Rebirth 2003

Chapter 326: Interference movie editing


Lu Yang originally planned to go to Shanghai on the morning of January 2nd, but after careful consideration, he left on the afternoon of the 1st and stayed in Shanghai for one night in advance. On the day of the 2nd signing, his mental state would be better. Besides, Wang Lin's phone call made him want to go ahead and take a look at the post-production situation of "Gate of Rebirth" by the way.

   The investment of two or three million yuan was dropped, and if I didn't look at it, I couldn't rest assured.

   Before leaving, Lu Yang asked about the specific arrangements of the e-Province Children's Literature and Art Publishing House over the phone, and then announced the time and location of the signing in the book chapter and 7 book fan groups.

   When the book fans learned that the first stop for the signing was Shanghai, the book fans in or near Shanghai cheered, while other book fans sighed.

Book fans in Beijing, Guangzhou, and Chengdu, when they saw the other three signing locations were these three places, they naturally cheered. Book fans who were not near these signing cities would say anything. Some people were disappointed, and some people strongly suggested that Wen Chou should also do an autograph sale in their city.

   Lu Yang can only appease, saying that there will be a chance to go to other cities in the future, this time the time is very tight.

At about 4 in the afternoon, the plane landed at Shanghai Hongqiao Airport. Wang Lin came to pick up the plane. Lu Yang hasn't notified the publishing house yet. He plans to check the editing of "Gate of Rebirth" first. He will also talk to Wang Lin at night. , Dai Qingwa and others ate meals, temporarily unable to take care of the staff at the publishing house.

   At the request of Lu Yang, Wang Lin drove Lu Yang directly to the studio where he edited "The Gate of Rebirth". When Lu Yang arrived, Dai Qingwa and a bearded editor were discussing the issue of editing.

On the way here, Wang Lin has already talked to Lu Yang about the progress of the post-production. "The Gate of Rebirth" has undergone preliminary cuts. The first cut version is two hundred and forty minutes. Compression continues for two hundred and forty minutes, and the final piece is set at 90 to 120 minutes.

After some greetings, Wang Lin, Dai Qingwa, and the bearded editor began to accompany Lu Yang to watch the first cut of "The Gate of Rebirth". From the moment he watched the movie, Lu Yang didn't say a word and kept his eyes on On the movie screen.

   If it is said that Lu Yang was completely unable to get involved when the film was being shot, now that the film is edited, Lu Yang can have some opinions, after all, he wrote the script, and the specific direction of the plot is in his mind.

The first cut version of "Gate of Rebirth" has a lot of plots, all of which were added by Dai Qingwa himself during filming. For this, Lu Yangneng understands that the script is the first step in creation, and the director's shooting is based on the script. For the second creation, the director added some of his own ideas, which was normal.

   Two hundred and forty minutes, which is four hours. When the first cut is finished, it will be dark outside.

   After the movie was finished, the lights in the editing room came on, and several people looked at Lu Yang.

   Wearing a blue tile pushing the glasses on the bridge of his nose, he asked: "Mr. Lu! What do you think? Is there anything that needs to be deleted?"

  Beard and Wang Lin are waiting for Lu Yang to express their opinions. After all, Lu Yang is the screenwriter and the main investor in this movie.

Lu Yang frowned, rubbed the stubble on his chin with his right hand, recalling the movie he had just watched in his mind, and then compared it with the rebirth-type web post. After a while, he said: "The plot time before rebirth is compressed three. Two of them! When I watched it just now, I paid attention to the plot time before and after the rebirth. For a 240-minute movie, at least eighty or ninety minutes were played before the rebirth, and the plot before the rebirth was the protagonist. The unlucky plot is too long. I guess many viewers will lose interest in this movie if they don’t finish this episode!"

The trailer that Lu Yang watched last night, because the total length is only a few tens of seconds, there is no telling the procrastination of the plot of the whole movie, but after watching the movie just now, I discovered that Dai Qingwa almost used a one-to-one comparison. Those who came to shoot this movie, the first cut version showed that the plot before and after the rebirth was almost the same length.

   This is incredible to Lu Yang.

  In the world of online literature, which novel has half the length of the novel before the protagonist's rebirth?

Many novels begin with the plot after rebirth directly. Some things before rebirth are occasionally mentioned in the writing process. Although the forms of movies and online novels are different, Lu Yang believes that the cores of the two are similar. of! They are all entertainment works, and they are all intended to make readers and viewers cool.

  Especially this commercial movie "The Gate of Rebirth", which is rushing to the box office, the plot of the abuse of the owner must not be so long! Eighty to ninety minutes of abuse plot, which audience can feel cool?

   After Lu Yang's opinion came out, Dai Qingwa and Wang Lin looked at each other, and their beards frowned.

   Dai Qingwa: "Reduce by two-thirds? Isn't it too much?"

