Rebirth 2003

Chapter 208: Turn things around


   At the back door of the 04 Tourism Class, Cheng Hua was still hesitating. Although he had made up his mind to chase after Wang Yue, he couldn't muster the courage to show up in front of her when things came.

   "Go in!"

   Lu Yang tilted his head at him. Cheng Hua's appearance at this time was too irritating.

"and many more!"

   "Waiting for what?"

   "Wait for me to prepare."

   "You prepare a fur!"

   Lu Yang pushed Cheng Hua into the classroom when he was unprepared. Cheng Hua, who was nervous and sweating on his forehead, was taken aback by this, and opened his mouth to swear.

Some boys and girls in the back of the classroom heard the movement and looked back at him, including Wang Yue. At this time, Wang Yue probably didn’t know Cheng Hua yet, so they saw Cheng Hua dressed like an official bridegroom. The expressions on her face were similar to others. People's reactions were almost the same, with a slightly surprised smile in doubt.

   At night, a strange man dressed like this, he was so dark and strong, who would see it as a joke.

Cheng Hua also noticed the look in everyone’s eyes, pointed at Lu Yang with a gloomy expression, swallowed back the swear words that came to his lips, and then took a pretentious English book. After most people looked back, he slowly moved. He came to Wang Yue's side and sat down on the seat beside her.

   Outside the door, Yang Zhi and Shi Jijun snickered and quietly came to Lu Yang, squeezing their three heads outside the back door of the classroom, looking inside to see jokes.

I saw that after Cheng Hua sat down beside Wang Yue, Wang Yue, who didn’t know Cheng Hua, frowned and looked at him. Several male and female classmates around were also looking at this side. Most people had already looked back at the university just now. Here, it is normal to study late at night in other classes. Those people thought that Cheng Hua came to study at night. At this time, Cheng Hua sat next to Wang Yue. Most of the people already realized what was going on.

   Under almost all eyes, Cheng Hua became more and more nervous. Facing Wang Yue's vigilant gaze, Cheng Hua grabbed his head, quickly took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and handed the chat history between the two to Wang Yue.

  Wang Yue, who was suspicious and vigilant, saw the chat history on Cheng Hua's phone, and when he looked at Cheng Hua, his eyes were a little flustered. Most of the classmates were there! So many classmates are watching here, this guy actually dressed like this and came next to her, this...

   Wang Yue, who had never encountered such a situation before, blushed quickly, suddenly got up to pack his belongings, lowered his head and said to Cheng Hua next to him, "Thank you! Let me go out!"

The playful gazes of the people around, combined with Wang Yue’s current reaction, made Cheng Hua stand up embarrassedly. Wang Yue quickly packed up his belongings, hurriedly passed by Cheng Hua, and then came to the back door of the classroom, walking in a hurry. .

   Yang Zhi and Shi Jijun were there covering their mouths and laughing hard, Lu Yang was also speechless.

   Tell him not to dress like this, he insists on dressing like this, and under the gaze of so many eyes, the kind of communication with Wang Yue is like a rookie fighting bird!

Wang Yue hurriedly left in front of Lu Yang and the others. Before leaving, he glanced at Lu Yang, Yang Zhi, and Shi Jijun with a strange look. Obviously, he had guessed that these three bad species belonged to Cheng Hua's gang. .

Cheng Hua came out of the classroom with a depressed look, walked outside, and saw Yang Zhi and Shi Jijun still covering their mouths and laughing. The anger that had been embarrassed just now found a vent, and slapped Yang Zhi on the back of his head. , At the same time kicked Shi Jijun’s leg, black face beaten and cursed: "Smile! Xiaoni scolded Gobi! I told you not to follow you, you still follow! I scolded the next door! I really thought I can't beat you guys?"

   scolded and chased the two guys and beat them. The two men just laughed at this time. Seeing Cheng Hua chasing them and hitting them, they ran while hiding, shouting pain in their mouths, and the laughter could not stop.

   The last time I pursued Wei Lingling, I made everyone laugh so hard, I didn't expect it to be even more funny this time.

   In order to divert Cheng Hua’s attention, Yang Zhi hid and smiled, and he quickly reminded Cheng Hua: "You idiot! What are you doing with us? Hurry up and chase your younger sister! At this time she is alone!"

   Cheng Hua hesitated for a while, stopped, but didn't go after him. The situation just now hit him. At this time, let him go after Wang Yue, and he couldn't help him.

   "Let's go! Go back and talk about it!"

Lu Yang glanced at the dozens of pairs of eyes in the classroom looking at a few of them, and said with a smile, Yang Zhi and others followed Lu Yang's eyes and saw dozens of different eyes in the classroom. Feeling uncomfortable for a while, hurriedly followed Lu Yang downstairs.

   "Lu Yang! Am I out of play?"

   Walking under the street light back to the dormitory, Cheng Hua asked Lu Yang somewhat disappointed.

   Lu Yang smiled and stretched out his right hand in front of him, and said, "Give me the phone!"

   Cheng Hua, who didn't know what Lu Yang wanted to do, took out his mobile phone and put it in Lu Yang's hand in a daze. Yang Zhi and Shi Jijun, who were still smiling next to him, also looked at Lu Yang with strange eyes.

