Rebirth 2003

Chapter 324: Praise!

Xuantianzong is a fan of Lu Yang. Of course, the three characters of Xuantianzong are his net name. Xuantianzong is also in Wen Chou's book fan group, or in Lu Yangjian's first book fan group. He is rarely in the group. Li speaks, it can be said that he is a senior diver. There are many divers like him in the group, but this is only due to his character. In fact, he will pay attention to all news about Lu Yang.

It is worth mentioning that he is 30 years old this year, he usually has a serious job, and he has already passed his zealous age. Because tomorrow New Year’s Day will be a holiday and he does not need to go to work, he hasn’t had Xuan Tianzong who has been online happily for a long time, and the time has passed. It was midnight, and he still didn't want to sleep.

He has already read the two chapters of "Magic Sword Eternity" today. He has read it a long time ago. He despises Wen Chou's recent unhurried updates. He used to be a person of the same appearance, but since he likes the works of Wen Chou. , He found himself changed!

  Obviously despised Wen Chou's turtle speed update, but every time he saw the refreshing plot, he couldn't help it. When his head got hot, he would regret Wen Chou every time he finished the reward! How can such an update speed be rewarded?

   But the money has already been rewarded, so I can’t go to Wen Chou to come back, right?

   Fortunately, every time this kind of thing happened, after regretting, he was also very happy in his heart. Life always has to experience some pleasant or uncomfortable things, this kind of life is interesting.

   He likes the happiness and entanglement that Wen Chou works bring to him.

It was past twelve o’clock and just finished the update of another book. Xuantianzong was going to play two css. The Q`Q group icon folded at the bottom of the screen suddenly lit up. Which group is talking again? ?

   Xuan Tianzong smiled and clicked on the folded Q`Q` group, and found that someone in the original Wen Chou group had spoken. What kind of link was it? It was really a cheating link. There was no title, most of it was a viral website!

   Xuan Tianzong was about to close the group chat box, and accidentally caught a glimpse of the name of the link that was actually-Wen Chou.

  Wen Chou that dog day hasn't slept yet? Where's the corpse in the middle of the night?

   Xuan Tianzong was stunned, curiosity aroused, Wen Chou seems to have never posted any link in the group, is it because someone has been hacked?

do not care! Big deal to kill the computer tomorrow!

   Xuan Tianzong bit his teeth, clicked on the link, and then the browser page jumped to a video website, a video is loading, Youku?

   is not a virus website? Isn't it a love action movie site? Do you want to be so pure?

Before    clicked to open, Xuantianzong was still worried about whether it would be a viral website or a love action movie website, but when he really opened the link and discovered that it was not these websites, he felt a strange feeling of disappointment in his heart.

   Maybe, some men, like some women, are duplicity animals.

   The video buffering time is a bit long. The boring Xuantianzong, once again inadvertently glimpsed the title of the video-the first trailer of "Gate of Rebirth"...

   The gate of rebirth? Isn’t the name...Wen Chou’s film written by Gou Ri’s investment? This dumb guy! What script does an online novelist write and what movie to invest in? Want us to contribute movie tickets to you? Pull it down! Although buddies are your book fans! But as a loyal book fan, I have an obligation to make you back to business! Can't let you go further and further on the wrong road of investing in movies! So... Boss Wen Chou! You can mourn! No matter how wonderful the trailer is, I will not go to the cinema to watch your movie! You should come back honestly and write novels for us honestly!

   During the ten seconds of waiting for the video to be buffered, Xuantianzong comfortably placed a cigarette and smiled. Maybe there are many people who have his thoughts among Lu Yang's book fans.

   These people like Wen Chou's novels, so they are very disgusted with Wen Chou's unrequited efforts to play some movies, hoping that Wen Chou will lose all his underwear, and then write them ten or twenty thousand words every day to make money and pay off their debts.

   The buffering of the video is finally over, and the trailer officially begins. The melody of "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky" is played first, and then a short and frustrated young protagonist appears on the video screen.

   "My grass! This is too ugly, isn't it? The young tooth version is like a flower?"

   The protagonist of "The Gate of Rebirth", of course, can't be as ugly as a flower, but Xuan Tianzong is a poisonous tongue. In this dark night with no one around, he doesn't have to worry about anything.

   In Xuan Tianzong’s stunned gaze, Xiaoqiong frustrated his eyes and watched his goddess go away with a tall, rich and handsome boy. The child actually watched so blindly... I don’t know how to close my eyes...

   At this time, the off-screen sound of the trailer started, and Xiao Qiong frustrated that Gao Fushuai was his natural enemy. This voice-off made the corner of Xuan Tianzong’s mouth curl up, giving him a feeling of reading online novels.

   Not serious and rigid, Xuan Tianzong likes this feeling.

   I feel that this is indeed Wen Chou's style, which is a bit interesting! But is that protagonist too ugly?

