Rebirth 2003

Chapter 363: Rich is willful!


   Lu Yang’s explanation is tantamount to no explanation.

   "I like it here! I have a hunch, here is the best choice!"

   What kind of **** explanation is this? Can you be so capricious if you have money? At this time, not only Chen Yi's brows wrinkled deeper, but Wu Shun and Wang Haiyang, and even Cao Xue's brows wrinkled.

"Lu Yang! Premonition? Are you a woman? The sixth sense is accurate?" Chen Yi blurted out sarcastically, and then noticed that Cao Xue was sitting next to Lu Yang, and quickly apologized. Cao Xue smiled and shook her head, expressing herself Don't mind.

Wu Shun also said: "Lu Yang! Chen Yi and I did not invest, but your own money is also money! For tens of millions of investment, you choose Chengxi? What is there? Nothing! A cropland! You plan to Build a little thatched house and sell it to those who grow the land?"

   Wang Haiyang coughed and reminded him softly: "Lu Yang! Wushun and Chen Yi made a lot of sense in their analysis!"

   Cao Xue calmly touched Lu Yang's arm and signaled Lu Yang not to be so self-willed. When Lu Yang spoke out, she realized that she was indeed self-willed! Although these three people did not invest in this project with themselves, if he did not give a reasonable explanation, I am afraid that if the three people are disappointed, even if they don't leave halfway, they will be passive.

   Make up nonsense!

   Write a novel, make up a few reasons, just blink of an eye.

   Lu Yang smiled and picked up the tea cup in front of him, took a sip of hot tea, and said with a smile: "Just kidding!"

   Wushun, Chen Yi, Wang Haiyang, and Cao Xue all had relieved smiles on their faces, and they all relaxed, thinking that Lu Yang was joking because he was not really trying to get land on the west side of the city.

Lu Yang: "I have inside information! Next year! The next year at the latest! The opposite side of the Jinjiang River will be placed under the jurisdiction of the city. At that time, a bridge will be built on the west side of the city, greatly shortening the distance from the county to the city! The news is the private news I was told by a book fan in Wuhu City! I am afraid that Wushun’s dad still doesn’t know this news. I dare to invest in real estate because of this inside information! Otherwise, you think my money Is it a strong wind? Dare to drop a million?"

   Wushun and others frowned again. Chen Yi looked at Wushun and frowned and asked: "Wushun! Didn't your dad hear the news?"

Wu Shun shook his head and said: "Absolutely not! If my old man knows this news, he will tell me and let us choose the city west of the city! If the opposite of Jinjiang River will really be included in the city next year, we really want to build a building there. Daqiao, buying the land in the west of the city at this time is indeed the most cost-effective! But, Lu Yang! Is your news reliable? In case, it is not reliable, if you smash it by 10 million, I am afraid that you will lose everything. !"

   Chen Yi: "Lu Yang! Is your book fan reliable? He is the identity? Why do you know such secret information?"

   The eyes of a few people all looked at Lu Yang again.

   Of course it is reliable!

   Lu Yang replied in his heart, of course that book fan does not exist, it is just an excuse by Lu Yang. What Lu Yang needs now is to convince these people. As for how to convince it, it doesn't matter.

"Don't worry! Absolutely reliable! However, the identity of the other party is very sensitive, so I can't tell you the identity of the book fan! What do you have doubts about? If you are not sure, I dare to invest tens of millions? This is mine. All net worth!"

   Wushun and others are a little suspicious, their brows still frowning, Wang Haiyang relied on his relationship with Lu Yang, and tried to ask Lu Yang: "Can we see what that book fan chatted with you?"

   The eyes of a few people lit up, and Chen Yi said, "That's right! Let's take a look at the content of the chat, and we can also put snacks!"

Without blinking his eyes, Lu Yang thought about his words: "How can I dare to talk about this kind of thing on Q`Q? I said it while talking on the phone! Peace of mind! That book fan, when I wrote my first book At that time, it was my book fan! In the past few years, the rewards for my books have exceeded 200,000! He is a real **** book fan, because of his identity, it is not convenient to do business. I heard that my hometown is Here, I specially collected information for me to help me think of ideas!"

   I heard that a book fan rewarded Lu Yang with more than 200,000 yuan. Wang Haiyang, who was sitting at the side, had a heartbeat, let alone the envy in his heart.

   Wushun and Chen Yi also stretched their brows a lot.

   The two paid close attention to Lu Yang's expressions. Seeing that Lu Yang was calm and with a relaxed smile in his eyes, they believed most of them in their hearts, and somewhat envied Lu Yang's good luck.

   is just writing a novel, and there are actually some book fans to help him figure out how to make money, but there are still book fans who can get such secret information.

Chen Yi: "Okay! I'm fine! Since you are so sure of Lu Yang, I have no investment anyway, you said that it is in the west of the city! Alas! I hope the news of your book fan is reliable! Otherwise, we It’s just a matter of doing a few for nothing. The money you have earned so hard over the years is probably going to be lost!"

   Wushun: "Lu Yang! Are you sure you want to take the land in the west of the city?"

   Lu Yang smiled and nodded.

