Rebirth 2003

Chapter 276: Little girl's problem


    How many first- and second-line authors contacted him with top gods, Lu Yang didn’t know for the time being, because after dinner that day, he didn’t log in to q`q, so he started to adjust the status code word, save the manuscript in It has gradually increased, but it is still far from enough. Now that the deposit at hand is not enough to even meet the requirements of the publishing house and the Internet serialization, let alone want to explode.     At present, "Magic Sword Eternity" has fallen to the fifth place on the monthly ticket list. This feeling of being beaten and unable to fight back makes Lu Yang feel very aggrieved. Since his rebirth, he has always used the plus Even more popular with others, have you ever had the experience of being worsened by others now?     This month's monthly ticket list is number one, which seems to be out of play, but next month he still wants to compete! You can't always just get beaten and not fight back, right?     Tomorrow and Sunday, you don’t have to go to work, so when Lu Yang codewords that night, he doesn’t need to look at the time. He is in good condition and keeps writing down, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3. , When the third chapter was finished, I finally felt a little tired. Looking at the time under the computer screen, it really was more than one o'clock in the morning.     Pinched his finger, Lu Yang saved the manuscript, and then remembered to log in to q`q, and then saw that there were so many private messages from readers and authors on q`q, and he replied more than half. Only when I was young, there were not many people online at this time. Lu Yang didn’t keep the contact information secret. He gave him the right to adapt all kinds of online novels. For those who do not have a big market, only when the great gods are involved, the market will grow bigger and bigger, and gradually, the copyright fees for various adaptations of everyone's works will gradually increase. Lu Yang didn't want to sell the right of adaptation every time it was as cheap as this time, for a platinum author. Such a low cost of adaptation is almost the price of cabbage!     When the starting point is to adapt everyone's contract, and all the copyright fees for all kinds of adaptations will be divided into the starting point in the future, if the price of cabbage is still the same, Lu Yang will not have to make money.     After finishing this work, Lu Yang went to rest. On the next Sunday, Tong Yaqian came over to write an essay with him. With the help of Lu Yang, "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms of Mengjiao` Niang" has now been written to Chapter 10. Well, I only wrote ten chapters in so many days, and Lu Yang helped her write the first chapter.     As a new rookie who writes online articles for the first time, Tong Yaqian can write so much. It's not easy anymore, ten chapters, each chapter is about 3,000 words, and there are almost 30,000 words. Thirty thousand words is just the beginning for an online article with more than one million words, but for Tong Yaqian, who has never written an article with more than two thousand words, this is already a historic breakthrough. That sentence. People who have never written an online article will not know the difficulties, especially the tens of thousands of words in front of newcomers. Generally, when newcomers exceed 10,000 words, they will encounter the first hurdle. This hurdle can kill a large number of newcomers. After 10,000 words, the novelty and passion of writing online articles will be greatly dissipated, and the torture of 10,000 words will be greatly reduced. It is enough to make many people feel fear and passion. You will find that I don't know what to write next, and I feel that every additional 100 words is a kind of hardship.     In these days, Tong Yaqian has been stuck to death. Every time she entangles Lu Yang and asks Lu Yang to help her out, a chapter is written, and Lu Yang must help her modify it and give pointers. After a while, she will write, and then write a chapter, so slowly, and then slowly write the tenth chapter.     On this day, Lu Yang and her did not have much activity. Under Tong Yaqian’s strong suggestion, Lu Yang moved the notebook to the living room and placed the dining table in the middle of the living room, facing each other across the dining table. Sitting, like in an office, Lu Yang turned on Kugou to play Tong Yaqian's favorite music, then Lu Yang coded words on the computer, and Tong Yaqian wrote on the manuscript paper.     Lu Yang wrote for a while, and suddenly thought that maybe it’s time to give Tong Yaqian a notebook. Speaking of which, Tong Yaqian has been with him for so long, and he has not given her any valuable gift. This idea It was written down by Lu Yang, and then continued to write the manuscript.     After eating Tong Yaqian’s meal at noon, Lu Yang took her by the hand and said to take her out for shopping. This surprised Tong Yaqian. When did Lu Yang, a wood, have such affection? `Interesting? Although surprised, Tong Yaqian was still very happy. Lu Yang offered to go shopping with her, but it was a rare thing. If I miss this time, I don't know when it will be next time.     Whenever he has time every day, he needs to code words. Every time he sees his obsessive appearance, she doesn't force him out to go shopping like some girls do.     The two took a taxi and came to the city. After getting off the bus, Lu Yang did not take Tong Yaqian straight to the place where the computer was sold. Since they came out, it is rare to accompany her out once, and Lu Yang is not in a hurry. I went back immediately, and accompanied Tong Yaqian to the shopping malls and bought her two sets of clothes and a pair of shoes. Tong Yaqian knew about Lu Yang’s approximate income. At the same time, because Lu Yang rarely gave her gifts, Lu Yang bought them for her. At the time, she smiled and did not refuse.     