Rebirth 2003

Chapter 314: Add group, sign for sale


When Lu Yang saw these resentments in the book review section, he smiled helplessly. On a whim, he decided to send two signed books to every book fan in the group, thinking that most of the people in the group had already participated in that Shanghai. In collective action, two books were distributed to everyone in the group, which was less than two hundred people. The expenditure was not much, but it was careless. Forgetting that there are many other book fans who have always supported him who are not in that group.

   The book fan group of 500 people was full two years ago. After it was full, only those who wanted to come in, but did not want to go out, did not know how many loyal book fans were not in the group.

In the past, everyone did not sign a book, so the readers outside the group did not have any opinions. Later, it was announced that the book fans who participated in the Shanghai action had signed the book. Although the others were envious and hated, who did not let themselves participate. What about this action? So nothing happened.

It’s good now. Nearly two hundred book fans who also didn’t participate in that action also got signed books just because they were in that book fan group. Although their signature books did not contain ugly blessings, only A signature, but it is enough to make other book fans who are not in the group unbalanced, plus some people who come to coax, this is what happened.

It seems that there are only a few more book fan groups now, but it is impossible to send a signed book to every book fan. For one thing, there may be tens of thousands of such book fans. He writes novels to make money. It’s not to post money inside, and to send tens of thousands of people two books per person. The cost is not known. Besides, every book has to be signed, which is a huge workload. I am afraid that it will not be finished in a few months.

   Lu Yang accidentally saw this in the book review area after uploading a new chapter at noon one day. When he went to work in the afternoon, he thought about it for a long time in the office before he made up his mind.

To create a new book fan group, his own Q`Q level is not enough. With his current Q`Q level, he can only build one group. However, this is not a problem. There are 500 people in his book fan group. A few people Q`Q level is enough to build a group, as long as he speaks in the group in the name of Wen Chou, many people will definitely be willing to build a group and give it to him. Lu Yang remembers that the Q`Q group can be transferred. In those years of codewords, some readers sent him to book fans.

   Otherwise, how could his former Q`Q number build five or six book fan groups by himself?

   As for the signing of the book...

   Lu Yang thought of a solution, but this solution requires the cooperation of the e-Province Children's Literature and Art Publishing House. He wanted to come to his current reputation in the online literature world, and the other party would be happy to cooperate with his proposal.

After work in the afternoon, he returned to his residence and had dinner with Cao Xue. Lu Yang went back to the small room and turned on the computer, logged into the author's backstage at the starting point, called up the saved manuscript, and sent out today's second chapter, followed by another single chapter. In the single chapter, Lu Yang wrote: "Thank you very much for your continued support. I am embarrassed to see everyone's opinions in the book review area today! I have broken the hearts of many friends. I am sorry to everyone here! I am sorry! In the next few days, I will gradually open several book friend groups. Well, everyone can only add one of them. To enter the group, you need to subscribe to screenshots. The first book friend group is open to friends whose fan value reaches the leader. After the leader comes in, he will open it to the master, and then the head...and so on! It is open to all book friends whose fans are disciples! As for the signed book, Wen Chou cannot make one copy per person because of the number of people. Well, I will contact the publisher and hope to do a few signings! If the communication is not smooth, I will think of another way! Please wait patiently for further news! Finally, thank you again for your continued support to Wen Chou, thanks!"

After    posted this single chapter, Lu Yang logged on to Q`Q, entered his book fan group, and asked in the group: "Uh, hello everyone! Who can give me a blank group? Just ask for money!"

   It was dinner time at this time, and there were not many people chatting in the group, but when Wen Chou personally spoke in the group, many people still appeared immediately.

  Thor Group: "Why does Wenda want the blank group?"

   Mo innocent: "Stupid! Those rammers outside are so happy, Wenda must want to continue to open a few groups! Unfortunately, my Q`Q level is not enough to build a group, who can build a group? Hurry up and contribute one!"

   upset: "I have one, but there are still some people in the group. Wenda wait a minute! When I clear these people out, I will give it to Wenda!"

  Dongguo Taixuanjun: "It looks like I can build one, wait for Wenda!"

  Half-life Dianpei: "Is there only one group for Wenda? There are so many fans of Wenda, one group shouldn't be enough? I can also build one, do you want Wenda?"

   Lu Kang: "I can't build it, but if Wenda needs it, I can ask a friend to give it to Wenda!"


In the blink of an eye, ten book fans appeared to respond to Lu Yang’s words. Some said that they could build and let them wait a while; some said that their Q`Q level was not enough, indicating that in the future; someone said that their own Q`Q level was not enough, and that No, but you can borrow one from a friend and give it to Wenda!