   Wushun looked at the coffee table, the west side of the county map, where there are some small buildings of two or three floors, but the large tracts of land near the riverside are croplands. The county has never planned to go there.

   "Do you want to buy a piece?"

   Wushun looked at the area west of the city and asked Lu Yang.

   Lu Yang wants to buy all the land over there! But his financial resources do not allow it! Even if the land over there is now cheap and such a large piece of land, it would definitely not be able to get all 10-20 million. Moreover, he still has to save most of the money to build a house after the land is taken down.

Lu Yang didn't answer immediately. He leaned forward slightly and looked at the area carefully. In my memory, the narrowest place on the river side in the west of the city is the place where the bridge was built. When the bridge is completed, there are cars coming and going. The houses near the bridge are definitely Suffering from dust and noise pollution, in my memory, houses a few hundred meters near the bridge still cannot sell for high prices, here!

Lu Yang fixed his gaze on the western edge of the city, the widest section of the Jinjiang River, where the river was six to seven hundred meters wide, and there was a large bay. In memory, that section was synonymous with high-end residences, and it was at least 800 meters away from the bridge. Rice, there is a cropland, and there is also a wild forest. It shouldn't cost much to win this piece of land!

   Lu Yang's fingers are there.

   Chen Yi slapped his forehead and lamented: "If your message is wrong and the house is built there, you can wait to jump into the river!"

   Wushun also opened his mouth slightly, blinked his eyes, and looked at Lu Yang in amazement: "Brother! You can really pick! There is no road there yet!"

   "It will be here soon!" Lu Yang said with a smile.

   Cao Xue shook Lu Yang's arm and reminded softly: "Don't be too risky!"

Wushun picked up the pencil that he had placed on the map, and drew a circle where Lu Yang was pointing. A five-pointed star was marked in the center of the circle. When he put down the pen, he confirmed again: "Lu Yang! Are you sure you want to be here?"

   Lu Yang still smiled and nodded.

Wushun nodded, folded the map, and while folding it, he let out a laugh, and said: "This place, you really want it, I can promise to help you take it down! This place is currently not within the planning scope of the county. A piece of cropland and wild woods can be sold for money, and I guarantee that the leaders in the county can smile with their mouths crooked!"

   As for the arable land, can houses be built?

   Lu Yang can't remember whether it will work in 2007, but this piece of land is in the county seat. Sooner or later, a house will be built. Wushun will help to consult and solve it. If the land is taken, there will be no problem.


Wushun, Chen Yi, and Wang Haiyang came out of Lu Yang’s residence. Chen Yi shook his head and said with a smile: "I didn’t expect Lu Yang to be so courageous! If you don’t know whether it’s accurate, you dare to invest tens of millions of dollars. Smashed on the ground in the west of the city! Alas! He is a bet! If he wins, he will naturally make a profit! If he loses, he will lose his money!"

   Wu Shun smiled indifferently, and said: "Anyway, you have no investment. Let's help him and get a little salary. Since he insists on choosing there, the money is his, we can only follow him!"

   Wang Haiyang did not speak. At this time, he somewhat regretted ending the internship and came here to blend in. In his opinion, listening to Wushun and Chen Yi's opinions, buying a piece of land in the south of the city and building a house is basically a steady profit, but Lu Yang has to take risks!

   In Wang Haiyang's view, Lu Yang was too aggressive! He is already so rich, he doesn't need to take such a risk at all! Honestly in the south of the city, the risk is minimal, what's wrong with making some money steadily?


Lu Yang's residence Lu Yang relaxed on the sofa and drank tea, Cao Xue worriedly persuaded: "Lu Yang! Or, let's get it in the south of the city! West of the case the bridge is not built What to do? It’s not easy for you to make money."

The corner of Lu Yang's mouth curled up, and he stretched his hand over Cao Xue's shoulder, and kissed Cao Xue on his forehead. He smiled and said, "Don't worry! When did you see me taking the risk? I don't have a nine-point or more certainty, I won't invest my wealth. of!"

   Cao Xue still wanted to persuade him again, but seeing Lu Yang's determined expression, she hesitated.


At dinner time that evening, when Wushun told his father about the location chosen by Lu Yang, Wu Minyi, who was already in his fifties, frowned, looked at the map of the county town spread by his son, and scolded: "West of the city? How can it work here? Go tell your classmates! The west of the city is definitely not good! Didn't you suggest him to choose the south of the city?"

Wu Shun smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Why not? He can't listen at all! Said that there is internal news, a bridge will be built by the city on the west side of the city! The other side of the Jinjiang River will soon be placed under the city's jurisdiction! I can't persuade you anymore. !"

   Wu Minyi condensed his thick eyebrows, carefully staring at the area in the west of the city, gradually crossing the Jinjiang River and looking across the river...

  It took a long time to say: "If the other side of the river is really divided into the city, if a bridge is really built in the west of the city, it is indeed a good plan! In the future, our county will be closer to the city for at least half an hour..."

   Wu Minyi raised his head and stared closely at his son's eyes, and asked in a deep voice, "Your classmate is pretty sure that there will be such a plan? He must have that piece of land?" R1152

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