Then he ate some local snacks with Tong Yaqian, and then took her into a shopping mall selling computers. When he walked in, Tong Yaqian smiled and asked: "Typical tyrant! You are going to give it to yourself Have you changed your equipment?"    Lu Yang smiled and said nothing. He bought the notebook three years ago. At that time, the various configurations of the notebook were not high. After three years, it is really not very easy to use. However, the funds have been tight recently, and Lu Yang is not ready to update himself.     "Notebook, which brand do you like? Choose the one you like!"    Walking in a shopping mall surrounded by various desktops and notebooks, Lu Yang holds Holding Tong Yaqian's hand, he smiled and told her.     "Huh? Do you want to buy it for me?"    Tong Yaqian stopped in surprise, Lu Yang smiled and embraced her fragrant shoulders, and said with a smile: "You Are you not writing a novel now? Write it on manuscript paper and input it on the computer in the future. It’s too inconvenient! Don’t say so! Don’t twist my ears from now on!"    Tong Yaqian stared blankly at the landing Yang held her mouth for a while before pursing her lips and said, "How much is the price?" At that moment, Lu Yang's words caused a warm current to flow in her heart. It was warm, and it was a feeling of being moved. She likes this feeling, so if she wants to refuse, she swallows it back. Someone once said that in the world of emotions, the more you give, the deeper your feelings for the other party will be. This is not only reflected in the heart The same is true for giving, and so is material giving.     When one person has given a lot of effort to another person, he will unconsciously care about the other person in his heart. Tong Yaqian doesn’t remember which book she read about this principle before, but at this moment she really wants to Doing so, don't refuse Lu Yang's kindness to her.     After some selection, Tong Yaqian chose an ASUS notebook. In the notebook field, ASUS was basically synonymous with high prices in 2006, but the quality was indeed excellent.     After paying more than 8,000 yuan, Lu Yang is still smiling. Recently, he is short of money, but he is not short of money. The lack of money is only because he wants to raise more money to buy Apple’s stock, but spends He was willing to buy Tong Yaqian a notebook for eight thousand yuan.     This evening, Tong Yaqian cooked Lu Yang a table of good dishes. He bought a few bottles of beer and toasted with Lu Yang. It was about 11 o’clock. Lu Yang's third chapter has just begun. , She pushed open the door of the small room, smiled and went straight to Lu Yang’s laptop. Amid Lu Yang’s surprised protest, she pulled Lu Yang’s hand into the bedroom and left Lu Yang a wonderful night on the bed. .     ……    The next day, on Monday, the sun was still shining in y province k city, although there was another light rain in the middle of the night, the weather here is so strange. Rain is usually at night, and daytime is usually sunny.     After a light rain, the air today is fresher than usual. Lu Yang just walked into the school gate when he was shouted by the old guard.     "Hey! Teacher Xiaolu, wait a minute!"    I have been practicing here for a few months, and the guard has never called Lu Yang like this before, and Lu Yang stopped unexpectedly when he heard the sound After stepping, I turned my head and smiled and asked: "Master! You call me?"    The old doorman smiled and nodded, and said: "Wait a minute! Here is your express mail!"     "Oh, good!"    I heard that there was an express mail of his own. Lu Yang's eyes lit up slightly and the smile on his face became more obvious. A few steps into the guard room, he should It was his own stock certificate that came. He decided to temporarily sell Vanke's stock a few days ago. He called back to his hometown and asked his sister to mail the stock certificate for him. What he told his family at the time was to send express mail.     The uncle doorman rummaged on the table for a while, and handed a red express mail to Lu Yang. Lu Yang glanced at the mailing address written on it, and it turned out to be from his hometown.     With this thing in hand, the previous plan can be implemented. It’s just that today is Monday. I don’t have time for the time being. It’s not good to ask for leave again to do this. Fortunately, Apple’s stock will soar next year. Don’t worry too much about this. On the way to the office with this express mail, Lu Yang thought for a while, and decided to wait for this weekend to do it, just waiting for other news, to see if he could sell a few more adaptation rights this week, and it was time to try to borrow money from some people.     On Monday, Lu Yang had a class, and he finished the content of a class with ease. There are still a few minutes before class ends, Lu Yang smiled and said casually: "Well, this class This is the end of the content. Now there are still a few minutes before class ends. Do you have any questions? , Suddenly a little girl raised Bai Shengsheng’s small hand. After Lu Yang and everyone looked over, the little girl blushed and asked: "Teacher! Can you ask any questions?"     Lu Yang smiled and said: "Yes, but if it is the teacher's individual*, I have the right to refuse to answer."    Little girl: "Teacher! I didn't want to ask you~ What I want to ask is, can you help us rehearse a program? The head teacher asked us to prepare a program for this year’s New Year’s party. A few of my classmates and I want to sing a song you wrote before, so I thought Please help us rehearse..." (to be continued)    ps: Thank you Xiaocao for his pride for rewarding 100 coins. Well, this is the sixth chapter of my promise, the sixth chapter of my promise. 18,000 words have been provided, thank you!

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