Rebirth 2003

Chapter 238: Chance encounter

   Hearing this, Lu Yang was surprised.

   "Is she willing? You guys have all been fucked, have you?"

Seeing Lu Yang's expression, Wang Lin laughed and slapped his thighs and laughed: "How is it possible? When the Frog and I were there for an interview last time, I found that you were interested in Zhang Li. How could we talk to Wenda? Are you rushing to eat? Don’t worry! So far, no one has made her an idea, keep it for you!"

   "Is she willing?"

  Although he solved a doubt, Lu Yang still found it unbelievable. How can he listen to Wang Lin's tone, that Zhang Li, as long as he wants to go? Are the hidden rules of the entertainment industry so exaggerated?

Wang Lin smiled and shook his head, and said, "Whether she is willing or not, it is unclear for the time being, but she is a newcomer. Since she has decided to enter the entertainment industry, she must have been mentally prepared for this. I just said to help you ask. You can give her a little promise. For example, let her be the heroine in the second part of the scene. You are the main investor. You do the script and the opening and ending songs. She is a newcomer. Maybe she agrees. This is very popular in the entertainment industry. Normal! Don’t think of female stars too holy. The entertainment industry is just a big dyeing vat. It’s a rare animal! It may be less than a giant panda! Hehe."

   After a pause, Wang Lin asked softly in Lu Yang's ear: "How about Wenda? Would you like to try it? You can be sure of six or seven points!"

   Six or seven minutes of grasp...

   Thinking of Zhang Li's angelic face and enchanting figure, especially the two long white legs, Lu Yang nodded and said, "Try it! But don't force it, let her choose!"

   When he got the answer, Wang Lin grinned, slapped his palm, and said, "Okay! I'll help you ask in the evening! Wenda! Good luck!"

Unspoken rules……

   thought this word silently in his heart, and Lu Yang was a little looking forward to it. The big star who moved his heart in his previous life might recommend himself a pillow seat tonight. This feeling, let alone, is pretty good.

   I just don’t know if she will come.

  If he doesn't come, it means he doesn't have enough money, or the hidden rules of the entertainment circle are not so exaggerated. If he comes, it would be better. He doesn't mind trying this kind of transaction that doesn't involve emotions.

In the evening, Lu Yang, Wang Lin, Dai Qingwa, and Zhang Li had a meal in a four-star hotel, which lasted nearly two hours. When Zhang Li went to the bathroom halfway, Wang Lin smiled at Lu Yang. After a while, he also said that he wanted to go to the bathroom, and followed out. After ten minutes, Wang Lin returned to the box with a smile on his face, but Zhang Li, who went out first, returned only a few minutes later with a slightly unnatural expression. In the box, the look in Lu Yang's eyes became a little strange, and he glanced at it from time to time.

   After eating, they changed into tea sets, and several people began to discuss business matters, and Zhang Li did not shy away.

   Lu Yang said, "The second one million, I brought it here this time. Shall we go through the payment procedure tomorrow?"

This news naturally made Dai Qingwa and Wang Lin very happy. They used tea instead of wine and toasted Lu Yang again. After putting down the tea cup, Wang Lin asked Lu Yang: "Wen University! The investment is in place. I told you last time. Have you finished writing the ending credits of the title song?"

   Dai Qingwa also looked at Lu Yang expectantly.

When Wang Lin suggested that Lu Yang write the opening and ending songs, he had already listened to several songs written by Lu Yang at the recommendation of Wang Lin. He had heard the song before, and he even hummed a few sentences, but he hadn't noticed who wrote the song before.

   Zhang Li, whose eyes flickered before, did not dare to look at Lu Yang. Hearing this topic, he looked at Lu Yang with strange eyes. Women are always curious about talented men and women.

   Just now, Wang Lin told her outside that this person is a platinum **** in the world of novels, and he has written popular songs. The script and investment of this movie are dominated by him.

  As a newcomer who has just stepped into the film and television industry, those who can invest in a movie are absolutely rich in Zhang Li's eyes.

Lu Yang nodded and said, "There are two songs, one is "Back in Time" I wrote before, and the other one will be written soon. Then I will find someone to sing it. The quality should not be in "Back in Time". "under."


   Both Wang Lin and Dai Qingwa's eyes lit up.

   ""Back in Time"? Why didn't I expect it? This song is very suitable for the theme area of ​​"Gate of Rebirth"! There is no more suitable one!"

   Dai Qingwa's face was surprised, Wang Lin is definitely this creative god, everyone wanted to let Lu Yang write new songs, but they didn't think about the songs he wrote before.

   After talking about the funding, the theme song and the ending song, I talked for a while about the later shooting, editing, promotion, and screening. By the time the scene ended, it was already more than ten o'clock in the evening.

   The three of them sat in Wang Lin's car together, first sent Lu Yang back to the hotel, and then to Dai Qingwa and Zhang Li. On the surface, Zhang Li did not stay with Lu Yang.

   Lu Yang entered the hotel room, took a shower, then turned on the computer, logged in to the starting point, and took a look at the situation on the monthly ticket list. Recently, he didn't have a code word until the early hours of the morning. Fortunately, there are still more than a hundred thousand manuscripts on hand. Otherwise, "Magic Sword Eternity" must have been blown up by the third master's "Ice Fire Magic Cook".