The three of them looked at each other just now. When thinking about Lu Yang’s opinion just now, Lu Yang’s thinking became clearer. Hearing the words, he shook his head and said, "At least two-thirds reduction! If I were to edit, I might reduce it by five. Four points or more! The cool point of "Gate of Rebirth" is not in the plot before rebirth! In the script, I wrote down the plot before rebirth in detail, just to contrast with the plot after rebirth! It is not the point! It is not the point! The role of is just to reflect the refreshment after rebirth! That's all! My opinion is that the plot before rebirth is not reduced, the screen of each plot is reduced, and the playback speed of the screen is accelerated! It must be within five to ten minutes Within a period of time, I finished explaining the plot before rebirth! This version is definitely not working!"

   Dai Qingwa was a little reluctant, still hesitating, but the beard nodded slightly on the side, this may be Dai Qingwa's weakness! Before shooting this movie, he had always been an assistant director. He already had the ability to shoot pictures based on the script, but his overall grasp of a story was not as good as a professional editor like Beard.

   is not as good as Lu Yang, who has a background in writing essays.

Maybe many people who write web articles have a glance with Lu Yang. When watching domestic commercial films, they always feel that they are far behind the commercial blockbusters of Hollywood. They are obviously commercial films, and they have to pursue a little more depth, which is often the pursuit of such a little depth. , Reducing the entertainment of commercial films.

   may be cut according to Dai Qingwa's idea, the final film may be more in-depth and artistic, but this is not the purpose of Lu Yang's investment in this film.

   In Lu Yang's view, since it is a commercial film, all the plots serve only one goal-that's cool!

  Unhappy, you are embarrassed to call it a commercial movie?

  Wang Lin thought about it for a while, then hesitated and said: "Wen Da! This...or should we wait for the frogs to edit them all, let's watch it? After all, the frog is the director!"

Seeing Wang Lin helping himself, Dai Qingwa watched Lu Yang expectantly. Although he is the director, Lu Yang is the screenwriter and the main investor. If Lu Yang insists on his opinion, he can only follow it, otherwise after the film , It is difficult for Lu Yang to invest.

Lu Yang closed their eyes. Wang Lin and Dai Qingwa thought that Lu Yang was considering Wang Lin’s proposal, but in fact it was not the case. What Lu Yang was thinking at this time was the beginning of the movie, even if it was reduced by two-thirds. , The plot before rebirth was advancing quickly with a montage technique, but he still felt that it was slow.

   It may be that there are too many online novels. The cruel nature of the opening of the online novel made Lu Yang dissatisfied with the beginning of the first cut of the movie.

   Everyone says that the entry barrier for online novels is low, so low that as long as you can write Chinese characters, you can write online articles, but the Internet articles that really become popular are one in a hundred.

   A large number of new works are directly defeated by the title, introduction, cover, and the first chapter of the opening.

   There is a saying in the online literature circle, it is very popular!

   This statement is that the first three thousand words determine the fate of a book!

  3,000 words!

In an online article with a length of millions or even millions, the proportion is very small, but it is the first three thousand words that determines whether readers over 95 will see your second chapter.

   Because he knew that the beginning of a work had a significant impact on a story, Lu Yang couldn't accept the procrastination of the beginning of "The Gate of Rebirth"!

   "The Gate of Rebirth" doesn't have many attractive gimmicks! The director is not well-known; the screenwriter, who has written online essays, who is outside the online literary circle, who knows which green onion he is? Starring A properly new person! Investment... plus the promotion fee, it is only 6 million, which is an absolute small cost!

For a movie like   , if the opening doesn’t make people’s eyes shine, and the story is told slowly, how many audiences can watch the end seriously?

   "Wen Da!"

   Seeing Lu Yang closed his eyes for a long time and didn't open them again, Wang Lin couldn't help but yelled carefully.

   Lu Yang opened his eyes, looked at Wang Lin, and said: "I insist on my opinion! If you dare not take this risk! I can pay you all the money you invest, and this movie is my sole proprietorship!"

   As soon as Lu Yang said this, the entire editing room was completely silent, Dai Qingwa on the side opened his mouth, what he wanted to say, but in the end he said nothing.

The beard blinked, picked up the thermos, and started drinking tea in silence. Wang Lin frowned and looked at Lu Yang's eyes. After a long time, he gave a wry smile, nodded, and said, "Okay! Since Wenda, you are so persistent! Then follow your opinion! However, I will not add one million later!"

   Lu Yang nodded, and said, "Yes! How much is the promotional fee? Tell me! When the movie is released, we will divide the account according to the investment!"

  Wang Lin couldn't believe Lu Yang completely. After all, in his eyes, Dai Qingwa is a professional in filmmaking.

Wang Lin’s statement that he would not follow the one million addition in the later period, Dai Qingwa could no longer insist on his opinion, because since Wang Lin announced this decision, Lu Yang has been the biggest in this movie. investor.

   Dai Qingwa no longer insisted, and Lu Yang threw out all his ideas about editing...R1152

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