Rebirth 2003

Chapter 274: Lu Yang is sleeping again?

   I agreed with a few companies who bought the copyrights of audio novels and comics. The other party sent someone to sign the contract these days. This is the beginning. This article has successfully taken the first step from the first full copyright operation. Lu Yang was in a good mood and walked to the bedroom with a smile. Tong Yaqian was changing his bed sheet. Hearing the footsteps, Tong Yaqian looked back and saw Lu Yang smiled. When he walked in, he gave him a blank look and said, "Why are you laughing so thief? Like a weasel stealing a chicken!"


   Hearing this, Lu Yang was not angry either, and he stepped forward and hugged Tong Yaqian's tall body from behind.


   Unprepared, Tong Yaqian stopped her hands, slowly straightened her waist, let Lu Yang hug her, and whispered, "Sorry?"


   Lu Yang chuckled out, and then he rubbed Tong Yaqian's hair with his chin, sniffed the faint fragrance in Tong Yaqian's hair, and smiled: "It's so awkward!"


   "You don't want to?"


The corners of Tong Yaqian's mouth are also slightly raised. Maybe she has been with Lu Yang for a long time, and she has gradually developed Lu Yang's style of talking. Don't look at Lu Yang who usually speaks very little outside, but with familiar people, speaking style. It's very rippling, like what Tong Yaqian said just now, Lu Yang once whispered it to her.


The first time I heard it, Tong Yaqian was a little unacceptable and almost turned her face, but after a long time, she got used to Lu Yang's private speaking style, and she didn't feel angry anymore. Sometimes, she felt that occasionally such a sentence was also quite good. interesting.


   Tong Yaqian asked like that. If Lu Yang hasn't acted yet, it's not Lu Yang, so. Before it got dark, Tong Yaqian was thrown onto the bed by Lu Yang and was rolled over by the waves. After everything was over, Tong Yaqian leaned on Lu Yang's arms and asked with a smile, "What was it so happy just now? When I walked in, it seemed like I heard you talk about copyright with someone? Why? You have a new book again. ?"


   Speaking of this, the corner of Lu Yang's mouth was slightly tilted, he was in a good mood, and smiled: "It's not a new book. It's the other copyright of the old book."


   Tong Yaqian: "Other copyrights? What other copyrights are there?"


   Few people who write web articles these days have thought of web articles other than publishing. Can you sell other copyrights, let alone Tong Yaqian, a layman?


   Lu Yang smiled and kissed her on the cheek, and said with a smile: "Audio copyright and comic adaptation rights!"


   Tong Yaqian: "What is the audio copyright? Can your novel be adapted into a comic?"


Lu Yang: "Is it right? Audio copyright means to turn a novel into a broadcast version of the novel. Usually there is a young woman with a beautiful voice. Follow the novel and read it to readers with a beautiful voice. The comics are adapted! There have been many martial arts in the past. The novels have been adapted from comics. Don't be so ignorant and shame me when you say it!"


   The first few sentences of Lu Yang, Tong Yaqian was still listening quietly. When she heard Lu Yang's last ridicule, Tong Yaqian's eyes suddenly stared. Biting on Lu Yang's ear, of course. The force was not too strong, and one hand had to twist Lu Yang's other ear.


   Lu Yang naturally hurriedly begged for mercy. The two of them had a fight, and it took a long time for them to get up from bed and prepare for dinner.


After dinner, Tong Yaqian wrote her "Mengjiao Niang's Romance of the Three Kingdoms" in her bedroom, while Lu Yang was sitting in a small room in front of the computer concentrating on the code. Originally, Tong Yaqian wanted to write a manuscript next to Lu Yang, but she was sitting there. Next to Lu Yang, Lu Yang always couldn't concentrate. In the end, she had no choice but to go to the bedroom to write. After she left, Lu Yang closed the door and turned off the fluorescent lamp on the ceiling, and then sat back in front of the computer. In the darkness, only when the computer screen was on, did he feel more comfortable at this time, and his mind gradually became clearer.


Every writer has the habit of writing codewords. Some people are used to codewords in a noisy atmosphere, such as Fang Xiang; some people like to sit in the bathtub and codewords are better than they are now; some people like to click in the dark Hold a cigarette, put a pot of tea on hand, and listen to music code words, such as Lu Yang.


Although Lu Yang could write during the day, when he was in his best condition, it was always in the dark. In a small dark room, listening to slow-paced music, occasionally lighting a cigarette and drinking a sip of tea, in this environment In the middle, his thinking will become particularly clear. Many inspirations that he can't think of usually will involuntarily come out of his mind. What he has to do is to turn the inspirations that come out of his mind into words. This is also Lu An important reason why Young likes writing online articles so much is that people who have never been in that state will never understand the fascination.


In that state of thinking like beads, I seem to be a god, all the characters in the story, all the plots, will fly with my fingers, and perform scenes of joys and sorrows. At that time, I seem to have become a god. Connector, use your own mind to communicate with a mysterious world, and move the stories in that mysterious world to the computer files in front of you.


That night, Lu Yang was in very good condition. He wrote more than nine thousand words in three chapters in a row, but when it was finished, it was already half past one in the morning. When the third chapter was finished, Lu Yang noticed the time under the computer screen. Looking at this time, he could only smile wryly, thinking: I am afraid that I will doze off again at work tomorrow.


