Rebirth 2003

Chapter 262: Wait for the rabbit

Because the manuscript of this chapter was written for Tong Yaqian, Lu Yang did not write one paragraph at a time like when he wrote the manuscript for himself before. Every word is written in full strokes, and every word can be clearly distinguished. Because of this, Lu Yang took a long time to write this chapter. It was not until noon to finish work. There were six pages, each page was about five or six hundred words. After stopping, Lu Yang smiled and passed the manuscript. In front of Tong Yaqian, he said: "There is no modification, how about you first! If satisfied, I will modify it twice in the afternoon."

Tong Yaqian took it in her hand and immediately began to look down section by section. At this moment, the phone in Lu Yang's trouser pocket vibrated twice, and it only vibrated twice. There should be a message, and Lu Yang was not in a hurry. Looking at it, he first picked up the teacup and drank, squeezed the stiff fingers because of holding the pen for a long time, and then took out the phone.

   The message was sent by Zhang Li, and Lu Yang was a little surprised, but the content of the message made Lu Yang even more surprised.

   "My first movie "The Last Time I Love You" will be released this month. Do you have time to come and watch it with me? This movie is very important to me, can you come over?"

   Lu Yang first subconsciously glanced at Tong Yaqian who was reading the manuscript opposite, and then replied: "I want to think about it."

Putting the phone back in his trouser pocket, Lu Yang narrowed his eyes slightly. What he thought was not to watch the movie with her, but the male owner of the Porsche Cayenne. Last time, to avoid suspicion, he didn't immediately take action. Now that time has passed so long, he should act. NS.

   This thorn has been stuck in his heart for more than ten years, and he doesn't want to wait any longer.

   In the afternoon, Lu Yang went to ask for leave with Vice Principal Sun. Last time, he asked for five days, plus two days on weekends, together for seven days. This time, Lu Yang still asked for so many days.

I only took a long vacation last month, and I took so long this month. One can imagine the face of Vice Principal Sun at the time. He frowned and looked at Lu Yang. Vice Principal Sun said unhappily, "Xiao Lu! You are now! I’m working. Isn’t it good to ask for leave so frequently? What do you think?"

   Vice-principal Sun’s reaction, to Lu Yang’s expectation, an intern frequently asked for leave, and he would not be happy to change to any leader.

   Therefore, Lu Yang is also ready to say something.

   "Principal! There is no way this time. I invested in a movie with a friend and it was filming in Shanghai. There is something wrong now. I have to go there. Please bear with me!"

It’s not that Lu Yang wanted to show off this incident, but that he didn’t dare to use other reasons. This time it was an assault, an untenable reason, not to mention whether Vice President Sun would approve him this holiday. Upon finding him, the reason for asking for leave this time will immediately attract the attention of the police.

   The film he invested with Wang Lin was shot in Shanghai. There is well-documented. It is normal for him to go twice during the filming. What Lu Yang wanted was this seemingly normal reason.

   "Oh? You also invested in movies? Yes! What's the name of the movie?"

   Hearing this reason, Vice Principal Sun’s eyes brightened and his complexion looked much better. Instead, he became interested. People under his own invested in movies. Even if he talked about this kind of thing, he would be very face-conscious!

With Vice President Sun’s reaction, Lu Yang knew that the holiday should be over, so he smiled and said, “The movie is called "Gate of Rebirth". Your principal."

"Haha! Okay! Since it's this kind of thing, it should cost a lot of money to invest in one? Go! Don't let your money go! The vacation is as you say, five days plus two weekends, seven days together , Shouldn't it be enough?"

   "Enough is enough! Thank you principal!"

   Lu Yang repeatedly thanked him, and the request for leave was settled.

   Returning to the residence at night, Lu Yang replied a message to Zhang Li: "Come here tomorrow! I have taken a few days off."

   Zhang Li's reply came soon.

"Thanks, you are very kind."

   Looking at the reply this day, Lu Yang chuckled, really good? It's really good!

   When thinking like this in his heart, what Lu Yang thought of was the owner of the Porsche Cayenne. If this matter can be resolved smoothly, it would be really good for Lu Yang.

   What's the point of success if I don’t vent the qi that has accumulated in my heart for more than ten years?

Before the code word in the evening, Lu Yang booked a flight ticket for tomorrow morning on the Internet, and then coded out four chapters in one night, and did not go to bed until more than three in the morning. Getting up in the alarm bell and going out, the code word will definitely be affected. Lu Yang can only use all the time available to write more. As for sleep? Wouldn’t it be right to sleep on the plane the next day?

At about one o’clock in the afternoon, Lu Yang came out of Shanghai Hongqiao Airport again, carrying simple luggage, and set foot on this land again. When he walked out of the airport, Lu Yang’s mouth was like a normal day, with a faint smile, but his heart was With the killing intent, the murder may not be enough, but the pain caused by the other party will be doubled this time! The enemies he couldn't avenge in the previous life must be paid back in this life!

