Rebirth 2003

Chapter 196: Rui Xiaoxiu's scam


   It is another night, some people are surfing the Internet in the Internet cafe, some are sleeping in the dormitory, some are dating their girlfriends, maybe they are already having sex...

As an internet writer who must update every day, Lu Yang’s nightlife is still so boring. In the study room where the walls and even the ceiling are covered with maps, the computer screen is on, and the newly created documents are still blank. Dao Lang’s "Reminiscences in the Rain" floated in his stereo. Although there was music, there was only music. There was a quiet atmosphere in the room. Lu Yang stood in front of the wall by the door, holding his arms, slightly Staring at the large map on the wall, he conceived the content of the chapters to be written in his heart.

   The popularity of "Magic Sword Eternal" is now very good, but the popularity represents that the content he wrote before is good, it does not mean that he does not need to work hard now.

  Achievements can only represent the past. What will happen in the future depends on the current efforts.

No matter how popular an online novel is in the early stage, if it is not well written for a few consecutive chapters, most of the popularity accumulated by a book will be lost. This is the cruelty of this line. Every day and every chapter, you must use your heart. Writing, even so, may not be able to retain the existing popularity.

   After staring at the map for more than ten minutes, Lu Yang returned to the computer and began to tap the keyboard silently. Lines of text jumped into the blank document, and the plot in his mind spread out a little bit.

   Such days, as long as you are still a writer, you will never end.

   To be a writer, you need a quiet heart, a calm mind, a god! If you are confused, your thoughts will be chaotic, and you will not be able to write satisfactory words under chaotic thoughts.


   When Lu Yang was silently coding in the study, Rui Xiaoxiu’s house was the empty house in another community not far away. She was the only one working in the kitchen.

   has been busy for a long time before getting all the sanitation in the kitchen, and then she looked at the liquefied gas stove, the casserole was startled, and the soup was boiling in the casserole. Of course this is not the point.

   The tempting aroma of chicken soup overflowed the entire kitchen. If it was in the past, if such a pot of good soup was made, she would be very happy, but her expression was obviously not happy at this time.

She hasn't been to Lu Yang for a long time. Since the last time he gave him a sweater, he hugged her and said, "Xiaoxiu! Be my sister!" After that, she didn't have the courage to go to him, even though she had been thinking about it. he.

   Just, who wants to be her sister?

  Because I am still a virgin, can I only be your sister?

   Looking at the chicken soup still boiling on the liquefied gas stove, Rui Xiaoxiu muttered these words silently in her heart. She felt a little aggrieved, but gradually strengthened her previous thoughts.

   waited another ten minutes, the soup pot was ready, Rui Xiaoxiu packed the insulation barrel, and then went to Lu Yang with the insulation barrel.


   Lu Yang was about to write a chapter. He suddenly heard the doorbell. He frowned. He went out and opened the door. Then he saw Rui Xiaoxiu carrying a thermos outside the door.

   Rui Xiaoxiu hasn't been here for a long time. Lu Yang was a little surprised when she suddenly saw her coming with a vacuum flask, but then he smiled and said, "It's Xiaoxiu! Come in!"

   said, she let the door open, Rui Xiaoxiu smiled reluctantly, and walked into the living room.

"I'm free tonight, I'll cook some chicken soup for you! Come and drink while it's hot!" Rui Xiaoxiu said, putting the thermos on the dining table and opening it, and then found that there were no dishes and chopsticks, so he walked a few steps into the kitchen to get it. A pair of bowls and chopsticks came over.

"sorry to trouble you!"

   Lu Yang was a little moved. Rui Xiaoxiu didn't come here during this time. He knew exactly what it was for. He didn't expect that Rui Xiaoxiu would give him chicken soup. He walked to the dining table and watched Rui Xiaoxiu serve him chicken soup and tear his chicken legs.


   Rui Xiaoxiu put the prepared chicken soup in front of Lu Yang. Lu Yang was afraid that the refusal would make her sad, so she thanked her and began to drink the soup. The chicken broth is delicious and should be stewed by the old hen.

   "Your junior year is almost over, have you found the internship unit?"

   While Lu Yang was drinking chicken soup, Rui Xiaoxiu, who was sitting quietly next to him, asked him about his internship with concern.

   "I'm looking for it, in a middle school in y province and k city, it should be teaching junior high school history!" Rui Xiaoxiu didn't mention feelings, and Lu Yang naturally wouldn't mention it, and chatted with her gently.

   "Being a teacher! Very good!"

   Rui Xiaoxiu sighed and said, "It's June now, are you leaving school soon?"

   If it wasn't time for June and knew that Lu Yang was about to leave, Rui Xiaoxiu might not be able to make that decision.

   "Well, it's coming soon!"

   Lu Yang didn't know Rui Xiaoxiu's intentions, but thought it was a very common question, so he answered casually.

   A bowl of chicken soup drank quickly, Rui Xiaoxiu hurriedly got up and had to serve another bowl for Lu Yang. Lu Yang refused with a smile, saying that he was full at night, and he would drink the rest of the chicken soup when he was hungry.

Hearing what he said, Rui Xiaoxiu sat back in the chair somewhat disappointed, and the two chatted without words. Rui Xiaoxiu got up and went to the kitchen with the thermos bucket, and poured all the chicken soup and old hen into Lu Yang's rice cooker. Inside, Lu Yang looked silent.

