Rebirth 2003

Chapter 319: Goodbye yiren

   When Lu Yang and others walked out of the office building, night had fallen, but the campus was not dark tonight. All the street lights were turned on, and the high-pressure sodium lamps in some big trees and flower beds also radiated white light.

   The New Year's party here is so large that it makes many college parties feel ashamed.

  The huge playground has gathered a black and heavy head. The tall and spacious stage has been built two days ago. Now it has been covered with red cloth and carpet, and the whole playground is illuminated like daylight.

   This kind of party, Lu Yang has seen it here in his previous life, but Tong Yaqian, Cao Xue and others have seen it for the first time. Almost all the interns who come here for internship have a feeling of wonder.

   "This is really the New Year's Party of the middle school? It's too much, right?"

   "My grass! I remember that our junior high school New Year's Day party was played in our classroom by each class..."

   "You can still play in the classroom! When I was in junior high and high school, the school did not hold a New Year's Day party! When I was in high school, I had to study late on New Year's Day! That's hard work!"

   "The baby here is happy! I am a little bit reluctant to leave! If I can stay here to work after the internship, won't I see this kind of party every year in the future?"

  The discussions of the interns were heard by the old teachers, with a smile on their faces and a sense of superiority in looking at the dumplings.

   Every place has its own characteristics, just like K city is known as the city of flowers! Therefore, here, the flowers are sold by kilograms. For those in the mainland, when you can only buy a rose for 10 yuan, can you imagine that a rose in K city is cheaper than green vegetables?

The ethnic minorities who can sing and dance in   k City rank first in the country. More than 20 ethnic minorities have formed the tradition that most schools here like to organize various evening parties.

   Schools like to run, and students like to participate and express themselves.

At such an evening party, you will find that many ordinary students who usually do not show up in the class will show their talent for singing and dancing. City K should be one of the best where the policy of "the comprehensive development of sports, art and labor" is best implemented.

Cao Xue shook Lu Yang's hand and looked around with bright eyes, feeling that everything was new, and suddenly said to Lu Yang in a low voice, "I regretted it! If I hadn't dropped out of school, it would be fun to come here for an internship with you. Bar!"

   Lu Yang smiled without saying a word.

Immediately, Cao Xue suddenly thought of an idea and tilted her head to look at Lu Yang and said, "Lu Yang! Didn't you invest in a movie? Have you ever thought about investing in a musical and filming here in the future? The scenery here is so beautiful. ! Listen to you, there are many people who can sing and dance here. It should be great to make a song and dance film, right?"

   Lu Yang chuckles, touches her hair, and smiles: "Chinese really can see me!"

   Although Lu Yang said so, he also had an idea in his heart. Perhaps, if he invests in movies in the future, he can indeed come here for shooting. If there are dance shots, you can indeed find a lot of excellent dancers here!

   In Lu Yang's mind, he thought of the beauty with a particularly stubborn ass.

   Two generations of people, whether in reality or on the Internet, the figure of that beauty is the most beautiful and moving one that Lu Yang has ever seen! Beautiful face, eggs, full breasts, slender waists, thrilling hips, and slender legs. The key is that her dance skills are very deep and twisted. When I move, my whole body doesn't seem to have a bone, it's soft as water.

   When I first met in the last life, Lu Yang seemed to see Chang'e in "Journey to the West" and Diao Chan in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

Lu Yang still remembers that when he came here for an internship in his life, he was still looking forward to seeing that beauty again, such a beauty. Even if you can't get acquainted, the image left in his mind is enough to make people unable to get acquainted for a long time. forget.

Below the stage, most of the seats in the front row were still empty. Only a few of them were already taken by other teachers and leaders. Among the leaders, Lu Yang also saw a few middle-aged men and women who looked like officials, with a camera beside them. A man with his clothes full of pockets was carrying a camera and was shooting a black human head.

   The middle and high schools of the third middle school are combined, and there are a total of four to five thousand people.

   There is a lot of noise and noise in the playground. The party has not yet started, but everything is ready.

Lu Yang and others took their seats in the second row under the guidance of several teachers in charge of the arrangement of the venue. Tong Yaqian deliberately slowed down and distanced himself from Lu Yang and Cao Xue. Sit down somewhere away from the seat.

