Rebirth 2003

Chapter 259: The 2nd letterhead provoked

? At noon, Lu Yang returned to his residence, turned on the CD-ROM drive of the laptop, and took out the second letterhead from the inside. The letterhead written in Mei Caiping's handwriting last time, he wrote two letters at a time, one by going to the toilet. Opportunity, quietly put it in Chen Bin’s suit pocket. Lu Yang hid it in the CD-ROM drive of the computer. The contents of the two letters are exactly the same. Today, the effect of the first letter has come out. Now it’s time to use the second one. NS.


   Lu Yang took this letterhead with him, went out and drove a taxi, went to a post office in the city, and left after a while.


The next day, there was no response. On the third morning, a seemingly ordinary letter was sent to Vice Principal Lu. At that time, Vice Principal Lu was talking to his wife Liang Hongyun in the office. An uncle in his 50s and 60s knocked on Vice Principal Lu’s door and said with a smile to the Vice Principal Lu who looked over: "Principal Lu! There is a letter to you!"


  Vice President Lu was a little surprised. He looked at Liang Hongyun on the sofa. Liang Hongyun's eyes lit up. It is a good thing that there are variables in a boring life! Without waiting for Vice Principal Lu to speak, he smiled and walked over to take the letter. After the doorman exited, Liang Hongyun smiled open the envelope and pulled out the letter paper inside...


  Vice principal Lu smiled and looked at him, but didn't stop it. It was his wife anyway.


As a result, when the letter paper was pulled out, the couple were dumbfounded. The letter paper was folded into a heart shape. The smile on Liang Hongyun's face that had not changed for thousands of years finally disappeared. He stared at the letter paper in his hand in a daze, Vice Principal Lu It was also a look of astonishment, a lot of age. Someone actually sent this thing to him? Isn't it the old lover of the past?


  If he received a love letter from his old lover in private, he might be in a good mood, but now the letter falls into his wife's hands. Vice President Lu wanted to scold his mother.


   Niang Xipi's! Isn't this playing bombs in your backyard?


"Haha! Not bad, Lu Minghui! The old tree blooms and shines in its second spring, right? Now! Here you are! Take your time to appreciate it!" The first smile on Liang Hongyun's face, who had never been angry, was cold-eyed and out of temper. He threw all the letter paper and envelopes in his hand on the desk in front of Vice Principal Lu, and turned around to go out.


   How can Vice Principal Lu dare to let her go at this time? After this walk, it must be completely unclear. Even if the letter is shown to her in the future, even if the content of the letter is completely irrelevant to him, Liang Hongyun may believe that he has faked the letter. Immediately jumped up from the boss chair. After a few strides, he hurriedly grabbed his wife Liang Hongyun’s arm and said with a smile on his face: "Don’t, don’t! This is written to me. It doesn’t matter to me! Don’t believe it? Let’s read the letter together if you don’t believe it. , You can see for yourself whether the content of the letter has anything to do with me! Even if someone writes a love letter to me, I can absolutely guarantee that it was not mine!"


   "Cut! Who believes?"


   Liang Hongyun is an elegant woman, the elegance seems to be carved into the bone. Even if you encounter this kind of thing. There was still no trace of hideous expression on his face, and he rolled his eyes to Vice Principal Lu, which also felt coquettish.


  Vice principal Lu ran back quickly, took the letter from the desk, and then returned to Liang Hongyun, in front of her, clumsily unpacking the heart-shaped letter paper.


   This thing, an old man his age. But it hasn't been folded or dismantled! When opening the letter, Vice President Lu was still thinking hard in his heart. Which woman wrote this thing to him? When he was old, he still played this kind of tune with him.




If he was not careful, Vice Principal Lu tore a piece of the letter paper, his heart jumped, his eyes hurried to see his wife Liang Hongyun's expression, just in time to meet Liang Hongyun's smiley but not smiling expression, Yin and Yang sarcastically said: "Tear it, tear it." There is no proof if you tear it!"


  Vice Principal Lu can't laugh or cry, this is really jealous! have to! If you don't read this letter to her today, there will be a fire in the backyard.


After ten or twenty seconds, finally, the heart-shaped letter paper was completely opened. On the surface of Liang Hongyun’s eyes seemed to be looking away, indicating that he would not read the love letter written to Lu Minghui, but the corner of his eye was always aiming at the hand of Vice Principal Lu. The letter paper inside, when the heart shape was completely opened, Vice Principal Lu was stunned, completely stunned, and Liang Hongyun finally could no longer remain calm, and the couple looked at the mark on the letter paper in amazement.


   "K City Third Middle School"


   This is their school-specific manuscript paper! Every teacher has it, and it is also sold in the stationery store in front of the school. This is not the point! The point is, the woman who wrote this love letter is not a teacher in this school, but definitely a woman near the school! The possibility of exceptions is extremely small!


   "Lu, Ming, Hui!"


