, took out his phone and read the text message, but did not reply, put the phone back in his pocket, and continued to eat silently.




   When class was in the afternoon, a few people in the dormitory rushed to the side of Lu Yang, occupying all the seats around Lu Yang, and then began to ask Lu Yang if he was dating that Tong Yaqian.


   Some people even asked Lu Yang if he broke up with Cao Xue?


   Lu Yang didn't want to answer any of these questions. It was annoying, so he took his own things and left, and didn't want to go to class in the afternoon.


   went back to the rental house, sat in front of the computer, took out his mobile phone, found Cao Xue's number, tried to dial, but finally put it down.


   Recently, the two have been in contact every day, but the previous feeling of intimacy seems to be estranged, and they can't always find the previous feeling. This is one reason why Cao Xue has not come back yet.


   When opening the document, he couldn't find the status of the codeword. Lu Yang was a little irritated, so he opened the author's backstage again and watched "Unlimited Killing" with more than 30,000 high-order subscriptions and more than 14,000 data sets, still feeling irritated.


   Every time he was in a bad mood, he just looked at the subscription data and his mood would quickly improve. However, the previous method of Bailing has no effect today.


   got up and went to the living room, playing the guitar, but he was always calm. The question by Yang Zhi and others just now really disturbed his heart.


   At this moment, I can't help myself.


   After thinking about it, he threw down the guitar, changed into a sports suit and went to the Sanda club.




   This time is the time for class in the afternoon. When Lu Yang arrived at Sanda, there were only three or five new students who had no class in the afternoon. Lu Yang was not interested in fighting against them, so he walked to an unused sandbag alone, and started to play the sandbags with his head dull. The sound of banging sounded incessantly.


   punches and kicks.


   After a while, I sweated all over.


The few freshmen in the training room all saw his abnormality today. No one dared to come up and talk to each other. They couldn’t concentrate during training. They couldn’t help but look at Lu Yang, secretly smacking their tongues. With heavy fists and legs, every time he hits the sandbag, he banged and his voice was dull.


   More than half an hour later, Lu Yang, covered in sweat, stopped.


He wiped the sweat from his face with his sleeves, and left the training room expressionlessly. When he was hitting the sandbag, he didn't wear gloves at all. When he left, his hands were still blue and purple, but he didn't notice it. .


  When I passed the school gate, I accidentally met Rui Xiaoxiu.


   Lu Yang was in a bad mood, just barely squeezed a smile, nodded to her and left. Rui Xiaoxiu did not speak, but noticed Lu Yang's abnormality today.


   I was sweating The skin on the backs of both hands and hands seemed to be torn and bleeding.


  Looking at Lu Yang's leaving back, Rui Xiaoxiu bit her lip and looked at him for several seconds before changing direction and following Lu Yang. When she reached the entrance of Lu Yang's rental house, she speeded up and came behind Lu Yang.


Lu Yang looked back at her. She looked worriedly at the back of Lu Yang’s hand. Rui Xiaoxiu hadn’t been here for a long time. Lu Yang didn’t know the reason, but the two said they were friends before. Since she’s here today, Lu Yang is in a mood No, let him in.


   "Sit for a while! There is boiling water in the water bottle, and the tea is next to the water bottle. If you want to drink water, pour it yourself! I'll take a bath first!" Lu Yang said briefly to Rui Xiaoxiu, and Lu Yang went to get his clothes and went into the bathroom.


   It was already very cold, and Lu Yang stood under the spray of hot water under the shower head, closing his eyes for a while. The situation this time was more complicated than breaking up with Feng Tingting.


   Cao Xue has not returned yet. (To be continued...)


  P: Thanks to the Jiefan family, a rewards 100 coins, thanks to Dream+Red+Dust rewards 1888 coins. This is the fourth chapter of today.

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