Rebirth 2003

Chapter 234: Divine Secret Order

   After getting off work at noon the next day, Lu Yang deliberately returned to his residence, turned on the computer, logged in to the mailbox, and Taiwan e-publishing news sent a new email to his mailbox.

  "Wen Choujun:

  600,000 manuscripts' remuneration has been injected into your personal account. The amount of your manuscript remuneration is 534,228 yuan. According to your request, we will give you an advance of 600,000 yuan. Please pay attention to check it!

  ——Yingying. "

   finally arrived.

Lu Yang smiled, turned off the computer, took his cell phone and wallet, went to the nearby Agricultural Bank to check his account, inserted the bank card into the automatic service machine, and entered the password. The balance in the card was nearly 1 million, more than 970,000. , After September is over, the starting remuneration and various awards will come down. It is affirmative to exceed one million.

   The problem of one million investment in the later period was finally solved. Lu Yang walked out of the Agricultural Bank of China with a relaxed mood, and immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed Wang Lin's number.

"Hello? Lu Yang! Why do you think of calling me this time today? Did you tell me which day you will come to see the crew?" As soon as the phone was connected, Lu Yang hadn't spoken yet, and Wang Lin's hearty voice came from the other side. Since he started filming the "Gate of Rebirth", Wang Lin seems to have found his own position in life, becoming more and more confident, or more energetic. This can be clearly felt from Lu Yang's recent fairy tales with him.

Hearing this, Lu Yang smiled, and said in a relaxed tone: "You can say that! But I have to wait for about 20 days until my September contribution fee arrives. The later 1 million investment funds will be enough to raise. I'll come here again!"

   "Twenty days?"

  Wang Lin is not an internet author. I don’t know why September will end soon. Why wait for more than 20 days for the contribution fee for September.

   "Well, the starting fee will not be sent until around the 12th of next month. After the fee comes down, I have to ask for leave, so it should take twenty days!" Lu Yang briefly explained.

Wang Lin smiled and said, "Okay! When making movies, generally a quarter of the investment is used for publicity. The one million behind you is used for publicity. It doesn't matter if you come here later! Just tell me, the frog here is in a very good condition recently. I have seen the samples taken, and they are pretty good. Let's take a look when you come over!"


   The two said a few more words and ended the call.

Even if Wang Lin doesn’t say that sentence later, when Lu Yang arrives on the crew, he will also ask to watch Dai Qingwa’s previous samples. Otherwise, he won’t give away the next million easily. The first one million, plus now His one million and two million are already all his deposits, and 600,000 of them are from bank loans.

   This matter was resolved, Lu Yang felt like he had gone to a boulder and got one million in three months. In 06, even ten years later, it is not an easy task for an ordinary person.


Since this day, Lu Yang has accelerated the daily codeword speed of "Magic Sword Eternity". Seeing that it is the end of the month, Shenji suddenly exerts its strength. There are two or three chapters a day, stable updates and bursts, just a few days. Time actually allowed "Buddha Is the Way" to rise rapidly on the monthly ticket list. Within a few days, it killed the dancing "Supreme Rogue" and the sentient beings "Dragon Domain", closely following "Magic Sword Eternity", and even On the day of September 25, a powerful chapter was issued.

Many people understand that almost every book he writes is murderous. The protagonist's decisive killing is almost cruel. In the first few years of writing online articles, he himself was full of hostility and uttered wild words. , Self-esteem is extremely high.

   "Buddha Is the Way" has been on the shelves for a few months, followed by countless readers and a lot of applause. He has initially established confidence in the magical machine. In this single chapter, he has revealed his unwilling ambition.

"Dear brothers and sisters of "Buddha Is the Way"! The starting point is no longer a great god! It was when I was waiting to become famous, and now we have more than 40,000 brothers and sisters! Please join me to explode with Zhou Qing! For the first of the month, we need it! Everyone rushes with me! Kill, kill, kill!"

   There is no such thing as a starting point!

Starting point, I don’t know how many people who saw this sentence made their teeth itch with anger. Unfortunately, San Shao’s "Airspeed Stars" is over, and they are writing a new book "Ice Fire Magic Kitchen". Although the dancing "Supreme Rogue" is hot, The sentient beings who have just been cut off by "Buddha Is the Way", writing "Dragon Realm", although high in subscription, but not murderous, often do not compete for the monthly ticket list, goose test is an urban essay, is writing The popularity of "My Little Witch" is also not as popular as his famous work "Big Stars Fall in Love with Me". Toad's "Time and Space Demon Spirit" is almost on the street. The Godhead of Salem has been achieved for a long time, but unfortunately, his writing is very popular. Several works are in the past. Recently, I am writing a new book "The Fairy and Demon Agent". From the name of this book, it is not as good as the yy trilogy on which he has become famous. Moreover, it is still in the new book period, and it is not even on the shelves. .

   Fang thought?

   Fang Xiang is still writing "Legend of Mentors" slowly. Although there are many loyal readers, his update speed is too slow. One chapter a day is normal, and two chapters a day are already breaking out. How can I compete for the monthly ticket list?

