Rebirth 2003

Chapter 312: The arrival of Cao Xue

The meeting ended, no matter what everyone thought, whether it was gloating or sympathizing with Zhou Shaofeng’s end, they all speeded up their pace and left the meeting room, because this meeting was not held during working hours, and it is now lunch time. Because of this temporary meeting, everyone has been delayed by almost half. Hours of lunch time.


   Some well-informed people learned that Lu Yang gave the canteen 1,000 yuan as early as last night. Today, there is a free meat dish supplement. Go early, and some choose. Go late, maybe only some soup is left.


   Zhou Shaofeng did not get up immediately, dozens of people huddled out of the meeting room, he was really not in the mood to squeeze around with these former colleagues at this time.


The leaders had already left. Zhou Shaofeng, who was depressed, took out a cigarette case and poured out one blankly. He took out the lighter and lit it twice. Coincidentally, Lu Yang happened to pass by him at this time. Across a table, Zhou Shaofeng, who had not spoken, suddenly said, "Lu Yang!"


   The voice was so dry, it seemed that I had smoked a lot of cigarettes last night, which caused my throat to become irritated.


   Lu Yang heard the words, stopped and looked at him.


   Lu Yang couldn't say how he felt about Zhou Shaofeng's experience. This man was very similar to him in his previous life. He was obsessed with a woman and didn't hit the south wall and didn't look back.


The difference is that Lu Yang had been dating Feng Tingting for three years, Feng Tingting also liked him, but Zhou Shaofeng was unrequited love from beginning to end, leaving the deepest impression on everyone, that is, impulsive, brave and relentless. It wasn't until this time that she calmed down, and she didn't have that unruly aura.


   Zhou Shaofeng raised his bloodshot eyes to look at Lu Yang. Moved his mouth, and finally said three words: "I'm sorry!"


   Unkempt face, dry voice, bloodshot eyes, and pale complexion are what Zhou Shaofeng looks like today. Lu Yang nodded. After a moment of silence, he said, "Good luck!"


   A self-deprecating smile overflowed from the corner of Zhou Shaofeng's mouth. He nodded and said nothing. Maybe he called Lu Yang at this time just to say sorry to Lu Yang.


   During the months of internship here, he clashed with Lu Yang twice. The first time was because of Shao Dahai, and this time because of Xu Heng's provocation, speaking of it. There was no contradiction between the two monks, and Lu Yang once rescued him once.


   Zhou Shaofeng stopped saying anything, Lu Yang nodded, and walked out of the meeting room.


road. Everyone walked on their own. You can only bear whatever step you get. Lu Yang knows that Zhou Shaofeng is not so haggard because of losing this internship. What really makes him haggard is Qian Xiaoyu's last refusal.




   When Lu Yang walked out of the meeting room, everyone else walked away. Standing in the noon sun, Lu Yang's mood was not as light as usual. It seems that the sun can't drive away the gloom in his heart. Zhou Shaofeng reminded him of the drunken nights of himself. The wine bottles on the floor and the strong alcohol couldn't numb the pain in his heart.


   In the sunlight at the entrance of the conference room, he squinted his eyes and stood for a moment before Lu Yang walked to the canteen. The past has passed. In this life, he will not allow such things to happen again.




   At noon in the canteen, a garlic white meat was added, and all the faculty and staff were provided free of charge.


The fat and thin pork belly is cooked, cut into long slices with thick blades, neatly placed in a stainless steel tray, and topped with the soup made with garlic and cilantro. It is fat but not greasy, sour and spicy, and it is delicious. The chef who came out of the cafeteria made this dish with great care.


   When Lu Yang arrived, many of the teachers who saw him and the employees in various positions in the school greeted Lu Yang with a smile, and there were a few slices of garlic white meat on the plate.


Lu Yang responded with a smile, walking from the meeting room to the canteen, his mood almost adjusted, after lunch, returned to the residence, Lu Yang continued to code, when the code reached more than a thousand words, he received the king of the copyright department of Giant Company The manager's phone call said that the company had sent a photographer to take pictures of Lu Yang's maps and portraits on the walls. He said hello to Lu Yang and asked Lu Yang to cooperate with the photographer.


   In addition to this incident, Manager Wang also told Lu Yang that this time the copyright fee had been credited to the bank account he had written on the contract, and reminded Lu Yang to return a call after checking it.


Manager Wang told Lu Yang on the phone that the personal tax had been paid for him, and that he had paid about 1.7 million in his account, that is to say, 2 million in copyright fees and personal income tax, and Lu Yang paid 20. Duo million, he has almost two months of manuscript fees.


   Although it hurts a bit, Lu Yang has no choice but to express his gratitude to Manager Wang.


   After work that afternoon, Lu Yang took a taxi to the Agricultural Bank of the city, checked his personal account, and found that the copyright fee of more than 1.7 million yuan had indeed been paid.


After receiving the copyright fee, Lu Yang did not buy Apple stock immediately. Lu Yang is waiting. If Wang Lin wants him to invest more in the near future, he will use the money first. If he has not been asked to take it in the near future The additional one million will be invested in the stock market at that time.


