Rebirth 2003

Chapter 173: Meet

Lu Yang surfed the Internet to read the new book list of the starting point. He was eating braised beef, fatty intestines, and drinking beer. When he was comfortable, there was a quarrel from upstairs, and the quarrel floated in from the window of the study.


   Lu Yang vaguely heard a man cursing: "Go, you are paralyzed! Don't talk nonsense! Quickly get money for Lao Tzu!"


Then Lu Yang heard a woman yelling something. It might be because the woman's voice was relatively small. Even if she yelled vigorously, Lu Yang didn’t know what she was yelling, except that it was from Xingyu Internet Cafe. The voice of the beautiful boss.


   Lu Yang shook his head. He was not interested in taking care of other people's affairs. The two did not have any friendship anyway. Speaking of which, the two Internet cafes opened together, they were peers, that is, natural enemies.


With a chuckle, Lu Yang walked over to close the windows and draw the curtains, intending to isolate the sound from the outside. Sure enough, when the windows were closed and the curtains were closed, the sound upstairs suddenly became so small that it was almost negligible. In the sound of music, that little quarrel, if you don't listen carefully, you can't hear it at all.


   Lu Yang smiled and returned to the computer chair. He continued to eat stewed dishes and drink beer. He watched the website and listened to songs. It didn’t feel too cool.


However, Lu Yang seemed to be happy too early. Within a few minutes after he sat back, the window glass upstairs made a muffled sound, and then there was a roar of a piece of glass on the balcony of his house, which was in Lu Yang's hand The bottle of beer that was already close to the mouth just stopped.


   On the balcony, after he woke up today, he washed all his clothes while taking a shower. It didn't take long to hang up! Also, there are seven or eight pots of flowers and plants that Cao Xue used to raise here on the balcony!




   Lu Yang banged, resting the beer bottle in his hand on the computer desk. Yi Gulu jumped up from the computer chair, quickly ran out of the study, then walked through the bedroom, and opened the bedroom door.


   Lu Yang didn't dare to rush to the balcony immediately, fearing that there was still glass falling from it, slapped the switch on the door, and the light bulb on the balcony lit up. A miserable picture appeared in Lu Yang's sight.


   Seven or eight potted flowers, flowers, and grasses were all affected by seedlings, more miserable than those hit by hail, and all the branches and leaves were scattered. I couldn't bear to witness it. There were also a few pieces of clothes that Lu Yang had just dried out. The coats bought for more than 500 pieces had a large triangular glass with a palm inserted on the back, and they were scrapped.


   A thermal underwear top. A large opening more than ten centimeters long was also split at the neckline. Also scrapped.


   These two clothes alone are more than 600! It is not known whether the other pieces of clothing have been murdered.


   Is this Nima avenging me for not trying to persuade me?


   Lu Yang was on fire. He was eating stewed vegetables, drinking beer, and listening to music at home. Who did you offend? You two quarrel, just do it, so what's the matter of tossing Lao Tzu like this?


   The good mood of successfully buying 455,000 shares of Vanke was completely destroyed by this one.


   Lu Yang thought for a while, and connected the clothes hanger as fast as possible. He took off the coat and went out of his house. Go upstairs to find the couple and settle accounts.


   This kind of thing happened, if he didn't say a word of fart, wouldn't he let the couple look down on it in the future? Especially that man. Lu Yang met him for the first time when they first moved. His nose was not his nose, and his face was not his face. This time, if he didn't go up and talk to him, he would be uncertain in the future. What can be done.


When I walked upstairs, I could hear the fierce quarrel outside the door. Now I heard it more clearly. It seemed that a man asked a woman to give him money, but a woman resolutely refused to agree and said that he was defeated. A hundred thousand.


   Lu Yang didn't care about that much. Now he just wanted to ask for an explanation. If the problem is solved, he will leave immediately. No matter how they make noise?


No one else came to watch the excitement at the door. Lu Yang walked over and slapped the door with two bangs. The effect was obvious. The quarrel in the room stopped immediately, and then the man rushed to the door and shouted: "Who the hell? What kind of shots? Are you looking for smoke?".


   Then the wife of Star Rain also asked, her tone was okay, and she asked, "Who?"


   Then Lu Yang heard a sound of footsteps coming towards the gate.


   Hearing someone coming to open the door, Lu Yang did not pat the door again, nor did he speak.


   Soon, the door opened with a click, and it was the lady boss who opened the door.


   A few meters away stood a blushing man with a thick neck.


"It's you?"