   It is no wonder that the **** machine dared to call out the starting point and there is no big god.

   The great **** who used to be in his eyes either has left, or is in a sluggish state, or is still writing new books, few masterpieces, and the update speed is not fast.

  The code word speed of Shenji is not slow.

   Otherwise, a few years later in history, he wouldn't be able to win the eight consecutive championships with a monthly pass that was unprecedented in the starting point, and the monthly pass would have eight consecutive championships. The code speed is not good, but it is absolutely impossible to get it.

   Shenji wanted to take the lead, and it was natural that Lu Yang couldn't give in.

   This life is different from the previous life. In the previous life, Shenji was a top master. He was only a middle-level writer with only a slight name. The current situation is that he has become a god, and Shenji is still writing his first work.

   If the magic machine is used, he will be lifted off the first throne. How will he be mixed up in the future?

   When the previous life "Infinite Horror" was on fire, why did Salem who was writing "Tianqing" run wild? Why did you choke Zhang Heng, who had just emerged?

   Without him!

   Only face!

   At that time, both books were on the new book list. "Infinite Horror" wanted to take the first place. Can Salem, a veteran god, allow it? Being pressed down by a previously unknown second- and third-rate author, where is the face of the great god?

   It's okay for a newcomer to become a god, but if you climb up on your own head, any great **** will come.

   Lu Yang is in this state of mind now, he wants to become a god? Can! But the premise is that you can't step on your own upper position! So in the last few days of September, Lu Yang also broke out, 9,000 words a day, 12,000 words, 15,000 words, more and more.

As a result, the flames of war spread, and the eyes of countless people gathered on these two books. Wen Chou has four popular works that have been completed. The first book of Shenji, but has the momentum of becoming a god, and other great gods have been exploded by him. , There is only one Wen Chou, but unfortunately, this is destined to be a battle without much suspense.

Although Shenji’s "Buddha Is the Way" has gathered a large number of die-hard fans, Lu Yang's code word is too long. The popularity accumulated by the four books is not comparable to the fledgling Shenji. The two books The total number of monthly tickets, after the outbreak of the two for several days, not only did not get closer, but got farther and farther away.

By the last two days of September, Lu Yang had even stopped the outbreak, and resumed two shifts a day. The monthly ticket gap of more than 4,000 votes. In two days, Shenji did not catch up. This was the first time Shenji thought. Tu Shen witnessed the Dao and condensed his Godhead, so he was defeated in Lu Yang's hands.

   But no one dared to underestimate him.

   The quality of the works is high, the update speed is faster than most of the authors, and the desperate heart, the name of the magic machine, after this battle, has entered the attention of many people.

   This is not the point, the point is that his name has been noticed by the editors of the starting point.

   This is terrible, because every great god's rise must be strongly recommended by editors. The starting point is now eager to stabilize the situation, creating new great gods, urgently needing new topics, and attracting the attention of countless readers in the industry.

It is conceivable that Shenji’s performance this month is so eye-catching. Next month, the starting point will definitely give him a better recommendation position. I am happy to see him making troubles on the monthly ticket list. Attracting more readers' attention, there will be more topics. Incidentally, the number of rewarding readers will increase rapidly. It is not uncommon for a great **** to earn hundreds of thousands of rewards a month.

   This is also an income for the starting point.


   September ends, October first day of monthly ticket list, the murderous aura is permeated.

In September, Shenji lost to Lu Yang and was not reconciled. He had already rushed to the second place on the monthly ticket list. The last step did not pass. At the beginning of October, he issued a single chapter for a monthly pass. At the same time, he issued four chapters of 10,000. Two thousand words broke out and asked for a monthly pass.

   In 2006, the daily change was 12,000, which is definitely a real outbreak.

   Lu Yang didn't feel soft, and he changed three chapters that day, asking for a monthly pass at the end of the chapter.

   At the same time, at the beginning of October, another new opponent joined the battlefield of the monthly ticket list, that is, the San Shao’s "Ice Fire Magic Kitchen". On October 1, the San Shao’s "Ice Fire Magic Kitchen" was officially launched.

To be honest, "Ice Fire Magic Kitchen" is not as exciting as the previous works of San Shao, but the foundation of the book fans that San Shao has accumulated over the past few years is there. As long as the writing is not too rubbish, and the website is highly praised, his new book is on the shelves. The monthly ticket results for the first month will never be bad.

   This is the power of Godhead!

   The starting point of each new book is ten times and one hundred times the work of other second- and third-line authors.

   Which book before the Third Young Master was not overwhelmingly popular? "Children of Light", "Crazy God", "The Kind Reaper", "Airspeed Star Mark", the three young masters in the early stage have not yet formed a routine, each book has great innovations, and the codeword speed is also stable and abnormal. 10,000 characters are updated every day, and never stopped. He is known as the Schumacher of the Internet world!

Although the quality of "Ice Fire Magic Kitchen" is not as good as his previous works, the first month of its release was the time when book fans' enthusiasm for monthly votes rose the most, and it was also the time when the three young men were the most determined to take the first place. How could it not be at the beginning? work hard? RS

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