When sitting down, Xu Xiaoman glanced at Lu Yang and Cao Xue who were a few seats away on the right. Seeing that they were still holding hands and cuddling together until now, some felt worthless for Tong Yaqian and shook his head slightly, and asked Tong Yaqian softly. : "What do you think? Let go!"

   Tong Yaqian pursed her lips and did not speak. At this time, without facing everyone's gaze, she finally removed the mask from her face, without the smile that had been forced out.

Xu Xiaoman thought he had touched Tong Yaqian, smiled and held Tong Yaqian's hand, encouraging: "Don't think about it! You are so good! If you separate from him, a lot of people will chase you! Even if you are no longer a place, does not matter!"

   A smile overflowed from the corners of Tong Yaqian's mouth, she shook her head slightly, and said: "Okay! Stop it! I know it!"

   Xu Xiaoman realized that he had not persuaded Tong Yaqian, and shook his head speechlessly.

If a boy like Lu Yang does not have a girlfriend, she will be tempted. Xu Xiaoman believes that many girls will be tempted, but tempted, she will not be trapped like Tong Yaqian. She knows that she already has a girlfriend. If you want to pierce one's foot horizontally and hurt others and yourself, why bother!

The party started soon. The host of the party was a man and a woman in the second year of high school. The men were tall and handsome, in suits and leather shoes. The girls were tall and beautiful. They were dressed in red dresses with bare arms. So what happened.

  As soon as the party opened, it was a festive group dance. The music of "Good Luck" was played in the stage speakers. In the sound of the music, a group of boys and girls in red short shirts happily danced a warm group dance.

   followed by a singing show...

Shows took turns on stage. On the playground of four to five thousand students, loud applause and applause erupted from time to time. The atmosphere of the party became more and more enthusiastic. Cao Xue, who was nestling next to Lu Yang, looked intently. She was learning music. Naturally, I am deeply interested in such evening shows.

Lu Yang also watched with interest, but what he was expecting more was the big beauty coming to the stage. Finally, halfway through the show, five tall beauties in their early 20s appeared on the stage. These five girls, At a glance, it can be seen that it is not a junior high school student or a high school student. Whether it is temperament or dress, it is far from the boys and girls before.

   Seeing Cao Xue, she asked Lu Yang in surprise, "These beauties also belong to your school?"

   finally saw the big beauty, Lu Yang smiled and shook his head slightly, and explained: "It should be from the City University of National Arts!"

   Cao Xue blinked his eyes and said, "Can it be like this?"

Lu Yang smiled and did not answer. On the stage, "Phoenix under the Moonlight" sounded slowly. The beautiful and soothing melody quickly calmed down the enthusiastic playground. On the stage, five tall beauties in red dresses were already Slowly swaying and dancing, many boys have forgotten to breathe.

   Lu Yang's gaze fell on the beautiful woman leading the dancer. Among the five people on the stage, this beautiful woman is not the tallest or the largest, but she is the most eye-catching.

  The beautiful faces, especially Cao Xue, Tong Yaqian, and Qian Xiaoyu, in Lu Yang's eyes, are even three-thirds more beautiful than the goddesses Li Jiaxin and Lin Chiling in the eyes of many people. They dance gracefully and keep their eyes focused.

   After the previous life internship ended, after leaving K City, Lu Yang had hoped for several years that this beauty would become popular in the entertainment circle, and then he would often see her on the Internet.

   But I don’t know why, until 13 years, Lu Yang still hadn’t seen this woman in various film and television programs.

Even Lu Yang searched for the national dance "Phoenix under the Moonlight" on the Internet, and all he saw were unfamiliar faces. For this reason, Lu Yang was deeply puzzled whether the agencies and directors were blind. Is it? Why is such a big beauty who has both looks and can lead the dance never discovered?

   Is it just because the other party may not have the talent to sing?

   It seems that in the entertainment industry, good singing newcomers can be an instant hit, but it is rare to see a good dancing person who can be popular all over the country overnight.

  Perhaps, when programs such as "Good Dance in China" appeared, this big beauty had already married and became a wife and no longer set foot in the entertainment industry.

   This incident has always been a regret in Lu Yang's heart.

   Tonight, he can finally see this big beauty again, and her long unforgettable dance.