Seeing that the person outside the door was Lu Yang, the lady boss was a little surprised. The man a few meters away became more angry, and he reached out and pointed at Lu Yang and cursed: "What are you guys running to my house for? Are you looking for a mess? Believe it or not. Smoke you right away?"


   Obviously, Lu Yang is very unpleasant.


   Lu Yang didn't talk nonsense with him. He raised the jacket in his hand and showed them the big opening on the back of the jacket. The triangular piece of glass was still inserted on it.


"Clean your mouth! You smashed the glass just now, right? Take a look! What did this dress look like? All of the clothes I left on the balcony were smashed, as well as the seven or eight potted flowers raised by my girlfriend. The grass is all gone! Are you going to talk to me? Let’s talk about it! How to pay?"


   Seeing Lu Yang's jacket dripping with water, the couple's breath was stagnant, the clothes were still dripping, the hangers were still on it, and the glass was still inserted on it, obviously because they broke the glass just now.


The lady boss immediately squeezed out a smiling face and just wanted to make up for it. The man a few meters away rushed in front of Lu Yang a few steps, grabbed the clothes in Lu Yang's hand, and threw it on the ground. He vomited to Lu Yang's feet and cursed, "Fuck you! What to pay for? I want to blackmail Lao Tzu with a piece of torn clothes? Who let you live downstairs in my house? You are unlucky! Hurry up and get out of Lao Tzu! Otherwise I will smoke you right away!"


   Lu Yang's face turned cold, and he knew that this guy had a bad temper. He didn't expect to be so arrogant if he spoiled his clothes?


   Lu Yang didn't do anything immediately, looked at the lady boss at the door, and said, "Are you not going to pay?"


   Seeing Lu Yang's face cooled down, the lady boss grew up again. Hurry up and say: "No, no! We will lose, we will lose, we will definitely lose!"


Before   's words fell, the man already slapped Lu Yang's face with a slap.


   This really doesn't put Lu Yang in his eyes!


   If Lu Yang could bear it, he would look down on himself. Leaning his head back, he kicked out with one heel, kicked fiercely on the man's left thigh, and fell down at the sound. He fell heavily to the ground, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to support it, just pressing that piece. On the glass.


   He snatched Lu Yang's clothes and threw them on the ground just now. After stomping a few feet, the triangular piece of glass had long been broken into seven or eight pieces, and the palm was pressed up. Immediately pierced into his palm, causing him to scream in pain.


   The lady boss screamed, she didn't expect the two of them to say that they would do it. She hadn't reacted yet. The husband has been brought down by others. The palm of his hand was lifted up like an electric shock, and a few pieces of broken glass were inserted into the palm, which was already bloody.


   The man was in pain and anger. He got up and wanted to rush in front of Lu Yang. He was hugged tightly by the boss, so he wouldn't let him rush to Lu Yang again.


   Lu Yang glanced coldly at the man's **** palm, and said, "You don't have to pay for the clothes! This time I will teach you a lesson, and I will dare to be so horrible next time. Don't blame me for being ruthless!"


   The man was still angry, but the lady boss repeatedly apologized to Lu Yang.


   gave the man a kick. With so much blood in his palm again, Lu Yang didn't want to continue to quarrel with him, nodded and turned and went downstairs.


Upstairs, the couple closed the door and were still arguing. The man wanted to go downstairs to trouble Lu Yang. The lady boss gave him an angry look and cursed: "If you really haven't been beaten enough, then you go down now! However, when you are beaten up again, don’t blame me for not reminding you, that young man practiced martial arts in school, like you, if you go three or five together, you won’t be able to beat others!"


   "What? Practicing martial arts? How did you know?" The man was stunned.


   "Our internet café is next door to them. Can I not inquire about the boss's news?". The lady boss answered badly.


   "Then I call the police!" The man was still unwilling.


Mrs. Boss: "Then you report it! You smashed the window, broke some of the clothes, and the flowers and plants planted by his girlfriend. They came to the door to reason with you. You beat someone and call the police? Not enough people have been lost, right?"


   The man finally wilted.


  , he can't beat others; if he calls the police, he doesn't care about it. If you think about it, he really can't help others if he doesn't make a secret move. But for such a trivial matter, he made a secret move. If the police find out, the trouble will be big.




After    came back, Lu Yang's anger disappeared. It was just a pity that those clothes and the flowers and plants that Cao Xue had raised before. But it has happened, and it's useless no matter how bad it is.


Back in front of the computer, continue to eat beef and drink beer, and then start codewords. Although it was midnight at this time, he slept well in the afternoon and his energy level was just right. There were no codewords for two days. I will take advantage of it tonight. If you are in good spirits, let's make more codes!