As Lu Yang expected, as long as he speaks, some of the 500 book fans in the group will rush to send him to the Q`Q group. After all, this thing can be built as long as the Q`Q level is reached, and no money is needed. .

   These people are willing to spend money to read Lu Yang's novels, how can they not bear this kind of free stuff?

   Lu Yang smiled and said in the group: "Thank you everyone! Give me one for now! I will announce the group number in a while.

   When Lu Yang wrote this sentence, Lu Yang Q`Q's profile picture was already beeping, and some book fans had already sent private messages.

Soon Lu Yang received more than a dozen private messages from book fans. Everyone told Lu Yang that he would send him one immediately. Even more, the private message has not been sent yet, and Lu Yang has already received the transfer. Group tips.

Looking at this trend, Lu Yang will receive a dozen or twenty groups within a few minutes. Lu Yang quickly said in the group, "Thank you! The group should be enough, and other people don’t give me any more groups for now." If it’s not enough, I’ll tell everyone, thank you!"

Even if Lu Yang said this in the group, in the next few minutes, the prompt to him for the blank group sounded more than a dozen times. Just like that, there were more than a dozen more in Lu Yang's Q`Q group list. group.

   There are three, even a super group with a maximum of 500 people, and two intermediate groups with a maximum of 200 people.

   After thinking about it, Lu Yang renamed his only book fan group before, Wen Chou Primitive Group, and renamed the super group with a maximum limit of 500 people he had just received, Wen Chou 1 Group.

Then publish the group number of this group 1 under the introduction of "Magic Sword Eternal", and write a sentence in parentheses after the group number: (Please take a screenshot to subscribe to the fan value when entering the group. It is only open to the leader for the time being, the next step, Open to the master.)

   announced the group number, and Lu Yang picked up his mobile phone and dialed the number of the receiving editor of the e-Province Children's Literature and Art Publishing House.

   Lu Yang remembers that this person’s screen name is Post80s, Zhan Yu, and he has contributed several articles to him. The two are considered acquaintances. Not only do they know the other’s mobile phone number, but also the other’s surname, and the call is quickly connected.

   A polite voice came from a man on the phone: "Is it Wen Chou?"

   Lu Yang: "Yes! There is one thing I want to discuss with your company. I hope Brother Zhang can help me tell your company's leadership what I mean!"

When editor Zhang heard that it was really ugly, and he had something to discuss with their publisher, he immediately became more enthusiastic. After all, because of the ugly works in Chinese, several cooperations have already given his publisher a lot of profit. Every editor will not offend the powerful authors who make money and earn their own qualifications.

  Especially now that traditional publishing houses in mainland China are generally in a downturn, more and more mainland publishing houses have set their sights on the increasingly popular online novels in recent years.

   No matter how the mainstream of society looks down on online literature, even the leaders of those publishing houses do not look down on it, but in this money age, no one will have trouble with money, as long as they can make money for themselves, whether it is traditional literature or online literature? Well-known online writers like Wen Chou have been brought into the attention of more and more mainland publishing houses. If possible, no one would mind digging Wen Chou’s authors to their own publishing house for In such a big environment, editor Zhang, who used to be a bit high on Wen Chou, now dare not take the air of editing by himself.

Lu Yang said what he meant on the phone. Originally, the publishing house invited the author to do this for the sake of sales. The purpose is to attract more book fans to buy physical books, and at the same time, it can also play a role. Propaganda effect.

   But now it is Wen Chou himself calling to ask to help their publishing house do the signing, there is such a good thing?

If it is not that the authority is not enough, editor Zhang wants to agree to it all at once. In his opinion, there is such a good thing, unless the leader's head is caught in the crack of the door, or the head gets water in the rain, otherwise this kind of good thing is still rejected. ?

  Editor Zhang originally thought that Wen Chou's request would be embarrassing for him, such as the increase in royalties. He didn't expect that not only was it not embarrassing him, but it was a good thing.

As soon as his eyes turned, Editor Zhang had already agreed and would help convey the meaning of Wen Chou to their manager. In his heart, he had already thought about it. The credit given to him in vain must not be dispensed with. When reporting to the leader It is said that Wen Chou finally agreed to sign for their publishing house under his various persuasion.

   Well, in this way, the credit is even greater!

   In the workplace, if you don’t even have such a bit of wisdom, then you deserve to be a kid for a lifetime!

When    ended the call, Lu Yang’s Q`Q had already sounded a beep. Lu Yang put down the phone and clicked on the beating Q`Q portrait with the mouse. A message that a leader applied to join the Wen Chou Group 1 popped out. R1152

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