Rebirth 2003

Chapter 294: Wen Chou borrowed money

Lu Yang did not immediately call the bank's account manager. At this time, he didn't have the money to pay the bank. He called back. It was definitely to say a good thing to the bank's account manager, and he didn't have to listen to some bad words from the other party. Thinking, Lu Yang landed on q`q, his gaze paused on the names of the book fans group and the dark realm group, and then he clicked on the dark realm group.


   There are a few great gods in the group chatting without a word, most of the great gods did not speak, presumably they went out on the weekend, or they were coding words.


Borrowing money from people is not a good thing. However, at this time, the big money that Lu Yang can think of, except for a few not bad leaders and Chen Yi, are also these first-line gods. I hope that his face can be borrowed. !


   Once this incident is exposed, I don't know how to talk about myself outside.


   With a light sigh, Lu Yang still uttered a word in the group.


   Wen Chou: "There is something wrong with the funds on hand, and I need 600,000 yuan urgently. Which brother has a loose hand, lend me a turnaround? I will return it as soon as possible!"


  As soon as Lu Yang's words were sent to the group, there were still a few great gods who were chatting all of a sudden. After a few seconds, the few people who had just chatted spoke one after another.


Golden Bug: "Wenju will be short of money? What are you kidding? Simplified and traditional publishing, a little bit of manuscript fees, audiobooks, comic adaptations... a monthly income of two or three hundred thousand, easy and stress-free? Wenju is here to flirt with us. Street?"


   I am a meteor: "Wen Ju, is this account hacked?"


   Bathing in the mist: "I would rather believe that there are ghosts in this world than that Wenju will be short of money. If you agree, line up quickly and pay attention to the formation downstairs!"


  Below the speech of taking a bath in the mist, people like twists and turns, ice, boiling dust and others lined up to copy this sentence. Some great gods who had been diving also emerged at this time.


   Skeleton: "The king covers the earth! Wen Ju, what's the next sentence? If you don't have the slogan, we will determine that you have been hacked!"


A passing lamb: "Day! Skeletons are a little creative, okay? Children know that the next sentence is the river monster in Pagoda Town! This slogan is not good! The slogan of the ugly man is coming to me! Qin Si Pipa, the eight kings, the kings are on! Hehe ! If the account is hacked, shouldn't you be able to pick up the next sentence?"


   I am a meteor: "Wen Ugly! It's up to you! Prove that you are a male body...Oh, no, it's time to prove that you are the deity or the parallel importer! Wait!"


   Lu Yang gave a wry smile. No one is serious, and no one believes. It seems that I have to think of another way. Immediately sent another sentence, I want to withdraw from this group.


   Wen Chou: "The ghost, the four little ghosts, the ghosts and ghosts step aside! Okay, since everyone doesn't believe it. I will think of another way! 8 everyone!"


   finished reply. Without seeing how the great gods replies, Lu Yang withdrew from the dark realm group, frowning, wondering whom it would be better to open this mouth to.


   Wang Lin should be able to put out 600,000 yuan, but the two are now in a cooperative relationship, and Wang Lin is his book fan again. As an author, he borrows money from his book fans. Lu Yang has always looked down on it, so. Wang Lin, who was most likely to help him, was the first to be ruled out by him, as were the other leaders. Although many leaders have rewarded his works for more than 10,000 yuan, it is the most It's better not to think about it.


   Do you want to find Chen Yi?


   Chen Yi has money at home, but now he is also doing an internship. I am afraid that the family will not take so much money to lend him.


Who else……


  While Lu Yang frowned and considered each possible candidate, in the dark realm, the great gods were still replying in a mess.


   Bathing in the mist: "Is it really Wen Chou deity just now? Wen Chou Ju! Prove it again! Take a screenshot of the author's background, um, it is better to expose another photo, there are many people who know it! I can't prove it yet."


   The boiling dust: "I still don't believe that Wen Chou will be short of money!"


   A dark hole: "Didn't Wen Chou attend the author's annual meeting last time? Who remembers his voice, call to ask?"


   Skeleton: "I have seen it, I have his number, I will look for his number..."




In front of the computer, Lu Yang was still thinking about it. The first call he received was not from the skeleton. The phone rang. Lu Yang was taken aback, thinking it was another call from the bank, and frowned. The mobile phone was found to be the owner of the dark realm-Big Tiger.


   Press the answer button and put the phone to his ear. A big tiger's voice came from the phone: "Wen Chou! You just borrowed money from the group, really you?"


Lu Yang smiled silently, and said, "Well, recently I raised money to buy stocks, but accidentally sold the Internet cafe that had been mortgaged to the bank. Now I have to pay back the bank loan as soon as possible. It's not like selling stocks. I want to borrow some money to turn around!"


   Big Tiger: "It's really you... those guys thought you were hacked..."


He muttered casually, paused, and the big tiger said: "I don't have 600,000 cash. I only have 200,000. If you are not too small, I will lend it to you! I will help you talk to other guys in the group. There are a lot of local tyrants in our group, 600,000 small cass! Don't worry!"


   Lu Yang was stunned for a moment, so he agreed to borrow more than 200,000 yuan so easily?