In "Phoenix under the Moonlight", there is a section of several beautiful women with their backs to the audience, lightly lifting the skirt with one hand, and slowly shaking their hips. When the dance progressed here, Lu Yang obviously heard a drool from nearby. sound.

   The buttocks of the five beauties on the stage all have a common feature, that is, the hips are perfectly shaped and straight. Among them, the most **** and **** one is the beauty leading the dancer.

   Cao Xue heard the sound of drooling around and muttered softly: "A pack of perverts!"

   Actually, Lu Yang also wanted to swallow...

   This dance ended quickly. Amidst sighs and overwhelming applause, five beauties carried their skirts, bowed and thanked them, and then stepped back one by one.

   After the five people stepped down, many men who had been watching with bated breath took a long sigh.

   After this dance, Lu Yang is no longer interested in the next show. Coming to participate in this good night tonight, what Lu Yang wants to see most is this dance and the beauty.

Lu Yang was feeling that his cell phone rang when his interest was greatly diminished. If it hadn’t been this time that the new show hadn’t started, and the host had just returned to the stage and had not started talking, Lu Yang might not have heard the ringtone of his cell phone. Who is calling him at this time?

In Cao Xue’s puzzled gaze, Lu Yang took out his cell phone and saw that his senior brother Liu Yuhu’s name was displayed on the cell phone because they both came from the same alma mater. During the months of internship, Liu Yuhu took good care of Lu Yang and them. , Lu Yang has a good relationship with him.

   Although he was wondering what Liu Yuhu was calling him at this time, Lu Yang still answered the call. On the stage, the two hosts were already reporting.


   When Lu Yang got on the phone, his eyes were also looking for Liu Yuhu in the audience seats in the first two rows. As a result, after scanning his eyes several times, he didn't find Liu Yuhu.

   Fortunately, at this moment, Liu Yuhu's voice came from the phone.

   "Lu Yang! Look to the left! I'm on the left!"

what the hell?

Lu Yang looked suspiciously to the far left of the auditorium, and finally saw the thin Liu Yuhu beckoning to him under the shade of the trees outside the auditorium. At the same time, Liu Yuhu's words came from the phone: "Lu Yang! Now! Do you have time? Come here! I have something to tell you!"

   What can you say at this time?

   Lu Yang was even more puzzled, but Liu Yuhu was usually good to him. At this time, he had to give him some face, so he agreed.

   Cao Xue: "Who is calling you? Is there anything wrong?"

   Lu Yang put the phone back in his pocket and said in Cao Xue's ear: "A senior! He came from our school too! Ask me to talk about you like to go together?"

Cao Xue glanced at the stage, smiled, shook her head slightly and said, "Go! Maybe that brother is looking for you for some private matter! I may not be right to go, I'll still watch the party here! You just need to come back soon! "

   Lu Yang nodded, patted her on the shoulder, got up and bent over and left the auditorium. Fortunately, the seats of Lu Yang and Cao Xue were originally arranged at one end of the auditorium. They bent over and went out, but few people noticed.

   "Brother! What's the matter?"

   When he came to Liu Yuhu, Lu Yang asked suspiciously.

   Liu Yuhu stood on tiptoe, hooked Lu Yang's neck, laughed twice, and whispered in Lu Yang's ear: "Good thing! Brother introduced you to some big beauties!"

   Lu Yang bent over to fit Liu Yuhu, or it would be too hard to hook Lu Yang's neck with Liu Yuhu's height. But Liu Yuhu's words made Lu Yang even more puzzled.

In Lu Yang’s impression, Liu Yuhu really likes to pick up girls. Although he is not good at appearance, he has hooked up a lot of beauties outside of school because of his identity as a class teacher of the Third Middle School, but this does not mean that Liu Yuhu likes to introduce these beauties to them. Other teachers!

   Liu Yuhu is self-aware. He knows that he is thin and handsome. If he introduces a beautiful woman he knows to a colleague, he will probably make a wedding dress for someone else.

   Under doubt, Lu Yang asked: "Brother! Are you teasing me? Are you willing to introduce me beautiful women?"

   Liu Yuhu glared at Lu Yang angrily, and said: "What? Who made you my brother! What can the brother do not bear with the brother?" R1152

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