Rebirth 2003

Chapter 303: Today

   There are many things, often what is afraid of. ?. .


Before the words of the editor-in-chief old Z, the editor-in-chief walked out of his small office with a smile on his face. In the office area, some editors noticed him, some people haven’t noticed yet. Some people have noticed strangely. Editor-in-chief, someone lowered his head and pretended to be working hard.


The editor-in-chief didn't care about what everyone was doing. At this time, he was obviously in a good mood. After clapping his palms to attract everyone's attention, he deliberately cleared his throat, then scanned the entire office area with satisfaction, and finally opened his mouth: "Everyone! Tell everyone an absolutely inspiring news! Just now, just now, there was an instruction from the head office, let us immediately contact Wen Chou! Signed his "Magic Sword Eternal" game at a price of one million Adaptation right! Well, old z! I remember that you are the editor-in-chief of Wen Chou, right? Contact him right away! Tell him the good news right away! Well, one million copyright fees, if you communicate with him, our website is only a commission 3%, he took 7%, 70,000, and there are hundreds of thousands of personal income tax! Haha! This is the first work on our website to sell game adaptation rights! Tonight, the company restaurant, I have ordered more Get ready to order! Everyone celebrate! Haha! Everyone can applaud and cheer!” After speaking with a smile on his face, the editor-in-chief took the lead to applaud, and the applause sounded in the huge office area. People, but there are only one or two people, most of them look at their editor-in-chief with strange eyes, and the atmosphere is weird.


   The one or two who followed the applause soon couldn't keep going, so they stopped their hands in a jealousy.


The smile on the editor-in-chief of    froze on his face, blinking his eyes, looking at the strange atmosphere in the office area in disbelief. At this time, I should applaud! Why are you reacting like this? Do you want to rebel?


The editor-in-chief of    Group II stood up with a wry smile, opened his mouth, and wanted to explain. In the end, only one sentence was said: "Editor-in-chief! Wen Chou's game copyright has been sold."


   After finishing speaking, old z didn't dare to look at the editor-in-chief's face anymore, and bowed his head bitterly.


   Following the words of old z, the huge office area fell into a weird silence, and many people subconsciously let go of their breath, as if they were afraid of attracting the editor-in-chief's anger.


   At the entrance of the editor-in-chief's office, the editor-in-chief was in a daze, and the smile on his face disappeared completely. Frowning, staring at old z, and asked in a deep voice: "When did it happen? Why is no one to report to me?"


   Old Z lowered his head, did not see the editor-in-chief staring at him, or the brother Tian next to him quietly kicked him, and whispered: "Brother Z! The boss asks you!" "Ah? Oh."


  Old Z hurriedly raised his head, just in time to see the editor-in-chief staring at him, and quickly explained: "The editor-in-chief! The news has just come out, and Wen Chou just opened the chapter. We just know that, we are going to report to you!"


   The following sentence is obviously a lie. Old Z didn't even think about going to report to the editor-in-chief just now. He was having a headache!


At this time, the editor-in-chief has stabilized his mind and continued to ask in a deep voice: "What did he say in the chapter? Who did he sell to? Has he signed a contract with someone? If he has not signed a contract yet. Let him push immediately, he is ours. People! Our conditions are not worse than others! Is the 10,000 adaptation fee less? And we only charge him 3% of the copyright fee! Our own platinum author, but the game copyright is sold to others. What is it like?"


   Old Z smiled wryly, and lowered his head again.


   Many people in the office area pouted their lips and started to snicker. Some of them laughed low, and even shrugged their shoulders. Many people were looking forward to how old Z would answer.


   Old Z lowered his head and whispered: "It should have been signed. The buyer is a giant. I heard that it is a% of the dividends after the release of Vanga Games."


   Chief Editor: "……"


   At this time, the editor-in-chief has a wonderful expression. Stunned, unbelievable, angry... all kinds of negative emotions. Both.


   Finally, the editor-in-chief gave Old Z and the others a fierce look. With a cold snort, he turned around and walked into his office, and then there was a heavy slamming of the door.


  As the editor-in-chief left, the whole office area finally burst into laughter from a lot of people who had been holding back for a long time, especially some female editors, all of them trembling with laughter.


   Old Z sat back in his chair with a gloomy expression, feeling that the incident just now was really a disaster. This incident had nothing to do with him, but let him face the anger of the editor-in-chief.


   At this time, the editor-in-chief is afraid that he and Wen Chou have already been scolded as dogs! Brother Tian and Haixing, the two editors in charge, looked at Old Z sympathetically. Brother Tian was a bit grateful at this time. Fortunately, the editor-in-chief didn't remember that he was the editor-in-charge of Wen Chou, or he might have faced the editor-in-chief's anger just now.


   Haixing endured the smile at the corner of Shinobu's mouth, and whispered: "Brother Z! Sorry!"


   Brother Tian didn’t know what to think. When he heard the starfish say sorrow, he actually said, “Brother Z! Don’t be too sad!”