   Even so, "Ice Fire Magic Kitchen" still clings to the **** of "Magic Sword Eternity", and may explode Lu Yang's "Magic Sword Eternity" at any time.

   At present, there are 7,423 votes for "Magic Sword Eternity" and 7,139 votes for "Ice Fire Magic Kitchen". The difference is very small, but it is completely separated from the third place, and the third place is 4821 votes for "Buddha's Way".

   No big accident, it is impossible for Shenji to get the top two spots this month.

   took another chapter from the manuscript and passed it up. Lu Yang only temporarily put the matter aside, but what he thought in his heart was, will Zhang Li come over tonight?

   Tonight, watching Wang Lin go out with her, and then come back, she should have agreed, but so far, she has not been seen.

   Lu Yang took out his cell phone and glanced at it. As expected, there was already a new message from Wang Lin on the cell phone.

   "Wenda! I told her about the matter for you, and she didn't say anything. I wish you a blessing tonight! I hope she will appear in front of you!"


   Lu Yang smiled slightly and looked at the time on the phone. It was almost eleven o'clock at midnight. She hasn't come yet, maybe she won't come?

   Is it because I am not rich enough? Or is it because she is self-cleaning? Or is it because you look down on me?

   shook his head, put aside these unnecessary thoughts, created a new document on the computer screen, and began to prepare codewords.

A little bit of time passed. Seeing that a chapter was about to be written, Zhang Li still did not see the figure. However, Lu Yang, who had entered the code word state, had forgotten this matter, and only the story of "Magic Sword Eternity" was in his mind. plot.

   Suddenly, Lu Yang's cell phone on the table rang a short sound. It was a notification tone for a new text message. The short notification tone interrupted Lu Yang's thoughts. He picked up the phone and glanced at it. It was sent by an unfamiliar number.

   "Mr. Lu! I'm sorry! It's too late tonight, can I come over tomorrow night?-Zhang Li."

   Come here tomorrow night?

   Still accept the unspoken rules?

   I did not force this.

   Lu Yang smiled and replied with the last word "OK".

   Then Zhang Li actually replied with the word "Thank you", she wanted to unspoken rules for her, she actually said thank you?

Lu Yang was almost amused by her. Putting down the phone, Lu Yang adjusted his status and continued to follow the codeword. There was no need to go to work tomorrow, and there was nothing important. Lu Yang kept writing until three o'clock in the morning that night, and made two new ones. Chapters, you can't spell it! The three young men broke out every day, stating that the car and horse should take the monthly pass of this month. Lu Yang slackened a little bit. When the hundreds of thousands of manuscripts on hand are used up, he will immediately use the cups and utensils. Besides, the manuscripts on hand cannot be used casually. Once the publishing house in Taiwan knows the progress of his publication on the Internet and catches up with the progress of publication, he will definitely be approached to protest.

At 7 o'clock the next morning, Wang Lin called and said enthusiastically that he would be a tour guide for Lu Yang and stroll around Shanghai. When it was over, he whispered to Lu Yang. Zhang Lilai knocked on the door last night. No?

"No! I coded until three o'clock in the morning last night, and I am sleepy now! Let's talk in the afternoon! Bye!" Lu Yang, who was still in the bed, couldn't open his eyes, and said a few words in a daze. Wang Lin answered, hung up the phone, and then continued to sleep with his big head.

   "No? The code word is more than three o'clock in the morning? It's a hand-to-hand fight with Zhang Li until three o'clock in the morning, right?"

Listening to the blind voice on the phone, Wang Lin curled his lips to express his disbelief, then put on clothes and shoes, went to the crew to pass the time, and also took a look at how Zhang Li's state is she is sluggish , With dark circles under the eyes, that's nine out of ten because Lu Yang lied on the phone just now.

  On the contrary, it can prove that what Lu Yang said just now is true.

   Wang Lin went to the crew with an inquiring mood.


Lu Yang slept until halfway through noon, but was still woken up by Wang Lin's phone call. Recently, Lu Yang has been sleep deprived. He stayed up late last night to write a manuscript until more than three in the morning. After relaxing and sleeping, he always fell asleep. Not awake.

At 11:30, when he was awakened by Wang Lin's phone call, Lu Yang's mental head was almost recovered. On the phone, Wang Lin laughed and said, "Wenda! Are you still sleeping? Wrong posture! Get up! Sleep again!"

   Lu Yang chuckled lightly and said, "I'll sleep well, get up soon!"

   Wang Lin: "Then you hurry up! I will drive over to pick you up for lunch now! Just the two of us!"

   Lu Yang: "Okay! Come here!"


   Half an hour later, the two appeared in a fast restaurant. According to Wang Lin's plan, they wanted to continue to invite Lu Yang to have a big meal. Lu Yang found it troublesome and went into a nearby fast restaurant.

The two bought food and sat in the lobby while they were eating and chatting. Suddenly, Lu Yang's gaze froze. He fixedly looking at the direction of the restaurant's door. Wang Lin said a word. He didn't hear Lu Yang's response for a long time. Strangely, he looked up and saw Lu Yang's strange expression.

   What did you see?

   Wang Lin was puzzled, and his eyes followed the direction of Lu Yang's line of sight. Then he saw a pretty girl there who was also looking at Lu Yang with complicated eyes. RS

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