Liang Hongyun gritted his teeth and called out Vice Principal Lu’s name word by word, staring at Vice Principal Lu’s face fiercely. Even though her appearance, no matter how fierce, and charming, this expression shows that She was really angry to a certain extent, and she was not far from being mad.


   The love letter written on the scratch paper of my school, what does it mean? This shows that my husband is probably raising a little lover by his side! This has completely touched Liang Hongyun’s bottom line. Any woman who sees a love letter like this will be very angry. At this time, she just gritted her teeth and stared at Lu Minghui. It is already a good temper. Change to a more aggressive woman. At this time, He must have yelled, even went up to bite.


  Vice Principal Lu’s face has started to flush, but he is more confused. He is completely aware of whether he himself is looking for a woman in this school or near the school.


  Lu Minghui is different from Chen Bin's kind of person. He is a few more ambitious than Chen Bin. Otherwise, he can't hold the position of the vice principal, and he can fight against the chief vice principal Sun.


   "Don't make trouble! Let me see who wrote it, maybe someone framed me!"


  Vice Principal Lu became serious. Seeing his expression and what he said at the moment, Liang Hongyun also reluctantly pressed her anger in her heart. She is a smart woman. Knowing this kind of thing, there is a possibility of being framed.


   So the couple began to read the letter together again.


   "Dear Brother Bin!..."


As soon as they saw the first sentence at the beginning, the couple looked at each other suspiciously. When Vice President Lu was puzzled, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. For any man, a fire in the backyard is a disaster. Especially for men in positions.


   Liang Hongyun also breathed a sigh of relief, but he still had doubts in his heart, thinking: Is it the woman's nickname for Lao Luqi?


   In short, in Liang Hongyun's eyes, the opening sentence alone cannot clear Lu Minghui's suspicion, but the anger in his heart is finally lower.


The couple cleared their minds and continued to look down. Lines of text came into view. Then the expressions of the couple changed momentarily, and then changed again. When the whole book was finished, the two of them were completely stunned. This Is it the third or fourth time they have been in a daze after receiving this letter?


   Although this letter is short in length, the amount of information contained in it is not so large!


   Brother Bin, Xiaomei, and Brother Bin touched Vice Principal Zhou’s wife’s ass, the photo, took off Wu Yongxiang’s seat and let Xiaomei go...




After several changes in his face, Vice Principal Lu suddenly became angry and slammed a fist on the desk. The shock caused the two ballpoint pens in the pen holder to jump out. Liang Hongyun was taken aback by him, but at this moment, she was completely in her mood. After recovering, the elegant and calm smile returned to the beautiful face without a trace of wrinkles. He gave Vice Principal Lu a grin, then twisted his waist and returned to the sofa to sit down, and suddenly he laughed. Voice.


"Lao Lu! What are you going to do? Vice President Zhou's wife, Brother Bin, Xiaomei, Wu Yongxiang... Hey, at the Monday regular meeting, aren't you still wondering why Chen Bin is so abnormal? Now you understand it? Do you want to Tell Zhou Kang? Hey, I am looking forward to Zhou Kang's reaction when he knows that his wife is cheating!"


It’s not about hanging up high, which is one of the reasons why Liang Hongyun is so elegant and calm. She never troubles herself or cares about things that have nothing to do with her. Now this matter, in her eyes, It has nothing to do with her, and now she only has the mood to watch the show.


Qi Xiaoling, the wife of Vice Principal Zhou, has almost the same identity as her Liang Hongyun. She actually did this kind of thing. The target was Chen Bin, the director of the school affairs office. Speaking of which, Chen Bin is not as high as Vice Principal Zhou. To be able to see him, Lao Sun's top dog leg was just that vision, and Liang Hongyun was in a very good mood at this time, and a sense of superiority emerged spontaneously.


Qi Xiaoling, the woman who relied on her good figure, especially the big **** stock that is very attractive to many men, and the name of the vice-principal’s wife, usually show her superiority and show off in front of her. Right?


   I will see you in the future!


   Thinking of these Liang Hongyun wanted to smile, the smile on his face was like a flower in full bloom.


As a result, her smirking expression made the vice-principal Lu, who was on the fire, very upset. He glared at her fiercely, and scolded: "You smile! What's your psychology? I think you are sick! And he's very sick!"


Liang Hongyun was scolded. Not only did he not get angry, but he giggled. He pointed to the vice principal Lu, trembling with a smile, and said softly: "Lao Lu, why are you so angry? I didn't give you a green hat! Hey! You’re not angry that Qi Xiaoling approached Chen Bin, did she not approach you?”


   "Fuck your mother! Go fuck! Go back to your own office! I'll get angry when I see your smiling face!" Vice President Lu has been completely tempered by his wife.


   My mother-in-law is not afraid of him at all, and the majesty of his vice-principal can't restrain her at all.


   And Liang Hongyun still smiled cleverly, not angry, the letter just now was enough for her to laugh for ten and a half days. (To be continued...)


  PS: Thank you Lizhi Township for the 100-point reward and ask for a monthly pass! !


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