  The longer she gets along with Rui Xiaoxiu, the more she feels that she is a good girl. Although she is not well-educated and has no abilities, she must be extremely competent to be a housewife.

Without Cao Xue, Lu Yang would be a full-time writer with her, and life would be very moisturizing. Unlike him and Cao Xue, they have been separated for almost a year now. They returned to him last year and did not wait. how long.

   Lu Yang thought that Rui Xiaoxiu would leave soon after pouring the chicken soup. He didn't expect that after pouring the chicken soup, Rui Xiaoxiu actually started to clean him in the kitchen.

   Lu Yang hurried up to stop her, but couldn't persuade her. Rui Xiaoxiu instead said to him: "Lu Yang! Go write a novel! I will help you with hygiene and leave! Leave me alone!"

  Lu Yang, but her, the novel really needs to be written, and when it is put on the shelves, I am still waiting for the manuscript to explode and ask for a monthly pass! Had no choice but to follow her.

   Lu Yang went back to the study and continued to code. It wasn't until about eleven thirty that he completed today's three chapters.

   As the codeword has passed, Lu Yang's codeword speed has also become faster.

   After he finished uploading the second chapter of today, he came out of the study and unexpectedly saw Rui Xiaoxiu's thermos still on his dining table.

What's happening here? Did Rui Xiaoxiu forget to bring it when she left? Shouldn't it?

  Walking to the door of the kitchen, Lu Yang saw that Rui Xiaoxiu was not in the kitchen, but when he walked to the door of the bathroom, there was still no one inside, could it?

Lu Yang walked to the bedroom, unscrewed the lock and pushed the bedroom door open. There was no light in the bedroom, but the quilt on the bed was bulging. Lu Yang had the habit of making the bed every day. At this time, the quilt was opened. , There was obviously a person lying under the quilt.

   Rui Xiaoxiu got on his bed?

   Lu Yang stretched out his hand to turn on the bedroom chandelier, when Rui Xiaoxiu's low voice suddenly came from the bed.

   "Lu Yang! Please don't turn on the lights, please?"

  'S soft voice, people can't bear to refuse.

   But Lu Yang still turned on the light, and the soft light of the chandelier illuminated the entire bedroom. On the bed, Rui Xiaoxiu was shrunk into the quilt with her small head.

   Lu Yang walked over with a complicated mood, sat down on the edge of the bed, and said in silence for a moment: "Xiaoxiu! Aren't we talking about being good brothers and sisters?"

   Rui Xiaoxiu's voice came out from under the covers: "Lu Yang! I am not a virgin anymore."


Lu Yang was there for a moment, and he couldn't tell what it was like. He was because Rui Xiaoxiu was an unmanned girl before, and he couldn't give her affection and didn't want to hurt her, so he never took her. He didn't expect him In the past few months of writing a new book, she has not been anymore.

   After a long while, Lu Yang digested the news, sighed and asked, "Did you make a boyfriend this time?"


   Rui Xiaoxiu's muffled voice came from under the covers.

   "Then you still on my bed?"

   "We broke up." Rui Xiaoxiu was bored in the bed. Lu Yang couldn't see her expression and could only hear the muffled voice. He didn't know if she was crying at the moment.

   "I broke up, don't let yourself go like this! Obedient! Go back!"

After Lu Yang said this, Rui Xiaoxiu in the bed did not speak for a long time. When Lu Yang thought she would leave, her little head came out of the bed and asked sadly, "Lu Yang! You think I am dirty. Right?"

"No! I just don't want you to stop cherishing yourself after a relationship failure! Obedient! Go back!" At this time, Lu Yang's mood is very complicated. He doesn't own Rui Xiaoxiu, hoping that she can have a good home~www.readwn. com~ I didn't expect her body to be lost and her relationship failed.

   I cherish her, it seems meaningless.

Rui Xiaoxiu stretched out a small white hand from the bed and held Lu Yang's big rough hand. After hesitating, she sat up all over her body, slowly approaching Lu Yang, hugging Lu Yang's back with her arms, and said softly. Lu Yang said on his shoulders: "It's not a relationship failure. It's the third time. You also rejected me. Now you are leaving school. I liked you so much. Before you leave, can't you stay with me all night? I just want to leave a little memory..."

   "Little show..."

   Lu Yang wanted to say something more, Rui Xiaoxiu suddenly kissed Lu Yang's mouth, closing all the words behind Lu Yang's mouth, she kissed very hard, her eyes closed, Lu Yang saw tears on her face.

   wanted to push her away, but in the end she couldn't get her heart cruel.

   Three relationship failures, her heart must be scarred.

   Hesitating, Lu Yang slowly hugged her soft waist.

   The light in the bedroom was pressed out by Lu Yang for a while. The two finally entered the bed and threw out each piece of clothing. Ten minutes later, Rui Xiaoxiu suddenly snorted and pinched her nails into Lu Yang Jingchi's back.

   Lu Yang, who was about to do a lot of work, was set there. He seemed to have been hitting the acupuncture points. After a few seconds, Lu Yang turned on the bedroom chandelier again and looked at Rui Xiaoxiu silently.

   At this time, Rui Xiaoxiu also looked at him quietly with her eyes open.

   Lu Yang opened the quilt silently, and slowly pulled out his baby, with traces of blood on it, which made him want to beat his head a few times, and was actually deceived by Rui Xiaoxiu. RS

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