   Lu Yang took the mobile phone and did not explain to Cheng Hua and others. He turned to the chat history of Cheng Hua and Wang Yue and sent a text message to Wang Yue in the name of Cheng Hua.

"Sorry! I scared you just now? I apologize to you! Just now my roommate has scolded me and said that I shouldn't wear such a formal dress, which made you shame with me, but the reason why I wear such a formal dress, It's all because I want to give you a better first impression! Please don't be angry!"|

The three heads of Cheng Hua, Yang Zhi, and Shi Jijun were leaning against the screen of the mobile phone, watching Lu Yang send out the written text messages, Yang Zhi and Lu Yang gave a thumbs up, Shi Jijun also said "admired", Cheng Hua Then his eyes lit up, Lu Yang said, the bad thing just now seems to have turned into a good thing?

   There is no difficulty for Lu Yang to play this word game.

For people who play words, any thing, no matter how bad, is written from another angle, the meaning will be very different immediately, just like Zeng Guofan’s memorial in history, he must be defeated after repeated battles with others. After the Qing court condemned it and replaced it with repeated defeats, it was praised by the Qing court.

   Less than a minute after the message was sent, the other party replied. Except for Lu Yang, the three heads were next to the phone screen.

  Wang Yue: "Don't do this in the future!"

   Yang Zhi: "What does she mean?"

  Shi third runner-up: "Huazi! My sorrow! Your little junior sister rejected you!"

   Cheng Hua was perplexed by Shi Jijun's words, and looked at Lu Yang for advice.

   Lu Yang laughed, and continued to play text messages with that Wang Yue. Anyway, he wasn't chasing the woman by himself, and there was no pressure at all.

"Okay! I won't do anything like this embarrassing you again, but you give me a chance! Can we two be ordinary friends first? Give each other a chance to understand each other, half a month! If half a month Later, you still have no feeling for me, how about I disappear automatically?"

   After writing the text message, Lu Yang just wanted to send it. Cheng Hua was in a hurry. He reached out to grab the phone and said anxiously: "Lu Yang, how can you say that? How can it be possible in half a month? Can't send it, can't send it!"

   Yang Zhi and Shi Jijun were also laughing beside him. Yang Zhi said: "Half a month is really too short!"

   Shi Jijun said: "Lu Yang, who is the love saint when you are a Chinese son?"

Lu Yang evaded Cheng Hua's block, and at the same time, he lowered his finger, and the text message was sent. Cheng Hua's blocked action stopped there, looking at Lu Yang with a look of grief and indignation, as if Lu Yang had killed him by himself. love.

   Lu Yang still smiled, but he explained it to Cheng Hua.

"Half a month, our semester is almost over. It seems that half a month is short, do you have more time? Fool! It's only half a month anyway, it's better to tell her directly like this, I guess she is pretty good. Will not refuse, unless she hates you very much!"

   As soon as the voice fell, the phone rang again, and Wang Yue replied.

   Three heads came together again.

  Wang Yue: "Good!"

   Three heads stared at the word for a long time, then they all looked at Lu Yang again, and Yang Zhi blurted out: "Damn! You are the **** lover! This is all right?"

  The second runner-up of Shi put his arms around Lu Yang's neck, and said with a smile: "Lu Yang! Brothers used to underestimate you, you are not so powerful! Teach your brothers two hands?"

Cheng Hua finally turned from worry to joy. He stretched out his hand to hold Lu Yang's arm, and said with a smile: "Lu Yang! Don't go back to the bedroom! Didn't you say that you haven't had dinner yet? Let's go! Brother treats you to dinner. Go for dinner!"

   So the four brothers killed off the school.

On the way, Cheng Hua squeezed Shi Jijun away, and leaned close to Lu Yang with a pleased smile and said to Lu Yang: "Brother! Help! Send me two more text Help me ask her something. Meet me now!"

   Lu Yang did not decline, and sent another one.

   "Is there time tomorrow night? Shall we have a meal together?"

   Soon, Wang Yue replied, and three heads came together again.

  Wang Yue: "There is no time tomorrow night, I have to go to study in the evening."

   "What should I do? Didn't she perfuse me just now?" Cheng Hua became nervous again.

   Lu Yang didn't speak, smiled and sent another one.

   "Saturday then! Let's go to Benlong Temple on Saturday morning? Or go to the movies, which one do you like?"

  Wang Yue: "Go to Panlong Temple!"

   Lu Yang threw the phone back to Cheng Hua and said with a smile: "The opportunity is created for you. Whether you can win it in the end depends on your own ability!"

   Cheng Hua was already overjoyed at this time. The first time I met after I had already played it, it turned around and even set a date.

   Yang Zhi: "Huazi! Come on! Don't let my brothers look down on you!"

   Shi third runner-up: "Such a good opportunity, if you still can't take that little junior sister, Huazi, don't say you know me when you see someone in the future! Brothers can't afford to lose this person."

   Cheng Hua was silly and happy, and ignored the joking between the two.

   arrived at the Hunan cuisine restaurant outside the school, waved his hand, and said to the three brothers: "Brother, I am happy tonight, please order whatever you want to eat! Don't save my brother!"

   That night, Cheng Hua was drunk, and he was extremely happy. He refused to toast Lu Yang and the others, one after another, and when he finally returned, the road was unsteady. RS

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