Rebirth 2003

Chapter 177: Lively Spring Festival




   Cao Xue’s phone number seems to be a switch. Just after Lu Yang finished talking with her, before the phone was put back in his pocket, another person called, it was Yang Zhi from the bedroom.


   As soon as the call was made, Yang Zhi's voice came over with a smile.


   "Brother! Happy new year! Brother is giving you a New Year! Remember to give me a big red envelope after school starts! I tell you, less than 1,000 yuan, I will go directly to move your computer!"


Lu Yang knew that Yang Zhi likes to joke, and the sound of fireworks outside was too noisy, so he walked into his bedroom, closed the door, and babbled with him: "You **** are itchy, right? Dare to call my brother? Tell me the truth! You! How long have you been coveting my computer? The fox tail finally appeared today, right? Haha!"




   Just after Yang Zhi's call ended, the phone rang again. When Lu Yang connected, he first heard the humiliated voice of the host of the Spring Festival Gala, and then heard Cheng Hua's triad-style New Year greetings.


  "Yangtse! Don't pay homage to your eldest brother for a new year? Believe it or not I will bring a bunch of brothers to cut you after school starts?"


   Then there was Wang Haiyang’s phone call, then the editor from the e-Province Children’s Literature and Art Publishing House, the starting point dozens of personal authors, and a few **** book fans with Lu Yang’s phone number...


   One call after another, Lu Yang never put his cell phone in his pocket at all, and finally did not call him until the cell phone was completely out of power.


   When he put down the phone, Lu Yang felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart. How could there be such a lively phone call during the New Year in the previous life? When there are more than a dozen friends and classmates sending blessing messages, it’s not bad to send them a group by the way.


   Still the old saying is right! No one asks the poor in the downtown area, and the rich has distant relatives in the mountains.


Now that Lu Yang has made a lot of money from writing novels, many people probably know it. When people get the upper hand, no matter what the purpose is, there will always be many people willing to make friends with you, even if it’s just a relationship. Friends, we are also more willing to make friends who are capable.


   A person has fallen to a certain level. There will be fewer and fewer friends.




   While charging the phone, Lu Yang turned on the computer and uploaded three new chapters in one go, at the end of the last chapter. Wishing everyone a year.


After preaching the new chapter, Lu Yang opened the page of "Unlimited Killing". On this festive day, there are a lot of red rewards in the book review area. Other small amounts, such as 100 points and 588 points, are also available. Few, many readers wish him a happy new year in the book review section.


   Landing on q`q, there is also a lively blessing among the book friends. Some readers are on this New Year’s Eve. Also online.


  Thor Group: "Oh! Those who celebrate the New Year have to be on duty at the company. The sound of firecrackers can be heard one after another outside, but I can only stay in the office and surf the Internet.


   Mo innocent: "Brother! Let's take out the cold, what shall we do?"


Sunflower on the other side: "Haha! I have a good table tonight. There are also Moutai and Wuliangye, which can support my stomach! The two brothers above are very envious, right? Haha! I tell you, this is not envious. The buddies are watching the Spring Festival Gala with their arms around their wife! Zhao Benshan should be out soon..."


   Thor Group: "Bitch! Not guilty to **** him!"


   Mo innocence: "Sunflower is really a bitch! The identification is complete!"


   Anonymous water thief: "Sunflower is too hateful! However, in other words, it seems that I am a bit cooler than Sunflower! Luyu has an appointment at night... Ah wrong! There is an appointment with a girl! Haha..."


  Sunflower on the other side: "Thank you Brother Water Pirates for helping me share the firepower! Thank you!"


  峰~~Brother: "There are a bunch of show-offs above, I don't want to say that I'm still cooking in the kitchen. A miserable life starts from being a chef!"




Looking at a group of chattering guys in the group, Lu Yang smiled and said "Happy New Year everyone!", and then the guys who were still online came out one after another and said to Lu Yang, "Happy New Year to Wenda!" ". That said, "Wen Da New Year!", someone asked "Wen Da is lonely tonight?" Others asked: "Will Wen Da add changes today? Today is New Year's Eve!"


   After chatting with everyone for a while, Lu Yang moved to the dark realm again.


   There are also many people chatting in the dark realm today.


   Lu Yang opened the group in the dark realm. I saw a big picture of passing lambs in the group. The picture was full of exquisite delicacies.


There are braised chicken, sweet and sour pork ribs, salt and pepper prawns, steamed mandarin fish, dry pot turtle, old duck soup, fruit platter... At first glance, the dishes are stacked one by one, and there are more than 20 dishes. Lu I raised my eyes and even saw the edge of the dining table. There was an apple-sized cup in front of everyone, and there were two or three abalone floating in each cup.


  Hi his grandma! Too extravagant!


   Obviously, on this New Year’s Eve, the local tyrant sheep habitually show off their wealth again.


   Below is a scolding voice from a popular author.


A dark hole: "I'll give you a lung! The local tyrant sheep! I am at odds with you! Curse you for overnutrition, elevated cholesterol, elevated blood pressure, fatty liver, or hypertrophy? The firepower of the brothers below! Local tyrant sheep too Hateful! Those two bottles on the table are Maotai for decades?"


