Rebirth 2003

Chapter 452: Do you really have no psychological burden?

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When returning to the hotel, many people heard the news and came to Lu Yang’s room to visit Lu Yang. Seeing that Lu Yang was fine, these talents dispersed one after another. Wang Lin and Dai Qingwa were the last to leave. They had originally stayed. In the end, I wanted to have a few more words with Lu Yang. Lu Yang felt weak and didn't really have the interest to gossiping with them. I apologized to express his meaning, and the two people left.


When everyone was gone, only himself was left in the room. Lu Yang put some hot water on his body, removed his clothes, and wiped his body with a towel soaked in water. Although the time he fought with Xing Rong and the others was short today, his body was sweaty. Paste, sticky and uncomfortable. This is also one of the reasons why Lu Yang asked Wang Lin and the others to leave.


Coming out of the bathroom and putting on dry clothes, Lu Yang made himself a cup of tea, sat on the wicker chair by the window, did not turn on the computer on the table, just picked up the e-cigarette and changed a battery , Sitting there smoking a cigarette while thinking about today's affairs.


   The police have not given the reason why Xing Rong and others attacked him, but when Lu Yang saw Xing Rong’s true appearance, he had already guessed why.


   He and Xing Rong have no hatred at all. The one who has hatred with Xing Rong is Teng Hu. This time Xing Rong should be angry with him. Xing Rong's family has a lot of influence in H city. It seems that when he returns to H city, he will be low-key.


After thinking for a while, Lu Yang took out the broken cell phone and called Teng Hu a phone call. In the phone call, he told Teng Hu what happened today, reminding him to be careful. Xing Rong still remembered what happened a few years ago. Hate, Lu Yang did not know the crime of Xing Rong and others smuggling rare animals at this time. He thought that Xing Rong would be able to get out of the police station soon.


   After all, Xing Rong and the others did not really cause serious casualties this time. With the power of his family, it is not difficult to spend some money to fish him out, even if he is sentenced. It can't be long.


Teng Hu quietly listened to Lu Yang's narration. After Lu Yang finished speaking, he said, "I am the one who caused you! Actually, you don't know. Some time ago, my brother Teng Lei had been retaliated by Xing Rong, if not That kid ran fast and might end up the same way as Xing Rong a few years ago."


   Hear the words. Lu Yang's eyebrows constricted: "When did it happen? Why don't I know?"


Teng Hu: "It's been a few months! I don't want to trouble you, and that kid has suffered a lot. I didn't tell you. I didn't expect that Xing Rong's heart is so small, and he actually angered you, alas! I'm sorry! brother!"


   "It's okay! It's you. Be careful from now on!"


   Lu Yang was not because of this incident. The resentment of Teng Hu, he did not suffer serious injuries is one aspect, another aspect is that he knows the cause of the grievances at the beginning, not that the lord Teng Hu provoke Xing Rong.


Teng Hu: "Hehe, I taught you Baji at the beginning, just to see that you are really interested in this style of boxing. I didn’t expect that in a few years, you would be able to practice to the present level. If you are like me, you have practiced since childhood. I am afraid it is stronger than me!"


   Compliment to Teng Hu. Lu Yang smiled faintly. Before he was reborn, he didn't have such a strong memory and understanding ability.




After finishing the call with Teng Hu, Lu Yang was sitting there drinking tea. He had already decided to leave City L when the case was over. It would be fine to stay here. After this incident, he was not in the mood either. Continue to play here.


Suddenly someone knocked on the door of the room. Lu Yang frowned. He limped and walked over to open the door. He didn't feel much pain during the fight. Now he relaxed all over, only to find that the place hit by Xing Rong before was sour. The swelling was terrible, especially in the thigh area. Xing Rong stomped his foot. Now every step I take, I feel very uncomfortable.


   The door opened, and Zhang Li in a white down jacket stood outside the door.


   "Let me see your injury!"


   Zhang Li said softly, Lu Yang glanced at her and nodded to let her enter the house.


   "A lot of reporters came outside! They all gathered in the hotel lobby to negotiate with the hotel! They all wanted to interview you... This time the incident has spread in the local media circles!"


After Zhang Li entered the house, the first thing he told Lu Yang was the news. Seeing Lu Yang limping in, Zhang Li hurriedly stretched out his arms to support Lu Yang. Lu Yang did not refuse, and let her support him. I heard that it was outside. Lu Yang was a little surprised when he got involved with many reporters. Then he thought about it and felt normal. He is now a public figure, and his writer status cannot attract so many reporters, but the screenwriter and main investment of "Gate of Rebirth" and "Dragon and Snake" Human identity is enough to make him a news figure.


   The screenwriter and main investor of "Dragon and Snake Fight" came to the location of the crew for the first time, and encountered such an attack. Putting it in the media can attract a lot of people's attention.


   "Don't worry about them!"


   Lu Yang said lightly.


   "Well, that's what Wang Lin said about the hotel!"


Zhang Li helped Lu Yang to sit down in a wicker chair and asked concerned: "Is your injury really all right?" Seeing Lu Yang shook his head, he asked, "Are you hungry now? Would you like me to order something for you? "


   Lu Yang nodded.


   "What do you want to eat?" Zhang Li squatted on Lu Yang's leg, holding Lu Yang's large hand, and continued to ask.