   Anyway, it should be three or four months before the release of Apple's smartphones. Time is still waiting.




   In the next few days, Lu Yang's life was relatively peaceful. Zhou Shaofeng packed up his things and left K City that afternoon. Lu Yang heard that Qian Xiaoyu and Wang Cuicui had sent him off.


  As the New Year’s Day party gets closer and closer, in addition to the normal class, the rehearsal of each program is getting closer and closer. Almost every day at noon and after school in the afternoon, there are teachers to help students rehearse for each program.


The weekend came quickly. Tong Yaqian and Lu Yang rented a two-bedroom apartment near the school and lived with Lu Yang across the street. Lu Yang helped her pay the rent, which was only RMB 2,000. She stayed with Tong Yaqian until her internship next year. Finish.


   In the afternoon of the same day, Lu Yang received a call from a young man who claimed to be a photographer sent by Giant. Lu Yang took a taxi to the airport and took him to his residence.


This young photographer is very talkative. From the moment he got in the taxi, he kept talking with Lu Yang. He also handed a business card of his own to Lu Yang. In the words, he could hear that this person spoke to Lu Yang. The identity of an online writer is very curious. He said that before he came, he had deliberately learned about the industry and knew Lu Yang’s current fame in the field of online novels. He had touted Lu Yang as the first person in the online literary world, which made Lu Yang embarrassed. I don't know how to answer the call.


   arrived at Lu Yang's residence, walked into the small room where Lu Yang coded every day, when the lights were on, the large maps and portraits on the walls and ceiling were displayed in front of him.


   The eyes of the young photographer started to shine.


   hurriedly adjusted his camera while looking at the maps and portraits of people from time to time, as if he couldn't wait to shoot.


My mouth still exclaimed from time to time: "Wow! It's so beautiful! This is simply a work of art! Before I came, Manager Wang from the copyright department told me that these maps and paintings were all made by an artist who spent a lot of money. I still don’t believe it! I didn’t expect you to be so serious about writing an online novel! As expected, there is no fluke for success!"


   Lu Yang smiled next to him, not fluttering with these flattery.


Now the outside world’s view of online novels is generally vulgar, fast-food culture, with no connotation, and extremely low barriers to entry. It seems that all those who write online novels will not be on the stage. Even 13 years later, the view of online literature in society will be that way. Still so.


   I always feel that people who write online novels are inferior to others.


   This kind of prejudice, I don't know how long and how long it will take to be transformed.


What outsiders see is always the simple side of this line. Few people have noticed that the threshold for this line is indeed extremely low. It is true that people who can write Chinese characters can come in and write, but they want to become famous, or even become a god. Are much higher than most industries.


  Well, let’s just say that in 2006, the number of writers in the online literature industry has exceeded hundreds of thousands, but how many can sign contracts? No more than two thousand. After signing the contract, how many can be put on the shelves? After it's on the shelves, can there be 500 people who can support themselves on the manuscript fee?


   Can those who can make a fortune with the contribution fee, fame and fortune with both hands, more than one hundred?


  Is it more than fifty to truly become a great god?


  How many can reach the top?


   These things can't be explained by a single person, and they can change the opinions of others. Therefore, when he heard the photographer's amazement, Lu Yang didn't explain anything. He just stood by and smiled and watched him shooting around.


   After the filming was over, Lu Yang asked the photographer to have a meal at a nearby restaurant, and then found him a hotel. This time the reception was almost complete.


   Two days later, Cao Xue came over from J City. Lu Yang was at work at the time and asked for leave from Vice Principal Sun before he had time to pick her up.


   Coming here this time, Cao Xue brought a large suitcase and a large backpack. He brought almost everything he could bring.


In the last two days, Tong Yaqian has not gone to Lu Yang again, in order to eliminate the traces of her often appearing at Lu Yang’s Tong Yaqian helped Lu Yang change the sheets and quilt cover at noon one day when Lu Yang coded words. , All the things she used in the house were moved to the newly rented house by her, so that at noon that day, Lu Yang's code word ended. When she came out of the small room, she felt that her house became a little empty. .




When I saw Lu Yang again, Cao Xue seemed to be in a very good mood. The sweet smile on her face has not disappeared since she came out of the airport. As soon as she met, she threw herself into Lu Yang's arms and kissed Lu Yang's forehead heavily. Flying! This is the last portrayal of her today.


   On this day, Cao Xue, who was in love with Lu Yang at the time, seems to have returned.


After getting in the car, Cao Xue held Lu Yang tightly with one arm, opened the window, letting the breeze come in and messing up her hair, making her close her eyes intoxicated, raising her face, and sighing. Said: "You bad guy! The air here is so good! Huh! I can enjoy this kind of breathing every day in the future!!" (To be continued...)


  PS: Thank you Bailongjianxian for rewarding 200 coins, thank you for riding the red rabbit↗ Diao Chan for rewarding 1888 coins, thank you all for your monthly pass, I suddenly found that Xiaoyao de Cat has received my Great God’s Light last night, thank you for your support!


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