   Squiggly: "God is really eyeless! Why hasn't the local tyrant sheep been struck to death by lightning yet? Are the thunder fathers and mothers dead too?"


   Sorry for the next door! The sheep are not eating grass these days, is there any law? Is there a law?"


   Big Tiger: "The local tyrant sheep of the dog day! So many good dishes don't call me on me..."


   The boiling dust: "It is shameful to show off your wealth! It is strongly recommended to boycott local tyrant sheep!"


  A passing lamb: "Villa Chen? What position do you have to resist me? In other words, are we not in the same class? We are born from the same root, so why are we too anxious!"


   A dark hole: "Everyone don't pull me! I want to explode the local tyrant sheep chrysanthemum! I want to explode the villa dust belly button!"




   Seeing everyone chatting so happily, Lu Yang couldn't help but go up and have fun.


   Wen Chou: "By the way, today New Year's Eve, don't we plan to give us some benefits from the big starting point? For example, one or two soft girls?"


Then a shocking scene appeared. The editor-in-chief of the second group of starting point, Z, followed Lu Yang’s words, and sent a picture of all the famous actresses of the island’s “national love” action film to the group. Cang`jing`sora, Xiao `Zawa` Maria`, I`shima` all appeared on the picture wearing only a pair of panties, and I don’t know if this picture came from PS. Anyway, as soon as this picture came out, the great gods in the group were all stunned.


   The dark realm fell into a brief silence, and then the passing lamb jumped out first and wrote: "Z great mighty! Wish me great starting point forever, and dominate the rivers and lakes!"


   Then the prostitution also came out, writing: "I wish you good luck and happiness, longevity and heaven!"


Later, several editors from the starting point, publishing house and other places appeared one after another. Several rules and regulations to greet you in the new year, and a few were completely released today, and copied the picture of old z just now. Then he sent it out.


   A lively scene of chicken flying and dog jumping in the group.




   After surfing the Internet for a while, Lu Yang went downstairs to watch the Spring Festival Gala with his family. Although the Spring Festival Gala in 2005 seemed to him to be crude, the feeling of watching it as a family is still good.


   The Spring Festival Gala is notoriously long. When Dad opened the door and went out to set off firecrackers after midnight, the Spring Festival Gala continued.


On New Year’s Eve, most people in rural areas have to watch the year. At Lu Yang’s house, the gate is opened after midnight. It is called the open wealth gate. After the wealth gate is opened, the gate cannot be bolted or locked in the middle of the night. Open the wealth gate. When you go out, you must set off enough firecrackers, which means to ask the God of Wealth to come in.


When my father opened the door of wealth and set off firecrackers, my mother suddenly remembered something and said to Lu Yang: "Yangtze! Tomorrow morning on the first day of the New Year, I will give you tea this year. Your father is getting old. Now, I have to stay up late at night. Tomorrow morning you will work hard and let your dad sleep a little longer!"


   Lu Yang was stunned for a moment. His mother didn’t say anything. He hadn’t thought about giving tea to his son on New Year’s Day, so he smiled and nodded and said, "Okay!"


  Send child tea may just be the custom here in Lujiacun. Anyway, Lu Yang has never seen this custom in other places in his previous life.


The rule for sending tea is that on the morning of the New Year’s Day, it usually does not exceed 10 am. Every household in the village must send a person to take a bowl and put a few tea eggs in the bowl, starting from the beginning of the village. Give a tea egg to someone who has married a daughter in the past year. The implication is that the daughter of someone who has married a daughter can get pregnant with a son as soon as possible.


   Tea eggs will not be given away for free. If one tea egg is delivered, the household will give you a cigarette and a few candies in return. Those with better conditions will also prepare some biscuits and melon seeds as a gift.


   is a custom, it’s a big Chinese New Year, no one cares about a few tea eggs, not to mention, you can get something back.


   is also because of this custom. Every year on Lujia Village’s New Year’s Day, it is very lively. Every household in each household holds a porcelain bowl with a few tea eggs in the bowl and walks from the village head to the end of the village.


   There are hundreds of families in Lujia Every year, almost everyone married their daughters.


   These tea eggs were collected, not for them to eat, but for their daughter and new son-in-law to bring them back when they came to pay New Year's greetings.


There is also a rule. Generally, as long as there is a man in the family, regardless of age, when you give tea, it is a man to send it. Unless there is really no man in your family, it is easy for a woman to hold a bowl to give tea to others. Turning people's faces. People in the village will be scolded behind their backs for not understanding the rules.


Sure enough, the next morning, when Lu Yang came out of the house with five or six tea eggs holding a porcelain bowl early in the morning, the village was already coming and going, and it was all men who gave tea. Some were about ten years old. The little kid from here also joins in the fun, holding a porcelain bowl with a few tea eggs, following the adults, smilingly giving tea to those who married their daughters last year.




Thanks to my family. General Baiqi, my love, Feng~~ brother, sadly ↑Star rewards 100 points, thanks to milky milk, Dadaoyue rewards 588 points, thanks to the unknown pirate for rewards 1888 points, ask for monthly pass !

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