Rebirth 2003

Chapter 254: Middleman


For Lu Yang, all he could do was done. The only thing left was to watch the theater. Chen Bin’s wife and Chen Bin had trouble at home. Lu Yang knew nothing. After dinner, Lu Yang turned on the computer to prepare. The code word, "First Grade Magic Kitchen" was on the homepage of the starting point. Lu Yang had already seen it. At this time, the starting point was given to the "First Grade Magic Kitchen" which had just been released for less than a month. Lu Yang could only guess the starting point. I hope to see the monthly ticket wars continue to be fierce this month. ()


   (Editor's request, only some author names and works names can be modified, please bear with me.)


   The website had this intention, and Lu Yang could only continue to work hard. Tonight’s plot of "Magic Sword Eternity" progressed to the point where the sealed magic sword in Qin Yu's dream had a new change.


Since Qin Yu cultivated to the first stage of the Dao Palace and was able to communicate and control a **** in the Dao Palace, in Qin Yu's dreams for more than ten days, the sealed magic sword became eager to move again, lingering in the demon. The black energy on the sword increased day by day, and finally in one day's dream, the magic sword broke through two seals in a row, and its momentum rose greatly, and the black energy lingering on the magic sword filled the entire hall.


The movement of the magic sword in the dream once again attracted a large number of gods. The old man wearing a golden dragon robe reappeared. This time, the old man personally took action and placed a mysterious formation with golden light on the top of the magic sword. The scorching pain was passed to Qin Yu. All the magic energy of the magic sword in the dream dissipated like snow meeting the scorching sun, revealing the black and red body of the magic sword. This was the first time Qin Yu saw it. The sword body of the magic sword in Qingmeng, but at the same time, the dream was also instantly shattered. The burning sensation of burning fire awakened Qin Yusheng from his sleep.


   In the following days, Qin Yu was in the pain of burning his body at all times. I can’t sleep at night, and I barely fall asleep, I will quickly dream of the magic sword that has been sealed again. The magic sword of the magic sword is constantly released, but the moment it just releases, it is always illuminated by the golden light above it. The formation is refined into invisible, although it is only a dream. Qin Yu felt that the momentum of the Demon Sword was weakening day by day, and Qin Yu even had an intuition, telling him. It won't be long before the magic sword in the dream will be completely refined by the brilliant golden formation.


   I don't know why, it should be a good thing that the magic sword is refined. Qin Yu felt sad. He actually sympathized with the magic sword in his dream.


At this time, Qin Yu still didn’t realize what that magic sword had to do with him. Even the most daring guess, he just thought about that magic sword, maybe it was the saber of his previous life, but didn’t know that that magic sword was. Once his body is thoroughly refined, he may be dispelled with it.


   The magic sword in the dream is being refined all the time. That kind of pain that burned his body was always accompanied by Qin Yu, forcing Qin Yu to practice harder.


   Lu Yang is meditating on the code word. The phone on the desk rang suddenly, and someone sent him a message.


   His thoughts were disturbed, Lu Yang frowned, picked up the phone, and unexpectedly discovered that Zhang Li had sent the information.


   "Mr. Lu! When will you come to Shanghai again?"


   This woman won't like me anymore?


   Lu Yang was stunned for a moment, and immediately replied: "Not sure, I will come sometime."


   Then two or three minutes later, Zhang Li replied again: "Come and tell me."




   Lu Yang finished replying, and he estimated that the other party would not reply again, so he threw down the phone and continued to write the manuscript with the previous thoughts.


   Qin Yu was troubled by the dramatic changes in his dreams, and the burning sensation that came out for no reason. Suddenly heard the wind, Qi State took over the tyrant's imperial decree, and was battling his horses, preparing to attack the tyrant's Qin State.


  Qi and Qin are both kingdoms under the tyrant empire, and both are the tyrant's courtiers in name. In the past, Qi and Qin did not offend the river water, nor did they accept the tyrant’s dispatch. Unexpectedly, Qi suddenly accepted the tyrant’s decree and wanted to fight for the tyrant. Qin Yu, who had always cared about his father and brother, regardless of his physical discomfort, immediately rushed to Qi. go.


   Qin Yu's plan was not to persuade Qi to change his mind. He knew that his own power would not have much effect even if he appeared on the battlefield between Qi and Qin. He rushed to Qi State because he wanted to take advantage of Qi State's troops being dispatched, the capital of the master was empty, and he wanted to go to Qi State to act in order to disrupt Qi State’s capital and force Qi State to retreat.


  Weiwei and rescue Zhao in the art of war, only this time, he was the only one in the Weiwei and rescue Zhao he implemented, not the siege, there was only one killing character. The people in Qi Guodu were panicked and had to recall the dispatched army.


   The night is getting deeper. Lu Yang wrote a chapter, logged into the author's backstage and posted a chapter, and then wrote chapters two and three. When the third chapter was finished, it was one o'clock in the morning.


Now Lu Yang also sees it. It’s not suitable for him to go to work. It’s better to focus on it. This internship can go on the best. It really can’t go on. It’s not a big deal if you don’t need the diploma. Anyway, he doesn’t need a diploma to find a job. Discuss life.


   Save the manuscript, turn off the computer, wash up, and Lu Yang goes to bed.


   Lu Yang, who concentrated on codewords all night, didn’t even know. When he concentrated on codewords, Chen Bin was sitting in the study, smoking cigarette after cigarette, without knowing how much his hair was caught.