  When he walked out of the airport, Wang Lin's car was already parked outside, while Wang Lin was wearing a pair of sunglasses and elegant casual clothes. He folded his arms and leaned against the body with a smile.

  The first sentence when I saw Lu Yang was: "It's not easy! This time I haven't urged you ten times or eight times. Why did you take the initiative to visit the crew?"

   immediately stepped forward to hug Lu Yang.

   "This movie has almost emptied my contribution fees over the past few years. Can I really not care about it? I really didn't have time before!"

   Lu Yangxin talked about the reason, and got into the car with the happy Wang Lin.

   "Has the crew been going well recently?"

   After getting in the car, Lu Yang asked with a smile. Wang Lin smiled and replied as he drove the car onto the road: "It's okay! The state of the frog and the protagonists is getting better and better! The shooting is much smoother than before."

   "Is the investment enough?"

"No problem! The one million you sent last time is still hanging on the crew's account! It is ready to be used for the post-production promotion. The three million in the early stage, the shooting cost less than two million, and the remaining one hundred More than ten thousand, post-production should be fine. Why? You can't spend enough money now? Want to invest more?" Wang Lin glanced at Lu Yang with a smile.

   The two talked and laughed along the way, the atmosphere was as harmonious as before, and there was no conflict because of the money involved. For Lu Yang, Wang Lin was his first die-hard fan, and the money for rewarding his works alone was hundreds of thousands. There was no doubt that he would be greedy for his own money.

For Wang Lin, Lu Yang is his favorite author. It is a very happy thing in itself to be able to work with his favorite author. Moreover, after the crew was formed, Lu Yang did not fight for power and did not interfere with the crew indiscriminately. What's the dissatisfaction with this kind of cooperation?


Naturally that night Wang Lin, Dai Qingwa, Zhang Li, Cheng Bing and others accompany Lu Yang, the screenwriter and investor, to dinner. The dishes are good dishes and the wine is good wine. Everyone took turns to toast Lu Yang and Lu Yang one by one. Sincerely, thank you all for your hard work during this period of time. A meal didn’t end until ten o’clock in the evening. When we left the hotel and returned to the hotel, everyone was a bit drunk. The car couldn’t be driven, so we had to ask the hotel to find a driver. .

Not long after Lu Yang returned to the hotel, Zhang Li came to the door by herself. With the help of Jiu Jin, the two naturally rolled together again. When Lu Yang woke up the next morning, Zhang Li had already left, only her body remained in the bed. The fragrance of the scent, a note was left on the bedside table for Lu Yang.

   "I'm going to work, and I'll come back tonight."

   Acting like Lu Yang's girlfriend, Lu Yang smiled and threw the notes into the trash can, covering his face with his hands, rubbing vigorously, and when he went to sleep, he got up to brush his teeth and take a bath.

After finishing this, put on a set of clean clothes, then called the waiter over and took away his dirty clothes to wash. Lu Yang turned on the computer and began to search the map of Shanghai, and searched for the location of the Hengxin foreign trade trading company on the map. Naturally, he would not contact Feng Tingting the next time. One week was enough time for him to find the man.

   The foreign trade company was not found on the network map. However, the power of the network is so powerful that it can not be found directly, and there are indirect methods.

   Lu Yang directly read the name of the company, and then checked the relevant information one by one, and found his specific address and approximate location in Shanghai within a few minutes.

   wrote down this location in my Lu Yang took the computer bag and went out, hailed a taxi, told the driver which district and street, the taxi would naturally take him there.

   When he arrived at the place, Lu Yang did not get off the car immediately. He glanced at the company's sign through the window, and then said to the driver, "Go ahead a little bit, that's the coffee shop!"

   In Lu Yang's sight, not far in front, there happened to be a sign of a coffee shop, where you could see the company's door.

   The driver agreed and sent Lu Yang to the place with a kick of the accelerator.

Lu Yang paid the money, got off the car and walked into the coffee shop. He sat down on the second floor by the window and ordered a latte at random. He stood there waiting for him. The light from the corner of his eye seemed to pay attention to the foreign trade company’s. door.

   Take the laptop out of the computer bag, place it on the table in front of him, create a new document, and start monitoring over there while codewords.

   An unaware person would never think that he was here to monitor the door of a company.

Look at the time displayed at the bottom of the computer. It’s almost 11 o’clock at noon. There should be almost off work there. I don’t know if the employees of that company will finally come out for dinner. One more thing, if that man is not an employee of that company. ...

   At the door of the company, I didn't see the slick Porsche Cayenne.

   However, Lu Yang is not in a hurry. Even if that man is not from that company, since he is with Feng Tingting, he will always drive to pick her up these days, unless Feng Tingting is not important to him.

   If that were the case, Lu Yang could only change another way. RS

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