   "Ask if there is West Lake Beef Soup in the hotel! If so, stir-fry shredded pork with pickled vegetables and two bowls of rice! If you are also hungry, add some!"


   "Okay! I'm going to call huà!"


   Zhang Li got up and walked quickly towards the bedside, where there was the hotel’s internal electricity huà.


  At this time, Lu Yang turned on the computer and planned to upload the second chapter of today. Fortunately, he has a manuscript. When he encounters such things that affect his mood and affect his writing status, he will not delay the daily update.


   The author has a quiet background. The collection of "Dragon Snake Rise" is still growing. Since the first chapter of today's shàng Lu Yang released today, the collection has increased by more than 300. The average subscription of chapters and the highest subscription of a single chapter have also increased by dozens, and the upward momentum has not diminished.


Lu Yang passed the second chapter of today, and did not mention today’s attack at the end of the chapter. Everyone came to his book to find happiness, and it was unnecessary to use the bad things that happened in reality to let everyone follow him. Worry together.


   After passing the chapter, Zhang Li has finished ordering the meal and returned to Lu Yang. This time Zhang Li sat down on a wicker chair. Watch Lu Yang open the page of "Dragon and Snake Rise", see the millions of total clicks, hundreds of thousands of recommended votes, and the eye-catching first place on the monthly ticket list. And a post in the book review area discussing the plot and requesting updates.


After watching for a while, Zhang Li saw Lu Yang land on Q`Q again, processing some private messages sent to him by readers and authors, watching Lu Yang relax on the recliner, resting his hands on the laptop keyboard, and skillfully tapping the keyboard keys. Responding to the questions of those people in a leisurely manner.


   This is Lu Yang's strongest field. Zhang Li saw it for the first time, watching him tap the keyboard skillfully with his fingers, and when he responded. There was a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, and Zhang Li's heart was a little strange.


   This is the other side of Lu Yang. She used to want to be with Lu Yang, and even wanted to be his girlfriend. The real reason. It’s nothing more than that he can write a good script and have money to invest in her as the heroine. Well, maybe there are factors that make her happy when he is in bed. Besides, she is not on Lu Yang. See too many factors that attract her.


   It was only then that he discovered that he was called the top **** of online novels by the media. There really is a difference. In this field, he is so relaxed. Such a self-xìn.


   When she saw Lu Yang chatting with book fans in the book fan group, her mind changed again.


   Wood King: "Wen University! What are you doing these days? Updates are not diligent!"


   Wen Chou: "Eat and sleep and play peas!"


   This stalk. Zhang Li had seen it before. It was a little joke-one day, a scientist arrived in the Antarctic and met a group of penguins. The scientist asked one of them: "What do you do every day?"


  The penguin replied: "Eat, sleep, and peas!"


   The scientist asked the second, third, and Nth penguins again, and the answers were all the same. When the last penguin was asked, the answer of the last penguin was finally a little different.


   The penguin said, "Eat and sleep!" Without playing Peas.


   The scientist was very curious, and asked him why he didn’t beat Doudou?


   The poor little penguin replied helplessly: "I am Doudou!"


   Zhang Li didn't expect Lu Yang to reply to his fans like this. This is not over yet! The following chat content made Zhang Li speechless.


  Y`y waved life: "Wen University! You were not here last night, Chizhong said you were not handsome at all! What do you think about this problem?"


   Wen Chou: "Bullshit! I'm just too handsome! Let him take a closer look!"


   I’m Huang Lin: "Wen Da! You have such a thick skin, do you really have no psychological burden? There are girls in the group watching you! Keep your demeanor!"


   Wen Chou: "What is the psychological burden? Can I eat it? Stupid! It is because there are girls in the group watching that I have to stand firm and tell the truth!"


   After reading this reply, Zhang Li glanced at Lu Yang's face subconsciously. There was no redness at all, as expected, there was no psychological burden!


   A few more book fans appeared.


   once moved: "Wen Da! I am only 17 years old this year! You will teach me badly! You can't destroy the little flowers of the motherland like this!"


  Xuantianzong: "Visually detect Wenda has sword (cheap) Fatianà!"


   I think you love me: "Wen University! Look at it for a while, will you really find you handsome? Why hasn't anyone noticed it until now?"


Wen Chou: "Sisters in the group! Looking at the poor Wen Chou being bullied by this group of people didn't you arouse the natural maternal love in your heart? Wen Chou needs care and love! "


   silently and without writing: "Wen Da! Stop screaming! If you break your throat, no girl will come out to help you!"


  Timber King: "Yes! Good! Wenda, just let go of the struggle! We will be very gentle!"


   Lu Yang chuckled lightly, his fingers beating, and he was about to continue to play with these guys. Zhang Li suddenly pulled his arm and blushed to persuade him in a low voice, "Forget it! Do you really have no psychological burden?"


   Lu Yang was taken aback. (To be continued...)


  PS: Thank you, for this funny `Bifan rewards 100 coins, thank you for a romantic reward of 200 coins, thank you? No way to reward 300 coins, thank if 2000, Zhang Gen`shuo, Mo Shao-001 reward 588 coins, thank you once moved to reward 10000 coins again, become the book protector! Thank you for your monthly pass!



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