   Before writing these three chapters, Lu Yang posted today's second update. At this time, save the document, turn off the computer, and go to wash and rest.


When he walked into the bedroom, Tong Yaqian was already asleep. Lu Yang moved lightly and went to bed lightly. He did not feel sleepy while lying in bed. This is probably different from what most people think. Many people must think that writing is tired, and after going to bed, Will fall asleep soon, the opposite is true.


The brain that has just finished writing the manuscript is in an active state, even if it’s four or five o’clock in the morning, even at dawn, it’s already sleepy and eyelids are fighting, but after going to bed, it’s always hard to fall asleep, and the mind is so clear and sober. It's like a good dose of excitement. You don't want to continue thinking about the problem. It is still thinking about the storyline that you just wrote. This is probably one of the main reasons why writers often feel their heads bloated.


After going to bed, Lu Yang fell asleep unknowingly after going to bed. At 6 o'clock the next morning, the mobile phone alarm rang as expected. Tong Yaqian sat up from the bed full of energy and stretched out comfortably, but Lu Yang She forced her two dark circles under her eyes and opened one eye first, and for a long time, she reluctantly opened the other eye. It looked like a pair of eggplants that had been beaten by frost, and languished.


Tong Yaqian shook his head and twisted his ears speechlessly before getting up and getting dressed, while Lu Yang moved his head to the head of the bed and leaned on his lucid brain. It took him a long time to get out of bed. If he was in this state of mind, he would definitely be caught at work. The leader approved, but the perennial code word also let Lu Yang create a unique trick, that is to take a bath!


   In the early morning, after a shower, the whole person's spirit can be refreshed immediately, but the overdrawn spirit can not be refreshed for a whole day in a shower.


   This morning, Lu Yang was not long sitting in the office, but he was easily defeated by the Sandman. He wanted to take a nap with his head, but fell asleep on the desk accidentally.


   In the office, the teachers are coming in and out. Seeing this scene, they are all speechless. What is stubbornness? This is definitely a model of stubbornness!


   Director Chen Jian has trained him so many times, and now he still dares to sleep during working hours. This courageous person is enough to eat!


However, unlike seeing this scene before, everyone’s contemptuous eyes are different. After listening to Lu Yang’s public class a few days ago, everyone now has an inexplicable emotion towards Lu Yang, writing novels, writing songs, and investing in filming. Movies and classes are so good, and martial arts...


   Such a perversion has made many people unable to think of comparison in life. In the eyes of most colleagues and leaders, Lu Yang has already established the title of the number one talent! Not only the first talent among these interns! In the junior high school of the third middle school, even including the high school, they can be regarded as the first talented person!


21 years old! Lu Yang was already so perverted when how many people couldn't support himself...


Even Xu Heng's second grader, when he saw Lu Yang lying on his desk and sleeping today, he didn't make any jokes anymore. Like other teachers in the office, he subconsciously stopped talking loudly and kept quiet most of the time. .


  Perhaps, Lu Yang’s Ba` was offensive with Chen Jian. When Lu Yang was sleeping soundly, Chen Jian walked to the office where Lu Yang was located and inspected everyone’s work.


As a result, as soon as I arrived at the door, I saw Lu Yang lying on the desk sleeping, but at this time Tong Yaqian went to class. No one reminded Lu Yang. When Chen Jian walked beside Lu Yang with a complex expression, Lu Yang still knew nothing. , There was almost no screaming. There were several other teachers in the office at this moment. At this moment, everyone closed their mouths, looking strangely on the faces of the sleeping Lu Yang and the expressionless Chen Jian. Moving around, everyone was waiting for Chen Jian to go wild.


   Have you criticized it three times or four times? How many times is this? This is obviously hitting Chen Jian in the face! If Chen Jian didn't see it today, it would be fine. Now he is standing next to Lu Yang. If this is not dealt with seriously, what discipline will there be in the office in the future? Where is Chen Jian's prestige?


Several teachers thought that Chen Jianhui was going crazy, and there were already a few teachers watching the excitement outside the door. These people came to Lu Yang's office this morning and they all knew that Lu Yang was sleeping in the office again this morning~www And now Chen Jian is in...


   Unexpectedly, Chen Jian stood beside Lu Yang blankly for more than ten seconds. He turned around and went out without saying anything.


   Seeing this scene, they all felt incredible. This is...Did Chen Jian take the wrong medicine today? Or did you forget to install the battery today?


Everyone was feeling incredible. Chen Jian, who had already walked out of this office, suddenly stared at the teachers who were watching the excitement, and scolded, "What do you look at? You can have Lu Yang's teaching ability, not to mention sleeping during working hours, it means going to work. I don’t care about time fighting the landlords! Can you do it?"


   He didn't scold Lu Yang. Instead, he scolded a few teachers who watched the excitement. At that moment, the scolded teachers were blushing and went back to their respective offices.


   Chen Jian just smiled and left refreshed. (To be continued...)


  P: Thank you for voting for you and you will reward you with 100 points, and everyone's monthly pass and five-star evaluation ticket. The monthly pass has passed 54 votes. It seems that I will add more tomorrow. Well, this is the fourth chapter of today, and there are two more chapters. If you don't write it out, I won't sleep tonight. (4/6)

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