Xuan Tianzong is still a bit entangled with this point. If it is the setting of the web article, the protagonist is short and frustrated, because there is no intuitive impression, readers like Xuan Tianzong will not matter, but feel that the protagonist is short and frustrated, and more counterattack. A sense of anticipation, but your sister is a movie! Do you choose such a short and poor protagonist as the protagonist of the movie? Isn't it too discordant?

  The trailer came to a dark alley. The short and poor protagonist actually held a torn sack in his hand. What did he want to do?

When Xuan Tianzong saw that Xiao Qiongzuo was taking a sack to put Gao Fushuai's head, he was hit by Gao Fushuai's car because he rushed out a little bit faster, Xuantianzong laughed, he has already begun to substitute Gao Fushuai. , It is better to substitute Gao Fushuai.

   I can’t blame Xuantianzong’s three improper views and lack of integrity. It is normal for people who read online novels to have such a bad taste.

Then Xuan Tianzong saw the unlucky protagonist again. Not only was he beaten by Gao Fushuai with a bruised nose and swollen face, but he was also turned to the class teacher to receive the saliva baptism of the class teacher, and he stood pitifully in the classroom like a little quail falling into the water. He was punished to stand in the back row and watched Gao Fushuai frown with his goddess during class. Xuan Tianzong had already put one hand on his forehead, and his shoulders shrugged with a smile.

   He has been unable to complain, is this Nima really the protagonist? Why doesn't this kid know to close his eyes? Doesn't it hurt in my heart to watch?

When Xuan Tianzong saw that the short and poor protagonist was finally stabbed into the stomach, blinked, his mouth closed like a dying fish, and fell in a pool of blood, Xuan Tianzong suddenly couldn't laugh. A faint sense of sorrow rose in my heart. This child has been so sad all his life. As a short, poor, toad, what swan meat would he like to eat! Is swan meat something you can eat for short and poor people like you? It's over now, right? Stupid, right?

With this sympathy, when the protagonist was dying, he grabbed the doctor’s arm and said intermittently: I think I can save another time, but disappeared, Xuantianzong laughed again, just now. The smoker choked into his lungs all at once.

   The protagonist is reborn. Back in his boyhood, Gao Fushuai hasn't won Bai Fumei, and the goddess just has a good feeling for Gao Fushuai.

   After watching this trailer, the smile on Xuan Tianzong's face is still there, and there is a very strange feeling in his heart, it seems that Wen Chou has put the routine of net writing on the big screen!

   What do you want to do? Want to capture the movie market with online texts?

   Although he is still not optimistic about the box office of this movie, Xuantianzong suddenly found that he was interested in this movie, and he felt like he couldn't wait to watch it.

   Maybe... after the movie is released, can I buy a ticket to see it? If the movies invested by Wen Chou are like this, support it, it seems not bad too!

   After posting for a while, Xuan Tianzong suddenly wanted to see if anyone in the group commented, and what did those guys feel about watching this trailer.

   Thoughts drove the action, Xuan Tianzong immediately opened the Wen Chou Primitive Group. As soon as he opened this group, he saw that there were already a dozen comments in it. These guys' hands are really fast!

   Xuan Tianzong was curious and looked at them one by one.

   Xiaocao's pride: "It turns out to be a trailer for "Gate of Rebirth"...The level is beyond my expectation! Raise your hands with the same feelings!"

   Lu Kang: "The same exceeded my expectations! I didn't plan to go to the cinema, but now I am a little interested!"

  Yy Wandering Life: "Typical web writing routines! Wen has ideas! Long-legged girls are great! That pair of long white legs can be played for a week!"

   was upset: "I think I can save it again! This sentence is so happy! This method of death is very creative!"

  Lan? Person: "Wenda produced must be a boutique! The movie is released, take me to see Ma Zi! This should be the most online movie, right?"

Mo Wugui: "The trailer is too short! It's tiring to watch! It will be released on February 1st? It's too long, right? Shall we talk to Wenda and ask him to release the movie earlier? Can't wait that long? !"

Pan Niu: "Visually predict that this movie will be popular! There is a shadow of the Star Master movie. The Master League has got the goods this time! No! Next time Wenda wants to invest in a movie, I will also add one! More than two million yuan Interest in the bank is too wasteful, is it?"

   Lu Kang: "Pan Niu, a big local tyrant! More than two million? Please support! Can cook and warm the bed!"

  Thor Group: "Is there the Master League? Next time I cooperate with Wenda to make a movie, can you count me as one? No two million, a million can still be made together!"

   Xuan Tianzong watched it sentence by sentence, and suddenly he was a little envious of the Necromancer. Seeing everyone's comments are so positive, it seems that this movie can really make money!

  Movies, as long as they can make a profit, are generally in the tens of millions of dollars. If he can invest a little, won’t he also get dividends?

   Immediately, Xuantianzong smiled bitterly again. One of the two local tyrants in the group said that the bank had more than two million yuan, and the other said that he could make up one million yuan. With this little money in his hand, I am afraid that he would be embarrassed to speak. R1152

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