Lu Yang has only seen the big tiger once. At the last annual meeting of the starting point, he did not expect to be so righteous. After thinking about it, Lu Yang said: "You can save a little for yourself! You have to live, thank you! Wait until I turn around. , I'll pay you back immediately!"


Big tiger: "Haha! Little thing! With your Wen Chou name, I'm afraid you won't pay me back? Two hundred thousand, your Wen Chou manuscript fee plus royalties are almost there, right? Yes! Just talk about it. Here! I'll help you talk to other people in the group!"


   Lu Yang: "Thanks!"


   Big Tiger: "Okay! Hang up!"


After finishing talking, Big Tiger hung up the call. Just before he hung up, Lu Yang sighed, and Skull’s phone came in. As soon as he heard the phone, Lu Yang admitted that it was him who borrowed the money, Skull did. Said: "It's really you! Okay! I still have a hundred thousand dollars here. The car I just bought is just that. Don't be too small! I will help you ask the local tyrant sheep and the villa dust. Those two guys are often in the group. Hundreds of thousands of bank deposits should be no problem!"


   Skull’s call just ended, Lu Yang’s cell phone rang again, and this time the call came from boiling dust that he had never met before.


As soon as the phone was connected, the boiling dust said politely on the phone: "It turned out to be a ugly man borrowing money! The big tiger has told us just now, six hundred thousand, right? Give me your bank card number, I I'll transfer it to you right away!"


   really deserves the nickname "Villa Chen".


Many people who write online novels are not well-known in the eyes of readers, but they are actually rich. They belong to the kind of muffled and rich, such as the boiling dust and the passing lambs. These two people are not active on the Internet, but It is a physical publication in Taiwan. Basically every book can be successfully published, and the sales volume is good. In addition, their codeword speed is fast enough, plus some manuscript fees on the Internet, it is not a difficult task for three to fifty thousand a month. , And these people, unlike Lu Yang, like to invest the contribution fees, they like to buy a house, buy a car and deposit in the bank, so their bank deposits generally have at least several hundred thousand.


   Lu Yang: "Uh! Thank you Villa Chen! But just now Big Tiger and Skeleton have promised to lend me some, you lend me 300,000 yuan, that's enough! Thank you!"


   The boiling dust: "Okay! Three hundred thousand is three hundred thousand, please send me the card number later!"


  The boiling dust ended the call, and Lu Yang's cell phone rang again. In the dark realm group, which one is not a great **** above the first line? There are one or two hundred people in the group, each with a net worth of at least several hundred thousand. If ordinary people borrow money, they may not care about it, but this time it is Wen Chou who borrowed money.


  Wen Chou is now in the world of online literature, how many people don’t know?


   One of the five platinum starting points, the winner of this year's five consecutive monthly passes, simplified and traditional Chinese, audiobooks, comic adaptations, everything is available, just count, there are more than one million in a year's income.


   They didn't agree immediately before, it was just because they were not sure whether they borrowed money for speaking in the group, whether it was Wen Chou deity or not.


  600,000, no one doubts whether Wen Chou can make it up.


Seeing the phone ringing in his hand again, Lu Yang smiled. One thing worthy of happiness, he remembered the embarrassment of his previous life. At that time, his codeword income was meager, and he wanted to buy a house, and the manuscript fee for many years was only enough to pay a down payment. , I can't borrow money if I want to find someone to borrow.


   And now he just said a few words in the group, and those who were willing to borrow money from him took the initiative to call.


Pressing the answer button, Lu Yang held the phone to his ear, and while expressing gratitude to the lamb passing by on the phone, he entered the Dark Domain group again and spoke in the group with Wen Chou's account: "Thank you for your kindness! Sixty Ten thousand is enough, everyone doesn’t have to give me warmth anymore, thank you! Bow and thank the three giants, dear tiger, skeleton and boiling dust."


When    sent this sentence to the group, on the mobile phone side, Lu Yang had already thanked the passing lamb, and he declined the offer of lending him money.


But in the dark realm group, after seeing this sentence from Wen Chou, the great gods appeared naughty again ~ a dark hole: "I borrowed 600,000 so soon? What is the money? Didn’t it come too fast? Or, would everyone lend me some? By the way, Qiangdong recently accepted the sixth concubine, waiting for the rice to be in the pot..."


  Golden bug: "The sixth house concubine? Little cave! Or look at it like this, I lend you 600,000 yuan, and you mortgage all your six house concubines to me?"


   Big Tiger: "Wen Chou is very polite! I really want to thank my brother, um, don't close the door tonight when you sleep, brother will be here for you!"


   The big tiger's words also added a slinky q`q expression, which seemed extremely rippling.


   Skeleton: "The tiger is too shameless! You have a tiger wife! By the way, a certain skeleton can't find a girlfriend, and now he wants to find a boyfriend. Would you like to think about it?" (To be continued...)


ps: Thanks to Feng~~Brother Dongguo Taixuan, Huafeng Cod Dance for rewarding 100 points, thanks to Xingwei for rewarding 1176 points, thanks to Fengchi Yunjuan for rewarding 10,000 points, and becoming the master of this book, Thank you everyone for your monthly pass and five-star evaluation ticket, and continue to ask for monthly tickets frantically! ! ! !

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