   Lu Yang pushed him into an extremely dangerous situation.


   Now not only Mei Caiping knows about the wife of Vice Principal Zhou, but also his wife and son. Although his wife has been reluctantly persuaded by him, and his son has given a password, it is not easy for Mei Caiping to solve it.


   The broken shoe actually took a photo, and said that he was caught touching the wife of Vice Principal Zhou. Once the photo was exposed, he was finished.


How to do?


Chen Bin was both annoyed and annoyed. If she wanted Mei Caiping not to expose the photo, she had to agree to Mei Caiping’s condition. Although Mei Caiping said in the letter, the second point is not important, but just mentioned. One sentence, but after reading the letter, the fool knew that the other party wanted Wu Yongxiang's seat.


   Mei Caiping had talked with Wu Yongxiang about friends before, and Chen Bin also knew that, he also knew that the two had been disconnected in the past two years, but she didn't expect that the woman Mei Caiping would want Wu Yongxiang's seat now. This woman is so cruel.


   Could it be that their broken relationship broke? Turn against each other?


   He Chen Bin is the director of the school affairs office, but Wu Yongxiang is the director of the academic affairs office. He Chen Bin wants to get Wu Yongxiang down. It's already extremely difficult to operate. How easy is it to help the woman Mei Caiping up?


   The key problem is that this matter cannot be told to Vice Principal Sun. If the old Sun knew that he was sleeping with the wife of Vice Principal Zhou, he would definitely be disappointed, let alone get the help of the old grandson. In the future, I am afraid that he will soon be kicked away by the old grandson, and it is better to let him fend for himself, accidentally. The old grandson may also deal with him personally.


   The old grandson can sit in the position of the top leader of the junior high school for so many years, but he is not a good man and a believer.


   After thinking about it, Chen Bin still took out his cell phone and dialed Mei Caiping's cell phone.


  As a leader, Mei Caiping must have his mobile phone number.


   "Oh! Director Chen, you are so late. Why do you think of calling me?" The phone didn't ring a few times. After being connected, Mei Caiping's laughter came from the phone, but Chen Bin felt that the laughter was very harsh and hateful.


   Under the influence of that letterhead, Chen Bin has determined that the letter was written by Mei Caiping. Mei Caiping held his handle in his hand. This laughter was definitely the laughter of the winner.


   Chen Bin gritted his teeth, pressed the anger in his heart, and said solemnly: "Mei Caiping! Give me the photo! I don't have to pursue this matter!"


   Although the possibility of success. Chen Bin still wanted to try threatening methods in his first sentence.


   "Ah? Director Chen, what are you talking about? What photo? I don't understand what you are talking about!" Mei Caiping's reaction was completely normal.


   But in Chen Bin's ears, he didn't get any benefit. Never let go, now I am absolutely pretending to be stupid, the letter that night, but her handwriting and handwriting are too lazy to change, it is determined to take him.




   Chen Bin gritted his teeth and reported a number. Then, without waiting for Mei Caiping's response, he continued: "I'll give you 10,000 yuan! You give me that photo! And promise not to keep the negatives!"




Mei Caiping on the other end of the phone was still really surprised. She really didn't understand what Chen Bin was talking about. So she calmed her mind and asked: "Director Chen! Can you tell me what photo you are talking about? I really don’t know which photo you are talking about!"


   "20,000! Mei Caiping! Don't be too greedy! It offends me to death, it's no good for you!"


   "Oh! Director Chen, what kind of photos are you talking about? Tell me what photos you want, and I will give you free of charge. How dare you ask for your money from Director Chen?"


   Mei Caiping was a real reaction, and Chen Bin was also a real reaction.


At this time, Chen Bin has completely black face, biting and biting his teeth, and finally squeezes another number from between his teeth: "Thirty thousand! Mei Caiping! Get Wu Yongxiang down, I can try! But let you sit down." That position is absolutely impossible!"


   Mei Caiping was a little frightened by Chen Bin's tone. At this moment, she was fully aware of what Chen Bin seemed to have misunderstood. What kind of photo was it that made Chen Bin, a dog-legged man, be willing to pay such a large amount of money? Buy a photo for 30,000 yuan?


Mei Caiping’s heart was beating, and she intuitively told her that that photo must involve Chen Bin’s great secret, but she really didn’t know what the photo was What makes her nervous now , Chen Bin seems to have determined that what photo is in her hands, no matter what she says, Chen Bin just doesn't believe it.


   "Director Chen! I really don't have a picture of what you said..."


   This time, before Mei Caiping finished speaking, an angry Chen Bin hung up the phone.


   Mei Caiping stared at the phone blankly, and a chill came from the bottom of her heart. Chen Bin was the director of the school affairs office or the top dog under Vice Principal Sun, who offended him to death. Can she stay at this school comfortably?


   After reacting, Mei Caiping hurriedly called back. The call went through quickly, and Chen Bin’s cold voice came from the phone: "Mr. Mei! Have you figured it out?"


   Mei Caiping: "No, Director Chen, I really don't know what photo you said..."


   Before the voice fell, Chen Bin hung up the phone again. (To be continued...)


  Ps: Thank you for rewarding 100 points in the eventful summer, thank you for rewarding 200 points, and thank you for your monthly pass and five-star evaluation ticket. u

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