After not writing for two days, Lu Yang found that he was a little rusty. He couldn't remember some details of the movie "The Grudge". He had no choice but to find out the movie again and revisit the few things he couldn't remember. Watch it twice.


   Writing and writing stop and stop, I didn't feel a little sleepy until after three o'clock in the morning, and I wrote two chapters in four or five hours. If he wanted to continue, Lu Yang knew that he should still be able to write a chapter.


   But he can't do this. If it's almost dawn, the day and night will be completely reversed, and it will be difficult to adjust the biological clock in the future.


   After returning from Shenzhen, Lu Yang did not go back to his hometown immediately. Firstly, it was more convenient to upload the codewords and chapters. Secondly, he left for too long at the Dragon Clan Internet cafe, and he was a little worried after all.


   At the same time, it was also to wait to see if the man upstairs would hold a grudge against him in the house or the Internet cafe after he got home.


   That night, the impulsive and violent personality of the man upstairs left a deep impression on Lu Yang. If he had known that his temper had burst like that, Lu Yang would not have gone upstairs to ask for an explanation that night.


   It's not that I'm afraid of him, but I just don't want to pester such a person. It's like a rascal, it's very troublesome to get entangled.


   So, I lived here for almost half a month. The family called to urge him to go back. Tong Yaqian also called. On the phone, Tong Yaqian asked Lu Yang if he could go to his house recently?


This matter, when Tong Yaqian told him in the cafeteria last time, he had already acquiesced. This time she called and asked again. Of course, Lu Yang couldn’t regret it, so he told her the truth, saying that he was still in school. , If she wants to go to his house, he will rush back as soon as possible.


   Then Tong Yaqian asked him again when it was as soon as possible?


   The last two made an appointment on the phone, set off on the same day, then met at Wuhu Railway Station, and then went to Lu Yang's hometown together.


   Putting down the phone, Lu Yang was a little surprised that he was not so resistant to Tong Yaqian. Is it because Cao Xue has fewer and fewer calls recently?


   The gap between him and Cao Xue seems to be getting deeper and deeper. On occasional calls recently, both of them feel a little bit unsure of what to say, and they always have to deliberately find topics, or they will fall into a situation of speechlessness. This was not the case before. Even if the two were separated on vacation, when they received a call from the other party, they always had endless topics. It was common for them to talk for more than an hour. The meaning is still unfinished.


   shook his head, Lu Yang no longer thinks about it, let's go with the flow!




  T City, in an ordinary suite in the government compound, Tong Yaqian smiled and put down her mobile phone. On the call just now, Lu Yang's tone was much better than before. This should be a good sign, right?


   However, when I go out at this time, my mother's level is not easy! After rolling her eyes twice, Tong Yaqian smiled and walked out of her bedroom. Her mother was reading documents in the study. She knocked on the wooden door of the study twice, and then asked: "Mom! Can I come in?".


   "Xiaoqian? What's the matter? Come in!" A middle-aged woman's plain voice came from the study, listening to the voice, not like that kind of housewife.


   Tong Yaqian’s mother certainly cannot be an ordinary housewife.


   opened the study door with a smile, Tong Yaqian smiled and walked over and hugged her mother's neck from behind, and gently kissed her mother on the cheek.


   I met Tong Yaqian's mother and I knew who the good genes of Tong Yaqian were inherited from. The mother and daughter are six or seventy-seven similar. The only difference is that they are different in age and temperament.


   Tong Yaqian’s mother is in her early forties, graceful and luxurious, but there is a hint of indifference between her eyebrows, she wears a pair of silver-rimmed glasses and a beige suit that is rather old-fashioned.


   "Please please me? What's the matter?" Tong Yaqian's mother squinted Tong Yaqian, knowing her daughter Mo Ruomu, Tong Yaqian just kissed her gently, she knew that Tong Yaqian had something to ask her again.


Tong Yaqian was not surprised, she still hugged her mother tightly from behind, and said coquettishly in her mother's ear: "Mom! Just now a very close friend of mine called me and invited me to her house. I have promised her. ..."


   "No! It's almost the New Year. Are you planning to let me and your father celebrate the New Year?" Tong Yaqian's mother frowned and refused. (To be continued...)


  PS: Thanks to the confused people! ! ! , Harley is a legend that rewards 100 coins. Thanks to Xia Yan Dongmiao for rewarding 588 coins. This is the fourth chapter of today's 4,000 words. The state is not good today, with only 10,000 words. You don't need to wait for Chapter 4.


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