If he didn’t speak, Old Z might not have thought of him. When he opened his mouth, Old Z suddenly realized that he was Wen Chou’s editor. His very unhappy eyes immediately glared at Brother Tian’s caring face, and he cursed: "You Let’s talk ridiculously! Believe it or not, I’ll go to the boss and tell the boss, is it the giant you helped Wen Chou contact?"




   Heavenly brother stayed, and then quickly confessed his mistake to old z and begged for mercy. It took him a while before finally letting old z suffocate.




   In any matter, there are always some people who are happy and others who are worried.


When    and Shanda received this news, many people were unhappy and angry, while others were overjoyed, such as Lu Yang, Lu Yang’s book fans, and the giant’s side.


When Lu Yang went to buy wine and food, Lu Yang's book fans were not only enthusiastically rewarding, but they also smashed the monthly ticket held in their hands to "Magic Sword Eternity", many of which were just rewarded. .


   Then, a miraculous phenomenon appeared.


   Less than an hour after Lu Yang’s single chapter was released, the total number of monthly tickets for "Magic Sword Eternity" was like an excitement, exploding all the way.


  Fifth place, fourth place...


The success of Wen Chou, the success of "Magic Sword Eternal", book fans and You Rongyan, can not help but feel a sense of pride in their hearts. This is their favorite author, the first "Magic Sword Eternal" that sold the game adaptation rights. It is their favorite work.


   This is very similar to celebrity fans, if you like a celebrity. When you see her or his success, you will also be happy. If he (she) is unhappy, you will worry about him (her) and feel sorry for him (her).


   This heart and another heart, how similar?


   Lu Yang’s fans were as excited and happy as they were during the festival. Other fans of great gods were unavoidably a little envious. Some fans were envious. They can’t help but suggest to the great gods they like and ask the great gods they support to also contact the game company. Some fans who think they have some ways have even told their favorite great gods to help recommend him to the game company they are familiar with. s work.


  Compared with the different reactions of various parties, the reactions of other websites feel sad.


   Originally, this year was a rough year. A group of heavyweight editors left, plus a large number of top great gods left. The severely shaken dominance, the case of Cloud Sky, was brought to court for the first time, and eventually lost, with a compensation of 100,000 yuan.


   For other genuine sites, it is a big mountain in front of them. Don't fall, they will never make it out.


   In order to defeat, first, Tianying, Magic Sword and other websites formed a six-station alliance. This year, there is the establishment of a digital station. Many people are predicting that the dominance will be lost. This year, even the author's annual meeting has been delayed. But at this time, the first game adaptation of the novel since the establishment of the station was sold. Quan, for people on other websites, what Wen Chou sells is what it sells.


   This is a huge stunt! Can attract more great gods to enter, because only in. A book can gather a huge amount of popularity. Then it is more likely to be favored by game companies.


  Perhaps at this time, some great gods who have left to the digital station are already regretting it.


   When they were there. They are the supreme gods. Wen Chou's reputation has always been on the line and offline. Some great gods will inevitably think: If I didn't leave, I should be the first to sell the game adaptation rights, right? What's the matter with ugliness?


   For some websites with insufficient strength, this is bad news. If it can be publicized, the current situation will be further stabilized. For some websites, this is a bad news, but it is also an opportunity! If you can dig out the ugliness at this time, you will be happy and sad, and your reputation will inevitably drop!


   Nowadays, there are only a handful of websites that have the power to dig out ugliness, but someone will definitely do it.




   It’s getting dark. Lu Yang bought the wine and vegetables long ago. He was eating and drinking with Tong Yaqian with a big smile. From time to time, he smiled and raised his glass to ask Tong Yaqian to toast.


   Tong Yaqian was so happy that he was so happy Every time he raised his glass to clink with him, he would either shake his head or roll his eyes.


   It feels like a villain, and the expression looks awkward.


In the middle of drinking and eating, Lu Yang’s mobile phone on the table will ring every few minutes. Every time acquaintances or book fans come to congratulate him. Sometimes, a call has just ended and the mobile phone has not been put down, another The call came in again, and in the end, Tong Yaqian couldn't stand it anymore. In a rage, she directly turned off Lu Yang's mobile phone, and then put the mobile phone into her own pocket.


   Lu Yang looked at him with a smile, and didn't stop him. By the way, after receiving more than 20 calls in a row, he himself enjoyed enough. Without the phone, it rang from time to time, and the atmosphere at the dinner table finally returned to normal. )


ps: Thanks to Fuji Snack Food, Feng~~ brother, book friend 1391814884 for rewarding 1 point, thanks to Ziyu brother for rewarding 88 points, thanks to Daaimu = rebirth, rewarding points again , Became the first master of this book, thank you for your monthly pass and five-star evaluation vote. Ugh! Today is the day when the recommended places are issued again, and the book sadly didn't get any recommended places. The next week, I went naked again. I went naked for three consecutive weeks. Silently...Do you still have monthly tickets? Comfort Lao Mu!

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